A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


aboutActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractApp
Callback for the about button.
aboutActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.IOSXApp
Display the about box.
AboutDialog - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a dialog for displaying application information.
AboutDialog(Frame, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.AboutDialog
Construct the about box.
AboutDialog(Frame, String, String, String, String, String, Icon, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.AboutDialog
Construct the about box.
AbsoluteValue - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides an absolute value function in genetic programming.
AbsoluteValue() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbsoluteValue
Construct this object.
AbstractAction - Class in org.vizzini.game.action
Provides base functionality for actions in the game framework.
AbstractAction() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.action.AbstractAction
Construct this object.
AbstractActionGenerator - Class in org.vizzini.game.action
Provides base functionality for action generators in the game framework.
AbstractActionGenerator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.action.AbstractActionGenerator
AbstractActivationFunction - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function
Provides base functionality for activation functions used by neural networks.
AbstractActivationFunction() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.AbstractActivationFunction
AbstractAdjudicator - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides base functionality for adjudicators in the game framework.
AbstractAdjudicator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAdjudicator
Construct this object.
AbstractAgent - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides base functionality for agents in the game framework.
AbstractAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
AbstractAntTerminal - Class in org.vizzini.example.ant
AbstractAntTerminal(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.ant.AbstractAntTerminal
Construct this object.
AbstractApp - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a base class for applets and applications.
AbstractApp() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractApp
Construct this object.
AbstractArcadeEnvironment - Class in org.vizzini.game.arcadegame
Provides base functionality for arcade game environments in the game framework.
AbstractArcadeEnvironment() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeEnvironment
Construct this object.
AbstractArcadeEnvUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame
Provides base functionality for arcade game environment user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractArcadeEnvUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeEnvUISwing
AbstractArcadeGameUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame
Provides base functionality for arcade game user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractArcadeGameUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeGameUISwing
Construct this object.
AbstractArgument - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides base functionality for arguments in the logic system.
AbstractArgument() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractArgument
AbstractArgumentWrapper - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides base functionality for argument wrappers in the logic system.
AbstractArgumentWrapper(IArgument) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.AbstractArgumentWrapper
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractArithmeticFunction - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides base functionality for an arithmetic function in genetic programming.
AbstractArithmeticFunction() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractArithmeticFunction
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractArithmeticFunction(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractArithmeticFunction
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractAssociateDialog - Class in org.vizzini.ui.database
Provides a base dialog to collect an associate or disassociate item.
AbstractAssociateDialog(Frame, IDatabase) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.database.AbstractAssociateDialog
Construct this dialog.
AbstractAtomicSentence - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides base functionality for atomic sentences in the logic system.
AbstractAtomicSentence() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractAtomicSentence
AbstractBean - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides an abstract data bean.
AbstractBean() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.AbstractBean
AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides base functionality for binary atomic sentences in the logic system.
AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence(IArgument, IArgument, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence
Construct this object.
AbstractBoardGame - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Provides a board game in the game framework.
AbstractBoardGame() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractBoardGame
AbstractBoardgameUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Provides base functionality for Swing game user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractBoardgameUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractBoardgameUISwing
AbstractBooleanFunction - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides base functionality for a boolean function in genetic programming.
AbstractBooleanFunction(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractBooleanFunction
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractCard - Class in org.vizzini.game.cardgame
Provides a card for card games in the game framework.
AbstractCard() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractCard
AbstractCardCenterUI - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame
Provides base functionality for card center widgets in card game user interfaces.
AbstractCardCenterUI() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardCenterUI
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractCardEnvUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame
Provides base functionality for card game environment user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractCardEnvUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardEnvUISwing
AbstractCardEnvUIText - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame
Provides base functionality for card game environment user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractCardEnvUIText() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardEnvUIText
AbstractCardGameUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame
Provides base functionality for card game user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractCardGameUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardGameUISwing
Construct this object.
AbstractCardGameUIText - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame
Provides base functionality for arcade game user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractCardGameUIText() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardGameUIText
AbstractCardTable - Class in org.vizzini.game.cardgame
Provides a regular card deck for card games in the game framework.
AbstractCardTable() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractCardTable
AbstractChessComputerAgent - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Provides base functionality for computer agents for 3D chess.
AbstractChessComputerAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessComputerAgent
Construct this object.
AbstractChessEnvironment - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Provides a chess grid board for 3D chess.
AbstractChessEnvironment() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
AbstractChessGameUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess
Provides base functionality for Swing game user interfaces in 3D Chess.
AbstractChessGameUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessGameUISwing
AbstractChessGameUIText - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess
Provides base functionality for text game user interfaces in 3D Chess.
AbstractChessGameUIText() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessGameUIText
AbstractChessToken - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Provides base functionality for 2D and 3D chess tokens.
AbstractChessToken() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
TEMP: implement counters.
AbstractChromosome - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Provides base functionality for chromosomes for a genetic algorithm.
AbstractChromosome() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractChromosome
AbstractChromosomeGP - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming
Provides base functionality for a chromosome in genetic programming.
AbstractChromosomeGP() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractChromosomeGP
Construct this object.
AbstractChromosomeGP(IFunction) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractChromosomeGP
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractCollection - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides base functionality for collections in the game framework.
AbstractCollection() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.AbstractCollection
AbstractComparisonFunction - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides base functionality for a comparison function in genetic programming.
AbstractComparisonFunction(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractComparisonFunction
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractComplexSentence - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides base functionality for complex sentences in the logic system.
AbstractComplexSentence(ISentence, ISentence) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractComplexSentence
Construct this object using the given parameters.
AbstractComputerAgent - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides base functionality for computer agents in the game framework.
AbstractComputerAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.AbstractComputerAgent
AbstractConnector - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork
Provides base functionality for connectors between layers in a neural network.
AbstractConnector(ILayer, ILayer) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractConnector
Construct this object with the given parameters.
AbstractContext - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Provides base functionality for a context in a genetic algorithm.
AbstractContext() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractContext
AbstractDocument - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides implementations of methods required by documents.
AbstractDocument() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractDocument(Object) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractEngine - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides base functionality for engines in the game framework.
AbstractEngine() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
AbstractEnumeratedType - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides base functionality for enumerated types.
AbstractEnumeratedType(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.AbstractEnumeratedType
Construct this object.
AbstractEnumeratedType(String, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.AbstractEnumeratedType
Construct this object.
AbstractEnvironment - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides base functionality for environments in the game framework.
AbstractEnvironment() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Construct this object with no agents.
AbstractEnvironment(AbstractEnvironment) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Copy constructor.
AbstractEnvironmentUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game
Provides base functionality for environment user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractEnvironmentUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUISwing
Construct this object.
AbstractEnvironmentUIText - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game
Provides base functionality for environment user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractEnvironmentUIText() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUIText
AbstractEvaluator - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides base functionality for evaluators in the game framework.
AbstractEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEvaluator
AbstractFitnessCase - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Provides base functionality for a fitness case in a genetic algorithm.
AbstractFitnessCase() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractFitnessCase
AbstractFunction - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides base functionality for a function in genetic programming.
AbstractFunction() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractFunction
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractFunction(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractFunction
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractFunctionGenerator - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming
Provides base functionality for a function generator in genetic programming.
AbstractFunctionGenerator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
Construct this object.
AbstractFunctionGenerator(Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
Construct this object with the given parameters.
AbstractFunctionGenerator(Class, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
Construct this object with the given parameters.
AbstractFunctionLayer - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer
Provides base functionality for a activation function layer of a neural network.
AbstractFunctionLayer() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractFunctionLayer
Construct this object.
AbstractFunctionLayer(String, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractFunctionLayer
Construct this object with the given parameters.
AbstractFunctionLayer(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractFunctionLayer
Construct this object with the given parameters.
AbstractGame - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides base functionality for games in the game framework.
AbstractGame() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Provides base functionality for game genetic algorithms in the game framework.
AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Construct this object using the given parameters.
AbstractGameState - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides base functionality for game states in the game framework.
AbstractGameState() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGameState
Construct this object.
AbstractGameState(Object) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGameState
Construct this object.
AbstractGameUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game
Provides base functionality for Swing game user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractGameUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Construct this object.
AbstractGameUIText - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game
Provides base functionality for text game user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractGameUIText() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUIText
Construct this object.
AbstractGeneticAlgorithm - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Provides base functionality for genetic algorithms.
AbstractGeneticAlgorithm() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming
Provides base functionality for a genetic programming genetic algorithm.
AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP
Construct this object.
AbstractGridBoard - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Provides functionality for 2D and 3D grid board environments in the game framework.
AbstractGridBoard() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
AbstractGridBoardAction - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action
Provides base functionality for grid board actions in the game framework.
AbstractGridBoardAction(IGridBoard, IAgent) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractGridBoardAction
Construct this object.
AbstractGridBoardActionPool - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action
Provides base functionality for a pool for grid board action objects.
AbstractGridBoardActionPool() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractGridBoardActionPool
Construct this object.
AbstractGridBoardActionPool(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractGridBoardActionPool
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractGridBoardAdjudicator - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Provides base functionality for grid board adjudicators in the game framework.
AbstractGridBoardAdjudicator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardAdjudicator
AbstractGridBoardUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Provides base functionality for Swing grid board environment user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractGridBoardUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Construct this object.
AbstractGridBoardUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess
Provides base functionality for a Swing grid board user interface in the 3D chess framework.
AbstractGridBoardUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Construct this object.
AbstractHumanAgent - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides base functionality for human agents in the game framework.
AbstractHumanAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.AbstractHumanAgent
AbstractLayer - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer
Provides base functionality for a layer of a neural network.
AbstractLayer() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Construct this object.
AbstractLayer(String, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Construct this object with the given parameters.
AbstractList - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides base functionality for lists in the game framework.
AbstractList() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.AbstractList
AbstractManager - Class in org.vizzini.util.event
Provides base functionality for a manager of listeners.
AbstractManager() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.event.AbstractManager
AbstractMap - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides base functionality for maps in the game framework.
AbstractMap() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.AbstractMap
AbstractMathematicFunction - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides base functionality for a mathematical function in genetic programming.
AbstractMathematicFunction(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractMathematicFunction
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractMoveAction - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action
Provides base functionality for move actions in the game framework.
AbstractMoveAction(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractMoveAction
Construct this object.
AbstractNeuralGridBoardEvaluator - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Provides an evaluator which uses a neural network to arrive at a grid board evaluation.
AbstractNeuralGridBoardEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractNeuralGridBoardEvaluator
AbstractNeuralNetwork - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork
Provides base functionality for neural networks.
AbstractNeuralNetwork() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
AbstractNeuralNetworkEvaluator - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides base functionality for neural network evaluators in the game framework.
AbstractNeuralNetworkEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.AbstractNeuralNetworkEvaluator
AbstractNode - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming
Provides base functionality for a node in genetic programming.
AbstractNode() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractNode
Construct this object.
AbstractNode(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractNode
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractODE - Class in org.vizzini.math.ode
Provides base functionality for ordinary differential equations in the game framework.
AbstractODE(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.ode.AbstractODE
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractODESolver - Class in org.vizzini.math.ode
Provides base functionality for ordinary differential equation solvers in the game framework.
AbstractODESolver() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.ode.AbstractODESolver
AbstractOptionPane - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a generic option pane base class for creating platform sensitive dialogs.
AbstractOptionPane() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Construct this dialog.
AbstractOptionPane(Component) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Construct this dialog.
AbstractOptionPane(Component, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Construct this dialog.
AbstractOrbit - Class in org.vizzini.math.orbit
Provides base functionality for an orbit.
AbstractOrbit(double, Vector, Vector) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
AbstractOrbit(double, Vector, Vector, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
AbstractOrbit(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
AbstractOrbit(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
AbstractPhysicalObject - Class in org.vizzini.game.simulation
Provides base functionality for a physical object.
AbstractPhysicalObject() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
AbstractPopulation - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Provides base functionality for a collection which holds IChromosome s.
AbstractPopulation(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Construct this object using the given parameter.
AbstractPosition - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides base functionality for positions in the game framework.
AbstractPosition() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.AbstractPosition
AbstractScaler - Class in org.vizzini.math
Provides base functionality to scale numbers between two ranges.
AbstractScaler() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.AbstractScaler
Construct this object.
AbstractScaler(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.AbstractScaler
Construct this object with the given parameters.
AbstractSearch - Class in org.vizzini.game.search
Provides base functionality for search algorithms.
AbstractSearch() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.search.AbstractSearch
AbstractSelector - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Provides base functionality for a selector in a genetic algorithm.
AbstractSelector() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractSelector
AbstractSentence - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides base functionality for sentences in the logic system.
AbstractSentence() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractSentence
AbstractSentenceEditor - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides base functionality for sentence editors in the logic system.
AbstractSentenceEditor() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.AbstractSentenceEditor
AbstractSentenceWrapper - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides base functionality for sentence wrappers in the logic system.
AbstractSentenceWrapper(ISentence) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.AbstractSentenceWrapper
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractSequenceFunction - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides base functionality for a sequence function in genetic programming.
AbstractSequenceFunction(int, Class, Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractSequenceFunction
Construct this object.
AbstractShape - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape
Provides base functionality for 3D shapes.
AbstractShape(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Construct this object with the given parameters.
AbstractShapeCanvas - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Provides a base class for a canvas for drawing 3D shapes.
AbstractShapeCanvas() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Construct this object.
AbstractSimEnvironmentUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation
Provides base functionality for a simulation environment user interface using Swing.
AbstractSimEnvironmentUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimEnvironmentUISwing
Construct this object.
AbstractSimpleAgent - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Provides base functionality for a simple computer agent in the game framework.
AbstractSimpleAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractSimpleAgent
AbstractSimulationEnvironment - Class in org.vizzini.game.simulation
Provides base functionality for a simulation environment.
AbstractSimulationEnvironment() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationEnvironment
Construct this object.
AbstractSimulationUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation
Provides base functionality for a simulation game user interface using Swing.
AbstractSimulationUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationUISwing
AbstractSuit - Class in org.vizzini.game.cardgame
Provides base functionality for a suit for card games in the game framework.
AbstractSuit() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractSuit
AbstractTeam - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides base functionality for teams in the game framework.
AbstractTeam() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.AbstractTeam
Construct this object.
AbstractTerminal - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal
Provides base functionality for a terminal in genetic programming.
AbstractTerminal() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.AbstractTerminal
Construct this object.
AbstractTerminal(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.AbstractTerminal
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractToken - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides base functionality for tokens in the game framework.
AbstractToken() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
AbstractTokenUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game
Provides base functionality for token user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractTokenUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractTokenUISwing
AbstractTokenUIText - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game
Provides base functionality for token user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractTokenUIText() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractTokenUIText
AbstractTranspositionKeyCreator - Class in org.vizzini.game.search
Provides base functionality for a transposition key creator.
AbstractTranspositionKeyCreator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.search.AbstractTranspositionKeyCreator
AbstractTreeNode - Class in org.vizzini.util.tree
Provides base functionality for a tree node.
AbstractTreeNode() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Construct this object.
AbstractTreeNode(Object) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractTreeNode(Object, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AbstractTreeNodeCollection - Class in org.vizzini.util.tree
Provides base functionality for a tree node collection.
AbstractTreeNodeCollection() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
AbstractViewerSwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Provides base functionality for Swing 3D viewers.
AbstractViewerSwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Construct this object.
AbstractViewerSwing.SelectShapeAction - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Provides an Action for selecting a shape.
AbstractViewerSwing.SelectShapeAction(IShape) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing.SelectShapeAction
accept(File) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ExtensionFileFilter
Return true if the given file passes the filter.
acceptBreadthFirst(IVisitor) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Accept the given visitor in a breadth first manner.
acceptBreadthFirst(IVisitor) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.IVisitable
Accept the given visitor in a breadth first manner.
acceptDepthFirst(IVisitor) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Accept the given visitor in a depth first manner.
acceptDepthFirst(IVisitor) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.IVisitable
Accept the given visitor in a depth first manner.
acos(double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute the arc cosine using the given numerator and denominator.
acquire(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveActionPool
Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
acquire(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveCaptureActionPool
Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
acquire(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition, Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceActionPool
Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
acquire(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.RemoveActionPool
Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
acquire(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleActionPool
Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
acquire(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.EnPassantCaptureActionPool
Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
acquire(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionActionPool
Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
acquire(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionCaptureActionPool
Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
acquire() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.PolygonShapePool
Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
acquire(Color, List, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.PolygonShapePool
Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
Action - Class in org.vizzini.example.pong
Provides a action for Pong.
Action() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.pong.Action
ActionCollection - Class in org.vizzini.game.action
Provides a collection to hold IAction s.
ActionCollection() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionCollection
ActionFactory - Class in org.vizzini.game.action
Provides a factory for game actions.
ActionFactory() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionFactory
Construct this object.
ActionFactory - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a factory for creating standardized Swing actions for menus and tool bars.
ActionFactory() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
ActionManager - Class in org.vizzini.game.action
Provides a manager for game actions.
ActionManager() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionManager
ActionManager - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a factory for creating Swing actions and Swing button-type components.
ActionManager.CallbackAction - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides an action which looks up the method to call.
ActionManager.CallbackAction() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager.CallbackAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager.CallbackAction
Perform the action callback.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing.SelectShapeAction
actionReceived(ActionReceivedEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AsynchronousEngine
Respond to action received events.
actionReceived(ActionReceivedEvent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.event.IActionReceivedListener
Respond to action received events.
ActionReceivedEvent - Class in org.vizzini.game.event
Provides an event for action received changes.
ActionReceivedEvent(IAction) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.event.ActionReceivedEvent
Construct this object with the given parameter.
ActionReceivedManager - Class in org.vizzini.game.event
Provides a manager of action received listeners and convenience methods for creating action received events.
ActionReceivedManager() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.event.ActionReceivedManager
add(IFitnessCase) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractContext
Add the given fitness case.
add(IChromosome) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Add the given chromosome.
add(IFitnessCase) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IContext
Add the given fitness case.
add(IChromosome) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
Add the given chromosome.
add(ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractFunction
Add the given child.
Add - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides an addition function in genetic programming.
Add() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Add
Construct this object.
add(IConnector) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ConnectorCollection
Add the given connector.
add(TableData) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.DBDescriptor
Add the given table data.
add(JoinData) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.DBDescriptor
Add the given join data.
add(ColumnData) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.TableData
Add the given column data.
add(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentCollection
Add the given object.
add(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessTokenCollection
Add the given object.
add(IPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Add the given position to this.
add(int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Add the given position to this.
add(IPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IPosition
Add the given position to this.
add(TranspositionEntry) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.TranspositionTable
Add the given entry to the table.
add(String, int, int, int, IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.TranspositionTable
Create a new entry using the given parameters and add it to the table.
add(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TeamCollection
Add the given object.
add(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Add the given object.
add(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenCollection
Add the given object.
add(IPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.VectorPosition
Add the given position to this.
add(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return a new Vector which is the sum of this and the given vector..
add(ITokenUI) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Add the given shape as a child of this.
add(HighlightData) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Add the given highlight data.
add(HighlightData) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Add the given highlight data.
add(HighlightData) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Add the given highlight data.
add(HighlightData) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Add the given highlight data.
add(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Add the given shape.
add(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Add the given shape.
add(IShape) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Add the given shape as a child of this.
add(IShape) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShapeCanvas
Add the given shape.
add(IShape) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Add the given shape.
add(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Add the given shape.
add(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Add the given shape as a child of this.
add(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
Add the given shape.
add(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeGroup
Add the given shape.
add(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeSortList
Add the given shape.
add(Action) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ItemAwareMenu
Add the given item to this menu.
add(JMenuItem) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ItemAwareMenu
Add the given item to this menu.
add(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractList
Add the given object.
add(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractMap
Add the given object.
add(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.Queue
Add the given object to the end of the queue.
add(ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Removes newChild from its parent and makes it a child of this node by adding it to the end of this node's child array.
add(ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Add the given child.
add(int, ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Add the given child at the given index.
add(ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Add the given child.
add(int, ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Add the given child at the given index.
add(ITreeNode) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Removes newChild from its parent and makes it a child of this node by adding it to the end of this node's child array.
add(ITreeNode) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNodeCollection
Add the given child.
add(int, ITreeNode) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNodeCollection
Add the given child at the given index.
addAcceleration(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Add a positional acceleration.
addAcceleration(Vector) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Add a positional acceleration.
addActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
Callback for the add action.
addActionReceivedListener(IActionReceivedListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ComputerAgent
Add the given listener.
addActionReceivedListener(IActionReceivedListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.MouseHumanAgent
Add the given listener.
addActionReceivedListener(IActionReceivedListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.ActionReceivedManager
Add the given listener.
addActionReceivedListener(IActionReceivedListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.event.IActionReceivedProducer
Add the given listener.
addAll(IPopulation) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Add all chromosomes from the given population to this.
addAll(IPopulation) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
Add all chromosomes from the given population to this.
addAll(Collection) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractCollection
Adds all of the objects in the given collection to this collection.
addAll(ITreeNodeCollection) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Add the given collection to this.
addAll(ITreeNodeCollection) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Add the given collection to this.
addAll(ITreeNodeCollection) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNodeCollection
Add the given collection to this.
addAngularAcceleration(Quaternion) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Add an angular acceleration.
addAngularAcceleration(Quaternion) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Add an angular acceleration.
addBusyListener(IBusyListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractComputerAgent
Add the given listener.
addBusyListener(IBusyListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IComputerAgent
Add the given listener.
addBusyListener(IBusyListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.BusyManager
Add the given listener.
addCastleActions(List, IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IChessAdjudicator, IntegerPosition, BitSet) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Add castle actions using the given parameters.
addCheckListener(ICheckListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Add the given listener.
addCheckListener(ICheckListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event.CheckManager
Add the given listener.
addCheckListener(ICheckListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Add the given listener.
addColor(WheelColor) - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner.ColorPanel
Add a representation of the given color to the given panel.
addColorListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorButton
Add a property listener for the color property.
addColorListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorChooser
Add a property listener for the color property.
addColors(WheelColor[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner.ColorPanel
Add the given colors.
addColors(Iterator) - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner.ColorPanel
Add the colors from the given iterator.
addConcedeListener(IConcedeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Add the given listener.
addConcedeListener(IConcedeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.ConcedeManager
Add the given listener.
addConcedeListener(IConcedeListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Add the given listener.
addConnector(IConnector) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Add the given connector.
addConnector(IConnector) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Add the given connector.
addData(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Add the given data object.
addData(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.FilteredTableModel
Add the given data object.
addDirtyListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Add a PropertyChangeListener for the dirty property to the listener list.
addDirtyListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Add a PropertyChangeListener for the dirty property to the listener list.
addDirtyListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IDocument
Add a PropertyChangeListener for the dirty property to the listener list.
addEnPassantCaptureActions(List, IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IChessAdjudicator, IntegerPosition, BitSet) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Add en passant capture actions using the given parameters.
addEntryActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Callback for the add entry button.
addFileListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Add a PropertyChangeListener for the file property to the listener list.
addFileListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Add a PropertyChangeListener for the file property to the listener list.
addFileListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IDocument
Add a PropertyChangeListener for the file property to the listener list.
addFilterListPropertyListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterChooser
Add the given filter list property change listener.
addFilterPropertyListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterChooser
Add the given filter property change listener.
addFitness(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractChromosome
Add to the fitness.
addFitness(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IChromosome
Add to the fitness.
addFontListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Add a property listener for the font property.
addFunction(IFunction) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
Add a function exemplar to the function set.
addFunction(IFunction) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP
Add a function exemplar to the function set.
addFunction(IFunction) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IFunctionGenerator
Add a function exemplar to the function set.
addFunction(IFunction) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IGeneticAlgorithmGP
Add a function exemplar to the function set.
addGameListener(IGameListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Add the given listener.
addGameListener(IGameListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.GameManager
Add the given listener.
addGameListener(IGameListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Add the given listener.
addLayer(ILayer) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Add the given layer.
addLayer(ILayer) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Add the given layer.
addListener(IListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.AbstractManager
Add the given listener.
addMassAcceleration(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Add a mass velocity rate of change.
addMassAcceleration(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Add a mass velocity rate of change.
addMenu(Container, String, int, String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Add a new menu with menu items for the given strings.
addMenu(JFrame, String, int, String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Add a new menu with menu items for the given strings.
addMenu(JApplet, String, int, String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Add a new menu with menu items for the given strings.
addMenuHelper(JMenuBar, String, String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Add a new menu with menu items for the given strings.
addMenuTo(Container, JMenu) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the requested menu, creating it and adding it to the menu bar if neccessary.
addMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerJava3D
Add the given mouse listener.
addMouseListenerToHeaderInTable(JTable) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
addMoveActions(List, IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IChessAdjudicator, IntegerPosition, BitSet) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Add move actions using the given parameters.
addMoveCaptureActions(List, IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IChessAdjudicator, IntegerPosition, BitSet) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Add move capture actions using the given parameters.
addPawnPromotionActions(List, IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IChessAdjudicator, IntegerPosition, BitSet, Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Add pawn promotion actions using the given parameters.
addPawnPromotionCaptureActions(List, IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IChessAdjudicator, IntegerPosition, BitSet, Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Add pawn promotion capture actions using the given parameters.
addPopupMenu() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Add a new popup menu to this component.
addPopupMenu() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewerSwing
Add a new popup menu to this component.
addPossiblePosition(IChessEnvironment, BitSet, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Add the positions generated by the deltas to the possible positions list.
addPossiblePosition(IChessEnvironment, BitSet, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Add the positions generated by the deltas to the possible positions list.
addPossiblePositions(IChessEnvironment, BitSet, int, int, int, int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Add the positions generated by the deltas to the possible positions list.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Add a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Add a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Add a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractTeam
Add a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Add a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Add a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ITeam
Add a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
Add a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.event.IPropertyChangeSupport
Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.event.IPropertyChangeSupport
Add a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.PropertyChangeManager
Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.PropertyChangeManager
Add a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
addPropertyChangeListeners(JComponent, String, PropertyChangeListener[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.EditorUtilities
Add the given property change listeners for the given property name to the given component.
addScoreListener(IScoreListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Add the given listener.
addScoreListener(IScoreListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.ScoreManager
Add the given listener.
addScoreListener(IScoreListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Add the given listener.
addSentenceComponent() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
Add a new sentence component.
addStarfieldBackground(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewerSwing
Add a starfield background.
addStarfieldBackground(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerJava3D
Add a starfield background.
addStarfieldBackground(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerSwing
Add a starfield background.
addStarfieldBackground(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
Add a starfield background.
addStateListener(IStateListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Add the given listener.
addStateListener(IStateListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.StateManager
Add the given listener.
addStateListener(IStateListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Add the given listener.
addStatusListener(IStatusListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.MouseHumanAgent
Add a status listener.
addStatusListener(IStatusListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.MovementMouseAgent
Add a status listener.
addStatusListener(IStatusListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.PlacementMouseAgent
Add a status listener.
addStatusListener(IStatusListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.StatusManager
Add the given listener.
addTableStyleListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyleChooser
Add a property listener for the table style property.
addTerminal(ITerminal) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
Add a terminal exemplar to the terminal set.
addTerminal(ITerminal) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP
Add a terminal exemplar to the terminal set.
addTerminal(ITerminal) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IFunctionGenerator
Add a terminal exemplar to the terminal set.
addTerminal(ITerminal) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IGeneticAlgorithmGP
Add a terminal exemplar to the terminal set.
addTextColorSetListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSetChooser
Add a property listener for the text color property.
addTextStyleListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyleChooser
Add a property listener for the color property.
addToEvaluation(int, IGridBoard, IAgent, IAgent, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.TokenLineEvaluator
Add to the given evaluation based on the other parameters.
addToEvaluation(int, IGridBoard, IAgent, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.TokenLineEvaluator
Add to the given evaluation based on the other parameters.
addToHistory(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionManager
Add an action to the action history.
addToPopupMenu(Action) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Add the given action into the popup menu.
addToPopupMenu(JMenuItem) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Add the given menu item into the popup menu.
addToPopupMenu(Action) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.IJPopupMenuOwner
Add the given action into the popup menu.
addToPopupMenu(JMenuItem) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.IJPopupMenuOwner
Add the given menu item into the popup menu.
addToScore(long) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Add the given value to the score.
addToScore(long) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Add the given value to the score.
addToStateVariable(String, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Add the given delta to the specified state variable.
Adjudicator - Class in org.vizzini.example.gin
Provides an adjudicator for Gin.
Adjudicator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.gin.Adjudicator
Adjudicator - Class in org.vizzini.example.pong
Provides an adjudicator for Pong.
Adjudicator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.pong.Adjudicator
Adjudicator - Class in org.vizzini.example.qubic
Provides an adjudicator for Qubic.
Adjudicator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.qubic.Adjudicator
Construct this object.
Adjudicator - Class in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe
Provides an adjudicator for tic-tac-toe.
Adjudicator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.Adjudicator
Construct this object.
adjustSplitPanes() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Set the divider locations of the split panes evenly.
adjustWeights(int, int, double[][]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Adjust the given layer's weights by adding the given deltas.
adjustWeights(double[][]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.Connector
Adjust the given layer's weights by adding the given deltas.
adjustWeights(double[][]) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IConnector
Adjust the given layer's weights by adding the given deltas.
adjustWeights(int, int, double[][]) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Adjust the given layer's weights by adding the given deltas.
adjustWeights() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetworkTrainer
Adjust the network weights.
AGENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal
Agent property name.
AGENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
Agent property name.
AgentCollection - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides a collection to hold IAgent s.
AgentCollection() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.AgentCollection
AgentFactory - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides a factory for creating and configuring agents in the game framework.
AgentFactory() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.AgentFactory
Construct this object.
agentHasLine(IEnvironment, IAgent, IAgent, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardAdjudicator
Return true if an agent has tokens in the line specified by the other arguments.
agentHasLine(IEnvironment, IAgent, IAgent, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if an agent has tokens in the line specified by the other arguments.
agentHasLine(IEnvironment, IAgent, IAgent, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoardAdjudicator
Return true if an agent has tokens in the line specified by the other arguments.
agentHasLineHelper(IGridBoard, IAgent, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardAdjudicator
Return true if an agent has tokens in the line specified by the other arguments.
AgentPanel - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game
Provides a panel to configure an agent.
AgentPanel(String, ITeam) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.AgentPanel
Construct this object with the given parameters.
agentTokenCount(IAgent, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return the number of token's the given agent has in the line specified by the other arguments.
agentTokenCount(IAgent, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return the number of token's the given agent has in the line specified by the other arguments.
Alert - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a utility class to show alert dialogs to the user.
Alert() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.Alert
AlphaBetaSearch - Class in org.vizzini.game.search
Provides a negamax-based alpha-beta search algorithm.
AlphaBetaSearch() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.search.AlphaBetaSearch
ALPHANUMERICS - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
List of alpha-numeric characters which need to be supported.
ALUMINUM - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Aluminum color constant.
analyze() - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
Analyze package dependencies.
AnchorShape - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape
Provides a 3D shape that contains other shapes, but has no points itself.
AnchorShape() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AnchorShape
Construct this object.
And - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides an and function in genetic programming.
And() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.And
Construct this object.
AND - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ConnectiveType
angle(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return the angle between this vector and the given vector, in radians.
Ant - Class in org.vizzini.example.ant
Provides an example ant problem using genetic programming.
Ant() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.ant.Ant
Construct this object.
AntContext - Class in org.vizzini.example.ant
State variables: x - ant x position y - ant y position heading - ant heading [north,east,south,west] t - time food - number of food pellets consumed
AntContext() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Construct this object.
AntContextUI - Class in org.vizzini.example.ant.ui
Provides a user interface for an ant context for the artificial ant problem.
AntContextUI(AntContext) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.AntContextUI
Construct this object with the given parameter.
antToString(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Return a string representation of the ant based upon the heading.
AntUI - Class in org.vizzini.example.ant.ui
Provides a user interface for the artificial ant problem.
AntUI() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.AntUI
Construct this object.
appendArray(StringBuffer, String, Class, Object, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractBean
Append the given list items to the given string buffer, using the given title.
appendAttributes(StringBuffer, Node) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Append the node's attributes.
appendCollection(StringBuffer, String, Collection, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractBean
Append the given collection items to the given string buffer, using the given title.
appendCommentNode(StringBuffer, Comment, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Append the comment node.
appendList(StringBuffer, String, List, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractBean
Append the given list items to the given string buffer, using the given title.
appendMap(StringBuffer, String, Map, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractBean
Append the given map items to the given string buffer, using the given title.
appendTextNode(StringBuffer, Text, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Append the text node.
ApplicationSupport - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides support for Swing applications.
APPLY_OPTION - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Added option for use with option type OK_CANCEL_APPLY_OPTION.
applyActionPerformed() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Callback for the apply button.
applyForce(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Apply the given force through the center of mass to this object.
applyForce(Vector, Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Apply the given force at the given position to this object.
applyForce(Vector) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.simulation.force.IForceConsumer
Apply the given force through the center of mass to this object.
applyForce(Vector, Vector) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.simulation.force.IForceConsumer
Apply the given force at the given position to this object.
applyForce(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Apply the given force through the center of mass to this object.
applyForce(Vector, Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Apply the given force at the given position to this object.
applyForce(Vector) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Apply the given force through the center of mass to this object.
applyForce(Vector, Vector) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Apply the given force at the given position to this object.
applyForceLocal(Vector, Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Apply the given force at the given position to this object where these vectors are expressed in local coordinates.
applyForceLocal(Vector, Vector) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.simulation.force.IForceConsumer
Apply the given force at the given position to this object where these vectors are expressed in local coordinates.
applyForceLocal(Vector, Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Apply the given force at the given position to this object where these vectors are expressed in local coordinates.
applyForceLocal(Vector, Vector) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Apply the given force at the given position to this object where these vectors are expressed in local coordinates.
applyHeaderTextStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Apply the given text style to this table's header.
applyHighlightData(HighlightData) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Apply the given highlight data.
applyTableStyle(TableStyle) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Apply the given table style to this table.
applyTextStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Apply the given text style to this table.
applyTorque(Vector, Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Apply the given torque to this object where these vectors are expressed in local coordinates.
areActionsLegal(IEnvironment, ActionCollection) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAdjudicator
Return true if the actions in the given list are legal in the given environment.
areActionsLegal(IEnvironment, ActionCollection) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAdjudicator
Return true if the actions in the given list are legal in the given environment.
ARGUMENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ArgumentEditor
Argument property name.
ArgumentEditor - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides an editor for arguments in the logic system.
ArgumentEditor(List) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ArgumentEditor
Construct this object with the given parameter.
ArgumentFactory - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides a factory for arguments in the logic system.
ArgumentType - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
This class provides an enumeration of argument types.
Arrangement - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Provides an enumeration of arrangements.
ARRANGEMENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoard3DUISwing
Arrangement property.
arrayToString(double[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionGA
arrayToString(double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractNeuralGridBoardEvaluator
Return a string representation of the given array.
ArrayTreeNodeCollection - Class in org.vizzini.util.tree
Provides an implementation of a tree node collection which uses an array.
ArrayTreeNodeCollection() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Construct this object.
ArrayTreeNodeCollection(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Construct this object with the given parameter.
ArrayUtilities - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides convenience utility methods for arrays.
ascending - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
assignAgentListener(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Assign listeners using the given agent.
assignAgentListener(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUISwing
Assign listeners using the given agent.
assignAgentListener(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Assign listeners to the given agent.
assignAgentListener(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeGameUISwing
Assign listeners to the given agent.
assignAgentListener(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardGameUISwing
Assign listeners to the given agent.
assignAgentListeners(Iterator) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUISwing
Assign listeners using the given agents.
assignAgentListeners(Iterator) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUIText
Assign listeners using the given agents.
assignAgentListeners(Iterator) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Assign listeners using the given agents.
assignAgentListeners(Iterator) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.EnvironmentUISupport
Assign listeners using the given agents.
assignAgentListeners(Iterator) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.IEnvironmentUI
Assign listeners using the given agents.
associate(IRecord, IRecord) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Association
Associate the given Records through my join.
associate(IRecord, IRecord) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IAssociation
Associate the given Records through my join.
associate(IRecord) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Associate this to the given record using a join known to the database.
associate(IRecord, IRecord) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JoinData
Associate the given records.
associate(IRecord, IRecord) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JunctionData
Associate the given records by inserting a new record in the middle table.
associate(IRecord) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Associate this to the given record using a join known to the database.
AssociatedDialog - Class in org.vizzini.ui.database
Provides a dialog to display associated items.
AssociatedDialog(Frame, IDatabase) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.database.AssociatedDialog
Construct this dialog.
AssociateDialog - Class in org.vizzini.ui.database
Provides a dialog to collect associate items.
AssociateDialog(Frame, IDatabase) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.database.AssociateDialog
Construct this dialog.
associateEntryActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Callback for the associate entry button.
Association - Class in org.vizzini.database
Provides an instance of a join which allows fetching, associating, and disassociating Records.
Association(IDatabase, JoinData, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.database.Association
Construct this object.
asString() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.SystemProperties
Return a string representation of the system properties.
AsynchronousEngine - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides functionality for an engine where the agent's actions occur at any time and any amount.
AsynchronousEngine() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.AsynchronousEngine
Construct this object.
ATOMIC - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentenceType
AtomicSentenceEQ - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides a binary atomic sentence using equals.
AtomicSentenceEQ(IArgument, IArgument, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AtomicSentenceEQ
Construct this object with the given parameters.
AtomicSentenceGT - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides a binary atomic sentence using greater than.
AtomicSentenceGT(IArgument, IArgument, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AtomicSentenceGT
Construct this object with the given parameters.
AtomicSentenceLT - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides a binary atomic sentence using less than.
AtomicSentenceLT(IArgument, IArgument, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AtomicSentenceLT
Construct this object with the given parameters.
AtomicSentenceWrapper - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides a wrapper for atomic sentences in the logic system.
AtomicSentenceWrapper(IAtomicSentence) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.AtomicSentenceWrapper
Construct this object with the given parameter.
AU - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.UnitConverter
Astronomical units constant.
audioActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Callback for the audio action.
AVERAGE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.CrossoverType
averageCrossover(IChromosome, IChromosome, IChromosome, IChromosome) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Perform uniform crossover using the first two given chromosomes into the third given chromosome.
AWT - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.GraphicsUIFactory
Constant for AWT type.


backActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Callback for the back action.
Ball - Class in org.vizzini.example.pong
Provides a ball for Pong.
Ball() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.pong.Ball
Construct this object.
BaseDatabaseData - Class in org.vizzini.database
Provides storage for basic properties needed by database items.
BaseDatabaseData() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.database.BaseDatabaseData
beep() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractHumanAgent
Issue a beep.
BinaryAtomicSentenceEditor - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides an editor for binary atomic sentences in the logic system.
BinaryAtomicSentenceEditor(List) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.BinaryAtomicSentenceEditor
Construct this object with the given parameter.
BinaryAtomicSentenceWrapper - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides a wrapper for binary atomic sentences in the logic system.
BinaryAtomicSentenceWrapper(IBinaryAtomicSentence) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.BinaryAtomicSentenceWrapper
Construct this object with the given parameter.
BinaryEncodeLayer - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer
Provides a layer which performs binary encoding.
BinaryEncodeLayer() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.BinaryEncodeLayer
Construct this object.
BinaryEncodeLayer(String, BinaryEncoder[]) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.BinaryEncodeLayer
Construct this object with the given parameters.
BinaryEncoder - Class in org.vizzini.math
Provides an encoder for binary numbers.
BinaryEncoder(double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
Construct this object with the given parameter.
BinaryEncoder(double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
Construct this object with the given parameters.
BinaryEncoder(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
Construct this object with the given parameters.
BipolarSigmoidFunction - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function
Provides a bipolar sigmoid activation function for a neural network.
BipolarSigmoidFunction() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.BipolarSigmoidFunction
Bishop - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken
Provides a Bishop for 3D chess.
Bishop() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Bishop
Construct this object with no agent as this token's owner.
BishopShape - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken
Provides a shape class for a chess Bishop.
BishopShape(ITeam) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.BishopShape
Construct this object with the given team and a magnification of 1.0.
BishopShape(ITeam, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.BishopShape
Construct this object with the given parameters.
BLACK - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Black color constant.
blend(Color, Color) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorUtilities
Blend the given colors.
BLUE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Blue color constant.
BLUE_GREEN - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Cyan (blue-green) color constant.
BLUE_PURPLE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Blue-purple color constant.
BLUEBERRY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Blueberry (blue-purple) color constant.
BOARD_SEPARATION - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Separation distance between board levels.
BoardGameActionFactory - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action
Provides a factory for game actions.
BoardGameActionFactory() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.BoardGameActionFactory
Construct this object.
BoardShape - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Provides a board for 3D games.
BoardShape(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Construct this object with the given parameters.
BoardShape(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Construct this object with the given parameters.
Box - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape
Provides a box shape.
Box(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Box
Construct this object with the given parameters.
BoxExtruded - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape
Provides a box shape using the extruded shape superclass.
BoxExtruded(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.BoxExtruded
Construct this object with the given parameters.
BoxTokenUI - Class in org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui
Provides functionality for a Qubic box token user interface in the game framework.
BoxTokenUI() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui.BoxTokenUI
Construct this object.
BoxTokenUI(ITeam, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui.BoxTokenUI
Construct this object.
breadthFirstIterator() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Creates and returns an enumeration that traverses the subtree rooted at this node in breadth-first order.
breadthFirstIterator() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Creates and returns an enumeration that traverses the subtree rooted at this node in breadth-first order.
brighter(Color) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorUtilities
Return a color brighter than the given color.
BROWN - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Brown color constant.
BrowserLauncher - Class in org.vizzini.util
BrowserLauncher is a class that provides one static method, openURL, which opens the default web browser for the current user of the system to the given URL.
BURNT_ORANGE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Burnt-orange (red-orange) color constant.
busy(BusyEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Respond to busy events.
busy(BusyEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUIText
Respond to busy events.
busy(BusyEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.GameUISupport
Respond to busy events.
busy(BusyEvent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.event.IBusyListener
Respond to busy events.
BusyEvent - Class in org.vizzini.util.event
Provides an event for busy changes.
BusyManager - Class in org.vizzini.util.event
Provides a manager of busy listeners and convenience methods for creating busy events.
BusyManager() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.event.BusyManager
BUTTON_DIMENSION - Static variable in class org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner.ColorPanel
Color button dimension.


calcDerivative(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.BipolarSigmoidFunction
Calculate the derivative of this function at the given input.
calcDerivative(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.PassThroughFunction
Calculate the derivative of this function at the given input.
calcDerivative(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.SigmoidFunction
Calculate the derivative of this function at the given input.
calcDerivative(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.ThresholdFunction
Calculate the derivative of this function at the given input.
calcDerivative(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.ThresholdLinearFunction
Calculate the derivative of this function at the given input.
calcDerivative(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IActivationFunction
Calculate the derivative of this function at the given input.
calculate(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.SymbolicRegression
Calculate the value of the target function, in this case x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x.
calculate(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.BipolarSigmoidFunction
Calculate the value of this function at the given input.
calculate(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.PassThroughFunction
Calculate the value of this function at the given input.
calculate(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.SigmoidFunction
Calculate the value of this function at the given input.
calculate(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.ThresholdFunction
Calculate the value of this function at the given input.
calculate(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.ThresholdLinearFunction
Calculate the value of this function at the given input.
calculate(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IActivationFunction
Calculate the value of this function at the given input.
CALLBACK_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Callback property.
cancelActionPerformed() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Callback for the cancel button.
CANT - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.Arrangement
Arrangement constant for cant board.
cantActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Callback for the cant action.
CANTALOUPE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Cantaloupe (yellow-orange) color constant.
capacity() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Return the capacity of the population.
capacity() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
Return the capacity of the population.
CardCenterIconUI - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame
Provides a card center widget which uses an icon for use in card game user interfaces.
CardCenterIconUI() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCenterIconUI
Construct this object.
CardCenterPipsUI - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame
Provides a card center widget which uses pips for use in card game user interfaces.
CardCenterPipsUI() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCenterPipsUI
Construct this object with the given parameter.
CardCollection - Class in org.vizzini.game.cardgame
Provides a card collection.
CardCollection() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.CardCollection
CardCollectionUI - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame
Provides a card collection widget for use in card game user interfaces.
CardCollectionUI() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCollectionUI
Construct this object.
CardCornerUI - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame
Provides a card corner widget for use in card game user interfaces.
CardCornerUI(boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCornerUI
Construct this object with the given parameter.
CardUI - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame
Provides a card widget for use in card game user interfaces.
CardUI() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardUI
Construct this object.
CartCentering - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example
Provides an example cart centering problem using genetic programming.
CartCentering() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.CartCentering
Construct this object.
CastleAction - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action
Provides an agent action for castle movement of a chess King and Rook.
CastleAction(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleAction
Construct this object with the given arguments.
CastleActionPool - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action
Provides a pool for move capture action objects.
CastleActionPool() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleActionPool
Construct this object.
CastleActionPool(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleActionPool
Construct this object with the given parameter.
CharacterRecognition - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example
Provides an example character recognition problem using genetic programming.
CharacterRecognition() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.CharacterRecognition
Construct this object.
CharacterRecognitionGA - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example
Provides an example genetic algorithm which searches for a neural network which can identify seven digitized characters.
CharacterRecognitionGA() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionGA
CharacterRecognitionTestData - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example
Provides data for seven digitized characters.
CharacterRecognitionTestData() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionTestData
check(CheckEvent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event.ICheckListener
Respond to check events.
check(CheckEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessGameUISwing
Respond to check events.
CHECK_AREA - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessGameUISwing
Check area status bar index.
checkActions() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractApp
Check the action enabled states.
checkActions() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Check the enable state of the actions.
checkActions() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseUI
Check the enable state of the actions.
checkActions() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Check the enable state of the actions.
checkActions() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Check the action enabled states.
checkActions() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractBoardgameUISwing
Check the action enabled states.
checkActions() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Check the action enabled states.
checkAngleBounds(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Make the given angle in [0.0, 2*PI].
checkComponents() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Check components for their enable state.
checkComponents() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ArgumentEditor
Check components for their enable state.
checkComponents() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.BinaryAtomicSentenceEditor
Check components for their enable state.
checkComponents() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceEditor
Check components for their enable state.
checkComponents() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.EditFiltersDialog
Check components for their enable state.
checkComponents() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentenceEditor
Check components for their enable state.
checkComponents() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
Check components for their enable state.
checkComponents() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AgentPanel
Check components for their enable state.
CheckEvent - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event
Provides an event for check.
CheckEvent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event.CheckEvent
Construct this object.
CheckEvent(IAgent) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event.CheckEvent
Construct this object with the given parameter.
checkForFileOverwrite(File) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Return true if it's OK to overwrite the given file.
checkForFileOverwrite(File) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Return true if it's OK to overwrite the given file.
checkIndex(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.ode.AbstractODE
Check the given index for range.
checkInputs(Properties, String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.ConfigUtilities
Check the validity of the input arguments.
checkInputs(Properties, String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorConfigUtilities
Check the validity of the input arguments.
checkInputs(Properties, String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Check the validity of the input arguments.
CheckManager - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event
Provides a manager of check listeners and convenience methods for creating check events.
CheckManager() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event.CheckManager
checkModel() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
checkSort() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeSortList
Make sure the data is sorted.
checkState() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractSelector
Check the state of this object for validity.
checkState() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractFunction
Check the current state of this function for legality.
checkVisible() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ItemAwareMenu
Check the visible state of this.
ChessActionComparator - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action
Provides a Comparator to order chess actions.
ChessActionComparator(IChessEnvironment) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.ChessActionComparator
Construct this object with the given parameter.
ChessActionFactory - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action
Provides a factory for chess actions.
ChessActionGenerator - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action
Provides an action generator for 3D chess.
ChessActionGenerator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.ChessActionGenerator
ChessAdjudicator - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Provides an adjudicator for 3D chess.
ChessAdjudicator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
ChessAgentSupport - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Provides support for chess computer agents.
ChessTokenCollection - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Provides a token collection for chess tokens.
ChessTokenCollection() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessTokenCollection
ChildNotAllowedException - Exception in org.vizzini.util.tree
Provides a runtime exception to signal that a tree node does not allow children.
ChildNotAllowedException() - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.util.tree.ChildNotAllowedException
Construct this object.
ChildNotAllowedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.util.tree.ChildNotAllowedException
Construct this object with the given message.
ChildNotAllowedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.util.tree.ChildNotAllowedException
Construct this object with the given cause.
ChildNotAllowedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.util.tree.ChildNotAllowedException
Construct this object with the given message and cause.
children() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Creates and returns a forward-order iterator of this node's children.
children() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Creates and returns a forward-order iterator of this node's children.
ChromosomeBoolean - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Provides a chromosome which contains boolean s.
ChromosomeBoolean(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeBoolean
Construct this object using the given parameter.
ChromosomeDouble - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Provides a chromosome which contains double s.
ChromosomeDouble(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeDouble
Construct this object using the given parameter.
ChromosomeInt - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Provides a chromosome which contains int s.
ChromosomeInt(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeInt
Construct this object using the given parameter.
ChromosomeNeuralNetwork - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Provides a chromosome which contains DefaultNeuralNetwork s.
ChromosomeNeuralNetwork(INeuralNetwork) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeNeuralNetwork
Construct this object using the given parameter.
chromosomeToNetwork(ChromosomeDouble, INeuralNetwork) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeNeuralNetwork
Set the neural network's weights from the chromosome.
CircularOrbit - Class in org.vizzini.math.orbit
Provides a circular orbit.
CircularOrbit(double, Vector, Vector) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.CircularOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
CircularOrbit(double, Vector, Vector, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.CircularOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
CircularOrbit(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.CircularOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
CircularOrbit(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.CircularOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
ClassAnalyzer - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides an analyzer of class constructor, accessor and mutator methods.
ClassUtilities - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides convenience methods related classes.
cleanup() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractApp
Cleanup as necessary before exiting.
cleanup() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseUI
Cleanup as necessary before exiting.
clear() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Clear the node input and output values.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Clear the node input and output values.
clear(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Clear the cell at the given coordinates.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.AbstractAction
Clear the properties of this object.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionCollection
Removes all of the objects from this collection.
clear() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.action.IAction
Clear the properties of this object.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentCollection
Removes all of the objects from this collection.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractGridBoardAction
Clear the properties of this object.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractMoveAction
Clear the properties of this object.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceAction
Clear the properties of this object.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.RemoveAction
Clear the properties of this object.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessTokenCollection
Removes all of the objects from this collection.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Removes all of the objects from this collection.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Clear all actions and controls.
clear() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorCache
Clear the cache.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorPreferences
Clear all preferences.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.FontPreferences
Clear all preferences.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Clear all the shapes.
clear() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Clear all child shapes.
clear() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShapeCanvas
Clear all the shapes.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Clear all child shapes.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeGroup
Clear all shapes.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeSortList
Clear all shapes.
clear() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Clear all instances so they can be recreated.
clear(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.StatusBar
Clear the specified message label.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractList
Removes all of the objects from this collection.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractMap
Removes all of the objects from this collection.
clear() - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassAnalyzer
Clear the cached analyzers.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GenericData
Clear the property values and names.
clear() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IGenericData
Clear the property values and names.
clear() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IStack
Clear this collection.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.LinkedListStack
Clear this collection.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.Queue
Clear the contents of the queue.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.Stack
Clear this collection.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Clear the children.
clear() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Clear the children.
clear() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNodeCollection
Clear the children.
clearAll() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.StatusBar
Clear all the message labels.
clearCurrentHighlight() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Clear the current highlight.
clearCurrentHighlight() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Clear the current highlight.
clearDeltaWeights() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetworkTrainer
Clear the delta weights.
clearFitnesses() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Clear the fitnesses of all members of the population.
clearFitnesses() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
Clear the fitnesses of all members of the population.
clearHighlights() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Clear the highlighted positions.
clearHighlights() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Clear the highlighted positions.
clearHighlights() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Clear the highlighted positions.
clearHighlights() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Clear the highlighted positions.
clearInputs() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Clear the node input values.
clearInputs() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Clear the node input values.
clearInstances() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Clear all instances.
clearLastMoveHighlight() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Clear the last move highlight.
clearLastMoveHighlight() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Clear the last move highlight.
clearOutputs() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Clear the node output values.
clearOutputs() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractFunctionLayer
Clear the node output values.
clearOutputs() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Clear the node output values.
clearSelectionHighlight() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Clear the selection highlight.
clearSelectionHighlight() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Clear the selection highlight.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractChromosome
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeBoolean
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeDouble
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeInt
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IChromosome
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractChromosomeGP
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractArgument
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractComplexSentence
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractSentence
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.Filter
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IArgument
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IFilter
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.ISentence
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractConnector
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IConnector
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Clone this object.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Clone this object.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractPosition
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessTokenCollection
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IPosition
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ITokenCollection
Return a deep clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenCollection
Return a deep clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.VectorPosition
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IState
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.State
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSet
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyle
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GenericData
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IGenericData
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Return a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNodeCollection
Return a clone of this instance.
cloneButton(JButton) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
Return a clone of the given button.
cloneEditor(SentenceEditor) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
Return a clone of the given editor.
closedActionPerformed() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Callback for the window closed button.
CLUBS - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.PokerDeck
Clubs suit.
COLOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorButton
The name of the color property.
ColorButton - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a button which, when clicked, allows the user to select a color.
ColorButton(Component) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ColorButton
Construct this object with the given parameters.
ColorButton(Component, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ColorButton
Construct this object with the given parameters.
ColorCache - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a cache for Color objects.
ColorCache() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ColorCache
ColorChooser - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a generic GUI component for selection of colors.
ColorChooser(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ColorChooser
Construct this object with the given parameter.
ColorChooser(String, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ColorChooser
Construct this object with the given parameter.
ColorConfigUtilities - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides convenience methods for processing configuration properties.
ColorConfigUtilities() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ColorConfigUtilities
ColorDesigner - Class in org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner
Provides a user interface for designing colors.
ColorDesigner() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner.ColorDesigner
Construct this object.
colorIterator() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Return an iterator over all the colors known to this class.
ColorPanel - Class in org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner
Provides a user interface for WheelColor objects.
ColorPanel(String, WheelColor[]) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner.ColorPanel
Construct this object.
ColorPanel(String, Iterator) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner.ColorPanel
Construct this object.
ColorPanel(String, WheelColor[], boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner.ColorPanel
Construct this object.
ColorPanel(String, Iterator, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner.ColorPanel
Construct this object.
ColorPreferences - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides convenience methods for storage and retrieval of color preferences.
ColorPreferences(Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ColorPreferences
Construct this object.
ColorUtilities - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides utility methods for dealing with Color objects.
ColorUtilities() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ColorUtilities
columnAdded(TableColumnModelEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.DescribedTable
Invoked when a column is added to the table column model.
ColumnData - Class in org.vizzini.database
Provides storage for properties needed by database columns.
ColumnData() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.database.ColumnData
ColumnDescriptor - Class in org.vizzini.ui.table
Provides a column descriptor for use with a DescribedTable.
ColumnDescriptor() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Construct this object.
ColumnDescriptor(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Construct this object.
ColumnDescriptor(String, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Construct this object.
ColumnDescriptor(String, String, Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Construct this object.
ColumnDescriptor(String, String, Class, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Construct this object.
ColumnDescriptor(String, String, Class, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Construct this object.
COMMENT - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.help.Constants
Comment character.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.ChessActionComparator
Return -1, 0, 1 if object0 is less than, equal to, or greater than object1.
compare(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities.URLComparator
compareActionClass(Class, Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.ChessActionComparator
Sort the action class in this order: PawnPromotionCaptureAction MoveCaptureAction EnPassantCaptureAction PawnPromotionAction MoveAction CastleAction
compareBooleans(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractBean
Compare the given booleans, returning true if they are equal, false otherwise.
compareObjects(Object, Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractBean
Compare the given objects, returning true if they are equal, false otherwise.
compareRowsByColumn(int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
compares - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractChromosome
Return -1, 0, or 1 if this is less than, equal to, or greater than the given chromosome.
compareTo(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence
Return an integer which indicates the comparison relationship. left < right : -1, left == right : 0, left > right : 1.
compareTo(Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Compare this to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Compare this object to another.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.AbstractAction
Compare this to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractMoveAction
Compare this to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveAction
Compare this to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveCaptureAction
Compare this to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleAction
Compare this to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.EnPassantCaptureAction
Compare this to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionAction
Compare this to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionCaptureAction
Compare this to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractCard
Compare this to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractSuit
Compare this to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Compare this to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterWrapper
Return -1, 0, or 1 if this is less than, equal to, or greater than the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.PropertyWrapper
Return -1, 0, or 1 if this is less than, equal to, or greater than the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Compare this shape to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.PolygonShape
Compare this shape to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Return -1,0, or 1 if this is less than, equal to, or greater than the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractEnumeratedType
Compare this object to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GenericData
Compare to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IGenericData
Compare to the given object.
compareTokenClass(Class, Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.ChessActionComparator
Sort the token class in this order: IQueen IRook IKnight IBishop IPawn IMace IKing
COMPARISON_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence
Constant indicating the comparison was impossible to determine.
complement(Color) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorUtilities
Return the complementary color.
COMPLEX - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentenceType
ComplexSentenceAND - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides a complex sentence using the AND connective.
ComplexSentenceAND(ISentence, ISentence) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceAND
Construct this object using the given parameters.
ComplexSentenceEditor - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides an editor for complex sentences in the logic system.
ComplexSentenceEditor() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceEditor
Construct this object.
ComplexSentenceIFF - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides a complex sentence using the IFF (if-and-only-if) connective.
ComplexSentenceIFF(ISentence, ISentence) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceIFF
Construct this object using the given parameters.
ComplexSentenceIMPLIES - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides a complex sentence using the IMPLIES connective.
ComplexSentenceIMPLIES(ISentence, ISentence) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceIMPLIES
Construct this object using the given parameters.
ComplexSentenceNOT - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides a complex sentence using the NOT connective.
ComplexSentenceNOT(ISentence) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceNOT
Construct this object using the given parameter.
ComplexSentenceOR - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides a complex sentence using the OR connective.
ComplexSentenceOR(ISentence, ISentence) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceOR
Construct this object using the given parameters.
ComplexSentenceWrapper - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides a wrapper for complex sentences in the logic system.
ComplexSentenceWrapper(IComplexSentence) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceWrapper
Construct this object with the given parameter.
computeCenteredScreenPoints() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Translate the screen points by the screen center.
computeCenters() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Compute the centers of the squares so we'll know where to place pieces.
computeCrossSection(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Cone
Compute the cross-section points.
computeCrossSection(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Cylinder
Compute the cross-section points.
computeCrossSection(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Ellipsoid
Compute the cross-section points.
computeDigits(double, double) - Static method in class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
Compute the number of binary digits required to hold the given range.
computeDimensions() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Compute the dimensions.
computeE(double, Vector, Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute the eccentricity vector E.
computeEcc(double, Vector, Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute the eccentricity.
computeEccentricAnomalyFromEccM(double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute the eccentric anomaly from the given parameters.
computeEccentricAnomalyFromEccM(double, double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute the eccentric anomaly from the given parameters.
computeEccentricAnomalyFromEccNu(double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute the eccentric anomaly from the given parameters.
computeError(Double, Double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.CartCentering
Compute the error from the given parameters.
computeForBoxSolid(double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.MomentOfInertiaCalculator
Return the moment of inertia for a solid box of the given dimensions and mass.
computeForce(IForceConsumer) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Return the force (kN) created by this system.
computeForce(IForceConsumer) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.simulation.force.IForceProducer
Return the force (kN) created by this system.
computeForCylinderSolid(double, double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.MomentOfInertiaCalculator
Return the moment of inertia for a solid cylinder of the given radius, height and mass.
computeForCylinderThickWalled(double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.MomentOfInertiaCalculator
Return the moment of inertia for a thick walled cylinder of the given radius, height and mass.
computeForCylinderThinWalled(double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.MomentOfInertiaCalculator
Return the moment of inertia for a thin walled cylinder of the given radius and mass.
computeForSphereHollow(double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.MomentOfInertiaCalculator
Return the moment of inertia for a hollow sphere of the given radius and mass.
computeForSphereSolid(double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.MomentOfInertiaCalculator
Return the moment of inertia for a solid sphere of the given radius and mass.
computeGravity(Vector, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Return the force (kN) created by this object at the mass at the given position.
computeH(Vector, Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute the angular momentum vector H.
computeMeanAnomalyFromEccE(double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute mean anomaly from the given parameters.
computeMeanAnomalyFromT(double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute mean anomaly from the given parameters.
computeMeanMotion(double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute mean motion from the given parameters.
computeN(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute the node vector N.
computeNormalZComponent(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Compute the normal z component of the plane define by the points with the given indices in screen coordinates.
computeNormalZComponent(int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Compute the normal z component of the plane define by the points with the given indices in screen coordinates.
computeOmega(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute the longitude of the ascending node.
computeParameters() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCenterIconUI
Compute size parameters.
computePeriod(double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute period of orbit from the given parameter.
computePolygonShapes() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.ExtrudedShape
Compute the polygons from the screen points.
computeQuaternion() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Compute a quaternion from the rotations.
computeR(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute the position vector for the given orbit elements.
ComputerAgent - Class in org.vizzini.example.pong
Provides a computer agent for Pong.
ComputerAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.pong.ComputerAgent
computeRAndV(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute the position and velocity vectors for the given orbit elements.
computeScale(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Ellipsoid
Compute the spine points.
computeScreenCenter(Quaternion, Vector, double, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Compute the center in screen coordinates.
computeScreenCenter(Quaternion, Vector, double, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Ellipse
Compute the center in screen coordinates.
computeScreenPoints(Quaternion, Vector, double, int, int, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Compute the points of this shape in screen coordinates.
computeScreenPoints(Quaternion, Vector, double, int, int, double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Compute the points of this shape in screen coordinates.
computeScreenPoints(Quaternion, Vector, double, int, int, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Compute the points of this shape in screen coordinates.
computeScreenPoints(Quaternion, Vector, double, int, int, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.ExtrudedShape
Compute the points of this shape in screen coordinates.
computeScreenPoints(Quaternion, Vector, double, int, int, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.PolygonShape
Compute the points of this shape in screen coordinates.
computeScreenPoints(Quaternion, Vector, double, int, int, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeGroup
Compute the screen points of all the shapes.
computeScreenPoints(Quaternion, Vector, double, int, int, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeSortList
Compute the screen points for all shapes.
computeSemiLatusRectum(double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute the semi-latus rectum.
computeSemiMajorAxis(double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute the semi-major axis.
computeSize(INeuralNetwork) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeNeuralNetwork
Compute the chromosome size based upon the given neural network.
computeSpine(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Ellipsoid
Compute the spine points.
computeT(double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute time from the given paramters.
computeTimeOfPeriapsisPassage(double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Return the time of periapsis passage.
computeTrueAnomaly(double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute the true anomaly from the given parameters.
computeTrueAnomaly(Vector, Vector, Vector, Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute the true anomaly from the given parameters.
computeV(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute the velocity vector for the given orbit elements.
computeW(Vector, Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Compute the argument of periapsis.
concede() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Concede the game.
concede(ConcedeEvent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.event.IConcedeListener
Respond to concede events.
concede() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Concede the game.
concede(ConcedeEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Respond to concede events.
concede(ConcedeEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUIText
Respond to concede events.
concede(ConcedeEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.GameUISupport
Respond to concede events.
concedeActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Callback for the concede action.
ConcedeEvent - Class in org.vizzini.game.event
Provides an event for concede changes.
ConcedeEvent(IAgent) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.event.ConcedeEvent
Construct this object with the given parameter.
ConcedeManager - Class in org.vizzini.game.event
Provides a manager of concede listeners and convenience methods for creating concede events.
ConcedeManager() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.event.ConcedeManager
Cone - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape
Shape class for a simple cone.
Cone(int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Cone
Construct this object with the given parameters.
ConeTokenUI - Class in org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui
Provides functionality for a Qubic cone token user interface in the game framework.
ConeTokenUI(ITeam, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui.ConeTokenUI
Construct this object.
CONFIG_BUNDLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Standard configuration resources filename.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Configure this object using the given properties.
configure(Properties) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Configure this object using the given properties.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Ball
Configure this token.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Paddle
Configure this token.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui.BoxTokenUI
Configure this token.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui.ConeTokenUI
Configure this token.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Configure this agent.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractComputerAgent
Configure this agent.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Configure this engine.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Configure this environment.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEvaluator
Configure this evaluator.
configure() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Configure this game.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Configure this game.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractNeuralNetworkEvaluator
Configure this evaluator.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractTeam
Configure this team.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Configure this token.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.AbstractActionGenerator
Configure this generator.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.action.IActionGenerator
Configure this generator.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeEnvironment
Configure this environment.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Configure this environment.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Configure this environment.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Configure this token.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Configure this adjudicator.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.DefaultChessEvaluator
Configure this evaluator.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Configure this token.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GPFunctionEvaluator
Configure this evaluator.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.TokenLineEvaluator
Configure this evaluator.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.WeightedEvaluator
Configure this evaluator.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractCardTable
Configure this environment.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractSuit
Configure this suit.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.cardgame.ISuit
Configure this suit.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.DefaultEvaluator
Configure this evaluator.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.DefaultToken
Configure this token.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Configure this agent.
configure(Properties) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Configure this engine.
configure(Properties) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Configure this environment.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEvaluator
Configure this evaluator.
configure() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGame
Configure this environment.
configure(Properties) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGame
Configure this environment.
configure(Properties) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Configure this class.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ISearchAgent
Configure this agent.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ITeam
Configure this team.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
Configure this token.
configure(Properties) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ITokenCollection
Configure this collection.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.AbstractSearch
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.AlphaBetaSearch
configure(Properties, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.search.ISearch
Configure this search.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.SearchAgent
Configure this agent.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Configure this token.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationEnvironment
Configure this environment.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.SynchronousEngine
Configure this engine.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Configure this collection.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenCollection
Configure this collection.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenCollection
Configure this collection.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUISwing
Configure this environment.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUIText
Configure this environment.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractTokenUISwing
Configure this token.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractTokenUIText
Configure this token.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Configure this environment.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Configure this environment.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PieceShape
Configure this token.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Configure this environment.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.EnvironmentUISupport
Configure this environment.
configure(Properties) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.IEnvironmentUI
Configure this environment.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.ITokenUI
Configure this token.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimEnvironmentUISwing
Configure this environment.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.EllipsoidTokenUI
Configure this token.
configure(Properties, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.TokenUISupport
Configure this token.
configureAction(Action, Object, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Configure the given action.
configureAgent(IComputerAgent, IChromosomeGP) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
Configure the given agent for play.
configureAgent(IComputerAgent, IChromosome) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Configure the given agent for play.
configureButton(JButton) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
Configure the given add or remove button.
configureCellEditor(ColumnDescriptor) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.DescribedTable
Configure the cell editor for the column specified by the descriptor.
configureCellRenderer(ColumnDescriptor) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.DescribedTable
Configure the cell renderer for the column specified by the descriptor.
configureCourtCard(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCenterPipsUI
Set the given icon.
configureShapeMenu(JMenu) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Configure the shape menu.
configureShapeMenu(JMenu) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerJava3D
Configure the shape menu.
ConfigUtilities - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides convenience methods for processing configuration properties.
ConfigUtilities - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides convenience methods for processing configuration properties.
conjugate() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return a new Quaternion which is the conjugate of this.
ConnectiveType - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides an enumeration of connective types.
Connector - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork
Provides a connector between layers in a neural network.
Connector(ILayer, ILayer) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.Connector
Construct this object with the given parameters.
ConnectorCollection - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork
Provides a collection to hold IConnector s.
ConnectorCollection() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ConnectorCollection
connectorIterator(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return an iterator over the collection of connectors with the given to layer.
connectorIterator(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return an iterator over the collection of connectors with the given to layer.
CONSTANT - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.Markings
Markings constant for constant cell colors.
ConstantDoubleTerminal - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal
Provides a double ephemeral random constant terminal in genetic programming.
ConstantDoubleTerminal(double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantDoubleTerminal
Construct this object with the given parameter.
ConstantIntTerminal - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal
Provides an integer ephemeral random constant terminal in genetic programming.
ConstantIntTerminal(int, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantIntTerminal
Construct this object with the given parameter.
Constants - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Provides constants for 3D chess.
Constants() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.Constants
Constants - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides constants for the game framework.
Constants() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.Constants
Constants - Class in org.vizzini.math.orbit
Provides constants for orbital mechanics.
Constants() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.Constants
Constants - Class in org.vizzini.ui.help
Provides constants for the help system.
Constants() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.help.Constants
construct() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SwingWorker
Compute the value to be returned by the get method.
constructSelectExpression(IRecord) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Association
Construct a select expression based upon my join.
constructSelectExpression(IRecord) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IAssociation
Construct a select expression based upon my join.
constructSelectExpression(ITableData, IRecord, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JoinData
Construct a select expression using this join.
constructSelectExpression(ITableData, IRecord, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JunctionData
Construct a select expression using this join.
contains(IChromosome) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Return true if the given chromosome is a duplicate of one already in the population.
contains(IChromosome, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Return true if the given chromosome is a duplicate of one already in the given range of the population.
contains(IChromosome) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
Return true if the given chromosome is a duplicate of one already in the population.
contains(IChromosome, int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
Return true if the given chromosome is a duplicate of one already in the given range of the population.
contains(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardSupport
Return true if the given position is within the limits of this board.
contains(int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardSupport
Return true if the given position is within the limits of this board.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Returns true if this collection contains the given object.
contains(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Ellipsoid
Return true if the given point is inside or on the surface of this ellipsoid.
contains(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
Return true if the file at the given URL contains the given pattern.
contains(JComponent, Component) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.EditorUtilities
Return true if the given component is contained in the given parent.
contains(Point) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Return true if the given point is within this shape.
contains(Point) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Return true if the given point is within this shape.
contains(Point) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.ExtrudedShape
Return true if the given point is within this shape.
contains(Point) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.PolygonShape
Return true if the given point is within this shape.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractList
Returns true if this collection contains the given object.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractMap
Returns true if this collection contains the given object.
contains(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.PropertyChangeManager
Return true if the given listener is already registered.
contains(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.PropertyChangeManager
Return true if the given listener is already registered.
contains(PropertyChangeListener, PropertyChangeListener[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.PropertyChangeManager
Return true if the given listener is already registered.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.Queue
Return true if this collection contains the given object.
contains(ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Return true if this contains the given node.
contains(ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Return true if this contains the given node.
contains(ITreeNode) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNodeCollection
Return true if this contains the given node.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractCollection
Returns true if this collection contains all of the objects in the given collection.
containsWord(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.StringUtilities
Try to find a word within a String.
CONTENTS_FILENAME - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.help.Constants
Help contents file name.
convert(double, String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.UnitConverter
Convert the given value to the new units.
convert(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.StringConverter
Convert the given object to a String.
convert(String, Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.StringConverter
Convert the given string to the given type.
convert(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.StringConverter
Convert the given object to a String.
convert(String, Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.StringConverter
Convert the given string to the given type.
convertAmpersands(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.StringUtilities
Convert ampersands (&) in the given string to their XML/HTML equivalents.
convertApostrophes(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.StringUtilities
Convert apostophes (') in the given string to their XML/HTML equivalents.
convertAttributesToString(NamedNodeMap) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Append the node's attributes.
convertBrackets(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.StringUtilities
Convert brackets (<,>) in the given string to their XML/HTML equivalents.
convertDateStringToDateObject(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DateUtilities
Return a Date object from the given date and given date pattern.
convertDateTimeToString(Date) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DateUtilities
Return a formatted string from the given date.
convertDateToString(Date) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DateUtilities
Return a formatted string from the given date.
convertDateToString(Date, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DateUtilities
Return a formatted string from the given date and given date pattern.
convertFromString(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorUtilities
Return a Color object described by the given String.
convertFromString(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.FontUtilities
Return a Font object described by the given String.
convertLocalToWorld(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Convert the given vector from local coordinates to world coordinates.
convertLocalToWorld(Vector) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IState
Convert the given vector from local coordinates to world coordinates.
convertLocalToWorld(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.State
Convert the given vector from local coordinates to world coordinates.
convertNewlines(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.StringUtilities
Convert newlines (\\n) in the given string to their XML/HTML equivalents.
convertQuotes(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.StringUtilities
Convert quotes (") in the given string to their XML/HTML equivalents.
convertSpaces(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.StringUtilities
Convert spaces ( ) in the given string to their XML/HTML equivalents.
convertSpecialContent(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Convert special contents into the HTML/XML equivalent entity reference.
convertString(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.UnitConverter
Return the value given by the string in the desired units.
convertToBundleName(Class, String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Convert the given class and bundle filename into a fully qualified bundle name.
convertToHTML(Node) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
convertToLocal(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Return the given vector converted to local coordinates.
convertToString(Color) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorUtilities
Return a String description of the given color.
convertToString(Font) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.FontUtilities
Return a String description of the given font.
convertToString(Node) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
convertToString(Node, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
convertToStringProcessNode(StringBuffer, Node, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Process the given node in the asString() flow.
convertWorldToLocal(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Convert the given vector from world coordinates to local coordinates.
convertWorldToLocal(Vector) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IState
Convert the given vector from world coordinates to local coordinates.
convertWorldToLocal(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.State
Convert the given vector from world coordinates to local coordinates.
coordsToIndex(int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return the index computed from the given parameters.
coordsToIndex(int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardSupport
Return the index computed from the given parameters.
coordsToIndex(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return the index computed from the given parameters.
copy(IChromosome) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractChromosome
Copy the given chromosome into this.
copy(IChromosome) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeBoolean
Copy the given chromosome into this.
copy(IChromosome) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeDouble
Copy the given chromosome into this.
copy(IChromosome) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeInt
Copy the given chromosome into this.
copy(IChromosome) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeNeuralNetwork
Copy the given chromosome into this.
copy(IChromosome) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IChromosome
Copy the given chromosome into this.
copy(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Copy data from the given instance into this.
copy(IGameState) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGameState
Copy the given game state into this.
copy(IToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Copy data from the given instance.
copy(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Copy data from the given instance into this.
copy(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Copy data from the given instance into this.
copy(IToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Copy data from the given instance.
copy(IEnvironment) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Copy data from the given instance into this.
copy(IGenericData) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GenericData
Make this object a copy of the given object.
copy(IGenericData) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IGenericData
Make this object a copy of the given object.
copyEntryActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Callback for the copy entry button.
count(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Return the amount of the given item is on the grid.
count(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentCollection
Return the count of agents in this collection of the given type.
count(Class) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgentCollection
Return the count of agents in this collection of the given type.
COUNT_AREA - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
countOccurrences(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.StringUtilities
Return the count of occurrences of the given key in the given value.
counts(Collection) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.Adjudicator
Return a count of the cards in the given collection of card collections.
create() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
Return a new populated function.
create() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IFunctionGenerator
Return a new populated function.
create(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ArgumentFactory
Construct an IArgument object of the correct type.
create(String, Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ArgumentFactory
Construct an IArgument object of the correct type.
create(ArgumentType, Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ArgumentFactory
Construct an IArgument object of the correct type.
create(IArgument, String, IArgument) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.SentenceFactory
Construct an IBinaryAtomicSentence object of the correct type.
create(IArgument, OperatorType, IArgument) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.SentenceFactory
Construct an IBinaryAtomicSentence object of the correct type.
create(ISentence, String, ISentence) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.SentenceFactory
Construct an IComplexSentenceobject of the correct type.
create(ISentence, ConnectiveType, ISentence) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.SentenceFactory
Construct an IComplexSentenceobject of the correct type.
create(String, ISentence, String, ISentence) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.SentenceFactory
Construct an IComplexSentenceobject of the correct type.
create(String, IArgument, String, IArgument) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.SentenceFactory
Construct an IBinaryAtomicSentence object of the correct type.
create(String, IArgument, OperatorType, IArgument) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.SentenceFactory
Construct an IBinaryAtomicSentence object of the correct type.
create(String, ISentence, ConnectiveType, ISentence) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.SentenceFactory
Construct an IComplexSentenceobject of the correct type.
create(String, int, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.LayerFactory
Create a new Layer of the appropriate type.
create(DBDescriptor) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Create the database tables using the given descriptor.
create(Properties, int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentFactory
Create and return the desired agent.
create(Class, Properties, int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentFactory
Create and return the desired agent.
create(Properties, int, String, ITeam) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentFactory
Create and return the desired agent.
create(Class, Properties, int, String, ITeam, int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentFactory
Create and return the desired agent.
create(double, Vector, Vector, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitFactory
Return an orbit instance for the given parameters.
create(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitFactory
Return an orbit instance for the given parameters.
create(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitFactory
Return an orbit instance for the given parameters.
create(IArgument) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.WrapperFactory
Create an argument wrapper of the correct type.
create(ISentence) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.WrapperFactory
Create a sentence wrapper of the correct type.
create(IFilter) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.WrapperFactory
Create a filter wrapper of the correct type.
create(ICard, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardCenterUI
Create a card center UI of the proper type.
createAction(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.MouseHumanAgent
Create the appropriate action.
createAction(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.MouseAgent
Create the appropriate action.
createAction(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.MovementMouseAgent
Create the appropriate action.
createAction(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.PlacementMouseAgent
Create the appropriate action.
createAgent0() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithm
Create agent 0.
createAgent0() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
Create agent 0.
createAgent0() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Create agent 0.
createAgent1() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithm
Create agent 1.
createAgent1() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
Create agent 1.
createAgent1() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Create agent 0.
createAgents() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUIText
Create the agents for this game.
createAndPlaceTokenUI(IToken, Class, int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Create and place a new token user interface component.
createAndPlaceTokenUI(IToken, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Create and place a new token user interface component.
createAppearance(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
Create a new appearance for the given shape.
createArgumentTypeActionListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ArgumentEditor
Create a new argument type action listener.
createArrangementUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
createArrangementUI() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoard3DUISwing
Create an arrangement user interface widget.
createAssociation(IDatabase, JoinData, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.database.DatabaseFactory
Create a association.
createAWTObjectViewer() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.GraphicsUIFactory
Return a new AWT object viewer.
createBlank() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Create a blank component.
createBoards(Color, int, int, int, Arrangement) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Create the boards.
createBranchGroup(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
Return a Java 3D Node for the given shape.
createBufferedImage(JComponent, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Creates and returns a buffered image into which this has been drawn.
createButtonPanel() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyleChooser
Create a button panel.
createCanvas() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Create the appropriate canvas.
createCanvas() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasAWT
Create the appropriate canvas.
createCanvas() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
Create the appropriate canvas.
createCanvas() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasSwing
Create the appropriate canvas.
createCastleAction(IChessEnvironment, IChessAdjudicator, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Create a castle action for the given parameters.
createCastleAction(IChessAgent, IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAgentSupport
Create a new castle action using the given parameters.
createCastleAction(IChessAgent, IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAgentSupport
Create a new castle agent action using the given parameters.
createChromosome() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Create a new chromosome.
createChromosome() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionGA
Create a new chromosome.
createChromosome() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.PrimeGA
Create a new chromosome.
createChromosome() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP
Create a new chromosome.
createChromosome() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithm
Create a new chromosome.
createCloserRunner() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SplashScreen
Create a closer runner.
createColorButton(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner.ColorPanel
Create a new color button.
createColumnDescriptorList(ITableData) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Create a list of ColumnDescriptor objects from this item's information.
createCompleteFunction(Class, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
Create a new function and populate its argument nodes.
createContactPanel(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AboutDialog
Create the contact panel.
createControlPanel() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Create the control panel.
createDatabase(File) - Static method in class org.vizzini.database.DatabaseFactory
Create a database.
createDatabase(InputStream) - Static method in class org.vizzini.database.DatabaseFactory
Create a database.
createDatabase(Document, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.database.DatabaseFactory
Create a database.
createDatabase(File, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.database.DatabaseFactory
Create a database.
createDatabase(InputStream, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.database.DatabaseFactory
Create a database.
createDescriptionDocumentListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentenceEditor
Create a new description document listener.
createDescriptionUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AgentPanel
Create the description widget.
createDocumentUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Create the document pane.
createDotString() - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
Create a dot string from the previously completed analysis.
createEditMenu(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Create and return an edit menu.
createEditMenu(Object, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Create and return an edit menu.
createEditPanel() - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner.ColorDesigner
Create a color edit panel.
createEngine(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Create the engine.
createEnPassantCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment, IChessAdjudicator, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Create an en passant capture action for the given parameters.
createEnvironmentUI(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.GameUISupport
Create the environment UI.
createFileMenu(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Create and return a file menu.
createFileMenu(Object, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Create and return a file menu.
createFilterChooser(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.FilteredTable
Create a filter chooser widget configured to work with this table.
createFilterChooser(String, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.FilteredTable
Create a filter chooser widget configured to work with this table.
createFitnessCase(double[], int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionTestData
createFitnessCase(double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.CartCentering
Create a fitness case for the given parameters.
createFitnessCase(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.CharacterRecognition
Create a fitness case for the given parameters.
createFitnessCase(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.SymbolicRegression
Create a fitness case for the given value of x.
createFitnessCase(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.XOR
Create a fitness case for the given parameters.
createFontUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyleChooser
Create a font user interface component.
createGame() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
Create the game.
createGame() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Create the game.
createGame(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.GameUISupport
Create the game.
createGameState(Properties) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Create the game state.
createGameThread(IEngine) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Create the internal game thread.
createGrayPanel() - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner.ColorDesigner
Create a panel for gray scale colors.
createHelpMenu(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Create and return a help menu.
createHelpMenu(Object, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Create and return a help menu.
createHyperlinkListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Create a hyperlink listener.
createImage(String, Arrangement, Markings) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.MoveImager
Create an image for the given type, and save it to a file.
createInitialTokens() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Create the initial tokens from the cached properties.
createInitialTokens() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Create the initial tokens from the cached properties.
createInputLayer(int, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.LayerFactory
Create a new Layer of the appropriate type.
createInstance(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Create a resource provider instance.
createInstance(Class, String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Create a resource provider instance.
createJava3DObjectViewer() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.GraphicsUIFactory
Return a new Java 3D object viewer.
createJunctionTableData(JunctionData) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.DBDescriptor
Create a junction table data object from the given junction data.
createKey(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.DefaultTranspositionKeyCreator
createKey(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.GridBoardTranspositionKeyCreator
createKey(IEnvironment) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.search.ITranspositionKeyCreator
Create a key as a String representation of the given environment.
createKeyFromTokens(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.AbstractTranspositionKeyCreator
Create a transposition table key from the team and token names.
createLabel(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Create a properly formatted label for use with an edit field.
createLabelPaintedUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Create a label painted user interface widget.
createLiteralDocumentListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ArgumentEditor
Create a new literal document listener.
createMagnifyPanel() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Create a panel containing the magnification controls.
createMagnifyPanel() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Create a panel containing the magnification controls.
createMainPanel() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Create the main panel which is placed in the message area of the option pane.
createMouseListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SplashScreen
Create a mouse listener.
createMoveAction(IChessEnvironment, IChessAdjudicator, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Create a move action for the given parameters.
createMoveCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment, IChessAdjudicator, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Create a move capture action for the given parameters.
createNamespacePredicate(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
createNameUI(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AgentPanel
Create the name widget.
createNavigationUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Create the navigation pane.
createNeuralNetworkExemplar() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithm
Fill the population with random chromosomes.
createNewInstance() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractNode
Create a new instance, using this as an exemplar.
createNewInstance() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.INode
Create a new instance, using this as an exemplar.
createNewInstance() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantDoubleTerminal
Create a new instance, using this as an exemplar.
createNewInstance() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantIntTerminal
Create a new instance, using this as an exemplar.
createNewInstanceOfFunctionAt(Class, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
Return a new instance of the function at the given index.
createNewInstanceOfTerminalAt(Class, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
Return a new instance of the terminal exemplar at the given index.
createNewSentence() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.BinaryAtomicSentenceEditor
createNewSentence() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceEditor
createNormalTextColorSetUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyleChooser
Create a normal text color set user interface component.
createObjectViewer(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.GraphicsUIFactory
Return a new object viewer of the given type.
createOptionsMenu(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Create and return an options menu.
createOtherPanel() - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner.ColorDesigner
Create a panel for other colors.
createOutputLayer(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.LayerFactory
Create a new Layer of the appropriate type.
createPawnPromotionAction(IChessEnvironment, IChessAdjudicator, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Create a pawn promotion action for the given parameters.
createPawnPromotionCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment, IChessAdjudicator, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Create a pawn promotion capture action for the given parameters.
createPilePanel() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Create the pile panel.
createPopupMenu() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Create the tool bar.
createPopupMenu() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Create a new popup menu.
createPopupMenu() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewerSwing
Create a new popup menu.
createPopupMenu() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerJava3D
Create a new popup menu.
createPreviewUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyleChooser
Create a preview user interface component.
createPropertyActionListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ArgumentEditor
Create a new property action listener.
createRecord(IDatabase, String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.database.DatabaseFactory
Create a record.
createRecord(IDatabase, ITableData) - Static method in class org.vizzini.database.DatabaseFactory
Create a record.
createRecordsFrom(ITableData, ResultSet) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Create IRecord objects from the given result set.
createSceneGraph(SimpleUniverse) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
Create the scene graph.
createSearchDepthUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AgentPanel
Create the search depth widget.
createSelectionTextColorSetUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyleChooser
Create a selection text color set user interface component.
createSentenceListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.BinaryAtomicSentenceEditor
createSentenceListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceEditor
createSentenceListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentenceEditor
Create a new sentence property change listener.
createSentenceListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
Create a property change listener to update for sentence changes.
createSentenceTypeActionListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentenceEditor
Create a new sentence type action listener.
createShapeCanvas() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Create a new shape canvas of the appropriate type.
createShapeCanvas() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerJava3D
Create a new shape canvas of the appropriate type.
createShapeCanvas() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerSwing
Create a new shape canvas of the appropriate type.
createShowHintsUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Create a show hints user interface widget.
createSizeUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Create the size user interface.
createSpectrumPanel() - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner.ColorDesigner
Create a panel for a color spectrum.
createStack() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionManager
Return a new IStack object.
createState() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.StatefulSupport
Create the state.
createState() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.TokenUISupport.MyStatefulSupport
Create the state.
createState() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Create the state.
createStatefulSupport() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Create a stateful support object.
createStatefulSupport() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Create a stateful support object.
createStatusBar() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.AntUI
Create the status bar.
createStatusBar(int[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Create the status bar with the given cells.
createStatusBar() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Create the status bar.
createStatusBar() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeGameUISwing
Create the status bar.
createStatusBar() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessGameUISwing
Create the status bar.
createStatusBar() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardGameUISwing
Create the status bar.
createStatusBar() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationUISwing
Create the status bar.
createStyleUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Create the style user interface.
createSuitUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCenterPipsUI
Create a new SuitUI object.
createSwingObjectViewer() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.GraphicsUIFactory
Return a new Swing object viewer.
createSystemPropertiesPanel(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AboutDialog
Create the system properties area.
createTable(ITableData) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Create a database table using the given table data.
createTableHeaderStylePanel() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyleChooser
Create the table header font panel.
createTablePanel(IDatabase, ITableData) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Create a table panel.
createTableStylePanel() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyleChooser
Create the table font panel.
createTerminal(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
Create a new terminal.
createToken(IChessAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Create a new token.
createTokenUI(IToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui.GridBoardUISwing
Create a token user interface component for the given token.
createTokenUI(IToken, Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Create a token user interface component for the given agent.
createTokenUI(IToken, Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Create a token user interface component for the given agent.
createTokenUI(IToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Create a token user interface component for the given token.
createTokenUIFor(IPhysicalObject) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimEnvironmentUISwing
Create a new ITokenUI for the given physical object.
createTokenUIs() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Create the initial token user interface components.
createToolBar() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Create the tool bar.
createToolBar() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Create the tool bar.
createTopicUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Create the topic tree component.
createTopPanel(String, String, Icon) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AboutDialog
Create the top panel.
createTranformGroup(IShape, Transform3D, Primitive) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
Create a new TransformGroup using the given parameters.
createTransform(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
Create a new Transform3D for the given shape.
createTreeNodeCollection() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractFunction
Create a new tree node collection of the appropriate type.
createTreeNodeCollection() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Create a new tree node collection of the appropriate type.
createTreeSelectionListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Create a tree selection listener.
createTypeUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AgentPanel
Create the type widget.
createTypeUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Create the type user interface.
createUrl(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.SortTableHyperlinkMouseListener
Create a URL using the given value.
createViewer(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.GraphicsUIFactory
Return a new object viewer of the given type.
createViewMenu(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Create and return a view menu.
createViewMenu(Object, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Create and return a view menu.
createWaitRunner(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SplashScreen
Create a wait runner.
createWheelPanel() - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner.ColorDesigner
Create a panel for a color wheel.
createXAdjustmentListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Create a X adjustment listener.
createXAdjustmentListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerJava3D
Create a X adjustment listener.
createXAdjustmentListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerSwing
Create a X adjustment listener.
createYAdjustmentListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Create a Y adjustment listener.
createYAdjustmentListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerJava3D
Create a Y adjustment listener.
createYAdjustmentListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerSwing
Create a Y adjustment listener.
createZAdjustmentListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Create a Z adjustment listener.
createZAdjustmentListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerJava3D
Create a Z adjustment listener.
createZAdjustmentListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerSwing
Create a Z adjustment listener.
cross(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return a new vector which is the cross between the given vectors.
cross(Vector, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return a new vector which is the cross between this and the given vector.
CrossoverType - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Provides a crossover type enumeration class.
CurrencyCellRenderer - Class in org.vizzini.ui.table
Provides a table cell renderer for US currency.
CurrencyCellRenderer() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.CurrencyCellRenderer
Construct this object.
CUSTOM_CANCEL_APPLY_OPTION - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Added option type for a custom OK button.
CUSTOM_CANCEL_OPTION - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Added option type for a custom OK button.
CUSTOM_OPTION - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Added option type for a custom OK button.
CYAN - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Cyan (blue-green) color constant.
cycleSleep(long) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Sleep for long enough to bring the cycle time up to the minimum.
Cylinder - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape
Shape class for a simple cylinder.
Cylinder(int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Cylinder
Construct this object with the given parameters.


darker(Color) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorUtilities
Return a color darker than the given color.
Database - Class in org.vizzini.database
Provides a database implementation which uses the Hypersonic SQL Database.
Database(DBDescriptor) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.database.Database
Construct this object from the given database descriptor.
Database(DBDescriptor, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.database.Database
Construct this object from the given database descriptor.
Database(Document) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.database.Database
Construct this object from the given file.
Database(File) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.database.Database
Construct this object from the given file.
Database(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.database.Database
Construct this object from the given file.
DatabaseFactory - Class in org.vizzini.database
Provides a factory to create database implementations.
DatabaseFactory() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.database.DatabaseFactory
DatabaseTablesBean - Class in org.vizzini.ui.database
Provides a bean with table panels for a simple database.
DatabaseTablesBean() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
DatabaseUI - Class in org.vizzini.ui.database
Provides the applet/application for a simple database.
DatabaseUI() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseUI
DATE_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.vizzini.util.DateUtilities
Date pattern.
DATE_TIME_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.vizzini.util.DateUtilities
Date-time pattern.
DateCellRenderer - Class in org.vizzini.ui.table
Provides a table cell renderer which formats the value as a date.
DateCellRenderer() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.DateCellRenderer
Construct this object.
DateUtilities - Class in org.vizzini.util
Utility class for performing date related operations.
DAYS - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.UnitConverter
Days constant.
DBDescriptor - Class in org.vizzini.database
Provides a database descriptor.
DBDescriptor(Document) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.database.DBDescriptor
Construct this object from the given file.
DBDescriptor(File) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.database.DBDescriptor
Construct this object from the given file.
DBDescriptor(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.database.DBDescriptor
Construct this object from the given input stream.
DecimalCellRenderer - Class in org.vizzini.ui.table
Provides a table cell renderer which formats the value as a decimal.
DecimalCellRenderer() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.DecimalCellRenderer
Construct this object with the given parameter.
decode(double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
Decode the given value as a base-10 number.
decode(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
Decode the given value as a base-10 number.
decrementX() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Decrement X.
decrementY() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Decrement Y.
deepClone(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Create a new List which contains clones of the items in the given list.
deepClone(ITreeNode[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Create a new List which contains clones of the items in the given list.
DEFAULT_ALTERNATE_ROW_COLOR - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Default alternate row color.
DEFAULT_BACKGROUND - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Default background.
DEFAULT_COLOR - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorButton
Default color.
DEFAULT_COLUMN_CLASS - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Default column class.
DEFAULT_COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Default column name.
DEFAULT_DISPLAY_TIME - Static variable in class org.vizzini.util.event.StatusEvent
Default display time.
DEFAULT_EDITABLE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Default editable flag.
DEFAULT_FILENAME - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
The default image filename.
DEFAULT_FONT - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Default font.
DEFAULT_FONT - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyle
Default font.
DEFAULT_FOREGROUND - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Default foreground.
DEFAULT_GRID_COLOR - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Default grid color.
DEFAULT_HEADER_TEXT_STYLE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Default header text style.
DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
The default JPEG quality setting.
DEFAULT_NORMAL_TEXT_COLOR_SET - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Default text color set.
DEFAULT_NORMAL_TEXT_COLOR_SET - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyle
Default normal text color.
DEFAULT_PNG_COMPRESSION - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
The default PNG compression level.
DEFAULT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Default property name.
DEFAULT_SELECTION_BACKGROUND - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Default selection background.
DEFAULT_SELECTION_FOREGROUND - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Default selection foreground.
DEFAULT_SELECTION_TEXT_COLOR_SET - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Default selection text color set.
DEFAULT_SELECTION_TEXT_COLOR_SET - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyle
Default selection text color.
DEFAULT_TABLE_STYLE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Default table style.
DEFAULT_TEXT_STYLE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Default text style.
DEFAULT_VISIBLE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Default visible flag.
DefaultAction - Class in org.vizzini.game.action
Provides a action for placement of a token to a position.
DefaultAction() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.action.DefaultAction
Construct this object.
DefaultActionGenerator - Class in org.vizzini.game.action
Provides a default action generator which generates no actions.
DefaultActionGenerator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.action.DefaultActionGenerator
Construct this object.
DefaultAdjudicator - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides a default implementation of an adjudicator.
DefaultAdjudicator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.DefaultAdjudicator
DefaultAgent - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides a default agent for the game framework.
DefaultAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.DefaultAgent
DefaultBoardGameToken - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Provides a default token for the game framework.
DefaultBoardGameToken() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.DefaultBoardGameToken
Construct this object.
DefaultChessEnvironment - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Provides a default grid board for 3D chess.
DefaultChessEnvironment() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.DefaultChessEnvironment
DefaultChessEvaluator - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Provides a default evaluator for 3D chess.
DefaultChessEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.DefaultChessEvaluator
DefaultChromosomeGP - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming
Provides a default implementation of a chromosome in genetic programming.
DefaultChromosomeGP() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.DefaultChromosomeGP
Construct this object.
DefaultChromosomeGP(IFunction) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.DefaultChromosomeGP
Construct this object with the given parameter.
DefaultContext - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Provides a default implementation for a context in a genetic algorithm.
DefaultContext() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.DefaultContext
DefaultEnumeratedType - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides a default implementation of an enumerated type.
DefaultEnumeratedType(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.DefaultEnumeratedType
Construct this object.
DefaultEnvironment - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides a default implementation of an environment.
DefaultEnvironment() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.DefaultEnvironment
DefaultEvaluator - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides an evaluator which uses token values to arrive at an environment evaluation.
DefaultEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.DefaultEvaluator
DefaultFitnessCase - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Provides a default implementation of a fitness case for a genetic algorithm.
DefaultFitnessCase() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.DefaultFitnessCase
DefaultFunctionGenerator - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming
Provides a default implementation of a function generator in genetic programming.
DefaultFunctionGenerator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.DefaultFunctionGenerator
Construct this object.
DefaultFunctionGenerator(Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.DefaultFunctionGenerator
Construct this object with the given parameters.
DefaultFunctionGenerator(Class, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.DefaultFunctionGenerator
Construct this object with the given parameters.
DefaultGame - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides default functionality for games in the game framework.
DefaultGame() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.DefaultGame
DefaultGameState - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides default functionality for game states in the game framework.
DefaultGameState() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.DefaultGameState
Construct this object.
DefaultGameState(Object) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.DefaultGameState
Construct this object.
DefaultGridBoard - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Provides functionality for 2D and 3D grid board environments in the game framework.
DefaultGridBoard() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.DefaultGridBoard
Construct this object.
DefaultGridBoard3DUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Provides a default implementation of a grid board 3D UI for Swing.
DefaultGridBoard3DUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.DefaultGridBoard3DUISwing
DefaultGridBoardUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess
Provides default functionality for Swing grid board user interfaces in the 3D chess framework.
DefaultGridBoardUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.DefaultGridBoardUISwing
DefaultLayer - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer
Provides a default layer for a neural network.
DefaultLayer() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.DefaultLayer
Construct this object.
DefaultLayer(String, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.DefaultLayer
Construct this object with the given parameters.
DefaultLayer(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.DefaultLayer
Construct this object with the given parameters.
DefaultNeuralNetwork - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork
Provides a default neural network.
DefaultNeuralNetwork() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.DefaultNeuralNetwork
DefaultPhysicalObject - Class in org.vizzini.game.simulation
Provides a default physical object.
DefaultPhysicalObject() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.simulation.DefaultPhysicalObject
DefaultPopulation - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Provides a default implementation of a population.
DefaultPopulation(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.DefaultPopulation
Construct this object using the given parameter.
DefaultSimEnvironmentUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation
Provides a default simulation environment user interface using Swing.
DefaultSimEnvironmentUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.DefaultSimEnvironmentUISwing
DefaultSimulationEnvironment - Class in org.vizzini.game.simulation
Provides a default simulation environment.
DefaultSimulationEnvironment() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.simulation.DefaultSimulationEnvironment
DefaultSimulationUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation
Provides a default simulation game user interface using Swing.
DefaultSimulationUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.DefaultSimulationUISwing
DefaultSuit - Class in org.vizzini.game.cardgame
Provides a default implementation of a suit for card games in the game framework.
DefaultSuit() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.DefaultSuit
DefaultTeam - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides a default implementation for teams in the game framework.
DefaultTeam() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.DefaultTeam
DefaultTerminal - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal
Provides a default implementation for a terminal in genetic programming.
DefaultTerminal() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.DefaultTerminal
Construct this object.
DefaultTerminal(Object) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.DefaultTerminal
Construct this object with the given parameter.
DefaultTerminal(String, Object) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.DefaultTerminal
Construct this object with the given parameter.
DefaultToken - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides a default token for the game framework.
DefaultToken() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.DefaultToken
Construct this object.
DefaultTranspositionKeyCreator - Class in org.vizzini.game.search
Provides a default transposition key creator.
DefaultTranspositionKeyCreator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.search.DefaultTranspositionKeyCreator
DefaultTreeNode - Class in org.vizzini.util.tree
Provides a default implementation of a tree node.
DefaultTreeNode() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.tree.DefaultTreeNode
Construct this object.
DefaultTreeNode(Object) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.tree.DefaultTreeNode
Construct this object with the given parameter.
DefaultTreeNode(Object, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.tree.DefaultTreeNode
Construct this object with the given parameter.
DefaultTreeNodeCollection - Class in org.vizzini.util.tree
Provides a default implementation of a tree node collection.
DefaultTreeNodeCollection() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.tree.DefaultTreeNodeCollection
DEGREES - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.UnitConverter
Degrees constant.
delete() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Delete this object from the database.
delete() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Delete this object from the database.
deleteEntryActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Callback for the delete entry action.
DependencyAnalyzer - Class in org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer
Provides a tool for analyzing package dependences.
DependencyAnalyzer(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
Construct this object.
DependencyAnalyzer(String, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
Construct this object.
DependencyAnalyzer(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
Construct this object.
depthFirstIterator() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Creates and returns an enumeration that traverses the subtree rooted at this node in depth-first order.
depthFirstIterator() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Creates and returns an enumeration that traverses the subtree rooted at this node in depth-first order.
deriveFont(String, int, int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Derive the new font from the selected items.
deriveHeaderTextStyle() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Derive a text style from this table's header's current settings.
deriveTableStyle() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Derive a table style from this table's current settings.
deriveTextStyle() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Derive a text style from this table's current settings.
DescribedTable - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a sort table user interface which uses a TableDescriptor to provide the columns.
DescribedTable(TableDescriptor) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.DescribedTable
Construct this object.
DescribedTable(DescribedTableModel) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.DescribedTable
Construct this object.
DescribedTableModel - Class in org.vizzini.ui.table
Provides a table model for a DescribedTable.
DescribedTableModel(TableDescriptor) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Construct this object.
detachDescriptionUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentenceEditor
Detach and return the description widget.
DIAMONDS - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.PokerDeck
Diamonds suit.
DIRTY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.GUIConstants
The name of the dirty property.
DIRTY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Dirty property.
disassociate(IRecord, IRecord) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Association
Disassociate the given Records through my join.
disassociate(IRecord, IRecord) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IAssociation
Disassociate the given Records through my join.
disassociate(IRecord) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Diassociate this from the given object.
disassociate(IRecord, IRecord) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JoinData
Disassociate the given records.
disassociate(IRecord, IRecord) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JunctionData
Disassociate the given records by deleting the existing record in the middle table.
disassociate(IRecord) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Diassociate this from the given object.
DisassociateDialog - Class in org.vizzini.ui.database
Provides a dialog to collect disassociate items.
DisassociateDialog(Frame, IDatabase) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.database.DisassociateDialog
Construct this dialog.
disassociateEntryActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Callback for the disassociate entry button.
DiscardAction - Class in org.vizzini.game.cardgame
Provides a discard action for card games in the game framework.
DiscardAction() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.DiscardAction
displayDocument(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Display the document which corresponds to the given topic.
displayDocument(URL, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Display the document at the given URL.
Divide - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides a division function in genetic programming.
Divide() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Divide
Construct this object.
divide(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return a new vector divided by the given scalar.
DocumentSupport - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides implementations of methods required by documents.
DocumentSupport() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Construct this object.
doIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.AbstractAction
Perform the command encapsulated by this object.
doIt() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.action.IAction
Perform the command encapsulated by this object.
doIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.RedoAction
This implementation of doIt does not actually do anything.
doIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.UndoAction
This implementation of doIt does not actually do anything.
doIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveAction
Perform the command encapsulated by this object.
doIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveCaptureAction
Perform the command encapsulated by this object.
doIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceAction
Perform the command encapsulated by this object.
doIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.RemoveAction
Perform the command encapsulated by this object.
doIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleAction
Perform the command encapsulated by this object.
doIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.EnPassantCaptureAction
Perform the command encapsulated by this object.
doIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionAction
Perform the command encapsulated by this object.
doIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionCaptureAction
Perform the command encapsulated by this object.
doIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.DiscardAction
doIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.DrawAction
doIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.TakeDiscardAction
doMain(String[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractApp
Start this applet as an application.
dot(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return the vector dot product.
dotDesc() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Return a dot description of this node.
dotLabel() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractNode
Return a dot label of this node.
dotLabel() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Return a dot label of this node.
dotLinkDesc() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractNode
Return a dot description of this node.
dotLinkDesc() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Return a dot description of this node.
DotVisitor - Class in org.vizzini.util.tree
Provides a visitor which traverses a tree to build a Dot format string.
DotVisitor() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.tree.DotVisitor
Construct this object.
DrawAction - Class in org.vizzini.game.cardgame
Provides a draw action for card games in the game framework.
DrawAction() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.DrawAction
drawOn(Graphics, double, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Draw this shape on the given graphics using the given parameters.
drawOn(Graphics, double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Draw this shape on the given graphics with the given magnification.
drawOn(Graphics, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Draw this shape on the given graphics with the given magnification.
drawOn(Graphics, double, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Draw this shape on the given graphics with the given magnification.
drawOn(Graphics, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.ExtrudedShape
Draw this shape on the given graphics with the given magnification.
drawOn(Graphics, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.PolygonShape
Draw this shape on the given graphics with the given magnification.
drawOn(Graphics, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeGroup
Draw the shapes on the given graphics with the given magnification.
drawOnSolid(Graphics, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Draw a solid representation of this shape on the given graphics with the given magnification.
drawOnSolid(Graphics, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AnchorShape
Override the super method to do nothing.
drawOnSolid(Graphics, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Box
Draw a solid representation of this shape on the given graphics with the given magnification.
drawOnSolid(Graphics, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Ellipse
Draw a solid representation of this shape on the given graphics with the given magnification.
drawOnWireframe(Graphics, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Draw a wireframe representation of this shape on the given graphics with the given magnification.
drawOnWireframe(Graphics, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AnchorShape
Override the super method to do nothing.
drawOnWireframe(Graphics, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Box
Draw a wireframe representation of this shape on the given graphics with the given magnification.
drawOnWireframe(Graphics, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Ellipse
Draw a wireframe representation of this shape on the given graphics with the given magnification.
DynamicState - Class in org.vizzini.math
Provides dynamic state of an object.
DynamicState() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
DynamicStateODE - Class in org.vizzini.math.ode
Provides an ordinary differential equation for a IDynamicState.
DynamicStateODE(IDynamicState) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.ode.DynamicStateODE
Construct this object with the given parameter.


EDIT_MODE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Edit mode property name.
editFiltersActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterChooser
Callback for the edit filters action.
EditFiltersDialog - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides a dialog for editing filters in the logic system.
EditFiltersDialog(Component, String, List) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.EditFiltersDialog
Construct this object.
editModeActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Callback for the edit mode button.
EditorUtilities - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides utilities used by editors in the logic system.
Ellipse - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape
Provides an ellipse shape.
Ellipse(int, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Ellipse
Construct this object with the given parameters.
Ellipse(int, double, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Ellipse
Construct this object with the given parameters.
Ellipse(int, double, double, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Ellipse
Construct this object with the given parameters.
Ellipsoid - Class in org.vizzini.math
Provides an ellipsoid.
Ellipsoid(double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.Ellipsoid
Construct this object as a sphere using the given parameter.
Ellipsoid(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.Ellipsoid
Construct this object using the given parameters.
Ellipsoid - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape
Shape class for an ellipsoid.
Ellipsoid(int, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Ellipsoid
Construct this object with the given parameters.
ellipsoidEquation(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Ellipsoid
Return the result of using the given vector in the ellipsoid equation x^2/A^2 + y^2/B^2 + z^2/C^2.
EllipsoidTokenUI - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation
Provides an ellipsoid token user interface.
EllipsoidTokenUI(IPhysicalObject, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.EllipsoidTokenUI
Construct this object.
EllipticOrbit - Class in org.vizzini.math.orbit
Provides an elliptic orbit.
EllipticOrbit(double, Vector, Vector) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.EllipticOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
EllipticOrbit(double, Vector, Vector, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.EllipticOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
EllipticOrbit(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.EllipticOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
EllipticOrbit(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.EllipticOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
enablePrefs(boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.OSXAdapter
Another static entry point for EAWT functionality.
encode(IGridBoard, IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.NeuralNetworkEvaluator
Encode the given grid board as appropriate for a neural network input.
encode(IGridBoard, IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractNeuralGridBoardEvaluator
Encode the given grid board as appropriate for a neural network input.
encodeAsBitSet(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
Encode the given value as a binary number.
encodeAsDoubleArray(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
Encode the given value as a binary number.
encodeAsIntArray(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
Encode the given value as a binary number.
encodeAsString(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
Encode the given value as a binary number.
Engine - Class in org.vizzini.example.gin
Provides an engine for Gin.
Engine() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.gin.Engine
EnPassantCaptureAction - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action
Provides an action for en passant capture by a Pawn.
EnPassantCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.EnPassantCaptureAction
Construct this object.
EnPassantCaptureActionPool - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action
Provides a pool for move capture action objects.
EnPassantCaptureActionPool() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.EnPassantCaptureActionPool
Construct this object.
EnPassantCaptureActionPool(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.EnPassantCaptureActionPool
Construct this object with the given parameter.
ensureIndexIsVisible(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.DescribedTable
Scrolls the viewport to make the specified cell completely visible.
Environment - Class in org.vizzini.example.gin
Provides a Gin card table.
Environment() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.gin.Environment
Environment - Class in org.vizzini.example.pong
Provides an environment for Pong.
Environment() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.pong.Environment
Construct this object.
EnvironmentUISupport - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game
Provides base functionality for environment user interfaces in the game framework.
EnvironmentUISupport() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.EnvironmentUISupport
EnvironmentUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.example.gin.ui
Provides an environment user interface for Gin.
EnvironmentUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Construct this object.
EnvironmentUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.example.pong.ui
Provides an environment user interface for Pong.
EnvironmentUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
EnvironmentUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.example.solarsystem.ui
Provides a simulation environment UI for the solar system simulation.
EnvironmentUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.solarsystem.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
EnvironmentUIText - Class in org.vizzini.example.gin.ui
Provides functionality for a text environment user interface for Gin in the game framework.
EnvironmentUIText() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.EnvironmentUIText
EQ - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.OperatorType
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractChromosome
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeBoolean
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeDouble
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeInt
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IChromosome
Return true if this equals the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractNode
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractConnector
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ConnectorCollection
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.AbstractActivationFunction
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IConnector
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractFunctionLayer
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGameState
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractTeam
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.AbstractAction
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.action.IAction
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractGridBoardAction
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractMoveAction
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveCaptureAction
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceAction
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.RemoveAction
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleAction
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.EnPassantCaptureAction
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionAction
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionCaptureAction
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractCard
Return true if this equals the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractSuit
Return true if this equals the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Return true if this equals another.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.VectorPosition
Return true if this vector equals the given object.
equals(Object, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.VectorPosition
Return true if this vector equals the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Ellipsoid
Return true if this ellipsoid equals the given object.
equals(Object, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Ellipsoid
Return true if this ellipsoid equals the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return true if this vector equals the given object.
equals(Object, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return true if this vector equals the given object with the given precision.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return true if this vector equals the given object.
equals(Object, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return true if this vector equals the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.AbstractArgumentWrapper
Return true if this equals the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.AbstractSentenceWrapper
Return true if this equals the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterWrapper
Return true if this equals the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ISentenceWrapper
Return true if this equals the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.PropertyWrapper
Return true if this equals the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Return true if the given objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSet
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyle
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyle
Return true if the given objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractBean
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractEnumeratedType
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractList
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractMap
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GenericData
Return true if this equals another.
equals(Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IEnumeratedType
Return true if these objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IGenericData
Return true if this equals another.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Return true if the given object is equal to this.
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities.XMLErrorHandler
Receive notification of a recoverable error.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractChromosomeGP
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbsoluteValue
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractSequenceFunction
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Add
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.And
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Divide
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.GreaterThan
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.GreaterThanDouble
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.If
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Multiply
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Not
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Or
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Subtract
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IChromosomeGP
Evaluate this chromosome.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.INode
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantDoubleTerminal
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantIntTerminal
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.DefaultTerminal
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.InputTerminal
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.StateVariableTerminal
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AtomicSentenceEQ
Return true if this sentence, in the context of the given object, evaluates to true.
evaluate(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AtomicSentenceGT
Return true if this sentence, in the context of the given object, evaluates to true.
evaluate(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AtomicSentenceLT
Return true if this sentence, in the context of the given object, evaluates to true.
evaluate(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceAND
Return true if this expression, using the given object, evaluates to true.
evaluate(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceIFF
Return true if this expression, using the given object, evaluates to true.
evaluate(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceIMPLIES
Return true if this expression, using the given object, evaluates to true.
evaluate(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceNOT
Return true if this expression, using the given object, evaluates to true.
evaluate(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceOR
Return true if this expression, using the given object, evaluates to true.
evaluate(Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.ISentence
Return the evaluation of this sentence in the context of the given item.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Apply the given inputs and return the output of the neural network.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Apply the given inputs and return the output of the layer.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Apply the given inputs and return the output of the neural network.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractFunctionLayer
Apply the given inputs and return the output of the layer.
evaluate(double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.BinaryEncodeLayer
Apply the given inputs and return the output of the layer.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.IfFoodAheadFunction
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.LeftTerminal
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.MoveTerminal
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.RightTerminal
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IChromosomeGP, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.AntUI
Evaluate the fitness of the given chromosome for this problem.
evaluate(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractComputerAgent
Evaluate the given environment for fitness from the perspective of this agent.
evaluate(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator, IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEvaluator
Return an evaluation of the given environment from the perspective of the given agent.
evaluate(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal
Evaluate this function.
evaluate(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IComputerAgent
Evaluate the given environment for fitness from the perspective of this agent.
evaluate(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator, IAgent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEvaluator
Evaluate the given environment from the perspective of the given agent.
evaluate(IAgent, IEvaluator, IEnvironment, IAdjudicator, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.AbstractSearch
Return an evaluation of the given environment using the given parameters.
evaluate(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quadratic
Return the result of using the given parameter in the quadratic equation Ax^2 + Bx + C.
EvaluatedPlacementAgent - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Provides a computer agent which chooses the placement action which provides the highest evaluated environment.
EvaluatedPlacementAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.EvaluatedPlacementAgent
Construct this object.
evaluateFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Evaluate the fitness of all chromosomes in the population.
evaluateFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionGA
Evaluate the fitness of all chromosomes in the population.
evaluateFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.PrimeGA
Evaluate the fitness of all chromosomes in the population.
evaluateFitness(int, IChromosomeGP, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP
Evaluate the fitness of the given chromosome for this problem.
evaluateFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP
Evaluate the fitnesses of the chromosomes in the population.
evaluateFitness(int, IChromosomeGP, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.CartCentering
Evaluate the fitness of the given chromosome for this problem.
evaluateFitness(int, IChromosomeGP, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.CharacterRecognition
Evaluate the fitness of the given chromosome for this problem.
evaluateFitness(int, IChromosomeGP, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.SymbolicRegression
Evaluate the fitness of the given chromosome for this problem.
evaluateFitness(int, IChromosomeGP, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.XOR
Evaluate the fitness of the given chromosome for this problem.
evaluateFitness(int, IChromosomeGP, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Ant
Evaluate the fitness of the given chromosome for this problem.
evaluateFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
Evaluate the fitnesses of the chromosomes in the population.
evaluateFitness(int, IChromosomeGP, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
Evaluate the fitness of the given chromosome for this problem.
evaluateFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Evaluate the fitness of all chromosomes in the population.
evaluateNetwork(INeuralNetwork, double[], int, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionGA
Evaluate the given neural network using the given inputs and target.
evaluateTokens(IEnvironment, IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEvaluator
Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent.
evaluateTokens(IEnvironment, IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractNeuralGridBoardEvaluator
Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent.
evaluateTokens(IEnvironment, IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.DefaultChessEvaluator
Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent.
evaluateTokens(IEnvironment, IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GPFunctionEvaluator
Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent.
evaluateTokens(IEnvironment, IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.TokenLineEvaluator
Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent.
evaluateTokens(IEnvironment, IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.WeightedEvaluator
Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent.
evaluateTokens(IEnvironment, IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.DefaultEvaluator
Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent.
executeQuery(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Returns a list of GenericData s which are derived from the result of the given query.
executeQuery(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IDatabase
Returns a list of GenericData s which are derived from the result of the given query.
Exporter - Class in org.vizzini.database
Provides database record export functionality.
Exporter() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.database.Exporter
exportXML(Writer, IDatabase) - Static method in class org.vizzini.database.Exporter
Export all records from the given database.
exportXML(Writer, List) - Static method in class org.vizzini.database.Exporter
Export the given records and their related records.
exportXmlActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Callback for the export XML button.
ExtensionFileFilter - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a file filter for files.
ExtensionFileFilter(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ExtensionFileFilter
Construct this object with the given extension.
extract(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.JarSelfExtractor
Extract the contents of the given jar file.
ExtrudedShape - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape
Provides a shape model for an extruded shape.
ExtrudedShape(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.ExtrudedShape
Construct this object with the given parameters.


fails(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.Filter
Return true if the given object fails this filter.
fails(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.Filter
Return the subset of the given list of objects which fail this filter.
fails(Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IFilter
Return true if the given object fails this filter.
fails(List) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IFilter
Return the subset of the given list of objects which fail this filter.
failsAll(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.Filter
Return true if all the objects in the given list fail this filter.
failsAll(List) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IFilter
Return true if all the objects in the given list fail this filter.
failsOne(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.Filter
Return true if at least one of the objects in the given list fail this filter.
failsOne(List) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IFilter
Return true if at least one of the objects in the given list fail this filter.
FALSE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.SentenceFactory
Provides a false sentence in the logic system.
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities.XMLErrorHandler
Receive notification of a non-recoverable error.
FeedForwardNetwork - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork
Provides a standard feed-forward neural network, consisting of an input layer, a hidden layer, and an output layer.
FeedForwardNetwork(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.FeedForwardNetwork
Construct this object using the given parameters.
fetch(String, Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorPreferences
Fetch the color for the given key.
fetch(String, Font) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.FontPreferences
Fetch the font for the given key.
fetch(String, TableStyle) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStylePreferences
Store the given text style.
fetch(String, TextColorSet) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSetPreferences
Store the given table text style.
fetch(String, TextStyle) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStylePreferences
Store the given text style.
FILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
File property.
FileUtilities - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides convenience methods for working with files.
FileUtilities.URLComparator - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides an implementation of Comparator for URLs.
FileUtilities.URLComparator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities.URLComparator
fillAdditionalEditMenuItems(JMenu) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Fill in additional edit menu items.
fillAdditionalFileMenuItems(JMenu) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Fill in additional file menu items.
fillAdditionalHelpMenuItems(JMenu) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Fill in additional help menu items.
fillAdditionalHelpMenuItems(JMenu) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessGameUISwing
Fill in additional help menu items.
fillAdditionalMenus(JMenuBar, Container) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Fill in additional menus.
fillAdditionalOptionsMenuItems(JMenu) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Fill in additional options menu items.
fillAdditionalOptionsMenuItems(JMenu) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeGameUISwing
Fill in additional options menu items.
fillAdditionalOptionsMenuItems(JMenu) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractBoardgameUISwing
Fill in additional options menu items.
fillAdditionalOptionsMenuItems(JMenu) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationUISwing
Fill in additional options menu items.
fillAdditionalPopupMenuItems(JPopupMenu) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Fill in additional popup menu items.
fillAdditionalViewMenuItems(JMenu) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Fill in additional view menu items.
fillAdditionalViewMenuItems(JMenu) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractBoardgameUISwing
Fill in additional view menu items.
fillAdditionalViewMenuItems(JMenu) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Fill in additional view menu items.
fillAdditionalViewMenuItems(JMenu) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessGameUISwing
Fill in additional view menu items.
fillAdditionalViewMenuItems(JMenu) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Fill in additional view menu items.
fillAdditionalViewMenuItems(JMenu) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationUISwing
Fill in additional view menu items.
fillCollectionBreadthFirst(ITreeNodeCollection) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Fill the given collection with nodes in a breadth first manner.
fillCollectionChildren(ITreeNodeCollection) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Fill the given collection with the children of this.
fillCollectionDepthFirst(ITreeNodeCollection) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Fill the given collection with nodes in a depth first manner.
fillMainPanel(JPanel) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AboutDialog
Fill the main panel which is placed in the message area of the option pane.
fillMainPanel(JPanel) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Fill the main panel which is placed in the message area of the option pane.
fillMainPanel() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Fill the main panel which is placed in the message area of the option pane.
fillMainPanel(JPanel) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.EditFiltersDialog
Fill the main panel which is placed in the message area of the option pane.
fillMainPanel(JPanel) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.AbstractAssociateDialog
Fill the main panel which is placed in the message area of the option pane.
fillMainPanel(JPanel) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PawnPromotionDialogSwing
Fill the main panel which is placed in the message area of the option pane.
fillMainPanel(JPanel) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.NewGameDialogSwing
Fill the main panel which is placed in the message area of the option pane.
fillMainPanel(JPanel) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Fill the main panel which is placed in the message area of the option pane.
fillMainPanel(JPanel) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.VisibleColumnsDialog
Fill the main panel which is placed in the message area of the option pane.
fillMainPanel() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.VisibleColumnsPanel
Fill the main panel which is placed in the message area of the option pane.
fillMenuBar() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.AntUI
Create the menu bar.
fillMenuBar() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.GameUISwing
Create the menu bar.
fillMenuBar() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseUI
Fill the menu bar.
fillMenuBar() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Create the menu bar.
fillPopulation() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Fill the population with chromosomes.
fillPopulation() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithm
Fill the population with random chromosomes.
fillToolBar() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.AntUI
Fill the tool bar.
fillToolBar() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Fill the tool bar.
fillToolBar() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationUISwing
Fill the tool bar.
fillWeights(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractConnector
Assign the given value to all weights.
fillWeights(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Assign the given value to all weights of the neural network.
fillWeights(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IConnector
Assign the given value to all weights of the neural network.
fillWeights(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Assign the given value to all weights of the neural network.
Filter - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides a filter for the logic system.
Filter() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.Filter
Construct this object.
Filter(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.Filter
Construct this object with the given parameter.
Filter(ISentence) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.Filter
Construct this object with the given parameter.
Filter(String, ISentence) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.Filter
Construct this object with the given parameter.
filter(Map) - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
Filter the given dependency map to the correct level of detail.
FILTER_LIST_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterChooser
Filter list property name.
FILTER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterChooser
Filter property name.
FilterChooser - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides a filter chooser user interface for the logic system.
FilterChooser(String, List) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterChooser
Construct this object with the given parameters.
FilterChooser(String, List, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterChooser
Construct this object with the given parameters.
FilteredTable - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a table which allows filtering of the data.
FilteredTable(TableDescriptor) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.FilteredTable
Construct this object with the given parameter.
FilteredTable(FilteredTableModel) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.FilteredTable
Construct this object.
FilteredTableModel - Class in org.vizzini.ui.table
Provides a table model which works with IFilter s to limit the data in the table.
FilteredTableModel(TableDescriptor) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.FilteredTableModel
Construct this object with the given parameter.
FilterWrapper - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides a wrapper for properties in the logic system.
FilterWrapper(IFilter) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterWrapper
Construct this object with the given parameter.
findAndSetDefaultButton(Component[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Locate and set the default button.
findByName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentCollection
Return the agent with the given name.
findByName(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgentCollection
Return the agent with the given name.
findByName(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ITeamCollection
Return the team with the given name.
findByName(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ITokenCollection
Return the team with the given name.
findByName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TeamCollection
Return the team with the given name.
findByName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Return the token with the given name.
findByName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenCollection
Return the team with the given name.
findByName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenPositionCollection
Return the token with the given name.
findByTeam(ITeam) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentCollection
Return the first agent with the given team.
findByTeam(ITeam) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgentCollection
Return the first agent with the given team.
findWrapperFor(JComboBox, ISentence) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceEditor
Return the sentence wrapper for the given sentence in the given combo box.
finished() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SwingWorker
Called on the event dispatching thread (not on the worker thread) after the construct method has returned.
fireActionReceivedChange(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.ActionReceivedManager
Fire an action received event with the given parameter.
fireActionReceivedChange(ActionReceivedEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.ActionReceivedManager
Fire the given action received event to all registered listeners.
fireBusyChange(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.BusyManager
Fire a busy event.
fireBusyChange(BusyEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.BusyManager
Fire the given state event to all registered listeners.
fireChange(IListener, IEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.ActionReceivedManager
Fire the given event to the given listener.
fireChange(IListener, IEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.ConcedeManager
Fire the given event to the given listener.
fireChange(IListener, IEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.GameManager
Fire the given event to the given listener.
fireChange(IListener, IEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.ScoreManager
Fire the given event to the given listener.
fireChange(IListener, IEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.StateManager
Fire the given event to the given listener.
fireChange(IEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.AbstractManager
Fire the given event to all registered listeners.
fireChange(IListener, IEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.AbstractManager
Fire the given event to the given listener.
fireChange(IListener, IEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.BusyManager
Fire the given event to the given listener.
fireChange(IListener, IEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.StatusManager
Fire the given event to the given listener.
fireCheck() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event.CheckManager
Fire a check event.
fireCheck(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event.CheckManager
Fire a check event with the given parameter.
fireCheck(CheckEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event.CheckManager
Fire the given state event to all registered listeners.
fireConcedeChange(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.ConcedeManager
Fire a game event.
fireConcedeChange(ConcedeEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.ConcedeManager
Fire the given state event to all registered listeners.
fireGameChange(boolean, boolean, IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.GameManager
Fire a game event.
fireGameChange(GameEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.GameManager
Fire the given state event to all registered listeners.
firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.event.IPropertyChangeSupport
Fire an existing PropertyChangeEvent to any registered listeners.
firePropertyChange(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.event.IPropertyChangeSupport
Report a boolean bound property update to any registered listeners.
firePropertyChange(String, int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.event.IPropertyChangeSupport
Report an int bound property update to any registered listeners.
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.event.IPropertyChangeSupport
Report a bound property update to any registered listeners.
firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.PropertyChangeManager
Fire an existing PropertyChangeEvent to any registered listeners.
firePropertyChange(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.PropertyChangeManager
Report a boolean bound property update to any registered listeners.
firePropertyChange(String, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.PropertyChangeManager
Report an int bound property update to any registered listeners.
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.PropertyChangeManager
Report a bound property update to any registered listeners.
fireScoreChange(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.ScoreManager
Fire a score event.
fireScoreChange(ScoreEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.ScoreManager
Fire the given score event to all registered listeners.
fireStateChange(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.StateManager
Fire a state event.
fireStateChange(IEnvironment, IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.StateManager
Fire a state event with the given parameter.
fireStateChange(StateEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.StateManager
Fire the given state event to all registered listeners.
fireStatusChange(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.StatusManager
Fire a status event.
fireStatusChange(String, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.StatusManager
Fire a status event.
fireStatusChange(int, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.StatusManager
Fire a status event.
fireStatusChange(int, String, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.StatusManager
Fire a status event.
fireStatusChange(StatusEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.StatusManager
Fire the given state event to all registered listeners.
first() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Return the first chromosome.
first() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
Return the first chromosome.
firstOpponent(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentCollection
Return the first found agent opponent to the given agent.
firstOpponent(IAgent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgentCollection
Return the first found agent opponent to the given agent.
FITNESS_CASES - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionTestData
FitnessProportionalSelector - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Provides a chromosome selector which randomly selects from the population proportionally based upon fitness of the chromosomes.
FitnessProportionalSelector() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.FitnessProportionalSelector
FONT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Name of the font property.
FontChooser - Class in org.vizzini.ui.text
Provides a generic GUI component for selection of fonts.
FontChooser() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Construct this object.
FontChooser.FontRenderer - Class in org.vizzini.ui.text
This class renders a font by name in a combo box.
FontChooser.FontRenderer() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser.FontRenderer
Construct this object.
FontChooser.SizeRenderer - Class in org.vizzini.ui.text
This class renders a properly sized number in a combo box.
FontChooser.SizeRenderer() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser.SizeRenderer
Construct this object.
FontChooser.StyleRenderer - Class in org.vizzini.ui.text
This class renders a properly styled description in a combo box.
FontChooser.StyleRenderer() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser.StyleRenderer
Construct this object.
FontPreferences - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a convenience methods for storage and retrieval of font preferences.
FontPreferences(Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.FontPreferences
Construct this object.
FontUtilities - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides utility methods for dealing with Font objects.
FontUtilities() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.FontUtilities
foodConsumed() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Return the amount of food consumed from the grid.
foodCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Return the amount of food on the grid.
ForceDistributor - Class in org.vizzini.game.simulation.force
Provides a force distributor.
ForceDistributor() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.simulation.force.ForceDistributor
FOREVER_DISPLAY_TIME - Static variable in class org.vizzini.util.event.StatusEvent
Forever display time.
format(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.VectorFormat
Return a formatted string version of the given Vector.
format(String, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Format the given XML tag and value.
format(String, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Format the given XML tag and value.
format(String, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Format the given XML tag and value.
format(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Format the given XML tag and value.
format(String, Date) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Format the given XML tag and value.
format(String, double, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Format the given XML tag and value.
formatDate(Date) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
formatDate(Calendar) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
formatDate(int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
formatDecimal(double, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Round the given number to the desired number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
formatLabelString(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Create a properly formatted label for use with an edit field.
formatMessage(String, String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return a formatted message made up of the resource obtained from the pattern key and the parameters.
forwardActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Callback for the forward action.
FT - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.UnitConverter
Feet constant.


G - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.Constants
Gravitational parameter G 6.67259e-20 km^3 kg^-1 sec^-2 or kN km^2 kg^-2.
gameChange(GameEvent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.event.IGameListener
Respond to game events.
gameChange(GameEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Respond to game events.
gameChange(GameEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUIText
Respond to game events.
gameChange(GameEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractBoardgameUISwing
Respond to game events.
gameChange(GameEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.GameUISupport
Respond to game events.
GameEvent - Class in org.vizzini.game.event
Provides an event for game changes.
GameEvent(boolean, IAgent) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.event.GameEvent
Construct this object with the given parameter.
GameException - Exception in org.vizzini.game
Provides a base exception for the game framework.
GameException() - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.game.GameException
Construct this object.
GameException(String) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.game.GameException
Construct this object with the given message.
GameException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.game.GameException
Construct this object with the given cause.
GameException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.game.GameException
Construct this object with the given message and cause.
GameManager - Class in org.vizzini.game.event
Provides a manager of game listeners and convenience methods for creating game events.
GameManager() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.event.GameManager
GameRuntimeException - Exception in org.vizzini.game
Provides a base runtime exception for the game framework.
GameRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.game.GameRuntimeException
Construct this object.
GameRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.game.GameRuntimeException
Construct this object with the given message.
GameRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.game.GameRuntimeException
Construct this object with the given cause.
GameRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.game.GameRuntimeException
Construct this object with the given message and cause.
GameUISupport - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game
Provides base functionality for game user interfaces in the game framework.
GameUISupport(IGameUI, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.GameUISupport
Construct this object.
GameUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.example.artemischess.ui
Provides base functionality for a Swing game user interface for 3D chess.
GameUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.artemischess.ui.GameUISwing
GameUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.example.chess.ui
Provides base functionality for a Swing game user interface for 3D chess.
GameUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.chess.ui.GameUISwing
GameUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.example.gin.ui
Provides a game user interface for Gin.
GameUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.GameUISwing
Construct this object.
GameUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.example.pong.ui
Provides a game user interface for Pong.
GameUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.GameUISwing
Construct this object.
GameUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui
Provides base functionality for a Swing Qubic user interface in the game framework.
GameUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui.GameUISwing
Construct this object.
GameUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.example.raumschachchess.ui
Provides base functionality for a Swing game user interface for 3D chess.
GameUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.raumschachchess.ui.GameUISwing
GameUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.example.solarsystem.ui
Provides base functionality for a Swing Solar System user interface in the game framework.
GameUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.solarsystem.ui.GameUISwing
Construct this object.
GameUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui
Provides base functionality for a Swing Tic-Tac-Toe user interface in the game framework.
GameUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui.GameUISwing
Construct this object.
GameUIText - Class in org.vizzini.example.artemischess.ui
Provides functionality for a text game user interface for 3D chess.
GameUIText() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.artemischess.ui.GameUIText
GameUIText - Class in org.vizzini.example.chess.ui
Provides functionality for a text game user interface for 3D chess.
GameUIText() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.chess.ui.GameUIText
GameUIText - Class in org.vizzini.example.gin.ui
Provides functionality for a text Gin user interface in the game framework.
GameUIText() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.GameUIText
GameUIText - Class in org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui
Provides functionality for a text Qubic interface in the game framework.
GameUIText() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui.GameUIText
Construct this object.
GameUIText - Class in org.vizzini.example.raumschachchess.ui
Provides functionality for a text game user interface for 3D chess.
GameUIText() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.raumschachchess.ui.GameUIText
GameUIText - Class in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui
Provides functionality for a text Tic-Tac-Toe user interface in the game framework.
GameUIText() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui.GameUIText
GAP - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.GUIConstants
Constant for spacing in GUIs.
GE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.OperatorType
generate(IAgent, IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.DefaultActionGenerator
Generate the collection of legal actions using the given parameters.
generate(IAgent, IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.action.IActionGenerator
Generate the collection of legal actions using the given parameters.
generate(IAgent, IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceActionGenerator
Generate the collection of legal actions using the given parameters.
generate(IAgent, IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.ChessActionGenerator
Generate the collection of legal actions using the given parameters.
generateNewPopulation() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Create the new population of chromosomes from the current population.
generatePossibleCastlePositions(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.King
Fill the possible positions list.
generatePossibleEnPassantCapturePositions(BitSet, IChessEnvironment, int, boolean, ITeam) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Fill the possible positions list.
generatePossibleMoveCapturePositions(BitSet, IChessEnvironment, int, boolean, ITeam, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Fill the possible positions list.
generatePossibleMovePositions(BitSet, IChessEnvironment, int, boolean, ITeam, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Fill the possible positions list.
generatePossiblePositions(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Bishop
Fill the possible positions list.
generatePossiblePositions(IChessAgent, IChessEnvironment, int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.King
Fill the possible positions list.
generatePossiblePositions(IChessEnvironment, int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Knight
Fill the possible positions list.
generatePossiblePositions(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Mace
Fill the possible positions list.
generatePossiblePositions(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Queen
Fill the possible positions list.
generatePossiblePositions(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Rook
Fill the possible positions list.
GenericData - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides storage for properties determined at runtime.
GenericData() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.GenericData
Construct this object.
get(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Return the chromosome at the given index.
get(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeBoolean
Return the gene at the given index.
get(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeDouble
Return the gene at the given index.
get(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeInt
Return the gene at the given index.
get(int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.CrossoverType
Get the crossover type which corresponds to the given integer.
get(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
Return the chromosome at the given index.
get(int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ArgumentType
Return the argument type which corresponds to the given integer.
get(int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ConnectiveType
Get the connective type which corresponds to the given integer.
get(int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.OperatorType
Return the operator type which corresponds to the given integer.
get(ILayer, ILayer) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ConnectorCollection
Return the connector for the given parameters.
get(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ConnectorCollection
Return the connector for the given parameters.
get(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ConnectorCollection
Return the map for the given parameter.
get(IPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Return the token at the given position.
get(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentCollection
Return the first agent found of the given type.
get(int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return the token at the given position.
get(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveAction
Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
get(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveCaptureAction
Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
get(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition, Class) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceAction
Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
get(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.RemoveAction
Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
get(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleAction
Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
get(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.EnPassantCaptureAction
Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
get(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, Class) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionAction
Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
get(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, Class) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionCaptureAction
Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
get(Class, IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessTokenCollection
Return the first token found of the given type belonging to the given agent.
get(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return the token at the given position.
get(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.CardCollection
Return the card at the given index.
get(String, ISuit) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.CardCollection
Return the card with the given name and suit.
get(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.cardgame.ICardCollection
Return the card at the given index.
get(IPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Return the token at the given position.
get() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Return an integer position with coordinates ( 0, 0, 0 ).
get(int, int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Return an integer position with coordinates ( x, y, 0 ).
get(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Return an integer position for the given coordinates.
get(IPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ITokenCollection
Return the token at the given position.
get(Class, IAgent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ITokenCollection
Return the first token found of the given type belonging to the given agent.
get(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.TranspositionTable
Return the entry for the given key, or null if none is found.
get(IPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Return the token at the given position.
get(Class, IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Return the first token found of the given type belonging to the given agent.
get(int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Return the token at the given position.
get(IPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenCollection
Return the token at the given position.
get(Class, IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenCollection
Return the first token found of the given type belonging to the given agent.
get(IPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenPositionCollection
Return the token at the given position.
get(int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentenceType
Return the sentence type which corresponds to the given integer.
get(int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorCache
Return a color for the given coordinates.
get(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorCache
Return a color for the given coordinates.
get(int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Return the token UI at the given position.
get(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeSortList
Return the shape at the given index.
get(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Return the instance associated with the given bundle name.
get(Class, String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Return the instance associated with the given bundle name.
get() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SwingWorker
Return the value created by the construct method.
get(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Return the color with the given name.
get(int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.DefaultEnumeratedType
Get the type which corresponds to the given integer.
get(boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.event.BusyEvent
Return busy event for the given parameter.
get(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GenericData
Return the value of the specified property.
get(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IGenericData
Return the value of the specified property.
get(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IStack
Return the object at the given index.
get(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.LinkedListStack
Return the object at the given index.
get(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.Stack
Return the object at the given index.
get() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.SystemProperties
Return the system properties.
get(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Return the child at the given index.
get(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Return the child at the given index.
get(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNodeCollection
Return the child at the given index.
getA() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Ellipsoid
Return the A component.
getA() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the semi-major axis.
getA() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the semi-major axis.
getA() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quadratic
Return the A component.
getAboutAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the about action.
getAbsoluteState() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Return the absolute state.
getAbsoluteState() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IStateful
Return the absolute state.
getAbsoluteState() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.StatefulSupport
Return the absolute state.
getAbsoluteState() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractTokenUISwing
Return the absolute state.
getAbsoluteState() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.TokenUISupport
Return the absolute state.
getAbsoluteState() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Return the absolute state.
getAbsoluteState() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Return the absolute state.
getAcceleration() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Return the acceleration in length time^-2 units.
getAcceleration() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Return the acceleration in length time^-2 units.
getAcceleratorFor(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return the accelerator for the given string.
getAccessiblePropertyNames() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassAnalyzer
Return the property names of the accessor methods.
getAccessiblePropertyNamesAlphabetized() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassAnalyzer
Return an alphabetized collection of property names of the accessor methods.
getAccessorMethodFor(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassAnalyzer
Return the accessor method for the given property name.
getAccessorMethods() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassAnalyzer
Return the accessor methods.
getAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.SimpleComputerAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
getAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.MouseHumanAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
getAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.TextHumanAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
getAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ComputerAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
getAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.MouseHumanAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
getAction(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.BoardGameActionFactory
Return an action appropriate for the given parameters.
getAction(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.BoardGameActionFactory
Return an action appropriate for the given parameters.
getAction(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition, Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.BoardGameActionFactory
Return an action appropriate for the given parameters.
getAction(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.ChessActionFactory
Create and return an action of the type appropriate to the state of the parameters.
getAction(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.ChessActionFactory
Create and return an action of the type appropriate to the state of the parameters.
getAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.SearchChessAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
getAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.SimpleChessAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
getAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.EvaluatedPlacementAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
getAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.SimplePlacementAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
getAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.DefaultAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
getAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.ActionReceivedEvent
Return the action.
getAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.StateEvent
Return the action.
getAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
getAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.SearchAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
getAction(Object, String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return an action for the given name, creating it if necessary.
getAction(Object, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return an action for the given name, creating it if necessary.
getAction(Object, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return an action for the given name, creating it if necessary.
getAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.MovementMouseAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
getAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.MovementTextAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
getAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.PlacementMouseAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
getAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.PlacementTextAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
getActionComparator(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.ChessActionGenerator
getActionGenerator() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractComputerAgent
Return the action generator.
getActionGenerator() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IComputerAgent
Return the action generator.
getActionList() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Return the action list.
getActionReceivedManager() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ComputerAgent
Return the busy manager.
getActivationFunction(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the activation function.
getActivationFunction() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Return the activation function.
getActivationFunction(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return the activation function.
getActivationFunction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractFunctionLayer
Return the activation function.
getActivationFunction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Return the activation function.
getAddAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
getAddEntryAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Return the add entry action.
getAdjudicator() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Return the adjudicator.
getAdjudicator() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Return the adjudicator.
getAdjudicator() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Return the adjudicator.
getAdjudicator() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGame
Return the adjudicator.
getAgent(ITeam) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.Environment
Return the first agent for the given team.
getAgent() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Return the associated agent.
getAgent() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.AbstractAction
Return the agent who originated this action.
getAgent() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.action.IAction
Return the agent who originated this action.
getAgent(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return the proper agent for the given flag.
getAgent(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessTokenCollection
Return the agent for the given parameter.
getAgent() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event.CheckEvent
Return the agent.
getAgent(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Return the proper agent for the given flag.
getAgent() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.ConcedeEvent
Return the agent who conceded.
getAgent() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
Return this token's agent.
getAgent() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AgentPanel
Create and return the desired agent.
getAgent() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PieceShape
Return this token's agent.
getAgentBlack() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return the agent for the black team.
getAgentBlack() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Return the agent for the black team.
getAgentCollection() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Return the agent collection.
getAgentCollection() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGameState
Return the agent collection.
getAgentCollection() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractTeam
Return the agent collection.
getAgentCollection() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Return the agent collection.
getAgentCollection() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGameState
Return the agent collection.
getAgentCollection() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ITeam
Return the agent collection.
getAgentOne() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.Environment
Return agent one.
getAgents() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.NewGameDialogSwing
Return newly created agents.
getAgentToOpponents() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentCollection
Return the map of agents to opponents.
getAgentTwo() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.Environment
Return agent two.
getAgentWhite() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return the agent for the white team.
getAgentWhite() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Return the agent for the white team.
getAllQ() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.ode.AbstractODE
Return the values of all the dependent variables.
getAllQ() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.ode.IODE
Return the values of all the dependent variables.
getAlpha() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetworkTrainer
getAlternateName() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Return the alternate name.
getAlternateRowColor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
getAlternateRowColor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
getAnalogous() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Return the analogous colors.
getAnchor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
getAnchorShapeGroupIterator() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Return an iterator over the anchor shape group.
getAnchorShapeGroupIterator() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShapeCanvas
Return an iterator over the anchor shape group.
getAngle() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return the rotation angle in radians.
getAngularAcceleration() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Return the angular acceleration in radians time^-2 units.
getAngularAcceleration() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Return the angular acceleration in radians time^-2 units.
getAngularVelocity() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Return the angular velocity in radians time^-1 units.
getAngularVelocity() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Return the angular velocity in radians time^-1 units.
getAppName() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractApp
Return the application name.
getAppName() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterChooser
getArgCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractArithmeticFunction
Return the number of arguments used by this function.
getArgCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractBooleanFunction
Return the number of arguments used by this function.
getArgCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractComparisonFunction
Return the number of arguments used by this function.
getArgCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractMathematicFunction
Return the number of arguments used by this function.
getArgCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractSequenceFunction
Return the number of arguments used by this function.
getArgCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.If
Return the number of arguments used by this function.
getArgCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Not
Return the number of arguments used by this function.
getArgCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IFunction
Return the number of arguments used by this function.
getArgCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.IfFoodAheadFunction
Return the number of arguments used by this function.
getArgType(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractArithmeticFunction
Return the type of the argument at the given index.
getArgType(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractBooleanFunction
Return the type of the argument at the given index.
getArgType(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractComparisonFunction
Return the type of the argument at the given index.
getArgType(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractMathematicFunction
Return the type of the argument at the given index.
getArgType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractSequenceFunction
getArgType(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractSequenceFunction
Return the type of the argument at the given index.
getArgType(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.If
Return the type of the argument at the given index.
getArgType(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IFunction
Return the type of the argument at the given index.
getArgType(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.IfFoodAheadFunction
Return the type of the argument at the given index.
getArgument() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.AbstractArgumentWrapper
getArgument() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ArgumentEditor
getArgument() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.IArgumentWrapper
Return the argument wrapped by this object.
getArgumentType() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IArgument
Return the argument type.
getArgumentType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.LiteralArgument
Return the arg type.
getArgumentType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.PropertyArgument
Return the arg type.
getArgumentType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ArgumentEditor
getArrangement() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
getArrangement() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoard3DUISwing
Return the board arrangement.
getAsDBString(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Return the property value for the given property name, formatted as a database string.
getAsDBString(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Return the property value for the given property name, formatted as a database string.
getAssociated() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Return objects of all tables which are associated to this object.
getAssociated(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Return objects of the given table which are associated to this object.
getAssociated(ITableData) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Return objects of the given table which are associated to this object.
getAssociated() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Return objects of all tables which are associated to this object.
getAssociated(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Return objects of the given table which are associated to this object.
getAssociated(ITableData) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Return objects of the given table which are associated to this object.
getAssociateEntryAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Return the associate entry action.
getAttribute(Node, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Return the attribute of the given name at the given path location below the given node.
getAttribute(Node, String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Return the attribute of the given name at the given path location below the given node.
getAttributeValue(Node, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Return the value of the attribute of the given name at the given path location below the given node.
getAttributeValue(Node, String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Return the value of the attribute of the given name at the given path location below the given node.
getAudioAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the audio action.
getAudioClip(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the audio clip specified by the given key.
getAudioClip(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Return the audio clip specified by the given key.
getAverageCrossoverFraction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
getAverageFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Return the average fitness of all the chromosomes.
getAverageFitness() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
Return the average fitness of all the chromosomes.
getB() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Ellipsoid
Return the B component.
getB() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quadratic
Return the B component.
getBackAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Return the home action.
getBackground() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSet
getBall() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Environment
Return the ball.
getBaseDirectory() - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
getBaseFilename() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Return the base filename.
getBasePackage() - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
getBasePackageDirectory() - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
getBean() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.AbstractAssociateDialog
Return the database tables bean.
getBestMove() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.TranspositionEntry
getBeta() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetworkTrainer
getBlackPossibleEnPassantCapturePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return the possible positions array.
getBlackPossibleMoveCapturePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return the possible positions array.
getBlackPossibleMovePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return the possible positions array.
getBlackPossiblePawnPromotionCapturePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return the possible positions array.
getBlackPossiblePawnPromotionPositionsArray(IChessEnvironment) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return the possible positions array.
getBoardColor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Return the board color.
getBoardColor() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Return the board color.
getBoardUI(IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Return the board which contains the given position.
getBoardUI(int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Return the board which contains the given position.
getBoolean(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the boolean specified by the given key.
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the boolean specified by the given key, or the given default value if the key is not found.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Return the boolean specified by the given key.
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Return the boolean specified by the given key, or the given default value if the key is not found.
getBooleanProperty(Properties, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the required value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getBooleanProperty(Properties, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getBounds() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Ball
Return the bounds.
getBounds() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Paddle
Return the paddle bounds.
getBounds() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
getBounds() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.simulation.IPhysicalObject
Return the bounds ellipsoid.
getBounds() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Return the bounding box of the screen coordinates.
getBounds() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Return the bounding box of the screen coordinates.
getBounds() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeGroup
Return the bounding box of the screen coordinates.
getBreadthFirstList() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Creates and returns a list containing the subtree rooted at this node in breadth-first order.
getBreadthFirstList() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Creates and returns a list containing the subtree rooted at this node in breadth-first order.
getBufferedImage() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Return the buffered image.
getBusyManager() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractComputerAgent
Return the busy manager.
getButton(Object, Action) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return a button for the given action, creating it if necessary.
getButton(Object, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return a button for the given action parameters, creating it if necessary.
getC() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Ellipsoid
Return the C component.
getC() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quadratic
Return the C component.
getCapacity() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
getCapturePosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.EnPassantCaptureAction
getCard() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.DiscardAction
Return the card.
getCard() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardUI
Return the card this UI represents.
getCardCollection() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCollectionUI
Return the card collection this UI represents.
getCardSuit() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardCenterUI
Return the suit.
getCellCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return the cell count.
getCellCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardSupport
Return the cell count.
getCellCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return the cell count.
getCellRenderer() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Return the table cell renderer.
getCellValueFor(SortTable, Point) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.SortTableHyperlinkMouseListener
Return the cell value for the given parameters.
getCenters() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Return the offset.
getCheckBox(Object, Action) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return a check box for the given action, creating it if necessary.
getCheckBox(Object, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return a check box for the given action parameters, creating it if necessary.
getCheckBoxMenuItem(Object, Action) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return a check box menu item for the given action, creating it if necessary.
getCheckBoxMenuItem(Object, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return a check box menu item for the given action parameters, creating it if necessary.
getChildAt(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Returns the child at the specified index in this node's child array.
getChildAt(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Returns the child at the specified index in this node's child array.
getChildCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Returns the number of children of this node.
getChildCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Returns the number of children of this node.
getChildren() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Return the child shapes.
getChildren() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Return the child shapes.
getChildren() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Return the tree node collection of children.
getClass(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the Class specified by the given key.
getClass(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Return the Class specified by the given key.
getClassFrom(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassUtilities
Return the class specified by the given class name.
getClassProperty(Properties, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the required value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getClassProperty(Properties, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getCloseAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the close action.
getColor(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the color specified by the given key.
getColor(String, Color) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the color specified by the given key.
getColor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorButton
Return the selected color.
getColor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorChooser
Return the chosen color.
getColor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.HighlightData
Return the color.
getColor(ISuit) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.PokerDeckUI
Return the color for the given suit.
getColor() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Return the color of this shape.
getColor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Return the color of this shape.
getColor(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Return the color specified by the given key.
getColor(String, Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Return the color specified by the given key, or the given default color if the key is not found.
getColorForIntensity(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Return this shape's color scaled by the given intensity.
getColorPreference(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the color specified by the given key in the preferences bundle.
getColorProperty(Properties, String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorConfigUtilities
Return the required value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getColorProperty(Properties, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorConfigUtilities
Return the value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getColorSpectrumColors() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Return an array of colors representing the color spectrum.
getColorWheelColors() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Return an array of colors representing the color wheel, starting with yellow.
getColumnClass() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.ColumnData
Return the appropriate column class.
getColumnClass() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Return the class of objects in this column.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Return the class of the given column.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptor
Return the class of the given column.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableMap
getColumnCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Return the number of columns.
getColumnCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptor
Return the number of visible columns.
getColumnCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableMap
getColumnCountAbsolute() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptor
Return the number of columns regardless of their visibility.
getColumnData(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.TableData
Return the column data with the given name.
getColumnDescriptor(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptor
Return the visible column descriptor for the given column.
getColumnDescriptorAbsolute(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptor
Return the visible column descriptor for the given column.
getColumnName() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Return the column name.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Return the name of the given column.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptor
Return the column name for the given column.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableMap
getColumnName1() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JoinData
Return the first column name.
getColumnName2() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JoinData
Return the second column name.
getColumnName22() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JunctionData
Return the middle table second column name.
getColumnName3() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JunctionData
Return the third table column name.
getColumnPropertyName(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptor
Return the column property name for the given column.
getComplement() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Return the complementary color.
getComponent(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Return the index of the component for the given coordinates.
getComponent() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Return the GUI component.
getComponent() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Return the contained component.
getComponent() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShapeCanvas
Return the GUI component.
getConcedeAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the concede action.
getConcedeManager() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Return the concede manager.
getConfigBundleName() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the configuration bundle name.
getConfiguration() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the configuration of this network.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return the configuration of this network.
getConfiguration(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.AbstractScaler
Return the configuration of this object.
getConnective() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceAND
getConnective() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceIFF
getConnective() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceIMPLIES
getConnective() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceNOT
getConnective() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceOR
getConnective() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IComplexSentence
Return the connective.
getConnective() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceEditor
Return the selected connective type.
getConnector(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the connector for the given parameters.
getConnector(ILayer, ILayer) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the connector for the given parameters.
getConnector(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the connector for the given parameters.
getConnector(int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return the connector for the given parameters.
getConnectorCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the number of connectors.
getConnectorCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return the number of connectors.
getConnectors() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
getConnectors() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ConnectorCollection
Return the connectors map.
getContext() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP
getContext() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.AntContextUI
getCopyAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the copy action.
getCopyEntryAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Return the copy entry action.
getCounters() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
TEMP: return counters.
getCoverage(IFunction) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
Return a count of the number of positions on the grid board which are referenced by the given function.
getCrossoverFraction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Return the crossover fraction.
getCrossoverFraction() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
Return the crossover fraction.
getCrossoverType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Return the crossover type.
getCrossoverType() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
Return the crossover type.
getCurrentAgent() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Return the current agent.
getCurrentAgent() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return the current agent.
getCurrentAgent() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Return the current agent.
getCurrentColor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Return the current color.
getCurrentColor() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Return the current color, used to indicate the current mouse position.
getCurrentFitnessCase() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractContext
Return the current fitness case.
getCurrentFitnessCase() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IContext
Return the current fitness case.
getCurrentFitnessCaseIndex() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractContext
Return the index of the current fitness case.
getCurrentFitnessCaseIndex() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IContext
Return the index of the current fitness case.
getCurrentHighlightData() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
getCurrentHighlightWidth() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
getCurrentHighlightWidth() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
getCutAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the cut action.
getData() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionCollection
Return the data collection.
getData() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentCollection
Return the data collection.
getData() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TeamCollection
Return the data collection.
getData() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenCollection
Return the data collection.
getData() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Return the collection of data.
getData() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractList
Return the data collection.
getData() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractMap
Return the data collection.
getDatabase() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Return the database.
getDatabase() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Return the database.
getDataModel() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Return the actual data model.
getDateFormat() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DateCellRenderer
Return the appropriate number format.
getDateString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Return a formatted date string representing now.
getDBType() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.ColumnData
Return the database type string.
getDeclination() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return the declination angle of this vector in radians.
getDefault() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.ColumnData
Return the default value.
getDeleteAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the delete action.
getDeleteConfirmation(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Show a dialog requesting confirmation of the delete action.
getDeleteEntryAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Return the delete entry action.
getDelta() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
getDependencySetFor(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
Return the list of packages upon which the given pacakge depends.
getDependencySetFor(Map, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
Return the list of packages upon which the given pacakge depends.
getDepth() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ISearchAgent
Return the search depth.
getDepth() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.SearchAgent
Return the search depth.
getDepth() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.TranspositionEntry
getDepth() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
getDepth() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
getDepth() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Returns the depth of the tree rooted at this node -- the longest distance from this node to a leaf.
getDepth() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Returns the depth of the tree rooted at this node -- the longest distance from this node to a leaf.
getDepthFirstList() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Creates and returns a list containing the subtree rooted at this node in depth-first order.
getDepthFirstList() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Creates and returns a list containing the subtree rooted at this node in depth-first order.
getDescription() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractChromosome
Return the description.
getDescription() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IChromosome
Return the description.
getDescription() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractSentence
getDescription() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.ISentence
getDescription() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentenceEditor
Return the description from the description widget.
getDescription() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ExtensionFileFilter
Return the description.
getDesortedRowIndex(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
getDialog() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Return the dialog for this option pane, creating it if necessary.
getDimension() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Paddle
Return the paddle dimensions.
getDimension() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeEnvironment
Return the dimensions of the playing area.
getDimension() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.arcadegame.IArcadeEnvironment
Return the dimensions of the playing area.
getDimensionProperty(Properties, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the required value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getDimensionProperty(Properties, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getDimensions() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardSupport
Return the dimensions.
getDimensions() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Return the dimensions in world coordinates.
getDimensions() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Return the dimensions in world coordinates.
getDimensionX() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Return the X dimension of the object pool.
getDimensionY() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Return the Y dimension of the object pool.
getDimensionZ() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Return the Z dimension of the object pool.
getDisassociateEntryAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Return the disassociate entry action.
getDiscardAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.TextHumanAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
getDiscardPile() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractCardTable
Return the discard pile.
getDiscardPrompt() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.TextHumanAgent
Return the discard prompt string.
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.BaseDatabaseData
Return the display name.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.ITableData
Return the display name.
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractEnumeratedType
getDisplayTime() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.StatusEvent
Return the display time.
getDocument() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Return the document.
getDocument() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Return the document.
getDocumentSupport() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Return the document support object.
getDoubleArrayProperty(Properties, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the required value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getDoubleArrayProperty(Properties, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getDoubleProperty(Properties, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the required value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getDoubleProperty(Properties, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getDrawAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.TextHumanAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
getDrawPile() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractCardTable
Return the draw pile.
getDynamicState() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.ode.DynamicStateODE
getE() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the eccentricity vector.
getE() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.CircularOrbit
Return the eccentricity vector.
getE() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the eccentricity vector.
getEcc() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the eccentricity.
getEcc() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the eccentricity.
getEccentricAnomaly(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the eccentric anomaly.
getEccentricAnomaly(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the eccentric anomaly.
getEccentricAnomaly0() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the eccentric anomaly at epoch.
getEccentricAnomaly0() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the eccentric anomaly at epoch.
getEditAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the edit action.
getEditFiltersAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterChooser
getEditMenu(Container) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the edit menu.
getEditMenuDefault(Container) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the default edit menu.
getEditModeAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Return the edit mode action.
getEditModeListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Return a listener for the edit mode property.
getEditModeMenuItem() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Return the edit mode menu item.
getElapsedTime() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Return the elapsed time.
getElapsedTime() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
Return the elapsed time.
getEmptyBitSet(IChessEnvironment) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Return an empty bit set.
getEncoders() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.BinaryEncodeLayer
getEncodingType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Return the encoding type.
getEngine() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Return the engine.
getEngine() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGame
Return the engine.
getEnPassantRank(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return the en passant capture rank (if any) for the given parameter.
getEnPassantRank(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Return the en passant capture rank (if any) for the given parameter.
getEnumerationList() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.ColumnData
Return the enumeration list.
getEnumList() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
getEnvironment() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Return the environment.
getEnvironment() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Return the environment.
getEnvironment() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Return the environment.
getEnvironment() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGame
Return the environment.
getEnvironment() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUISwing
Return the environment this UI represents.
getEnvironment() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUIText
Return the environment this UI represents.
getEnvironment() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.EnvironmentUISupport
Return the environment this UI represents.
getEnvironment() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.IEnvironmentUI
Return the environment this UI represents.
getEnvironmentUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Return the environment user interface component.
getEnvironmentUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUIText
Return the environment user interface component.
getEnvironmentUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.GameUISupport
Return the environment user interface component.
getEnvironmentUI() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.IGameUI
Return the environment user interface component.
getEquationCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.ode.AbstractODE
Return the equation count.
getEquationCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.ode.IODE
Return the equation count.
getEvaluator() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractComputerAgent
Return the evaluator.
getEvaluator() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IComputerAgent
Return the evaluator.
getExitConfirmation(JFrame) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Show a dialog requesting confirmation of the exit action.
getExportAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the export action.
getExportHtmlAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Return the export HTML action.
getExportXmlAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Return the export XML action.
getExtension(File) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ExtensionFileFilter
Get the extension of a file.
getFile() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Return the file associated with this document.
getFile() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Return the file associated with this document.
getFile() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IDocument
Return the file associated with this document.
getFileChooser() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Return the file chooser, creating it if necessary.
getFileCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return the file count.
getFileCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardSupport
Return the file count.
getFileCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return the file count.
getFileCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Return the file count.
getFileIndex(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISupport
Return the index of the given file name.
getFileMenu(Container) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the file menu.
getFileMenuDefault(Container) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the default file menu.
getFileName(int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISupport
Return the file name for the given index.
getFileNames() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISupport
Return the file names.
getFileOffset() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Return the file offset.
getFilePrefix() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Return the file prefix.
getFilter() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterChooser
getFilter() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterWrapper
Return the wrapped property name.
getFilter() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.FilteredTableModel
getFilteredData() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.FilteredTableModel
Return the collection of filtered data.
getFilterList() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.EditFiltersDialog
getFilterList() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterChooser
getFindAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the find action.
getFindAgainAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the find again action.
getFirst() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.CardCollection
Return the first card.
getFirst() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.cardgame.ICardCollection
Return the first card.
getFirstCharOrBlank(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.AbstractTranspositionKeyCreator
Return the first charactor of the given string or a blank character if it is a null or empty string.
getFirstChild() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Returns this node's first child.
getFirstChild() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Returns this node's first child.
getFirstChildNamed(Node, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Return the first child with the given tag name.
getFirstColor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Return the first color.
getFirstColor() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Return the first color.
getFirstLeaf() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Finds and returns the first leaf that is a descendant of this node -- either this node or its first child's first leaf.
getFirstLeaf() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Finds and returns the first leaf that is a descendant of this node -- either this node or its first child's first leaf.
getFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractChromosome
Return the fitness.
getFitness() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IChromosome
Return the fitness.
getFitnessCaseCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractContext
Return the fitness case count.
getFitnessCaseCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IContext
Return the fitness case count.
getFitnessLoss() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGameGeneticAlgorithm
Return the fitness loss value.
getFitnessLoss() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Return the fitness loss value.
getFitnessTie() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGameGeneticAlgorithm
Return the fitness tie value.
getFitnessTie() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Return the fitness tie value.
getFitnessWin() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGameGeneticAlgorithm
Return the fitness win value.
getFitnessWin() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Return the fitness win value.
getFlushes(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.CardCollection
Return a collection of CardCollection s of flushes.
getFont(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the font specified by the given key.
getFont() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCornerUI
Return the font.
getFont() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.SuitUI
Return the font.
getFont(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Return the font specified by the given key.
getFont(String, Font) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Return the font specified by the given key, or the given default font if the key is not found.
getFont() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyle
getFontChoice() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Return the chosen font.
getFontPreference(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the font specified by the given key in the preferences bundle.
getFontStyleFrom(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Return the font style from the given string.
getFood() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Return food.
getForeground() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.SuitUI
Return the foreground color.
getForeground() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSet
getForwardAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Return the home action.
getFrame() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractApp
Return the frame which contains this applet.
getFromLayer() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractConnector
getFromLayer() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IConnector
Return the from layer.
getFromPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractMoveAction
getFromPosition() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.IMoveAction
getFromPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveCaptureAction
getFromPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleAction
getFromPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.EnPassantCaptureAction
getFromPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionAction
getFromPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionCaptureAction
getFunction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractChromosomeGP
getFunction() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IChromosomeGP
getFunction() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GPFunctionEvaluator
getFunctionCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
Return the function count.
getFunctionCount(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
Return the function count.
getFunctionCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP
Return the function count.
getFunctionCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IFunctionGenerator
Return the function count.
getFunctionCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IGeneticAlgorithmGP
Return the function count.
getFunctionGenerator() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP
Return the function generator.
getFunctionList(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
Return the function list for the given return type.
getGame() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
getGame() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Return the game.
getGame() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Return the game component.
getGame() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUIText
Return the game component.
getGame() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.GameUISupport
Return the game component.
getGame() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.IGameUI
Return the game component.
getGameIdentifier() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Return the game identifier.
getGameIdentifier() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGameState
Return the game identifier.
getGameIdentifier() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGame
Return the game identifier.
getGameIdentifier() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGameState
Return the game identifier.
getGamePropertiesPath() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithm
Return the game properties path.
getGamePropertiesPath() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
Return the game properties path.
getGamePropertiesPath() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Return the game properties path.
getGameState() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Return the game state.
getGameState() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGame
Return the game state.
getGameThread() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Return the game thread.
getGameUISupport() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Return the game UI support object.
getGameUISupport() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUIText
Return the game UI support object.
getGeneration() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Return the number of generations run.
getGeneration() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
Return the number of generations run.
getGrayscaleColors() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Return an array of grayscale colors, starting with black.
getGrid() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Return grid.
getGrid() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.GridUI
getGridBoard() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractGridBoardAction
getGridBoard() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.IGridBoardAction
Return the gridBoard.
getGridColor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
getGridLineColor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Return the grid line color.
getGridLineColor() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Return the grid line color.
getH() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the angular momentum vector.
getH() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the angular momentum vector.
getHand(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.Environment
Return the given agent's hand.
getHandOne() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.Environment
Return agent one's hand.
getHandTwo() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.Environment
Return agent two's hand.
getHeaderBackground() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Return the header background color.
getHeaderFont() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Return the header font.
getHeaderForeground() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Return the header foreground color.
getHeaderTextStyle() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
getHeading() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Return heading.
getHeading() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
getHeight() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Returns the current height of this component.
getHeight() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
getHeight() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
getHelpAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the help action.
getHelpMenu(Container) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the help menu.
getHelpMenuDefault(Container) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the default help menu.
getHighRange() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantDoubleTerminal
getHighRange() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantIntTerminal
getHintColor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Return the hint color.
getHintPositionsFor(IntegerPosition, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return the hint positions for the given position.
getHintPositionsFor(IntegerPosition, IAdjudicator) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Return the hint positions for the given position.
getHistoryAction(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionManager
Return the history action at the given index.
getHistorySize() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionManager
Return the number of items in the history list.
getHomeAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Return the home action.
getHomeTopic() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Return the home topic.
getHomeUrl() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Return the home URL.
getI() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the inclination.
getI() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the inclination.
getIcon(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the icon specified by the given key.
getIcon(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Return the icon specified by the given key.
getId() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Return the object ID.
getId() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Return the object ID.
getIgnoreProperties() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractBean
Return the set of property names to ignore in the toString() method.
getImageFilename() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Return the image filename.
getImageSaveDate() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Return the last image save date.
getIndex(INeuralNetwork, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeNeuralNetwork
Return the gene index of the given neural network coordinates.
getIndex() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
getIndex() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
getIndex() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.cardgame.ICard
Return the index representing the card's name.
getIndex(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.PokerCard
Return the index representing the card's name.
getIndex() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.PokerCard
Return the index representing the card's name.
getIndex() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
getIndex(ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Returns the index of the specified child in this node's child array.
getIndex() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
getIndex(ITreeNode) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Returns the index of the specified child in this node's child array.
getInitialDimension() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.artemischess.ui.GameUISwing
Return the initial frame dimensions.
getInitialDimension() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.chess.ui.GameUISwing
Return the initial frame dimensions.
getInitialDimension() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.GameUISwing
Return the initial frame dimensions.
getInitialDimension() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.GameUISwing
Return the initial frame dimensions.
getInitialDimension() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui.GameUISwing
Return the initial frame dimensions.
getInitialDimension() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.raumschachchess.ui.GameUISwing
Return the initial frame dimensions.
getInitialDimension() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.solarsystem.ui.GameUISwing
Return the initial frame dimensions.
getInitialDimension() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui.GameUISwing
Return the initial frame dimensions.
getInitialDimension() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractApp
Return the initial frame dimensions.
getInitialFoodCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
getInitialKingPosition(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return the initial king position.
getInitialKingPosition(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Return the initial King position.
getInitialKingsRookPosition(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return the initial king's rook position.
getInitialKingsRookPosition(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Return the initial King's rook position.
getInitialMaxDepth() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP
getInitialQueensRookPosition(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return the initial queen's rook position.
getInitialQueensRookPosition(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Return the initial Queen's rook position.
getInput(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractFitnessCase
Return the input with the given name.
getInput(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IFitnessCase
Return the input with the given name.
getInput(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Return the node input value at the given index.
getInput(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Return the node input value at the given index.
getInputCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractFitnessCase
getInputCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IFitnessCase
getInputCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Return the input count.
getInputCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Return the input count.
getInputs() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Return the node input values.
getInputs() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Return the node input values.
getInputScaler() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the input scaler.
getInputScaler() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return the input scaler.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ArgumentFactory
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.SentenceFactory
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.LayerFactory
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionFactory
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.BoardGameActionFactory
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.ChessActionFactory
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAgentSupport
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.SliderTokenSupport
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.ConfigUtilities
Return the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.math.MomentOfInertiaCalculator
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitFactory
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.math.UnitConverter
Return the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.EditorUtilities
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.WrapperFactory
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.GraphicsUIFactory
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.StringConverter
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptorParser
Return the singleton instance, creating it if necessary.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.ArrayUtilities
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassAnalyzer
Return a class analyzer instance.
getInstance(Class) - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassAnalyzer
Return a class analyzer instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassUtilities
Return the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.DateUtilities
Return the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.StringConverter
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.StringUtilities
Return the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.SystemProperties
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.SystemUtilities
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.TreeNodePersister
Return the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.TransformUtilities
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLTransporter
Return the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Return the singleton instance.
getInstanceCount() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Return the count of instances created.
getInstances() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Return the set of instances so far created.
getInt(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the int specified by the given key.
getInt(String, int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the int specified by the given key, or the given default value if the key is not found.
getInt(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Return the int specified by the given key.
getInt(String, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Return the int specified by the given key, or the given default value if the key is not found.
getIntArrayProperty(Properties, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the required value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getIntArrayProperty(Properties, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getIntegerPositionProperty(Properties, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.ConfigUtilities
Return the required value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getIntegerPositionProperty(Properties, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.ConfigUtilities
Return the value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getIntFromString(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Return an integer from the given string.
getIntProperty(Properties, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the required value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getIntProperty(Properties, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getIntProperty(Properties, String, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getIntProperty(Properties, String, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getItems() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Association
Return an iterator over items involved in my join.
getItems() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IAssociation
Return an iterator over items involved in my join.
getJarFileName() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.JarSelfExtractor
Return the name of the jar file this is in.
getJavaRuntime() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.SystemProperties
Return the Java runtime description.
getJavaVersion() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.SystemProperties
Return the Java version description.
getJavaVirtualMachine() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.SystemProperties
Return the Java virtual machine description.
getJoinData() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Association
Return the join data.
getJoinData() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Return an iterator over the join data.
getJoinData() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.DBDescriptor
Return an iterator over the join data.
getJoinData() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IAssociation
Return the join data.
getJoinData() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IDatabase
Return an iterator over the join data.
getJoins() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Return an iterator over IAssociation s which involve this object's table.
getJoins() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Return an iterator over IAssociation s which involve this object's table.
getJoinsFor(ITableData) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Return all joins which involve the given table.
getJoinsFor(ITableData, ITableData) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Return all joins which involve the given tables.
getJoinsFor(ITableData) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IDatabase
Return all joins which involve the given table.
getJoinsFor(ITableData, ITableData) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IDatabase
Return all joins which involve the given tables.
getJunctions() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Return an iterator over IAssociation s which involve this object's table.
getJunctions() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Return an iterator over IAssociation s which involve this object's table.
getJunctionsFor(ITableData) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Return all junctions which involve the given table.
getJunctionsFor(ITableData, ITableData) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Return all junctions which involve the given tables.
getJunctionsFor(ITableData) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IDatabase
Return all junctions which involve the given table.
getJunctionsFor(ITableData, ITableData) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IDatabase
Return all junctions which involve the given tables.
getKey(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentCollection
Return the agent key.
getKey(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentCollection
Return the agent key.
getKey(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.CardCollection
Return the card key.
getKey(String, ISuit) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.CardCollection
Return the card key.
getKey() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.TranspositionEntry
getKey(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TeamCollection
Return the key for the given object.
getKey(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenCollection
Return the token key.
getKey(String, String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenCollection
Return the token key.
getKey(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenPositionCollection
Return the token key.
getKey(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractMap
Return the key for the given object.
getKeyCodeFor(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return the key code for the given string.
getKeyCreator() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.AlphaBetaSearch
getKinds(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.CardCollection
Return a collection of CardCollection s of kinds.
getKinds(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.cardgame.ICardCollection
Return a collection of CardCollection s of kinds.
getKing(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessTokenCollection
Return the King for the given parameter.
getKingBlack() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessTokenCollection
getKingFromPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleAction
getKingsCastleDeltaFile(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return the King's delta file for either king-side or queen-side castling.
getKingsCastleDeltaFile(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Return the King's delta file for either king-side or queen-side castling.
getKingToPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleAction
getKingWhite() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessTokenCollection
getLabelColor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Return the label color.
getLabelColor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Return the label color.
getLabelColor() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Return the label color.
getLast() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.CardCollection
Return the last card.
getLast() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.cardgame.ICardCollection
Return the last card.
getLastAgent() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return the last agent who performed an action.
getLastAgent() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return the last agent who performed an action.
getLastChild() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Returns this node's last child.
getLastChild() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Returns this node's last child.
getLastIndex() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractSelector
Return the last index selected, or -1 if none.
getLastIndex() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ISelector
Return the last index selected, or -1 if none.
getLastLeaf() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Finds and returns the last leaf that is a descendant of this node -- either this node or its last child's last leaf.
getLastLeaf() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Finds and returns the last leaf that is a descendant of this node -- either this node or its last child's last leaf.
getLastMoveColor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Return the last move color.
getLastMoveColor() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Return the last move color.
getLastMoveHighlightWidth() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
getLastMoveHighlightWidth() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
getLastTableName() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JoinData
Return the last table name.
getLastTableName() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JunctionData
Return the last table name.
getLayer(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the layer at the given index.
getLayer(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return the layer at the given index.
getLayerCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the number of layers.
getLayerCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return the number of layers.
getLayers() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
getLeft() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence
Return the left side argument.
getLeft() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractComplexSentence
getLeft() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IBinaryAtomicSentence
Return the left side argument.
getLeft() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IComplexSentence
Return the left sentence.
getLeft() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.BinaryAtomicSentenceEditor
getLeft() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceEditor
Return the selected left sentence.
getLeftAgent() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Environment
Return the left agent.
getLeftPaddle() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Environment
Return the left paddle.
getLength() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
getLevel() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Returns the number of levels above this node -- the distance from the root to this node.
getLevel() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Returns the number of levels above this node -- the distance from the root to this node.
getLevelCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return the level count.
getLevelCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardSupport
Return the level count.
getLevelCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return the level count.
getLevelIndex(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISupport
Return the index of the given level name.
getLevelName(int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISupport
Return the level name for the given index.
getLevelNames() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISupport
Return the level names.
getLevelOffset() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Return the level offset.
getLinkColumnName() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.ITableData
Return the link column name.
getLinkColumnName() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.TableData
Return the link column name.
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser.FontRenderer
Return a component with the proper colors and borders.
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser.SizeRenderer
Return a component with the proper colors and borders.
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser.StyleRenderer
Return a component with the proper colors and borders.
getLocale() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the locale.
getLongProperty(Properties, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the required value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getLongProperty(Properties, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getLookUpEntryAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Return the look up entry action.
getLowRange() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantDoubleTerminal
getLowRange() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantIntTerminal
getMagnify() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
getMagnify() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoard3DUISwing
Return the magnification.
getMagnify() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Return the magnification.
getMagnify() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Return the magnification.
getMagnify() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShapeCanvas
Return the magnification.
getMagnify() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Return the magnification.
getMagnify() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Return the magnification.
getMagnitude() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.VectorPosition
Return the magnitude of this vector.
getMagnitude() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return the magnitude of this.
getMagnitude() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return the magnitude of this vector.
getMainPanel() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Return the main panel.
getMarkings() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui.GridBoardUISwing
Return the board markings.
getMarkings() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
getMarkings() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoard3DUISwing
Return the board markings.
getMass() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Return the mass in kg.
getMass() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.simulation.force.IForceConsumer
Return the mass in kg.
getMass() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.simulation.IPhysicalObject
Return the mass in kg.
getMass() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Return the mass in mass units.
getMass() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Return the mass in mass units.
getMassAcceleration() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Return the mass velocity rate of change in mass time^-2 units.
getMassAcceleration() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Return the mass velocity rate of change in mass time^-2 units.
getMassVelocity() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Return the mass rate of change in mass time^-1 units.
getMassVelocity() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Return the mass rate of change in mass time^-1 units.
getMax() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
getMaxDepth() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
getMaxDepth() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IFunctionGenerator
getMaxDimension() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return the maximum of the file, rank, and level counts.
getMaxDimension() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardSupport
Return the maximum of the file, rank, and level counts.
getMaxDimension() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return the maximum of the file, rank, and level counts.
getMaxFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
getMaxFitness() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
getMaximum() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.BipolarSigmoidFunction
Return the maximum value this function can produce.
getMaximum() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.PassThroughFunction
Return the maximum value this function can produce.
getMaximum() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.SigmoidFunction
Return the maximum value this function can produce.
getMaximum() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.ThresholdFunction
Return the maximum value this function can produce.
getMaximum() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.ThresholdLinearFunction
Return the maximum value this function can produce.
getMaximum() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IActivationFunction
Return the maximum value this function can produce.
getMaxInput() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.AbstractScaler
Set the maximum expected input value.
getMaxInput() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IScaler
Set the maximum expected input value.
getMaxLength() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.AbstractSentenceWrapper
getMaxOpponentCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Return the maximum opponent count.
getMaxOutput() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.AbstractScaler
Set the maximum expected output value.
getMaxOutput() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IScaler
Set the maximum expected output value.
getMaxOutputValueIndex() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the index of the output node with the maximum value.
getMaxOutputValueIndex() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return the index of the output node with the maximum value.
getMaxValueIndex() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Return the index of the node with the maximum value.
getMaxValueIndex() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Return the index of the node with the maximum value.
getMeanAnomaly(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the mean anomaly.
getMeanAnomaly(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the mean anomaly.
getMeanAnomaly0() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the mean anomaly at epoch.
getMeanAnomaly0() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the mean anomaly at epoch.
getMenu(Object, Action) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return a menu for the given action, creating it if necessary.
getMenu(Object, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return a menu for the given action parameters, creating it if necessary.
getMenuBar() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractApp
Get the menu bar, either from the applet or the application's frame.
getMenuBar(JApplet) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the menu bar from the given frame, creating it if necessary.
getMenuBar(JFrame) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the menu bar from the given frame, creating it if necessary.
getMenuBarContainer() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractApp
Return the appropriate container to hold the menu bar.
getMenuButton(Object, Action) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return a menu button for the given action, creating it if necessary.
getMenuButton(Object, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return a menu button for the given action parameters, creating it if necessary.
getMenuComponent(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Return the popup menu component at the given index.
getMenuComponents() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Return the popup menu components.
getMenuFor(Container, String, String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the requested menu, creating it and adding it to the menu bar if neccessary.
getMenuItem(Object, Action) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return a menu item for the given action, creating it if necessary.
getMenuItem(Object, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return a menu item for the given action parameters, creating it if necessary.
getMenuNamed(JMenuBar, String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the menu with the given name.
getMessage() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.StatusEvent
Return the message.
getMin() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
getMinCycleTime() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Return the minimum cycle time.
getMinCycleTime() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Return the minimum cycle time.
getMinCycleTime() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationEnvironment
getMinCycleTime() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.simulation.ISimulationEnvironment
getMinDimension() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Return the minimum dimension.
getMinDimension() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Return the minimum dimension.
getMinFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
getMinFitness() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
getMinimum() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.BipolarSigmoidFunction
Return the minimum value this function can produce.
getMinimum() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.PassThroughFunction
Return the minimum value this function can produce.
getMinimum() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.SigmoidFunction
Return the minimum value this function can produce.
getMinimum() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.ThresholdFunction
Return the minimum value this function can produce.
getMinimum() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.ThresholdLinearFunction
Return the minimum value this function can produce.
getMinimum() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IActivationFunction
Return the minimum value this function can produce.
getMinInput() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.AbstractScaler
Set the minimum expected input value.
getMinInput() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IScaler
Set the minimum expected input value.
getMinOutput() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.AbstractScaler
Set the minimum expected output value.
getMinOutput() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IScaler
Set the minimum expected output value.
getMinTrialCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
getModel() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableMap
getMomentOfInertia() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Return the moment of inertia in mass length^2 units.
getMomentOfInertia() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Return the moment of inertia in mass length^2 units.
getMostFit() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Return the most fit chromosome.
getMostFit() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
Return the most fit chromosome.
getMu() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Return the gravitational constant for this body.
getMu() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the gravitational parameter of central body.
getMu() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the gravitational parameter of the central body.
getMutablePropertyNames() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassAnalyzer
Return the property names of the mutator methods.
getMutablePropertyNamesAlphabetized() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassAnalyzer
Return an alphabetized collection of property names of the accessor methods.
getMutationFraction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
getMutationFraction() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
getMutationMagnitude() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Return the mutation magnitude.
getMutationMagnitude() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
Return the mutation magnitude.
getMutationRate() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Return the mutation rate.
getMutationRate() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
Return the mutation rate.
getMutatorMethodFor(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassAnalyzer
Return the mutator method for the given property name.
getMutatorMethods() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassAnalyzer
Return the mutator methods.
getMyState() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Return the state.
getN() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the node vector.
getN() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the node vector.
getName() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractNode
getName() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.INode
getName() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantDoubleTerminal
getName() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantIntTerminal
getName() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.DefaultTerminal
getName() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.Filter
getName() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IFilter
getName() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Return the name.
getName() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Return the name.
getName() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.BaseDatabaseData
Return the name.
getName() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.DBDescriptor
Return the database name prefix.
getName() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.ITableData
Return the name.
getName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.TextHumanAgent
Return the name for the given card display name.
getName() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Return this agent's name.
getName() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractTeam
Return this agent's name.
getName() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Return this token's name.
getName() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractSuit
Return the name.
getName() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.cardgame.ISuit
Return the name.
getName() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Return this agent's name.
getName() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ITeam
Return this team's name.
getName() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
Return this token's name.
getName() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.EllipsoidTokenUI
getName() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
getName() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
getName() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Return the name.
getName() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractEnumeratedType
Return the name of this type.
getName() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IEnumeratedType
Return the name of this type.
getNameList(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISupport
Return the name list for the given base string.
getNetwork() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetworkTrainer
getNeuralNetwork() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeNeuralNetwork
Return the neural network.
getNeuralNetwork() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractNeuralNetworkEvaluator
Return the neural network.
getNeuralNetworkFilepath() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithm
Return the neural network filepath.
getNewAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the new action.
getNextSibling() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Return the sibling after this.
getNextSibling() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Return the sibling after this.
getNoArgConstructor() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassAnalyzer
Return the no-arg constructor.
getNode(Node, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Return the node at the given path location below the given node.
getNodeCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Return the count of all nodes in the subtree rooted at this node.
getNodeCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Return the count of all nodes in the subtree rooted at this node.
getNodeInput(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the node input value for the given parameters.
getNodeInput(int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return the node input value for the given parameters.
getNodeList(Node, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Return the nodes at the given path location below the given node.
getNodeOutput(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the node output value for the given parameters.
getNodeOutput(int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return the node output value for the given parameters.
getNodes() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
getNodes() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
getNodesVisitedCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ISearchAgent
Return the nodes visited count.
getNodesVisitedCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.AbstractSearch
getNodesVisitedCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.search.ISearch
Return the nodes visited count.
getNodesVisitedCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.SearchAgent
Return the nodes visited count.
getNodeValue(Node, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Return the value of the node at the given path location below the given parent.
getNormalTextColorSet() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyle
getNumberFormat() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.CurrencyCellRenderer
Return the appropriate number format.
getNumberFormat() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DecimalCellRenderer
Return the appropriate number format.
getNumberFormat() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.PercentCellRenderer
Return the appropriate number format.
getObjectProperty(Properties, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the required value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getObjectProperty(Properties, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getObjectViewer() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Return the object viewer.
getObjectViewer() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimEnvironmentUISwing
getObjectViewer() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.ISimEnvironmentUI
getOffset() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Return the offset.
getOffsetZ() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
Return the offset Z value.
getOmega() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the longitude of the ascending node.
getOmega() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the longitude of the ascending node.
getOnlineHelpAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the help action.
getOpenAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the open action.
getOperator() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AtomicSentenceEQ
Return the operator.
getOperator() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AtomicSentenceGT
Return the operator.
getOperator() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AtomicSentenceLT
Return the operator.
getOperator() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IBinaryAtomicSentence
Return the operator.
getOperator() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.BinaryAtomicSentenceEditor
getOpponent(IChessAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return the opposing agent to the given agent.
getOpponent(IChessAgent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Return the opposing agent to the given agent.
getOptionsMenu(Container) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the options menu.
getOptionType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
getOrbitPrimaryName() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
getOrientation(IState) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.solarsystem.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Return the orientation using the given state.
getOrientation() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Return the orientation quaternion.
getOrientation() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IState
Return the orientation quaternion.
getOrientation() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.State
Return the orientation quaternion.
getOrientation(IState) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimEnvironmentUISwing
Return the orientation using the given state.
getOutput(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractFitnessCase
Return the output with the given name.
getOutput(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IFitnessCase
Return the output with the given name.
getOutput(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Return the node output value at the given index.
getOutput(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Return the node output value at the given index.
getOutputCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractFitnessCase
getOutputCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IFitnessCase
getOutputCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Return the output count.
getOutputCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Return the output count.
getOutputDirectory(File) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.JarSelfExtractor
Return the output directory.
getOutputLayer() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the output layer.
getOutputLayer() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return the output layer.
getOutputLayerIndex() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the output layer index.
getOutputLayerIndex() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return the output layer index.
getOutputs() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the output layer node values.
getOutputs() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Return the node output values.
getOutputs() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return the output layer node values.
getOutputs() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Return the node output values.
getOutputScaler() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the output scaler.
getOutputScaler() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return the output scaler.
getOwner() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Return the owner.
getOwnerTitle() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Return the owner title.
getOwningClass() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpModel
Return the owning class.
getPackageAsFilepath(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassUtilities
Return the package name in the form of a filepath.
getPackageAsFilepath(Class, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassUtilities
Return the package name in the form of a filepath.
getPackageName(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassUtilities
Return the package name derived from the class.
getPackages() - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
getPackageToDependencies() - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
getPackageToUrl() - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
getPaddle(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Environment
Return the paddle which belongs to the given agent.
getPageSetupAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the page setup action.
getParent() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Returns this node's parent or null if this node has no parent.
getParent() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Returns this node's parent or null if this node has no parent.
getPasteAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the paste action.
getPath() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Returns the path from the root, to get to this node.
getPath() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Returns the path from the root, to get to this node.
getPauseAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeGameUISwing
Return the pause action.
getPauseAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationUISwing
Return the pause action.
getPawnPromotionLevel(IChessEnvironment, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return the level for pawn promotion.
getPawnPromotionLevel(IChessEnvironment, boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessAdjudicator
Return the level for pawn promotion.
getPawnPromotionLevelsCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
getPawnPromotionRank(IChessEnvironment, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return the rank for pawn promotion.
getPawnPromotionRank(IChessEnvironment, boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessAdjudicator
Return the rank for pawn promotion.
getPawnPromotionType(IChessAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.ChessActionFactory
Return the pawn promotion type desired by the given agent.
getPawnPromotionType() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessAgent
Return the pawn promotion type.
getPawnPromotionType() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.SearchChessAgent
Return the pawn promotion type.
getPawnPromotionType() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.SimpleChessAgent
Return the pawn promotion type.
getPawnPromotionType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.MouseAgent
Return the pawn promotion type.
getPawnPromotionType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.TextAgent
Return the pawn promotion type.
getPerfectFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Return the perfect fitness.
getPerfectFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionGA
Return the perfect fitness.
getPerfectFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.PrimeGA
Return the perfect fitness.
getPerfectFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.CartCentering
Return the perfect fitness.
getPerfectFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.CharacterRecognition
Return the perfect fitness.
getPerfectFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.SymbolicRegression
Return the perfect fitness.
getPerfectFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.XOR
Return the perfect fitness.
getPerfectFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Ant
Return the perfect fitness.
getPeriod() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the orbital period.
getPeriod() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.EllipticOrbit
Return the orbital period.
getPeriod() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the orbital period.
getPerspectiveConstant() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Return the perspective constant.
getPerspectiveConstant() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Return the perspective constant.
getPerspectiveConstant() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShapeCanvas
Return the perspective constant.
getPerspectiveConstant() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Return the perspective constant.
getPerspectiveConstant() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Return the perspective constant.
getPlacementAudioClip() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Return the placement audio clip.
getPlaces() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DecimalCellRenderer
Return the number of decimal places to display.
getPool() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractGridBoardActionPool
Return the pool vector.
getPopulation() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Return the population.
getPopulation() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractSelector
getPopulationSize() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Return the population size.
getPopulationSize() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
Return the population size.
getPopupMenu() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Return the popup menu, creating it if necessary.
getPopupMenuOrigin() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Computes the origin for the JMenu's popup menu.
getPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Return position.
getPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Return the position.
getPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal
getPosition() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
Return the position.
getPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Return the position.
getPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Return the position vector.
getPosition() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IState
Return the position vector.
getPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.State
Return the position vector.
getPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.HighlightData
Return the position.
getPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.StatusEvent
Return the position.
getPositionForPoint(Point) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Map the screen coordinates to a board position.
getPositionForPoint(Point) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Map the screen coordinates to a board position.
getPositionForPoint(Point) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Map the screen coordinates to a board position.
getPositionForPoint(Point) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Map the screen coordinates to a board position.
getPositionOffset() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
getPossibleActions(IAgent, IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Return a list of possible legal agent actions.
getPossibleActions(IChessAgent, IChessEnvironment, IChessAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAgentSupport
Return a list of possible agent actions.
getPossibleActions(IAgent, IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.King
Return a list of possible legal agent actions.
getPossibleActions(IAgent, IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return a list of possible legal agent actions.
getPossibleActions(IAgent, IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.DefaultBoardGameToken
Return a list of possible actions.
getPossibleActions(IAgent, IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IBoardGameToken
Return a list of possible legal actions.
getPossibleCastlePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Return a list of the possible castle positions this token could take.
getPossibleCastlePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IKing
Return a list of the possible castle positions this token could take.
getPossibleCastlePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.King
Return a list of the possible castle positions this token could take.
getPossibleCastlePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.King
Return the possible positions array.
getPossibleEnPassantCapturePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Return a list of the possible en passant capture positions this token could take.
getPossibleEnPassantCapturePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IPawn
Return a list of the possible en passant capture positions this token could take.
getPossibleEnPassantCapturePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return a list of the possible en passant capture positions this token could take.
getPossibleEnPassantCapturePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return the possible positions array.
getPossibleMoveCapturePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessToken
Return a list of the possible move capture positions this token could take.
getPossibleMoveCapturePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Bishop
Return a list of the possible move capture positions this token could take.
getPossibleMoveCapturePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.King
Return a list of the possible move capture positions this token could take.
getPossibleMoveCapturePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Knight
Return a list of the possible move capture positions this token could take.
getPossibleMoveCapturePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Mace
Return a list of the possible move capture positions this token could take.
getPossibleMoveCapturePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return a list of the possible move capture positions this token could take.
getPossibleMoveCapturePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Queen
Return a list of the possible move capture positions this token could take.
getPossibleMoveCapturePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Rook
Return a list of the possible move capture positions this token could take.
getPossibleMoveCapturePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return the possible positions array.
getPossibleMovePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessToken
Return a list of the possible move positions this token could take.
getPossibleMovePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Bishop
Return a list of the possible move positions this token could take.
getPossibleMovePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.King
Return a list of the possible move positions this token could take.
getPossibleMovePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Knight
Return a list of the possible move positions this token could take.
getPossibleMovePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Mace
Return a list of the possible move positions this token could take.
getPossibleMovePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return a list of the possible positions this token could take.
getPossibleMovePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Queen
Return a list of the possible move positions this token could take.
getPossibleMovePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Rook
Return a list of the possible move positions this token could take.
getPossibleMovePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return the possible positions array.
getPossiblePawnPromotionCapturePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Return a list of the possible pawn promotion capture positions this token could take.
getPossiblePawnPromotionCapturePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IPawn
Return a list of the possible pawn promotion capture positions this token could take.
getPossiblePawnPromotionCapturePositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return a list of the possible pawn promotion capture positions this token could take.
getPossiblePawnPromotionCapturePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return the possible positions array.
getPossiblePawnPromotionPositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Return a list of the possible pawn promotion positions this token could take.
getPossiblePawnPromotionPositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IPawn
Return a list of the possible pawn promotion positions this token could take.
getPossiblePawnPromotionPositions(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return a list of the possible pawn promotion positions this token could take.
getPossiblePawnPromotionPositionsArray(IChessEnvironment, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return the possible positions array.
getPossiblePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Bishop
Return the possible positions array.
getPossiblePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.King
Return the possible positions array.
getPossiblePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Knight
Return the possible positions array.
getPossiblePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Mace
Return the possible positions array.
getPossiblePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Queen
Return the possible positions array.
getPossiblePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Rook
Return the possible positions array.
getPossibleTypes() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PawnPromotionDialogSwing
Return the array of possible types.
getPreference(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the preference for the given key.
getPreferencesAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the preferences action.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.GridUI
Return the preferred size of this component.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCenterIconUI
Return the preferred size.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardUI
Return the preferred size.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.SuitUI
Return the preferred size.
getPreviousPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Return the previous position vector.
getPreviousPosition() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IState
Return the previous position vector.
getPreviousPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.State
Return the previous position vector.
getPrimaryColors() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Return an array of primary colors.
getPrimFlags(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
Return the primitive flags for the given shape.
getPrintAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the print action.
getProcessingRate() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Return the processing rate.
getProcessingRate() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
Return the processing rate.
getPrompt() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.TextHumanAgent
Return the prompt string.
getPrompt() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.TextAgent
Return the prompt string.
getProperties() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
getProperties() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Return the configuration properties.
getProperties() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGame
Return the configuration properties.
getProperties() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Return the configuration properties.
getProperties() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUIText
Return the configuration properties.
getProperties() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.EnvironmentUISupport
getProperties() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.GameUISupport
Return the configuration properties.
getPropertiesPath() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Return the path to the game properties.
getPropertiesPath() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGame
Return the path to the game properties.
getPropertyChangeListeners() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.event.IPropertyChangeSupport
Returns an array of all the listeners that were added to the PropertyChangeSupport object with addPropertyChangeListener().
getPropertyChangeListeners(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.PropertyChangeManager
Returns an array of all the listeners that were added to the PropertyChangeSupport object for the given property name.
getPropertyChangeListeners() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.PropertyChangeManager
Returns an array of all the listeners that were added to the PropertyChangeSupport object with addPropertyChangeListener().
getPropertyChangeManager() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Return the property change manager.
getPropertyChangeManager() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractTeam
Return the property change manager.
getPropertyChangeManager() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Return the property change manager.
getPropertyChangeManager() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Return the property change manager.
getPropertyName() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.PropertyArgument
getPropertyName() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.PropertyWrapper
Return the wrapped property name.
getPropertyName() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Return the property name.
getPropertyNames() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.FilteredTable
getPropertyNames() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GenericData
Return an iterator over the property names.
getPropertyNames() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IGenericData
Return an iterator over the property names.
getPropertyType(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassAnalyzer
Return the type of the given property.
getQ(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.ode.AbstractODE
Return the value of the dependent variable at the given index.
getQ(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.ode.IODE
Return the value of the dependent variable at the given index.
getQ() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return the Q component.
getQueue(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AsynchronousEngine
Return the queue for the given agent, creating it if necessary.
getQuitAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the quit action.
getR(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the position vector.
getR(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the position vector.
getR0() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the position vector at epoch.
getR0() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the position vector at epoch.
getRa() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the apoapsis radius.
getRa() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the apoapsis radius.
getRadioButton(Object, Action) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return a radio button for the given action, creating it if necessary.
getRadioButton(Object, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return a radio button for the given action parameters, creating it if necessary.
getRadioButtonMenuItem(Object, Action) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return a radio button menu item for the given action, creating it if necessary.
getRadioButtonMenuItem(Object, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return a radio button menu item for the given action parameters, creating it if necessary.
getRadius() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Ball
Return the radius.
getRange() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
getRankCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return the rank count.
getRankCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardSupport
Return the rank count.
getRankCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return the rank count.
getRankIndex(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISupport
Return the index of the given rank name.
getRankName(int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISupport
Return the rank name for the given index.
getRankNames() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISupport
Return the rank names.
getRankOffset() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Return the rank offset.
getRating() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.AbstractAction
Return the rating of this action.
getRating() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.action.IAction
Return the rating of this action.
getRedoAction(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionFactory
Return an RedoAction for the given parameters.
getRedoAction(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.BoardGameActionFactory
Return an RedoAction for the given parameters.
getRedoAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the redo action.
getRedoSize() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionManager
Return the number of items in the redo list.
getRemoveAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
getRemoveButtons() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
getResetAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.AntUI
Return the reset action.
getResource(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the resource for the given key.
getResource(String, String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the resource for the given key.
getResource(String, Object[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the resource for the given key using the given message arguments.
getRestoreDefaultsAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyleChooser
Return the restore defaults action.
getResult() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Return the result.
getResumeAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.AntUI
Return the pause action.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP
Return the overall return type for the chromosomes.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.CartCentering
Return the overall return type for the chromosomes.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.CharacterRecognition
Return the overall return type for the chromosomes.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.SymbolicRegression
Return the overall return type for the chromosomes.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.XOR
Return the overall return type for the chromosomes.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractArithmeticFunction
Return the type of the return value.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractBooleanFunction
Return the type of the return value.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractComparisonFunction
Return the type of the return value.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractMathematicFunction
Return the type of the return value.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractSequenceFunction
Return the type of the return value.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.GreaterThanDouble
Return the type of the return value.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.If
Return the type of the return value.
getReturnType() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IFunctionGenerator
getReturnType() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.INode
Return the type of the return value.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantDoubleTerminal
Return the type of the return value.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantIntTerminal
Return the type of the return value.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.DefaultTerminal
Return the type of the return value.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.InputTerminal
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.StateVariableTerminal
Return the type of the return value.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AbstractAntTerminal
Return the type of the return value.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Ant
Return the overall return type for the chromosomes.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.IfFoodAheadFunction
Return the type of the return value.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
Return the overall return type for the chromosomes.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal
Return the type of the return value.
getRight() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence
Return the right side argument.
getRight() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractComplexSentence
getRight() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IBinaryAtomicSentence
Return the right side argument.
getRight() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IComplexSentence
Return the right sentence.
getRight() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.BinaryAtomicSentenceEditor
getRight() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceEditor
Return the selected right sentence.
getRightAgent() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Environment
Return the right agent.
getRightAscension() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return the right ascension angle of this vector in radians.
getRightHandSide(double, double[], double, double[], double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.ode.DynamicStateODE
Returns the right-hand side of the ODEs.
getRightHandSide(double, double[], double, double[], double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.ode.IODE
Returns the right-hand side of the ODEs.
getRightPaddle() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Environment
Return the right paddle.
getRookFromPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleAction
Return the Rook from position.
getRooksCastleDeltaFile(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return the Rook's delta file for either king-side or queen-side castling.
getRooksCastleDeltaFile(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Return the Rook's delta file for either king-side or queen-side castling.
getRookToPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleAction
Return the Rook to position.
getRoot() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Returns the root of the tree that contains this node.
getRoot() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Returns the root of the tree that contains this node.
getRowCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Return the number of rows.
getRowCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.FilteredTableModel
Return the number of rows.
getRowCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableMap
getRp() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the periapsis radius.
getRp() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the periapsis radius.
getS() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.ode.AbstractODE
Return the value of the independent variable.
getS() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.ode.IODE
Return the value of the independent variable.
getSaveAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the save action.
getSaveAsAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the save as action.
getScaleX() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeEnvUISwing
Return the scale factor for X.
getScaleY() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeEnvUISwing
Return the scale factor for Y.
getScore() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Return the current score.
getScore() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Return the current score.
getScoreManager() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Return the score manager.
getScreenCenter() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Return this shape's center in screen coordinates.
getScreenCenter() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Return this shape's center in screen coordinates.
getScreenZ() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.PolygonShape
Compute the Z coordinate in screen coordinates.
getSearch() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.SearchAgent
Return the search algorithm.
getSearchColumnName() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.ITableData
Return the search column name.
getSearchColumnName() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.TableData
Return the search column name.
getSearchDepth() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AgentPanel
Return the search depth.
getSecondaryColors() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Return an array of secondary colors.
getSecondColor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Return the second color.
getSecondColor() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Return the second color.
getSelectAllAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the select all action.
getSelectAllAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.VisibleColumnsPanel
Return the select all action.
getSelectedCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.VisibleColumnsPanel
Return the number of columns selected.
getSelectedFilter() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterChooser
getSelectedItem() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Return the first selected item.
getSelectedItems() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.AbstractAssociateDialog
Return an iterator over the selected items.
getSelectedRow() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Return the first of the selected rows, translated through the sort.
getSelectedRows() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Return the selected rows, translated through the sort.
getSelectedValues() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Return the selected values in the table.
getSelectedValues() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Return the selected values in the table.
getSelectionColor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Return the selection color.
getSelectionColor() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Return the selection color.
getSelectionHighlightData() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
getSelectionHighlightWidth() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
getSelectionHighlightWidth() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
getSelectionTextColorSet() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyle
getSelectNoneAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.VisibleColumnsPanel
Return the select none action.
getSentence() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.Filter
getSentence() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IFilter
getSentence() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.AbstractSentenceEditor
getSentence() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.AbstractSentenceWrapper
getSentence() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ISentenceEditor
getSentence() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ISentenceWrapper
Return the sentence wrapped by this object.
getSentenceEditors() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
getSentenceFrom(ISentenceWrapper) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceEditor
Return the sentence contained in the given wrapper.
getSentences() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
getSentenceType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentenceEditor
getShape() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing.SelectShapeAction
getShapeCanvas() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Return the shape canvas.
getShapeGroup() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Return the shape group.
getShapeMenu() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
getShowAssociatedEntriesAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Return the show associated entries action.
getShowStatusBarAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the show status bar action.
getShowStatusBarUI(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the show status bar widget.
getShowToolBarAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the show tool bar action.
getShowToolBarUI(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the show tool bar widget.
getSimDate() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationEnvironment
getSimDate() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.simulation.ISimulationEnvironment
getSimDateString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimEnvironmentUISwing
Return the sim date time as a formatted string.
getSimDateString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.ISimEnvironmentUI
Return the sim date time as a formatted string.
getSimpleClassName(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassUtilities
Return the class name without the full package descriptor.
getSize() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Returns the size of this component in the form of a Dimension object.
getSize() - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.DefaultEnumeratedType
Return the number of enumerated values.
getSortedRowIndex(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
getSource() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.ScoreEvent
Return the source.
getSource() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.StateEvent
Return the source.
getSpeed() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Ball
Return the speed.
getSpeed() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Paddle
Return the speed.
getStarCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimEnvironmentUISwing
Return the number of stars to use in the starfield background.
getStartDate() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationEnvironment
getStartDate() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.simulation.ISimulationEnvironment
getState() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Return the state.
getState() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IStateful
Return the state.
getState() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.StatefulSupport
Return the state.
getState() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractTokenUISwing
Return the state.
getState() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.TokenUISupport
Return the state.
getState() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Return the state.
getState() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Return the state.
getStatefulParent() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Return the parent.
getStatefulParent() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IStateful
Return the parent.
getStatefulParent() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.StatefulSupport
Return the parent.
getStatefulParent() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractTokenUISwing
Return the parent.
getStatefulParent() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.TokenUISupport
Return the parent.
getStatefulParent() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Return the parent.
getStatefulParent() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Return the parent.
getStatefulSupport() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.TokenUISupport
Create a stateful support object.
getStateManager() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Return the state manager.
getStateVariable(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractContext
Return the state variable with the given name.
getStateVariable(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IContext
Return the state variable with the given name.
getStatusBar() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the status bar.
getStatusManager() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.MouseHumanAgent
Return the status manager.
getStatusManager() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Return the status manager.
getStatusManager() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.MovementMouseAgent
Return the status manager.
getStatusManager() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.PlacementMouseAgent
Return the status manager.
getStepAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.AntUI
Return the step action.
getStraights(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.CardCollection
Return a collection of CardCollection s of straights.
getStraights(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.cardgame.ICardCollection
Return a collection of CardCollection s of straights.
getString(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Return the string specified by the given key.
getString(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Return the string specified by the given key, or the given default string if the key is not found.
getString() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.DotVisitor
Return the accumulated tree node strings.
getString() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ToStringVisitor
Return the accumulated tree node strings.
getStringBundleName() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the string bundle name.
getStringProperty(Properties, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the required value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getStringProperty(Properties, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ConfigUtilities
Return the value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
getSubject() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.AbstractAssociateDialog
Return the subject record.
getSubjectClass() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassAnalyzer
Return the subject class.
getSubjectPropertyListener() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
getSuit(char) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.TextHumanAgent
Return the suit for the given suit display name.
getSuit() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractCard
Return the suit.
getSuit(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractCardTable
Return the suit with the given name.
getSuit() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.cardgame.ICard
Return the suit.
getSuit() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.SuitUI
Return the suit.
getSumFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Return the sum of the chromosome's fitnesses.
getSumFitness() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
Return the sum of the chromosome's fitnesses.
getSupport() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUISwing
getSystemResourceFor(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Return the URL which corresponds to the given topic.
getT0() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the time of epoch.
getT0() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the time of epoch.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable.TableHeaderRenderer
Return a component with the proper value and icon.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DateCellRenderer
Returns the component used for drawing the cell.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DecimalCellRenderer
Returns the component used for drawing the cell.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.HyperlinkCellRenderer
Returns the component used for drawing the cell.
getTableData() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Return an iterator over the table data.
getTableData(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Return the table data with the given name.
getTableData() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.DBDescriptor
Return an iterator over the table data.
getTableData(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.DBDescriptor
Return the table data with the given name.
getTableData() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IDatabase
Return an iterator over the table data.
getTableData(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IDatabase
Return the table data with the given name.
getTableData() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Return the table data.
getTableData() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Return the table data.
getTableDescriptor() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Return the table descriptor.
getTableModel() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.VisibleColumnsPanel
getTableName() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Association
Return the "other" table name based upon my forward flag.
getTableName() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IAssociation
Return the "other" table name based upon my forward flag.
getTableName() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Return the table name.
getTableName() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Return the table name.
getTableName() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Return the table name.
getTableName1() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JoinData
Return the first table name.
getTableName2() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JoinData
Return the second table name.
getTableName3() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JunctionData
Return the third table name.
getTableStyle() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyleChooser
Return the text style.
getTakeDiscardAction(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.TextHumanAgent
Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
getTeam() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Return this agent's team.
getTeam() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Return this token's team.
getTeam() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Return this agent's team.
getTeam() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
Return this token's team.
getTeam() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PieceShape
Return the team.
getTeamBlack() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return the team for black.
getTeamBlack() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Return the team for black.
getTeamCollection() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Return the team collection.
getTeamCollection() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Return the team collection.
getTeamColor(ITeam) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PieceShape
Return the color for the given team.
getTeamHighlight(ITeam) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PieceShape
Return the highlight color for the given team.
getTeamOne() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.Environment
Return team one.
getTeamTwo() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.Environment
Return team two.
getTeamWhite() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return the team for white.
getTeamWhite() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Return the team for white.
getTerminalCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
Return the terminal count.
getTerminalCount(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
Return the terminal count.
getTerminalCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP
Return the terminal count.
getTerminalCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IFunctionGenerator
Return the terminal count.
getTerminalCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IGeneticAlgorithmGP
Return the terminal count.
getTerminalList(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
Return the terminal list for the given return type.
getTertiaryColors() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Return an array of tertiary colors.
getText(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.StatusBar
Return the display string on the specified message label.
getTextColorSet() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSetChooser
Return the text color.
getTextStyle() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
getTextStyle() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyleChooser
Return the text style.
getTextureFilepath() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Return the texture filepath.
getTextureFilepath() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
getTime() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Return time.
getTitleKey() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AboutDialog
Return the title string key.
getTitleKey() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Return the title string key.
getTitleKey() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.EditFiltersDialog
Return the title string key.
getTitleKey() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.AssociatedDialog
Return the title string key.
getTitleKey() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.AssociateDialog
Return the title string key.
getTitleKey() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DisassociateDialog
Return the title string key.
getTitleKey() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PawnPromotionDialogSwing
Return the title string key.
getTitleKey() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.NewGameDialogSwing
Return the title string key.
getTitleKey() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Return the title string key.
getTitleKey() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.VisibleColumnsDialog
Return the title string key.
getToggleButton(Object, Action) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return a toggle button for the given action, creating it if necessary.
getToggleButton(Object, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return a toggle button for the given action parameters, creating it if necessary.
getToken() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui.BoxTokenUI
Return this token's agent.
getToken() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui.ConeTokenUI
Return this token's agent.
getToken() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractTokenUISwing
Return the token.
getToken() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractTokenUIText
Return this token's agent.
getToken() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PieceShape
Return this token's agent.
getToken() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.ITokenUI
Return the token.
getToken() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.EllipsoidTokenUI
Return this token's agent.
getToken() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.TokenUISupport
Return the token.
getTokenAt(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Return the token UI at the given position.
getTokenClass() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceAction
getTokenClass() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceActionGenerator
Return the class of new token's to place.
getTokenClass() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionAction
Return the promotion token class.
getTokenClass() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionCaptureAction
Return the promotion token class.
getTokenCollection() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Return the token collection.
getTokenCollection() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Return the token collection.
getTokenCollection() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGameState
Return the token collection.
getTokenCollection() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractTeam
Return the token collection.
getTokenCollection() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Return the token collection.
getTokenCollection() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Return the token collection.
getTokenCollection() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGameState
Return the action collection.
getTokenCollection() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ITeam
Return the token collection.
getTokenCollectionClass() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
getTokenCollectionClass() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
getTokenPropertyNames() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenCollection
Return the property names of interest to this.
getTokenPropertyNames() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenPositionCollection
Return the property names of interest to this.
getTokenToTokenUIMap() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimEnvironmentUISwing
Return the token to token UI map.
getTokenUIClassFor(IToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui.GridBoardUISwing
Return the proper ITokenUI type for the given token.
getTokenUIClassFor(IToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Return the proper ITokenUI type for the given token.
getTokenUIClassFor(IToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.DefaultGridBoard3DUISwing
Return the proper ITokenUI type for the given token.
getTokenUIClassFor(IToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Return the proper ITokenUI type for the given token.
getTokenUIFor(IToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimEnvironmentUISwing
Return the ITokenUI for the given token.
getToLayer() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractConnector
getToLayer() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IConnector
Return the to layer.
getToolBar() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the tool bar.
getToolBarPanel() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the tool bar.
getTopic() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpNode
Return the topic.
getTopicFor(URL) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Return the URL which corresponds to the given topic.
getToPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractGridBoardAction
getToPosition() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.IGridBoardAction
getToPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveCaptureAction
getToPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleAction
getToPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.EnPassantCaptureAction
getToPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionAction
getToPosition() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionCaptureAction
getTreeNodeCollectionClass() - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
getTrueAnomaly(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
getTrueAnomaly(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the true anomaly.
getTrueAnomaly0() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
getTrueAnomaly0() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the true anomaly at epoch.
getTurnNumber() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Return the current turn number.
getTurnNumber() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGameState
Return the turn number.
getTurnNumber() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Return the current turn number.
getTurnNumber() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGameState
Return the turn number.
getType() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionCollection
Return the type this collection holds.
getType() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentCollection
Return the type this collection holds.
getType() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.CardCollection
Return the type this collection holds.
getType() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.TranspositionEntry
getType() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TeamCollection
Return the type this collection holds.
getType() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Return the type this collection holds.
getType() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenCollection
Return the type this collection holds.
getType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PawnPromotionDialogSwing
Return the type chosen.
getType() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Return the type.
getType() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractCollection
Return the type this collection holds.
getType(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GenericData
Return the type of the named property.
getType(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IGenericData
Return the type of the named property.
getUndoAction(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionFactory
Return an UndoAction for the given parameters.
getUndoAction(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.BoardGameActionFactory
Return an UndoAction for the given parameters.
getUndoAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the undo action.
getUserObject() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
getUserObject() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Returns this node's user object.
getV(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the velocity vector.
getV(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the velocity vector.
getV0() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the velocity vector at epoch.
getV0() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the velocity vector at epoch.
getVa() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the apoapsis speed.
getVa() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the apoapsis speed.
getValue() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.DefaultTerminal
getValue(Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IArgument
Return the value of this argument using the given context item.
getValue() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.LiteralArgument
getValue(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.LiteralArgument
Return the value of this argument, ignoring the given context item.
getValue(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.PropertyArgument
Return the value of this argument using the given context item.
getValue() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Return the value of this token.
getValue(IChessToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.DefaultChessEvaluator
Return the value for the given token.
getValue() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
Return the value of this token.
getValue() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.TranspositionEntry
getValue() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SwingWorker
Get the value produced by the worker thread, or null if it hasn't been constructed yet.
getValue(Object, String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassAnalyzer
Return the value of the given property from the given object.
getValueAt(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Return the data object in the given row.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Return the object in the given cell.
getValueAt(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.FilteredTableModel
Return the data object in the given row.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.FilteredTableModel
Return the object in the given cell.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableMap
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
getValues() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.DefaultChessEvaluator
Return the token values.
getVector() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.VectorPosition
getVector() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return the rotation vector.
getVelocity() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Ball
Return the velocity.
getVelocity() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Return the velocity in length time^-1 units.
getVelocity() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Return the velocity in length time^-1 units.
getViewMenu(Container) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the view menu.
getViewMenuDefault(Container) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Return the default view menu.
getViewModeAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Return the view mode action.
getViewModeMenuItem() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Return the view mode menu item.
getVisibleColumnsAction(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionFactory
Return the visible columns action.
getVp() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the periapsis speed.
getVp() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the periapsis speed.
getW() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return the argument of periapsis.
getW() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.CircularOrbit
Return the argument of periapsis.
getW() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return the argument of periapsis.
getWeight(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractConnector
Return the weight for the given parameters.
getWeight(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the weight for the given parameters.
getWeight(int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IConnector
Return the weight for the given parameters.
getWeight(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return the weight for the given parameters.
getWeight(IntegerPosition, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.WeightedEvaluator
Return the weight for the given grid position.
getWeightCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractConnector
Return a count of the weights.
getWeightCount() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IConnector
Return a count of the weights.
getWeights(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractConnector
Return the weights for the given parameters.
getWeights() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractConnector
Return the weights for the given parameters.
getWeights(int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the weights for the given parameters.
getWeights(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IConnector
Return the weights for the given parameters.
getWeights(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return the weights for the given parameters.
getWeights() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.TokenLineEvaluator
Return the weights.
getWeights() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.WeightedEvaluator
Return the weights.
getWhitePossibleEnPassantCapturePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return the possible positions array.
getWhitePossibleMoveCapturePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return the possible positions array.
getWhitePossibleMovePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return the possible positions array.
getWhitePossiblePawnPromotionCapturePositionsArray(IChessEnvironment) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return the possible positions array.
getWhitePossiblePawnPromotionPositionsArray(IChessEnvironment) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return the possible positions array.
getWidth() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Returns the current width of this component.
getWidth() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.HighlightData
Return the line width.
getWidth() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
getWidth() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
getWinner() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAdjudicator
Return the winning agent, or null if there is no winner.
getWinner() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.GameEvent
Return the winner.
getWinner() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAdjudicator
Return the winning agent, or null if there is no winner.
getWinningPositions() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardAdjudicator
getWinningPositions() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
getWinningPositions() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoardAdjudicator
getX() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal
getX() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Return the x coordinate.
getX() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.VectorPosition
Return the X component.
getX() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return the X component.
getX() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return the X component.
getXRotation() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
getY() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal
getY() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Return the y coordinate.
getY() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.VectorPosition
Return the Y component.
getY() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return the Y component.
getY() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return the Y component.
getYRotation() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
getZ() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal
getZ() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Return the z coordinate.
getZ() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.VectorPosition
Return the Z component.
getZ() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return the Z component.
getZ() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return the Z component.
getZoomInAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Return the zoom in action.
getZoomInAction() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewerSwing
Return the zoom in action.
getZoomOutAction() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Return the zoom out action.
getZoomOutAction() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewerSwing
Return the zoom out action.
getZRotation() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
GPFunctionEvaluator - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Provides an evaluator which uses a genetic programming function.
GPFunctionEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GPFunctionEvaluator
GraphicsUIFactory - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Provides creation methods for graphics UI objects.
GraphvizRunner - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides a utility to run the Graphviz program.
GraphvizRunner() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.GraphvizRunner
Construct this object.
GraphvizRunner(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.GraphvizRunner
Construct this object with the given parameter.
GRAYSCALE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Gray scale color designator.
GreaterThan - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides a greater than function for genetic programming.
GreaterThan() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.GreaterThan
Construct this object.
GreaterThanDouble - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides a greater than function for genetic programming.
GreaterThanDouble() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.GreaterThanDouble
GREEN - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Green color constant.
Grid - Class in org.vizzini.example.ant
Provides a grid for the artificial ant problem.
Grid() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Construct this object.
GRID_BOARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal
Grid board property name.
GRID_NAME - Static variable in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
State variable name for the grid.
GRID_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
GridBoard3DUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Provides functionality for Swing 3D grid board environment user interfaces in the game framework.
GridBoard3DUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Construct this object.
GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Provides a genetic programming terminal to assist in evaluating a grid board.
GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal
Construct this object with the given parameter.
GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal(IntegerPosition) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal
Construct this object with the given parameter.
GridBoardSupport - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Provides support for grid boards in the game framework.
GridBoardSupport(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardSupport
Construct this object with the given parameters.
GridBoardTranspositionKeyCreator - Class in org.vizzini.game.search
Provides a transposition key creator for use with IGridBoard s.
GridBoardTranspositionKeyCreator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.search.GridBoardTranspositionKeyCreator
GridBoardUISupport - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Provides support methods for grid board environment user interfaces in the game framework.
GridBoardUISupport() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISupport
GridBoardUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui
Provides functionality for a Swing 3D Qubic grid board environment user interface in the game framework.
GridBoardUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui.GridBoardUISwing
GridBoardUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui
Provides functionality for a Swing 2D Tic-Tac-Toe grid board environment user interface in the game framework.
GridBoardUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui.GridBoardUISwing
GridBoardUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Provides functionality for Swing 2D grid board environment user interfaces in the game framework.
GridBoardUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Construct this object.
GridBoardUISwing.MyGridLayout - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Provides a grid layout which uses the Component.getWidth() and Component.getHeight() method instead of directly accessing member variables.
GridBoardUISwing.MyGridLayout(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing.MyGridLayout
GridBoardUIText - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Provides functionality for text grid board environment user interfaces in the game framework.
GridBoardUIText() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUIText
GridLayout2 - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a layout manager which extends GridLayout to allow the cells to be different sizes.
GridLayout2() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.GridLayout2
Construct this object.
GridLayout2(int, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.GridLayout2
Construct this object with the given parameters.
GridLayout2(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.GridLayout2
Construct this object with the given parameters.
GridUI - Class in org.vizzini.example.ant.ui
Provides a user interface for a grid for the artificial ant problem.
GridUI() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.GridUI
Construct this object.
GT - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.OperatorType
GUIConstants - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides some common GUI constants.
GUIConstants() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.GUIConstants


handleAbout(ApplicationEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.OSXAdapter
Implemented handler methods.
handlePreferences(ApplicationEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.OSXAdapter
Implemented handler methods.
handleQuit(ApplicationEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.OSXAdapter
Implemented handler methods.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractChromosome
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeBoolean
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeDouble
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeInt
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractNode
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ConnectorCollection
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IConnector
Return a hash code.
hashCode() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Return a hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Return the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGameState
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractTeam
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.AbstractAction
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.action.IAction
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractGridBoardAction
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractMoveAction
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveCaptureAction
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceAction
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.RemoveAction
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleAction
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.EnPassantCaptureAction
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionAction
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionCaptureAction
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractCard
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractSuit
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TeamCollection
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.VectorPosition
Return a hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Ellipsoid
Return a hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return a hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return a hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSet
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyle
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractBean
Return a hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractEnumeratedType
Return the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractList
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractMap
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GenericData
Return the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IEnumeratedType
Return the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IGenericData
Return the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hasListeners() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event.CheckManager
Return true if this has registed listeners.
hasListeners(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.event.IPropertyChangeSupport
Check if there are any listeners for a specific property.
hasListeners(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.PropertyChangeManager
Check if there are any listeners for a specific property.
HEADING_EAST - Static variable in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Ant
Enumeration of ant heading East.
HEADING_NAME - Static variable in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
State variable name for the ant heading.
HEADING_NORTH - Static variable in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Ant
Enumeration of ant heading North.
HEADING_SOUTH - Static variable in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Ant
Enumeration of ant heading South.
HEADING_WEST - Static variable in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Ant
Enumeration of ant heading West.
HEARTS - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.PokerDeck
Hearts suit.
HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
The height in centimeters from Star Fleet Technical Manual.
helpActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseUI
Callback for the help button.
HelpDialogSwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.help
Provides a Swing dialog to display help information.
HelpDialogSwing(Frame, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Construct this object with the given parameters.
HelpDialogSwing(Frame, String, Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Construct this object with the given parameters.
HelpDialogSwing.MyTreeSelectionListener - Class in org.vizzini.ui.help
Provides a tree selection listener with an active flag so it can be turned off.
HelpDialogSwing.MyTreeSelectionListener() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing.MyTreeSelectionListener
HelpHyperlinkListener - Class in org.vizzini.ui.help
Provides a listener for hyperlink events used by the help system.
HelpHyperlinkListener(HelpDialogSwing) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpHyperlinkListener
Construct this object using the given parameters.
HelpModel - Class in org.vizzini.ui.help
Provides a model to hold help information.
HelpModel() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpModel
Construct this object with the given parameters.
HelpModel(Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpModel
Construct this object with the given parameter.
HelpNode - Class in org.vizzini.ui.help
Provides a user object for help tree nodes.
HelpNode(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpNode
Construct this object with the given parameter.
highlightCurrentPosition(IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Set the current position.
highlightCurrentPosition(IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Highlight the current position.
HighlightData - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Provides highlight data for a grid board position.
HighlightData() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.HighlightData
highlightLastMovePosition(IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Highlight the given position.
highlightLastMovePosition(IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Highlight the given position.
highlightSelectedPosition(IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Set the selected position.
highlightSelectedPosition(IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Highlight the selected position.
homeActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Callback for the home action.
HOURS - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.UnitConverter
Hours constant.
HyperbolicOrbit - Class in org.vizzini.math.orbit
Provides a hyperbolic orbit.
HyperbolicOrbit(double, Vector, Vector) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.HyperbolicOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
HyperbolicOrbit(double, Vector, Vector, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.HyperbolicOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
HyperbolicOrbit(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.HyperbolicOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
HyperbolicOrbit(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.HyperbolicOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
HyperlinkCellRenderer - Class in org.vizzini.ui.table
Provides a table cell renderer for a hyperlink.
HyperlinkCellRenderer() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.HyperlinkCellRenderer
hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpHyperlinkListener
Respond to hyperlink events.


IAction - Interface in org.vizzini.game.action
Defines methods required by actions in the game framework.
IActionGenerator - Interface in org.vizzini.game.action
Defines methods required by action generators in the game framework.
IActionReceivedListener - Interface in org.vizzini.game.event
Defines methods required by action received listeners.
IActionReceivedProducer - Interface in org.vizzini.game.event
Defines methods required by producers of action received events.
IActivationFunction - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork
Defines methods required by activation functions for a neural network.
IAdjudicator - Interface in org.vizzini.game
Defines methods required by adjudicators in the game framework.
IAgent - Interface in org.vizzini.game
Defines methods required by agents in the game framework.
IAgentCollection - Interface in org.vizzini.game
Defines methods required by collections that hold IAgent s.
IArcadeEnvironment - Interface in org.vizzini.game.arcadegame
Defines methods required by arcade game environments in the game framework.
IArgument - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Defines methods required by arguments in the logic system.
IArgumentWrapper - Interface in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Defines methods required by argument wrappers in the logic system.
IAssociation - Interface in org.vizzini.database
Provides an instance of a join which allows fetching, associating, and disassociating Records.
IAtomicSentence - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Defines methods required by atomic sentences in the logic system.
IBinaryAtomicSentence - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Defines methods required by binary atomic sentences in the logic system.
IBishop - Interface in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Defines methods required by a Bishop in the 3D chess framework.
IBoardGame - Interface in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Defines methods required by board games in the game framework.
IBoardGameToken - Interface in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Defines methods required by board game tokens in the game framework.
IBoardgameUI - Interface in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Defines methods required by boardgame user interfaces in the game framework.
IBusyListener - Interface in org.vizzini.util.event
Defines methods required by busy listeners.
ICard - Interface in org.vizzini.game.cardgame
Defines methods required by a card for card games in the game framework.
ICardCenterUI - Interface in org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame
Defines methods required by card center widgets in card game user interfaces.
ICardCollection - Interface in org.vizzini.game.cardgame
Defines methods required by a card collection.
ICheckListener - Interface in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event
Defines methods required by check listeners.
IChessAdjudicator - Interface in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Defines methods required by chess adjudicators in the 3D chess framework.
IChessAgent - Interface in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Defines methods required by chess agents in the 3D chess framework.
IChessEnvironment - Interface in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Defines methods required by chess environments in the 3D chess framework.
IChessToken - Interface in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Defines methods required by 3D chess tokens.
IChromosome - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Defines methods required by chromosomes for a genetic algorithm.
IChromosomeGP - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming
Defines methods required by a chromosome in genetic programming.
ICollection - Interface in org.vizzini.util
Defines methods required by collections in the game framework.
IComplexSentence - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Defines methods required by complex sentences in the logic system.
IComputerAgent - Interface in org.vizzini.game
Defines methods required by computer agents in the game framework.
IConcedeListener - Interface in org.vizzini.game.event
Defines methods required by concede listeners.
IConnector - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork
Defines methods required by neural network layer connectors.
IContext - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Defines methods required by a context in a genetic algorithm.
ID_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in interface org.vizzini.database.IDatabase
The name of the special identity field.
IDatabase - Interface in org.vizzini.database
Provides an interface which defines methods required by database objects.
IDocument - Interface in org.vizzini.util
Defines methods required by documents.
IDynamicState - Interface in org.vizzini.math
Defines methods required by a dynamic state of an object.
IEngine - Interface in org.vizzini.game
Defines methods required by engines in the game framework.
IEnumeratedType - Interface in org.vizzini.util
Defines methods required by enumerated types.
IEnvironment - Interface in org.vizzini.game
Defines methods required by environments in the game framework.
IEnvironmentUI - Interface in org.vizzini.ui.game
Defines methods required by environment user interfaces in the game framework.
IEvaluator - Interface in org.vizzini.game
Defines methods required by evaluators in the game framework.
IEvent - Interface in org.vizzini.util.event
Defines methods required by an event to signal changes.
If - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides an If function in genetic programming.
If(Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.If
Construct this object.
IFF - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ConnectiveType
IfFoodAheadFunction - Class in org.vizzini.example.ant
Provides a function to determine if there is food in the cell ahead of the ant.
IfFoodAheadFunction() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.ant.IfFoodAheadFunction
Construct this object.
IFilter - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Defines methods required by filters in the logic system.
IFitnessCase - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Defines methods required by a fitness case for a genetic algorithm.
IForceConsumer - Interface in org.vizzini.game.simulation.force
Defines methods required by a force consumer for a simulation.
IForceProducer - Interface in org.vizzini.game.simulation.force
Defines methods required by a force producer for a simulation.
IFunction - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming
Defines methods required by a function in genetic programming.
IFunctionGenerator - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming
Defines methods required by a function generator in genetic programming.
IGame - Interface in org.vizzini.game
Defines methods required by games in the game framework.
IGameGeneticAlgorithm - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Defines methods required by game genetic algorithms.
IGameGeneticAlgorithmGP - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming
Defines methods required by a game genetic algorithm using genetic programming.
IGameListener - Interface in org.vizzini.game.event
Defines methods required by game listeners.
IGameState - Interface in org.vizzini.game
Defines methods required by game states in the game framework.
IGameUI - Interface in org.vizzini.ui.game
Defines methods required by game user interfaces in the game framework.
IGenericData - Interface in org.vizzini.util
Defines methods required for storage of properties determined at runtime.
IGeneticAlgorithm - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Defines methods required by genetic algorithms.
IGeneticAlgorithmGP - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming
Defines methods required by a genetic programming genetic algorithm.
IGNORE_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractBean
Properties to ignore when executing toString().
IGridBoard - Interface in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Defines methods required by grid board environments in the game framework.
IGridBoard3DUISwing - Interface in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Defines methods required by grid board 3D environment user interfaces in the game framework.
IGridBoardAction - Interface in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action
Defines methods required by grid board actions in the game framework.
IGridBoardAdjudicator - Interface in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Defines methods required by grid board adjudicators in the game framework.
IGridBoardUI - Interface in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Defines methods required by grid board environment user interfaces in the game framework.
IGridBoardUISwing - Interface in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Defines methods required by grid board environment user interfaces in the game framework.
IHumanAgent - Interface in org.vizzini.game
Defines methods required by human agents in the game framework.
IJPopupMenuOwner - Interface in org.vizzini.ui
Defines methods required by a JPopupMenu owner.
IKing - Interface in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Defines methods required by a King in the 3D chess framework.
IKnight - Interface in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Defines methods required by a Knight in the 3D chess framework.
ILayer - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork
Defines methods required by a layer of a neural network.
IListener - Interface in org.vizzini.util.event
Defines methods required by listeners for events.
IllegalActionException - Exception in org.vizzini.game.action
Provides an exception which indicates an illegal action has been encountered.
IllegalActionException() - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.game.action.IllegalActionException
Construct this object.
IllegalActionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.game.action.IllegalActionException
Construct this object with the given message.
IllegalActionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.game.action.IllegalActionException
Construct this object with the given cause.
IllegalActionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.game.action.IllegalActionException
Construct this object with the given message and cause.
IllegalActionRuntimeException - Exception in org.vizzini.game.action
Provides a runtime exception which indicates an illegal action has been encountered.
IllegalActionRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.game.action.IllegalActionRuntimeException
Construct this object.
IllegalActionRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.game.action.IllegalActionRuntimeException
Construct this object with the given message.
IllegalActionRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.game.action.IllegalActionRuntimeException
Construct this object with the given cause.
IllegalActionRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.game.action.IllegalActionRuntimeException
Construct this object with the given message and cause.
IMace - Interface in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Defines methods required by a Mace (a.k.a Unicorn) in the 3D chess framework.
ImageCreator - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Provides a class which creates an image file from a JComponent.
ImageCreator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Construct this object.
IMoveAction - Interface in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action
Defines methods required by move grid board actions in the game framework.
IMPLIES - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ConnectiveType
incrementCreationCount() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractGridBoardActionPool
Increment the creation count.
incrementCurrentFitnessCase() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractContext
Move to the next fitness case.
incrementCurrentFitnessCase() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IContext
Move to the next fitness case.
incrementNodesVisited() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.AbstractSearch
Increment the nodes visited count.
incrementScore() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Increment the score.
incrementScore() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Increment the score.
incrementTime() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Increment the time state variable.
incrementTurnNumber() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Increment the turn number.
incrementTurnNumber() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Increment the turn number.
incrementTurnNumber() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationEnvironment
Increment the turn number.
incrementX() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Increment X.
incrementY() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Increment Y.
indexes - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
indexOf(IChromosome) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Return the index of the given chromosome.
indexOf(IChromosome) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
Return the index of the given chromosome.
indexOf(ILayer) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return the index of the given layer.
indexOf(ILayer) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return the index of the given layer.
indexOf(SentenceEditor) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
Return the index of the given sentence editor.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Return the index of the given data object.
indexOf(ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Return the index of the given node.
indexOf(ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Return the index of the given node.
indexOf(ITreeNode) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNodeCollection
Return the index of the given node.
indexToCoords(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardSupport
Return the coordinates computed from the given index.
indexToFile(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return the file coordinates computed from the given index.
indexToFile(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardSupport
Return the file coordinates computed from the given index.
indexToFile(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return the file coordinates computed from the given index.
indexToLevel(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return the level coordinates computed from the given index.
indexToLevel(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardSupport
Return the level coordinates computed from the given index.
indexToLevel(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return the level coordinates computed from the given index.
indexToPosition(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return the position computed from the given index.
indexToPosition(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardSupport
Return the position computed from the given index.
indexToPosition(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return the position computed from the given index.
indexToRank(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return the rank coordinates computed from the given index.
indexToRank(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardSupport
Return the rank coordinates computed from the given index.
indexToRank(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return the rank coordinates computed from the given index.
INDIGO - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Indigo color constant.
INeuralNetwork - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork
Defines methods required by a neural network.
INFINITY_INT - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.Constants
inflate(Element) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.BaseDatabaseData
Inflate this object from the given XML element.
inflate(Element) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.ColumnData
Inflate this object from the given XML element.
inflate(Element) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.DBDescriptor
Inflate this object from the given XML element.
inflate(Element) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JoinData
Inflate this object from the given XML element.
inflate(Element) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JunctionData
Inflate this object from the given XML element.
inflate(Element) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.TableData
Inflate this object using the given XML element.
init(IPopulation) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractSelector
Initialize this selector from the given population.
init(IPopulation) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.FitnessProportionalSelector
Initialize this selector from the given population.
init(IPopulation) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ISelector
Initialize this selector from the given population.
init(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractFunctionLayer
Initialize using the given parameters.
init(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Initialize using the given parameters.
init(Document) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.DBDescriptor
Construct this object from the given file.
init() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.AntUI
Initialize this applet.
init() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
init(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.PokerDeck
Initialize the deck with the standard cards.
init(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner.ColorPanel
Construct this object.
init() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractApp
init(Component, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Initialize this option pane.
init(List, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterChooser
init() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Initialize this object.
init() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseUI
Initialize this object.
init() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUISwing
init() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Initialize this applet.
init() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUIText
Initialize this applet.
init() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessGameUISwing
init() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.GameUISupport
Initialize this applet.
init() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.IGameUI
Initialize this applet.
init() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ItemAwareMenu
Initialize this menu.
init() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
initCard(String, int, ISuit) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.PokerDeck
Create and add a card with the given parameters.
initCards(String, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.PokerDeck
Create cards for each suit with the given parameters.
initialize() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Initialize the state of the context.
initializeOptionStrings() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Initialize the option strings.
initPoints(double, double, double, Vector[], double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PieceShape
Initialize the points of this shape.
initPoints(double, double, double, Vector[], double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.ExtrudedShape
Calculate the points from the given description of an extruded object.
initPoints(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.PolygonShape
Initialize this polygon with the given points.
INode - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming
Defines methods required by a node in genetic programming.
INPUT_LAYER_NAME - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.LayerFactory
Input layer name.
InputLayer - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer
Provides an input layer for a neural network.
InputLayer() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.InputLayer
Construct this object.
InputLayer(String, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.InputLayer
Construct this object with the given parameters.
InputLayer(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.InputLayer
Construct this object with the given parameters.
InputTerminal - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal
Provides a state variable terminal in genetic programming.
InputTerminal(String, Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.InputTerminal
Construct this object with the given parameter.
insert() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Insert this object into the database.
insert() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Insert this object into the database.
insert(ITreeNode, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Removes treeNode from its present parent (if it has a parent), sets the child's parent to this node, and then adds the child to this node's child array at index childIndex.
insert(ITreeNode, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Removes treeNode from its present parent (if it has a parent), sets the child's parent to this node, and then adds the child to this node's child array at index childIndex.
insertIntoPopupMenu(Action, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Insert the given action into the popup menu at the given index.
insertIntoPopupMenu(JMenuItem, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Insert the given menu item into the popup menu at the given index.
insertIntoPopupMenu(Action, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.IJPopupMenuOwner
Insert the given action into the popup menu at the given index.
insertIntoPopupMenu(JMenuItem, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.IJPopupMenuOwner
Insert the given menu item into the popup menu at the given index.
IntegerPosition - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides functionality for a position which represents 2D or 3D coordinates as integers in the game framework.
interrupt() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SwingWorker
A new method that interrupts the worker thread.
intersectionParameters(Vector, Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Ellipsoid
Return the intersection parameter(s) of the line described by the input vectors.
intersectionParameters(Vector, Vector, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Ellipsoid
Return the intersection parameter(s) of the line described by the input vectors.
intersections(Ellipsoid) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Ellipsoid
Return the intersection point(s) of the given ellipsoid and this.
intersections(Vector, Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Ellipsoid
Return the intersection point(s) of the line described by the input vectors.
intersections(Vector, Vector, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Ellipsoid
Return the intersection point(s) of the line described by the input vectors.
intersects(Ellipsoid) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Ellipsoid
Return true if the given ellipsoid intersects this.
intersects(Vector, Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Ellipsoid
Return true if the line described by the parameters intersects this ellipsoid.
intValue() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractEnumeratedType
Return the integer value of this type.
intValue() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IEnumeratedType
Return the integer value of this type.
INVALID_ID - Static variable in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
invokeAction(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionManager
Invoke an action and add it to the history.
invokeCallback(Object, Method, ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager.CallbackAction
Invoke the given method on the given target.
IODE - Interface in org.vizzini.math.ode
Defines methods required by ordinary differential equations in the game framework.
IODESolver - Interface in org.vizzini.math.ode
Defines methods required by ordinary differential equation solvers in the game framework.
IOrbit - Interface in org.vizzini.math.orbit
Defines methods required by orbits.
IOSXApp - Interface in org.vizzini.ui
Defines methods required by Mac OS X apps, used by OSXAdapter.
IPawn - Interface in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Defines methods required by a Pawn in the 3D chess framework.
IPhysicalObject - Interface in org.vizzini.game.simulation
Defines methods required by a physical object.
IPhysicalObjectUI - Interface in org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation
Defines methods required by a physical object user interface.
IPopulation - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Defines methods required by a collection which holds IChromosome s.
IPosition - Interface in org.vizzini.game
Defines methods required by positions in the game framework.
IPropertyChangeSupport - Interface in org.vizzini.util.event
Defines methods needed by classes which use a PropertyChangeSupport instance.
IQueen - Interface in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Defines methods required by a Queen in the 3D chess framework.
IRecord - Interface in org.vizzini.database
Provides a generic data object which can be stored in a database.
IRedo - Interface in org.vizzini.game.action
Defines methods required by redo actions in the game framework.
IRON - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Iron color constant.
IRook - Interface in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Defines methods required by a Rook in the 3D chess framework.
is3D() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return true if this is using 3D coordinates.
is3D() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return true if this is using 3D coordinates.
isActionApproved() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Return true if the dialog was approved.
isActionHistoryUsed() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
isActionHistoryUsed() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.SearchChessAgent
isActionHistoryUsed() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
isActionLegal(IEnvironment, IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.Adjudicator
Return true if the given action is legal in the given environment.
isActionLegal(IEnvironment, IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Adjudicator
Return true if the given action is legal in the given environment.
isActionLegal(IEnvironment, IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.qubic.Adjudicator
Return true if the given action is legal in the given environment.
isActionLegal(IEnvironment, IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.Adjudicator
Return true if the given action is legal in the given environment.
isActionLegal(IEnvironment, IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isActionLegal(IEnvironment, IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.DefaultAdjudicator
Return true if the given action is legal in the given environment.
isActionLegal(IEnvironment, IAction) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAdjudicator
Return true if the given action is legal in the given environment.
isActionLegal0(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isActive() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing.MyTreeSelectionListener
isAlternatingRowColors() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
isAnt(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Return true if the cell at the given coordinates contains the ant.
isApplet() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.SystemUtilities
Return true if this is running in an applet environment.
isApplication() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.SystemUtilities
Return true if this is running in an application environment.
isArrangement(Arrangement) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Return true if the given arrangement matches the current setting.
isAttackPosition(IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IPawn
Return true if the given position is an attack move for this.
isAttackPosition(IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return true if the given position is an attack move for this.
isAudioOn() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUISwing
Return true if audio is on.
isAudioOn() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUIText
Return true if audio is on.
isAudioOn() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Return true if audio is on.
isAudioOn() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.EnvironmentUISupport
Return true if audio is on.
isAudioOn() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.IEnvironmentUI
Return true if audio is on.
isBiasNodeUsed() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractFunctionLayer
isBounced() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Ball
Return true if this has bounced.
isBounced(Rectangle) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Ball
Return true if the ball should bounce.
isBounced(Paddle) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Ball
Return true if the ball should bounce off the given paddle.
isBusy() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractComputerAgent
Return true if this is busy.
isBusy() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IComputerAgent
Return true if this is busy.
isBusy() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.BusyEvent
Return true if busy.
IScaler - Interface in org.vizzini.math
Defines methods required by classes which scale numbers between two ranges.
isCaptureActionLegal0(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isCastleActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given castle agent action is legal in the given environment.
isCastleActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, CastleAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given castle agent action is legal in the given environment.
isCastleActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isCastlingAllowed() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return true if this environment allows castling.
isCastlingAllowed() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Return true if this environment allows castling.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Return true if the given cell is editable.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableMap
isCheckingState() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractFunction
isChild(ISentence) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractComplexSentence
Return true if the given sentence is a child of this.
isChild(ISentence) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IComplexSentence
Return true if the given sentence is a child of this.
isChildAllowed() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Returns true if this node is allowed to have children.
isChildAllowed() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Returns true if this node is allowed to have children.
isCircularOrbit(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Return true if the given eccentricity indicates a circular orbit.
isColumnEditable(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptor
Return true if the given column is editable.
isColumnSortedAscending(JTable, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
Answer true if the given column is sorted in ascending order.
isConcedeAvailable() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Return true if the Concede action is available.
isConcedeAvailable() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationUISwing
Return true if the Concede action is available.
isConnected(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return true if this network has a connector from the given layer to the given layer.
isConnected(ILayer, ILayer) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return true if this network has a connector from the given layer to the given layer.
isConnected(int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return true if this network has a connector from the given layer to the given layer.
isConnected(ILayer, ILayer) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return true if this network has a connector from the given layer to the given layer.
IScoreListener - Interface in org.vizzini.game.event
Defines methods required by score listeners.
isDateAppended() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Return true if the date/time should be appended to the filename.
isDirty() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeNeuralNetwork
Return true if this chromosome is out of sync with the neural network.
isDirty() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Answer true if data was changed in the dialog.
isDirty() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorButton
isDirty() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorChooser
isDirty() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyleChooser
isDirty() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.VisibleColumnsPanel
isDirty() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
isDirty() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSetChooser
isDirty() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyleChooser
isDirty() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Return the flag indicating if this document has changed since the last save.
isDirty() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Return the flag indicating if this document has changed since the last save.
isDirty() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IDocument
Return the flag indicating if this document has changed since the last save.
isDoubleFirstMove() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
isDuplicateAllowed() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Return true if duplicate chromosomes are allowed.
ISearch - Interface in org.vizzini.game.search
Defines methods required by search algorithms.
ISearchAgent - Interface in org.vizzini.game
Defines methods required by computer agents which uses an AI search algorithm to determine the best action.
isEditable() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.BaseDatabaseData
Return true if this is editable.
isEditable() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.ITableData
Return true if this is editable.
isEditable() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Return true if this column is editable.
isEditMode() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.AbstractAssociateDialog
isEditMode() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
isEditMode() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Return true if this is in edit mode.
ISelector - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Defines methods required by a chromosome selector in a genetic algorithm.
isEllipticOrbit(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Return true if the given eccentricity indicates an elliptic orbit.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Return true if this is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
Return true if this is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ConnectorCollection
Return true if this collection is empty.
isEmpty(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Return true if the cell at the given coordinates is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Return true if this is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeGroup
Return true if this is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeSortList
Return true if this is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractList
Return true if this is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractMap
Return true if this is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IStack
Return true if this collection is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.LinkedListStack
Return true if this collection is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.Queue
Return true if this collection is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.Stack
Return true if this collection is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Return true if this is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Return true if this is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNodeCollection
Return true if this is empty.
isEnPassantCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isEnPassantCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, EnPassantCaptureAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isEnPassantCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isEnPassantCaptureAllowed() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return true if this environment allows en passant capture.
isEnPassantCaptureAllowed() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Return true if this environment allows en passant capture.
isEnPassantPositions(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given positions are correct for en passant capture.
ISentence - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Defines methods required by sentences in the logic system.
ISentenceEditor - Interface in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Defines methods required by sentence editors in the logic system.
ISentenceWrapper - Interface in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Defines methods required by sentence wrappers in the logic system.
isEnumerated() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.ColumnData
Return true if this is enumerated.
isEnumerated() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Return true if this column is enumerated.
isExpanded() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCollectionUI
Return the expanded flag.
isFaceUp() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardCenterUI
Return true if this is face up.
isFileAssociated() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Return true if this document has an associated File.
isFileAssociated() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Return true if this document has an associated File.
isFileAssociated() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IDocument
Return true if this document has an associated File.
isFiringChanges() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.AbstractManager
Return true if this is set to fire change events.
isFiringChecks() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return true if this is set to fire check events.
isFiringChecks() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event.CheckManager
Return true if this is set to fire check events.
isFiringChecks() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Return true if this is set to fire check events.
isFiringGameChanges() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Return true if this is set to fire game change events.
isFiringGameChanges() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Return true if this is set to fire game change events.
isFiringPositionChanges() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
isFiringStateChanges() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Return true if this is set to fire state change events.
isFiringStateChanges() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Return true if this is set to fire state change events.
isFitnessUnknown() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractChromosome
Return true if the fitness is unknown.
isFitnessUnknown() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IChromosome
Return true if the fitness is unknown.
isFood(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Return true if the cell at the given coordinates contains food.
isFoodAhead(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.IfFoodAheadFunction
Return true if there is food ahead of the ant.
isFootprint(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Return true if the cell at the given coordinates contains a footprint.
isForward() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Association
Return the forward flag.
isForward() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IAssociation
Return the forward flag.
isGameOver(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.Adjudicator
Return true if one of the agents has won, or there are no more open positions.
isGameOver(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Adjudicator
Return true if the given environment represents a completed game.
isGameOver(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.qubic.Adjudicator
Return true if one of the agents has won, or there are no more open positions.
isGameOver(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.Adjudicator
Return true if one of the agents has won, or there are no more open positions.
isGameOver() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Return true if the game is over.
isGameOver(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if one of the agents has won.
isGameOver(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.DefaultAdjudicator
Return true if the given environment represents a completed game.
isGameOver() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.GameEvent
Return true if the game is over.
isGameOver(IEnvironment) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAdjudicator
Return true if the given environment represents a completed game.
isGameOver() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Return true if the game is over.
isGin(IAgent, Collection) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.Adjudicator
Return true if the given collection is a Gin.
isGoal(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.Adjudicator
Return true if one of the agents has won.
isGoal(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Adjudicator
Return true if one of the agents has won.
isGoal(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.qubic.Adjudicator
Return true if one of the agents has won.
isGoal(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.Adjudicator
Return true if one of the agents has won.
isGoal(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if one of the agents has won.
isGoal(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.DefaultAdjudicator
Return true if one of the agents has won.
isGoal(IEnvironment) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAdjudicator
Return true if one of the agents has won.
IShape - Interface in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Defines methods required by 3D shapes.
IShapeCanvas - Interface in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Provides a canvas for drawing 3D shapes.
isHighDetail() - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
isHintMode() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Return true if we're in hint mode.
isHistoryEmpty() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionManager
Return true if the history list is empty.
isHyperbolicOrbit(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Return true if the given eccentricity indicates a hyperbolic orbit.
ISimEnvironmentUI - Interface in org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation
Defines methods required by a simulation environment user interface.
ISimulationEnvironment - Interface in org.vizzini.game.simulation
Defines methods required by a simulation environment.
ISimulationUI - Interface in org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation
Defines methods required by a simulation game user interface.
isInCheck(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent's King is in check.
isInCheck(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent's King is in check.
isInCheckmate(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent's King is in checkmate.
isInCheckmate(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent's King is in checkmate.
isInFrontOf(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Return true if the given shape is in front of this.
isInitialPosition(Class, ITeam, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return true if the given coordinates are the initial position for a Pawn.
isInitialPosition(Class, ITeam, IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Return true if the given coordinates are the initial position for a token of the given class.
isInPawnPromotionRange(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given position is in pawn promotion range for the given board and team.
isInPawnPromotionRange(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition, boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given position is in pawn promotion range for the given board and team.
isInPromotionRange(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return true if this is in promotion range.
isJava3DAvailable() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.SystemUtilities
Return true if Java 3D is available.
isJunction() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Association
Return true if my join data represents a junction.
isJunction() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IAssociation
Return true if my join data represents a junction.
isKingsSide(IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return true if the given Rook position is King's side.
isLabelPainted() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Return true if the label painted flag is true.
isLabelPainted() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Return true if the label painted flag is true.
isLabelPainted() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Return true if the label painted flag is true.
isLeaf() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Returns true if this node has no children.
isLeaf() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Returns true if this node has no children.
isLeftRequired() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractComplexSentence
Return true if the left sentence is required.
isLeftRequired() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceNOT
Return true if the left sentence is required.
isLeftToRight(Component) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
isLightSource() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
isLightSource() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.simulation.IPhysicalObject
isLightSource() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
isLightSource() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
isLinuxPlatform() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.SystemUtilities
Return true if this application is running on a Linux OS.
isMacApp() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Return true if this is a Macintosh app in the sense used by this class.
isMacPlatform() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.SystemUtilities
Return true if this application is running on a Macintosh OS.
isMagnifyLayoutHorizontal() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Return true if the magnify panel layout should be horizontal.
isMoveActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isMoveActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, MoveAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isMoveActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isMoveCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isMoveCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, MoveCaptureAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isMoveCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isMoveCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isNonCaptureActionLegal0(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isNullOrEmpty(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.StringUtilities
Tests if the given string is null or empty (length is zero).
isOutputProduced() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.StreamGobbler
isPackageDependentOn(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
Return true if aPackage is dependent upon other package.
isParabolicOrbit(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Return true if the given eccentricity indicates a parabolic orbit.
isPathClear(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the linear path is clear between the given positions.
isPaused() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Return true if this is paused.
isPaused() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Return true if this is paused.
isPawnInitialPosition(ITeam, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Return true if the given coordinates are the initial position for a Pawn.
isPawnInitialPosition(ITeam, IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Return true if the given coordinates are the initial position for a Pawn.
isPawnPromotionActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isPawnPromotionActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, PawnPromotionAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isPawnPromotionActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isPawnPromotionCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isPawnPromotionCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, PawnPromotionCaptureAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isPawnPromotionCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isPawnPromotionCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessAdjudicator
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
isPawnPromotionPossible(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.ChessActionFactory
Return true if a pawn promotion is possible using the given parameters.
isPawnPrompt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessComputerAgent
Return true if this agent should prompt for the pawn promotion type.
isPawnPrompt() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessAgent
Return true if this agent should prompt for the pawn promotion type.
isPawnPrompt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.SearchChessAgent
Return true if this agent should prompt for the pawn promotion type.
isPawnPrompt() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.MouseAgent
Return true if this agent should prompt for the pawn promotion type.
isPawnPrompt() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.TextAgent
Return true if this agent should prompt for the pawn promotion type.
isPositionUsable(IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return true if the given position is usable.
isPositionUsable(int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return true if the given position is usable.
isPositionUsable(IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return true if the given position is usable.
isPositionUsable(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return true if the given position is usable.
isPositionUsable(IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Return true if the given position is usable.
isPossibleCastlePosition(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Return true if the given position is possible for this token.
isPossibleCastlePosition(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IKing
Return true if the given castle position is possible for this token.
isPossibleEnPassantCapturePosition(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Return true if the given position is possible for this token.
isPossibleEnPassantCapturePosition(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IPawn
Return true if the given move capture position is possible for this token.
isPossibleMoveCapturePosition(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Return true if the given position is possible for this token.
isPossibleMoveCapturePosition(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessToken
Return true if the given move capture position is possible for this token.
isPossibleMovePosition(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Return true if the given position is possible for this token.
isPossibleMovePosition(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessToken
Return true if the given move position is possible for this token.
isPossiblePawnPromotionCapturePosition(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Return true if the given position is possible for this token.
isPossiblePawnPromotionCapturePosition(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IPawn
Return true if the given pawn promotion capture position is possible for this token.
isPossiblePawnPromotionPosition(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Return true if the given position is possible for this token.
isPossiblePawnPromotionPosition(IChessEnvironment, IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IPawn
Return true if the given pawn promotion position is possible for this token.
isPrefixedWith(URL, List) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities
Return true if the given URL is prefixed by any item in the given list.
isPrime(int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.PrimeGA
Return true if the given value is a prime number.
isRedoAllowed() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return true if a redo action is allowed.
isRedoAllowed() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return true if a redo action is allowed.
isRedoEmpty() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionManager
Return true if the redo list is empty.
isRedoEnabled() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractBoardgameUISwing
Check the action enabled states.
isRoot() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Returns true if this node is the root of the tree.
isRoot() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Returns true if this node is the root of the tree.
isSaveable() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Return true if this document needs to be saved.
isSaveable() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Return true if this document needs to be saved.
isSaveable() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IDocument
Return true if this document needs to be saved.
isShapeMenuUsed() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
isShapeMenuUsed() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewerSwing
isSideways() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return true if this uses the sideways move.
isSimpleBetter() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP
Return true if simpler (smaller) functions are better.
isSorted() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.ChessActionGenerator
isSpecialString(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Return true if this string has non-printable characters.
isStarfieldBackgroundUsed() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.solarsystem.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
isStarfieldBackgroundUsed() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimEnvironmentUISwing
isStringType(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Return true if the given column has string type.
isStringType(ITableData, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Return true if the given column has string type.
isStringType(String, String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IDatabase
Return true if the given column has string type.
isStringType(ITableData, String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IDatabase
Return true if the given column has string type.
isSuffixedWith(URL, List) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities
Return true if the given URL is suffixed with any item in the given list.
isSystemLAF() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.SystemUtilities
Return true if this is using the system look and feel.
IStack - Interface in org.vizzini.util
IState - Interface in org.vizzini.math
Defines methods required by a simple state of an object.
IStateful - Interface in org.vizzini.math
Defines methods required by objects with state.
IStateListener - Interface in org.vizzini.game.event
Defines methods required by state listeners.
IStatusListener - Interface in org.vizzini.util.event
Defines methods required by status listeners.
isTextureFilepathSet() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Return true if a texture filepath is set.
isTextureFilepathSet() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Return true if a texture filepath is set.
isTranspositionTableUsed() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.AlphaBetaSearch
isTriagonal() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Return true if this uses the triagonal move.
isTriagonal() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Rook
Return true if this uses the triagonal move.
isType(int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Return true if the cell at the given coordinates contains the given type.
ISuit - Interface in org.vizzini.game.cardgame
Defines methods required by a suit for card games in the game framework.
isUndoAllowed() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return true if an undo action is allowed.
isUndoAllowed() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return true if an undo action is allowed.
isUndoEnabled() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractBoardgameUISwing
Check the action enabled states.
isUp() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Action
Return true if the command is up.
isUsed(ISentence) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
Return true if the given sentence is used in a complex sentence.
isUseForwardLogic() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence
isUsingJokers() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.PokerDeck
Return true if Jokers are included.
isVectorBased() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return true if this orbit is vector based.
isVectorBased() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.orbit.IOrbit
Return true if this orbit is vector based.
isVerbose() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
isVerbose() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Return true if the verbose flag is set.
isViewPointLightUsed() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
isViewPointLightUsed() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
isViewPointLightUsed() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShapeCanvas
isViewPointLightUsed() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
isViewPointLightUsed() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
isVisible() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.BaseDatabaseData
Return true if this is visible.
isVisible() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.ITableData
Return true if this is visible.
isVisible() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Return true if this is visible.
isVisible() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Return true if this is visible.
isVisible() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Return true if this column is visible.
isWhite() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessComputerAgent
Return true if this agent's team is white.
isWhite() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Return true if this token's team is white.
isWhite(IChessAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAgentSupport
Return true if this agent's team is white.
isWhite() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessAgent
Return true if this agent's team is white.
isWhite() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessToken
Return true if this token's team is white.
isWhite() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.SearchChessAgent
Return true if this agent's team is white.
isWhite() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.MouseAgent
Return true if this agent's team is white.
isWhite() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.TextAgent
Return true if this agent's team is white.
isWindowsPlatform() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.SystemUtilities
Return true if this application is running on a Windows OS.
isWireframe() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Return true if this is wireframe.
isWireframe() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Return true if this is wireframe.
isX() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui.TokenUISwing
Return true if this token's owner is agent X.
ITableData - Interface in org.vizzini.database
Provides storage for properties needed by database tables.
ITeam - Interface in org.vizzini.game
Defines methods required by teams in the game framework.
ITeamCollection - Interface in org.vizzini.game
Defines methods required by collections that hold ITeams.
ItemAwareMenu - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a menu which sets its visibility based on the menu items it contains.
ItemAwareMenu() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ItemAwareMenu
Construct this object.
ItemAwareMenu(Action) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ItemAwareMenu
Construct this object.
ItemAwareMenu(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ItemAwareMenu
Construct this object.
ItemAwareMenu(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ItemAwareMenu
Construct this object.
iterator() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ConnectorCollection
Return an iterator over this collection.
iterator(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ConnectorCollection
Return an iterator over the collection of connectors with the given to layer.
iterator() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.ITableData
Return an iterator over the column data.
iterator() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.TableData
Return an iterator over the column data.
iterator() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.Arrangement
Return an iterator over the known types.
iterator() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.Markings
Return an iterator over the known types.
iterator(Class) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ITokenCollection
Return an iterator over the collection of tokens of the given class.
iterator() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Return an iterator over the object collection.
iterator(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Return an iterator over the collection of tokens of the given class.
iterator(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenCollection
Return an iterator over the collection of tokens of the given class.
iterator() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeGroup
Return an iterator over the shapes.
iterator() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeSortList
Return an iterator over the shapes.
iterator() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpModel
Return an iterator over the help topics.
iterator() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractList
Return an iterator over the collection.
iterator() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractMap
Return an iterator over the object collection.
iterator() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Return an iterator over this collection.
iterator() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Return an iterator over this collection.
iterator() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNodeCollection
Return an iterator over this collection.
ITerminal - Interface in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming
Defines methods required by a terminal in genetic programming.
IToken - Interface in org.vizzini.game
Defines methods required by tokens in the game framework.
ITokenCollection - Interface in org.vizzini.game
Defines methods required by collections that hold IToken s.
ITokenUI - Interface in org.vizzini.ui.game
Defines methods required by token user interfaces in the game framework.
ITranspositionKeyCreator - Interface in org.vizzini.game.search
Defines methods required by a transposition table key creator.
ITreeNode - Interface in org.vizzini.util.tree
Defines methods required by a tree node.
ITreeNodeCollection - Interface in org.vizzini.util.tree
Defines methods required by a tree node collection.
IUndo - Interface in org.vizzini.game.action
Defines methods required by undo actions in the game framework.
IViewer - Interface in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Defines methods required by a 3D viewer.
IViewerSwing - Interface in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Defines methods required by a Swing 3D viewer.
IVisitable - Interface in org.vizzini.util.tree
Defines methods required by visitable objects.
IVisitor - Interface in org.vizzini.util.tree
Defines methods required by a tree visitor.


JarSelfExtractor - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides a self-extractor for jar (and zip) files.
JarSelfExtractor() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.JarSelfExtractor
Construct this object.
JAVA3D - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.GraphicsUIFactory
Constant for Java 3D type.
JoinData - Class in org.vizzini.database
Provides storage for data detailing a join between two tables.
JoinData() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.database.JoinData
JPG - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Encoding type JPEG.
JunctionData - Class in org.vizzini.database
Provides storage for data detailing a junction between two tables.
JunctionData() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.database.JunctionData


keepOnGrid(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Return a coordinate that is on the grid.
KG - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.UnitConverter
Kilogram constant.
King - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken
Provides a King for 3D chess.
King() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.King
Construct this object with no agent as this token's owner.
kingCheck(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Make sure the King exists.
kingsCheck(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Make sure the Kings exist.
KingShape - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken
Provides a shape class for a chess King.
KingShape(ITeam) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.KingShape
Construct this object with the given team and a magnification of 1.0.
KingShape(ITeam, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.KingShape
Construct this object with the given parameters.
KM - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.UnitConverter
Kilometers constant.
Knight - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken
Provides a Knight for 3D chess.
Knight() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Knight
Construct this object with no agent as this token's owner.
KnightShape - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken
Provides a shape class for a chess Knight.
KnightShape(boolean, ITeam) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.KnightShape
Construct this object with the given team and a magnification of 1.0.
KnightShape(boolean, ITeam, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.KnightShape
Construct this object with the given parameters.


LABEL_PAINTED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Name of the label painted property.
labelPaintedActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Callback for the label painted action.
launch(JFrame, String, Image, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Launch the application in the given frame with the given title with the given bounds.
LayerFactory - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork
Provides a factory to create Layer instances.
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing.MyGridLayout
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.GridLayout2
Lays out the specified container using this layout.
LE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.OperatorType
LEAD - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Lead color constant.
LeftTerminal - Class in org.vizzini.example.ant
Provides a left terminal for the ant example.
LeftTerminal() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.ant.LeftTerminal
Construct this object.
LETTER_A - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionTestData
The letter A as a 5x7 grid.
LETTER_A_FC - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionTestData
LETTER_C - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionTestData
The letter C as a 5x7 grid.
LETTER_C_FC - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionTestData
LETTER_E - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionTestData
The letter E as a 5x7 grid.
LETTER_E_FC - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionTestData
LETTER_Q - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionTestData
The letter Q as a 5x7 grid.
LETTER_Q_FC - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionTestData
LETTER_S - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionTestData
The letter S as a 5x7 grid.
LETTER_S_FC - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionTestData
LETTER_T - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionTestData
The letter T as a 5x7 grid.
LETTER_T_FC - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionTestData
LETTER_V - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionTestData
The letter V as a 5x7 grid.
LETTER_V_FC - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionTestData
LETTERS - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionTestData
All the letters in an array.
LIME - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Lime (yellow-green) color constant.
LINE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.GUIConstants
Line separator.
LINE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.help.Constants
Line separator.
LINE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities
Line separator.
LINE_WIDTH_FRACTION - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Constant for determining the grid line width.
LinearScaler - Class in org.vizzini.math
Provides functionality to linearly scale numbers between two ranges.
LinearScaler() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.LinearScaler
Construct this object.
LinearScaler(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.LinearScaler
Construct this object with the given parameters.
LinkedListStack - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides a stack implementation based upon a LinkedList.
LinkedListStack() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.LinkedListStack
listDirectories(String, String, String, List, List, List, List) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities
List all directories using the given parameters.
listDirectories(String, String, String, List, List, List, List, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities
List all directories using the given parameters.
listFiles(URL) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities
Return a collection of URLs representing files at the given URL.
listFiles(String, String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities
List all files using the given parameters.
listFiles(String, String, String, List, List, List, List) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities
List all files using the given parameters.
listFiles(String, String, String, List, List, List, List, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities
List all files using the given parameters.
listFiles(String, String, String, List, List, List, List, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities
List all files using the given parameters.
LITERAL - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ArgumentType
LiteralArgument - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides a literal argument for use in sentences in the logic system.
LiteralArgument(Object) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.LiteralArgument
Construct this object.
LiteralArgumentWrapper - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides a wrapper for literal arguments in the logic system.
LiteralArgumentWrapper(LiteralArgument) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.LiteralArgumentWrapper
Construct this object with the given parameter.
loadHelpTopics() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpModel
Load the help topics.
loadProperties(Properties, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Load the given properties object from the given filepath.
locateCallback(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager.CallbackAction
Locate the callback method on the given target.
locateKing(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessTokenCollection
Locate the King for the given paramter.
logArray(String, double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetworkTrainer
Log the given array.
logDeltaWeights() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetworkTrainer
Log the delta weights.
LogicException - Exception in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides an exception class for the logic system.
LogicException() - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.ai.logic.LogicException
Construct this object.
LogicException(String) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.ai.logic.LogicException
Construct this object with the given parameter.
LogicException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.ai.logic.LogicException
Construct this object with the given parameter.
LogicException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.ai.logic.LogicException
Construct this object with the given parameters.
logSentences() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
Log the sentences known to this component.
logTreeNodesMap() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Debug method to log the tree nodes map.
lookUpEntryActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Callback for the lookup entry action.
LT - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.OperatorType


M - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.UnitConverter
Meters constant.
Mace - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken
Provides a Mace for 3D chess.
Mace() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Mace
Construct this object with no agent as this token's owner.
MaceShape - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken
Provides a shape class for a chess Mace.
MaceShape(ITeam) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.MaceShape
Construct this object with the given team and a magnification of 1.0.
MaceShape(ITeam, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.MaceShape
Construct this object with the given parameters.
macOSXRegistration() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractApp
Generic registration with the Mac OS X application menu.
MAGENTA - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Magenta color constant.
MAGNESIUM - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Magnesium color constant.
MAGNIFICATION_FACTOR - Static variable in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Magnification factor.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.CharacterRecognitionGA
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.PrimeGA
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.CartCentering
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.CharacterRecognition
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.SymbolicRegression
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.XOR
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Ant
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.AntUI
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.artemischess.ui.GameUISwing
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.artemischess.ui.GameUIText
Main method allows this component to run as an application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.chess.ui.GameUISwing
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.chess.ui.GameUIText
Main method allows this component to run as an application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.GameUISwing
Application run method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.GameUIText
Main method allows this component to run as an application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.GameUISwing
Application run method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui.GameUISwing
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui.GameUIText
Main method allows this component to run as an application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.raumschachchess.ui.GameUISwing
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.raumschachchess.ui.GameUIText
Main method allows this component to run as an application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.solarsystem.ui.GameUISwing
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithm
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui.GameUISwing
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui.GameUIText
Main method allows this component to run as an application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner.ColorDesigner
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.MoveImager
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.JarSelfExtractor
Application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.SystemProperties
Application method.
main2(String[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Ant
Application method.
MalformedPropertyException - Exception in org.vizzini.util
Provides a runtime exception to signal that required properties are malformed.
MalformedPropertyException() - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.util.MalformedPropertyException
Construct this object.
MalformedPropertyException(String) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.util.MalformedPropertyException
Construct this object with the given message.
MalformedPropertyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.util.MalformedPropertyException
Construct this object with the given cause.
MalformedPropertyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.util.MalformedPropertyException
Construct this object with the given message and cause.
MANIFEST - Static variable in class org.vizzini.util.JarSelfExtractor
MARGIN - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.GUIConstants
Constant for spacing in GUIs.
markBiaxialPositions(IChessEnvironment, BitSet, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.SliderTokenSupport
Mark all possible biaxial positions from the given position in the given bitset.
Markings - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Provides an enumeration of markings.
markTriaxialPositions(IChessEnvironment, BitSet, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.SliderTokenSupport
Mark all possible triaxial positions from the given position in the given bitset.
markUniaxialPositions(IChessEnvironment, BitSet, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.SliderTokenSupport
Mark all possible uniaxial positions from the given position in the given bitset.
MAROON - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Maroon color constant.
match(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JoinData
Return true if the given table names match this join.
match(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JunctionData
Return true if the given table names match this join.
menuAdd(JMenuItem) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Add the given menu item to the popup menu.
menuAdd(Action) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Add the given action to the popup menu.
menuAdd(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Add the given string to the popup menu.
menuAddSeparator() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Add a separator to the popup menu.
MenuButton - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a button which, when clicked, displays a popup menu.
MenuButton() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Construct this object.
MenuButton(Action) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Construct this object with the given parameters.
MenuButton(Icon) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Construct this object with the given parameters.
MenuButton(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Construct this object with the given parameters.
MenuButton(String, Icon) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Construct this object with the given parameters.
menuRemove(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Remove the component at the given index from the popup menu.
menuRemove(Component) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Remove the given component from the popup menu.
menuRemoveAll() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Remove all components from the popup menu.
MERCURY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Mercury color constant.
MIN - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.UnitConverter
Minutes constant.
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.GridLayout2
Determines the minimum size of the container argument using this grid layout.
MissingPropertyException - Exception in org.vizzini.util
Provides a runtime exception to signal that required properties are missing.
MissingPropertyException() - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.util.MissingPropertyException
Construct this object.
MissingPropertyException(String) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.util.MissingPropertyException
Construct this object with the given message.
MissingPropertyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.util.MissingPropertyException
Construct this object with the given cause.
MissingPropertyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.util.MissingPropertyException
Construct this object with the given message and cause.
mix(IChromosome, IChromosome, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractChromosome
Mix the genes of the given chromosomes into this using the given fraction.
mix(IChromosome, IChromosome, boolean[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeBoolean
Mix the genes of the given chromosomes into this using the given mask.
mix(IChromosome, IChromosome, boolean[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeDouble
Mix the genes of the given chromosomes into this using the given mask.
mix(IChromosome, IChromosome, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeDouble
Mix the genes of the given chromosomes into this using the given fraction.
mix(IChromosome, IChromosome, boolean[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeInt
Mix the genes of the given chromosomes into this using the given mask.
mix(IChromosome, IChromosome, boolean[]) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IChromosome
Mix the genes of the given chromosomes into this using the given mask.
mix(IChromosome, IChromosome, double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IChromosome
Mix the genes of the given chromosomes into this using the given fraction.
mix(IChromosome, IChromosome, boolean[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractChromosomeGP
Mix the genes of the given chromosomes into this using the given mask.
model - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableMap
MomentOfInertiaCalculator - Class in org.vizzini.math
Provides a calculator of moment of inertia values for three-dimensional physical objects.
MouseAgent - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess
Provides a text agent for 3D chess.
MouseAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.MouseAgent
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.MouseHumanAgent
Implement the mouse listener inteface.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.MouseAgent
Implement the mouse listener interface.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.MovementMouseAgent
Implement the mouse listener interface.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.PlacementMouseAgent
Implement the mouse listener inteface.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.SortTableHyperlinkMouseListener
Respond to a mouse click event.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.MouseHumanAgent
Callback for the mouse dragged action.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.MouseHumanAgent
Implement the mouse listener inteface.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.MouseHumanAgent
Callback for the mouse entered action.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.MovementMouseAgent
Implement the mouse listener interface.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.PlacementMouseAgent
Implement the mouse listener inteface.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.MouseHumanAgent
Implement the mouse listener inteface.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.MouseHumanAgent
Callback for the mouse exited action.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.MovementMouseAgent
Implement the mouse listener interface.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.PlacementMouseAgent
Implement the mouse listener inteface.
MouseHumanAgent - Class in org.vizzini.example.gin.ui
Provides a human agent for Gin which uses the mouse to get commands.
MouseHumanAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.MouseHumanAgent
MouseHumanAgent - Class in org.vizzini.example.pong.ui
MouseHumanAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.MouseHumanAgent
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.MouseHumanAgent
Callback for the mouse moved action.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.MouseHumanAgent
Implement the mouse listener inteface.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.MovementMouseAgent
Implement the mouse listener interface.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.PlacementMouseAgent
Implement the mouse listener inteface.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.PopupListener
Respond to a mouse pressed event.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.MouseHumanAgent
Implement the mouse listener inteface.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.MovementMouseAgent
Implement the mouse listener interface.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.PlacementMouseAgent
Implement the mouse listener inteface.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.PopupListener
Respond to a mouse released event.
move(IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Move a token from the given position to the new position.
move(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Move a token from the given position to the new position.
move(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Move using the given vector.
move(Vector) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IState
Move using the given vector.
move(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.State
Move using the given vector.
MoveAction - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action
Provides an action for movement of a token from a position to another position.
MoveAction(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveAction
Construct this object.
MoveActionPool - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action
Provides a pool for move action objects.
MoveActionPool() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveActionPool
Construct this object.
MoveActionPool(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveActionPool
Construct this object with the given parameter.
MoveCaptureAction - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action
Provides an action for movement of a token from a position to another, occupied position.
MoveCaptureAction(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveCaptureAction
Construct this object.
MoveCaptureActionPool - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action
Provides a pool for move capture action objects.
MoveCaptureActionPool() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveCaptureActionPool
Construct this object.
MoveCaptureActionPool(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveCaptureActionPool
Construct this object with the given parameter.
MoveImager - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess
Provides a utility application which creates images of token moves for documentation.
MoveImager() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.MoveImager
MovementMouseAgent - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Provides a user interface for a human agent which uses the mouse to move a token.
MovementMouseAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.MovementMouseAgent
MovementTextAgent - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Provides a user interface for a human agent which uses the text input to move a token.
MovementTextAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.MovementTextAgent
MoveTerminal - Class in org.vizzini.example.ant
Provides a move terminal for the ant example.
MoveTerminal() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.ant.MoveTerminal
Construct this object.
moveViewPointToShape(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Move the view point to the given shape.
moveViewPointToShape(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerJava3D
Move the view point to the given shape.
moveViewPointToShape(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerSwing
Move the view point to the given shape.
multiplier(IToken, IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEvaluator
Return the multiplier for a token from the given agent's perspective.
multiplier(IToken, IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal
Return the multiplier for a token from the given agent's perspective.
Multiply - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides a multiplication function in genetic programming.
Multiply() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Multiply
Construct this object.
multiply(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.VectorPosition
Return a new vector multiplied by the given scalar.
multiply(Quaternion) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return a new Quaternion which is the result of multiplying this times the given quaternion.
multiply(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return a new vector multiplied by the given scalar.
mutate(double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeBoolean
Mutate this chromosome's genes using the given parameters.
mutate(double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeDouble
Mutate this chromosome's genes using the given parameters.
mutate(double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeInt
Mutate this chromosome's genes using the given parameters.
mutate(double, double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IChromosome
Mutate this chromosome's genes using the given parameters.
mutate(double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractChromosomeGP
Mutate this chromosome's genes using the given parameters.
mutation(IPopulation, IPopulation) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Perform the mutation operation to fill the given new population from the given old population.
MW - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.UnitConverter
Mega-Watts constant.
myPaint(Graphics) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Paint the shapes.


n2sort() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Name property name.
NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.vizzini.game.ITeam
Name property name.
NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
Name property name.
NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Name property.
NAVY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Navy color constant.
NE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.OperatorType
NegamaxSearch - Class in org.vizzini.game.search
Provides a negamax search algorithm.
NegamaxSearch() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.search.NegamaxSearch
networkToChromosome(INeuralNetwork, ChromosomeDouble) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeNeuralNetwork
Set the chromosome's genes from the neural network weights.
NeuralNetworkEvaluator - Class in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe
Provides a neural network evaluator for tic-tac-toe.
NeuralNetworkEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.NeuralNetworkEvaluator
NeuralNetworkTrainer - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork
Provides a neural network trainer.
NeuralNetworkTrainer() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetworkTrainer
newActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Callback for the new action.
newActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessGameUISwing
Callback for the new action.
newActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationUISwing
Callback for the new action.
newBall() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Environment
Start a new ball.
NewGameDialogSwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game
Provides a Swing dialog to select new agents.
NewGameDialogSwing(Frame, String, ITeamCollection, Properties) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.NewGameDialogSwing
Construct this object with the given parameters.
NICKEL - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Nickel (gray) color constant.
noActionPerformed() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Callback for the no button.
NONE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.CrossoverType
NONE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.Filter
None filter.
Not - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides a not function in genetic programming.
Not() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Not
Construct this object.
NOT - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ConnectiveType


ObjectViewerAWT - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Provides an AWT 3D object viewer.
ObjectViewerAWT() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Construct this object.
ObjectViewerJava3D - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Provides a Java 3D object viewer.
ObjectViewerJava3D() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerJava3D
ObjectViewerSwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Provides a Swing 3D object viewer.
ObjectViewerSwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerSwing
occurrenceCount(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.StringUtilities
Return the number of times the given substring occurs in the given source string.
OK_CANCEL_APPLY_OPTION - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Added option type.
okActionPerformed() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Callback for the OK button.
okActionPerformed() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.VisibleColumnsDialog
Callback for the OK button.
OLIVE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Olive color constant.
ONE_POINT - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.CrossoverType
onePointCrossover(IChromosome, IChromosome, IChromosome, IChromosome) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Perform one point crossover using the first two given chromosomes into the third given chromosome.
onePointCrossover(IChromosome, IChromosome, IChromosome, IChromosome) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP
Perform one point crossover using the first two given chromosomes into the third given chromosome.
ONES - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Delta array used for possible position generation.
onlineHelpActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractApp
Callback for the online help button.
open(IGameState) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Open the game contained in the given game state.
open(File) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Open the game contained in the given file.
open() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGameState
Open the associated file, thereby populating the document.
open(IGameState) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Open the game contained in the given game state.
open(File) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGame
Open the game contained in the given file.
open() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Open the associated file, thereby populating the document.
open() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Open the associated file, thereby populating the document.
open() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IDocument
Open the associated file, thereby populating this document.
openActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Callback for the open action.
openURL(AbstractApp, URL) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Show the given URL in the default browser.
openURL(AbstractApp, String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Show the given URL in the default browser.
openURL(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.BrowserLauncher
Attempts to open the default web browser to the given URL.
openURLFromApplet(JApplet, URL) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Show the given URL in the applet's browser.
OperatorType - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides an enumeration of operator types.
opponentIterator(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentCollection
Return an iterator over all the agents excepting the given agent.
opponentIterator(IAgent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgentCollection
Return an iterator over all the agents excepting the given agent.
opposite() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return a new Quaterion that represents the opposite direction to this.
Or - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides an or function in genetic programming.
Or() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Or
Construct this object.
OR - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ConnectiveType
ORANGE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Orange color constant.
OrbitFactory - Class in org.vizzini.math.orbit
Provides a factory for orbit instances.
OrbitMechanic - Class in org.vizzini.math.orbit
Provides a helper class for orbit mechanics calculations.
org.vizzini - package org.vizzini
Provides core classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm - package org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Provides genetic algorithm classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example - package org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example
org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming - package org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming
Provides genetic programming classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example - package org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example
org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function - package org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides genetic programming function classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal - package org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal
Provides genetic programming terminal classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ai.logic - package org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides logic classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork - package org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork
Provides neural network classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function - package org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function
Provides neural network function classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer - package org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer
Provides neural network layer classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.database - package org.vizzini.database
Provides database classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.example.ant - package org.vizzini.example.ant
org.vizzini.example.ant.ui - package org.vizzini.example.ant.ui
org.vizzini.example.artemischess.ui - package org.vizzini.example.artemischess.ui
Provides user interface classes for the Artemis 3D chess example application.
org.vizzini.example.chess.ui - package org.vizzini.example.chess.ui
Provides user interface classes for the Chess example application.
org.vizzini.example.gin - package org.vizzini.example.gin
Provides gin classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.example.gin.ui - package org.vizzini.example.gin.ui
Provides gin user interface classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.example.pong - package org.vizzini.example.pong
Provides pong classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.example.pong.ui - package org.vizzini.example.pong.ui
Provides pong user interface classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.example.qubic - package org.vizzini.example.qubic
Provides Qubic classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui - package org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui
Provides Qubic user interface classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.example.raumschachchess.ui - package org.vizzini.example.raumschachchess.ui
Provides user interface classes for the Raumschach 3D chess example application.
org.vizzini.example.solarsystem.ui - package org.vizzini.example.solarsystem.ui
Provides solar system user interface classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.example.tictactoe - package org.vizzini.example.tictactoe
Provides tic-tac-toe classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui - package org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui
Provides tic-tac-toe user interface classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.game - package org.vizzini.game
Provides core game classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.game.action - package org.vizzini.game.action
Provides action classes for games in the game framework.
org.vizzini.game.arcadegame - package org.vizzini.game.arcadegame
Provides core game classes for arcade games in the game framework.
org.vizzini.game.boardgame - package org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Provides core game classes for board games in the game framework.
org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action - package org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action
Provides action classes for board games in the game framework.
org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess - package org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Provides core chess game classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action - package org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action
Provides action classes for the 3D chess framework.
org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event - package org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event
Provides event classes for the 3D chess framework.
org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken - package org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken
Provides standard token classes for the 3D chess framework.
org.vizzini.game.cardgame - package org.vizzini.game.cardgame
Provides core game classes for card games in the game framework.
org.vizzini.game.event - package org.vizzini.game.event
Provides event classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.game.search - package org.vizzini.game.search
Provides search classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.game.simulation - package org.vizzini.game.simulation
Provides simulation classes for games in the game framework.
org.vizzini.game.simulation.force - package org.vizzini.game.simulation.force
Provides force classes for simulations in the game framework.
org.vizzini.math - package org.vizzini.math
Provides math classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.math.ode - package org.vizzini.math.ode
Provides math classes for ordinary differential equations in the game framework.
org.vizzini.math.orbit - package org.vizzini.math.orbit
Provides math classes for orbit mechanics in the game framework.
org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner - package org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner
Provides color designer classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer - package org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer
org.vizzini.ui - package org.vizzini.ui
Provides basic user interface classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic - package org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides AI logic user interface classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ui.database - package org.vizzini.ui.database
Provides database user interface classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ui.game - package org.vizzini.ui.game
Provides core game user interface classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame - package org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame
Provides arcade game user interface classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame - package org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Provides board game user interface classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess - package org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess
Provides user interface classes for 3D chess for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken - package org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken
Provides standard token user interface classes for the 3D chess framework.
org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame - package org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame
Provides card game user interface classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation - package org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation
Provides simulation user interface classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ui.graphics - package org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Provides graphics classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape - package org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape
Provides graphics shape classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ui.help - package org.vizzini.ui.help
Provides help user interface classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ui.table - package org.vizzini.ui.table
Provides core table user interface classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.ui.text - package org.vizzini.ui.text
Provides core text user interface classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.util - package org.vizzini.util
Provides utility classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.util.event - package org.vizzini.util.event
Provides event utility classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.util.tree - package org.vizzini.util.tree
Provides tree utility classes for the game framework.
org.vizzini.util.xml - package org.vizzini.util.xml
Provides XML utility classes for the game framework.
orientationChanged() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
The shapes have moved.
orientationChanged() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
The shapes have moved.
orientLocalToWorld(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Orient the given vector from local coordinates to world coordinates.
orientLocalToWorld(Vector) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IState
Orient the given vector from local coordinates to world coordinates.
orientLocalToWorld(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.State
Orient the given vector from local coordinates to world coordinates.
orientWorldToLocal(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Orient the given vector from world coordinates to local coordinates.
orientWorldToLocal(Vector) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IState
Orient the given vector from world coordinates to local coordinates.
orientWorldToLocal(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.State
Orient the given vector from world coordinates to local coordinates.
OSXAdapter - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provices an adapter for OS X applications.
OUTPUT_LAYER_NAME - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.LayerFactory
Output layer name.
OutputLayer - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer
Provides an output layer for a neural network.
OutputLayer() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.OutputLayer
Construct this object.
OutputLayer(String, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.OutputLayer
Construct this object with the given parameters.


packParent(Component) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.EditorUtilities
Pack the parent of the given component.
Paddle - Class in org.vizzini.example.pong
Provides a paddle for Pong.
Paddle() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.pong.Paddle
Construct this object.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasAWT
Override the paint method so that double buffering is used.
paintArrow(Graphics) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Paint an arrow on this component.
paintBall(Graphics, Ball, Insets) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Paint the ball.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.GridUI
Paint this component.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Paint this component.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui.TokenUISwing
Paint this component.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeEnvUISwing
Paint this component.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Paint this component.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCenterIconUI
Paint this component.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Paint this component.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.UpsideDownLabel
Paint this component.
paintHighlight(Graphics2D, HighlightData) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Paint the given square highlight.
paintHighlights(Graphics2D) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Paint the square highlights.
paintLabels(Graphics2D) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Paint the labels.
paintO(Graphics2D, Insets, Dimension) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui.TokenUISwing
Paint this component as an O.
paintPaddle(Graphics, Paddle, Insets) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Paint the given paddle.
paintScores(Graphics) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Paint the agent's scores to the screen.
paintSquares(Graphics2D) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Paint the squares.
paintX(Graphics2D, Insets, Dimension) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui.TokenUISwing
Paint this component as an X.
ParabolicOrbit - Class in org.vizzini.math.orbit
Provides a parabolic orbit.
ParabolicOrbit(double, Vector, Vector) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.ParabolicOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
ParabolicOrbit(double, Vector, Vector, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.ParabolicOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
ParabolicOrbit(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.ParabolicOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
ParabolicOrbit(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.orbit.ParabolicOrbit
Construct this object using the given parameters.
PARENT_BUNDLE_NAME_KEY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Parent resource bundle name key.
parse(InputStream) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptorParser
Parse the given XML input stream into ColumnDescriptor instances.
parse(File) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptorParser
Parse the given XML file into ColumnDescriptor instances.
parse(URL) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptorParser
Parse the given XML URL into ColumnDescriptor instances.
parse(Document) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptorParser
Complete parsing the given XML document into ColumnDescriptor instances.
parseDate(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Return a Date parsed from the given XML formatted string.
parseDiscardInput(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.TextHumanAgent
Return the position obtained by parsing the given string.
parseDocument(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Return a validated and parsed XML document from the given reader.
parseDocument(File) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Return a validated and parsed XML document from the given file.
parseDocument(Reader) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Return a validated and parsed XML document from the given reader.
parseDocument(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Return an XML document from the given reader.
parseDocument(File, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Return an XML document from the given file.
parseDocument(Reader, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Return an XML document from the given reader.
parseInput(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.TextHumanAgent
Return the position obtained by parsing the given string.
parseInput(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.TextAgent
Return the position obtained by parsing the given string.
parsePosition(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Parse the given string to create an IntegerPosition.
parseQuaternion(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Parse the given string into a Quaternion.
parseVector(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Parse the given string into a Vector.
passes(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.Filter
Return true if the given object passes this filter.
passes(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.Filter
Return the subset of the given list of objects which pass this filter.
passes(Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IFilter
Return true if the given object passes this filter.
passes(List) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IFilter
Return the subset of the given list of objects which pass this filter.
passes(URL, List, List, List, List) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities
Return true if the given URL passes the filter as specified by the other parameters.
passesAll(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.Filter
Return true if all the objects in the given list pass this filter.
passesAll(List) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IFilter
Return true if all the objects in the given list pass this filter.
passesFilter(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.FilteredTableModel
Return true if the given item passes the filter, or if there is no filter.
passesOne(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.Filter
Return true if at least one of the objects in the given list pass this filter.
passesOne(List) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IFilter
Return true if at least one of the objects in the given list pass this filter.
PassThroughFunction - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function
Provides a pass-through activation function for a neural network.
PassThroughFunction() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.PassThroughFunction
pause() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Pause the engine.
pause() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Pause the engine.
pauseActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeGameUISwing
Perform the pause action.
pauseActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationUISwing
Perform the pause action.
Pawn - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken
Provides a Pawn for 3D chess.
Pawn() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Construct this object with no agent as this token's owner.
PawnPromotionAction - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action
Provides an action for promotion of a pawn when moving from a position to another position.
PawnPromotionAction(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionAction
Construct this object.
PawnPromotionActionPool - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action
Provides a pool for move capture action objects.
PawnPromotionActionPool() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionActionPool
Construct this object.
PawnPromotionActionPool(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionActionPool
Construct this object with the given parameter.
PawnPromotionCaptureAction - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action
Provides an action for promotion of a pawn when from a position to another position.
PawnPromotionCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionCaptureAction
Construct this object.
PawnPromotionCaptureActionPool - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action
Provides a pool for move capture action objects.
PawnPromotionCaptureActionPool() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionCaptureActionPool
Construct this object.
PawnPromotionCaptureActionPool(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionCaptureActionPool
Construct this object with the given parameter.
PawnPromotionDialogSwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess
Provides a Swing dialog to select a pawn promotion token class.
PawnPromotionDialogSwing(Frame) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PawnPromotionDialogSwing
Construct this object with the given parameter.
PawnShape - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken
Provides a shape class for a chess Pawn.
PawnShape(ITeam) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.PawnShape
Construct this object with the given team and a magnification of 1.0.
PawnShape(ITeam, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.PawnShape
Construct this object with the given parameters.
peek() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IStack
Looks at the object at the top of this stack without removing it from the stack.
peek() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.LinkedListStack
Looks at the object at the top of this stack without removing it from the stack.
peek() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.Stack
Looks at the object at the top of this stack without removing it from the stack.
penalizeComplexity(IChromosomeGP, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP
Penalize the given chromosome for complexity.
PercentCellRenderer - Class in org.vizzini.ui.table
Provides a table cell renderer which formats the value as a percent.
PercentCellRenderer() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.PercentCellRenderer
Construct this object.
performAction(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Environment
Perform the given action.
performAction(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Perform the given action.
performAction(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Perform the given movement agent action.
performAction(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractCardTable
Perform the given action.
performAction(DiscardAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractCardTable
Process a discard action.
performAction(DrawAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractCardTable
Process a draw action.
performAction(TakeDiscardAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractCardTable
Process a take discard action.
performAction(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.DefaultEnvironment
Perform the given action.
performAction(IAction) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Perform the given action.
performAction(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationEnvironment
Perform the given action.
performActions(Collection) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Perform the actions in the given list.
performActions(Collection) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Perform the actions in the given list.
performCheckTest(IChessEnvironment, IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
Perform a test to see if the given action will result in the action's agent being in check.
performSearch(IAgent, IAgent, IEnvironment, IAdjudicator, IEvaluator, IActionGenerator, int, int, int, int, IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.AbstractSearch
Perform a search using the given parameters.
performSearch(IAgent, IAgent, IEnvironment, IAdjudicator, IEvaluator, IActionGenerator, int, int, int, int, IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.AlphaBetaSearch
Perform a search using the given parameters.
performSearch(IAgent, IAgent, IEnvironment, IAdjudicator, IEvaluator, IActionGenerator, int, int, int, int, IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.NegamaxSearch
Perform a search using the given parameters.
performUpdates() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AboutDialog
Provides a hook for updating the dialog contents.
performUpdates() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Provides a hook for updating the dialog contents.
PIECE_TYPES - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Map of token class to token UI class.
PieceShape - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess
Provides a base shape class for 3D game pieces.
PieceShape(ITeam, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PieceShape
Construct this object for the given team.
PlaceAction - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action
Provides an action for placement of a token on a grid board.
PlaceAction(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition, Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceAction
Construct this object.
PlaceActionGenerator - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action
Provides an action generator for place actions.
PlaceActionGenerator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceActionGenerator
PlaceActionPool - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action
Provides a pool for place action objects.
PlaceActionPool() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceActionPool
Construct this object.
PlaceActionPool(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceActionPool
Construct this object with the given parameter.
PlacementMouseAgent - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Provides a user interface for a human agent which uses the mouse to place a token.
PlacementMouseAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.PlacementMouseAgent
PlacementTextAgent - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Provides a user interface for a human agent which uses the text input to place a token.
PlacementTextAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.PlacementTextAgent
placeTokenUI(JComponent, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Create and place a new token user interface component.
PNG - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Encoding type PNG.
PokerCard - Class in org.vizzini.game.cardgame
Provides a poker card for card games in the game framework.
PokerCard() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.PokerCard
PokerDeck - Class in org.vizzini.game.cardgame
Provides a poker card deck for card games in the game framework.
PokerDeck() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.PokerDeck
Construct this object with 52 cards.
PokerDeck(boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.PokerDeck
Construct this object using the given parameter.
PokerDeck(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.PokerDeck
Construct this object using the given parameter.
PokerDeckUI - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame
Provides a user interface for a poker deck in card games.
PokerDeckUI() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.PokerDeckUI
PolygonShape - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape
Provides a polygon shape for the 3D graphics system.
PolygonShape() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.PolygonShape
Construct this object.
PolygonShape(Color, List) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.PolygonShape
Construct this object with the given parameters.
PolygonShape(Color, List, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.PolygonShape
Construct this object with the given parameters.
PolygonShapePool - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Provides a pool for polygon shape objects.
PolygonShapePool() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.PolygonShapePool
Construct this object.
PolygonShapePool(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.PolygonShapePool
Construct this object with the given parameter.
poolReport() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveAction
Log a statistics report.
poolReport() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveCaptureAction
Log a statistics report.
poolReport() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceAction
Log a statistics report.
poolReport() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.RemoveAction
Log a statistics report.
poolReport() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleAction
Log a statistics report.
poolReport() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.EnPassantCaptureAction
Log a statistics report.
poolReport() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionAction
Log a statistics report.
poolReport() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionCaptureAction
Log a statistics report.
pop() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IStack
Removes the object at the top of this stack and returns that object as the value of this function.
pop() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.LinkedListStack
Removes the object at the top of this stack and returns that object as the value of this function.
pop() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.Stack
Removes the object at the top of this stack and returns that object as the value of this function.
PopupListener - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a simple listener to activate popup menus.
PopupListener(JPopupMenu) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.PopupListener
Create the listener with a handle to the popup menu.
POSITION_NAME - Static variable in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
State variable name for the position.
POSITION_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
Position property name.
positionToIndex(IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Return the index computed from the given position.
positionToIndex(IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardSupport
Return the index computed from the given position.
positionToIndex(IntegerPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Return the index computed from the given position.
postMultiply(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return a new Vector which is the result of multiplying the given vector with this quaternion.
preferencesActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractApp
Display the preferences dialog.
preferencesActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.IOSXApp
Display the preferences dialog.
preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.GridLayout2
Determines the preferred size of the container argument using this grid layout.
preMultiply(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return a new Vector which is the result of multiplying this quaternion with the given vector.
prepareNextLine(StringBuffer, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Prepare the next line of the formatted XML string.
prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Extends the super method to alternate the row colors.
preprocessSpine(Vector[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PieceShape
Process the spine to adjust to the BoardShape.
prettyPrint() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.AbstractAction
Provide a nicely formatted string representation of this object.
prettyPrint() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.action.IAction
Provide a nicely formatted string representation of this object.
prettyPrint() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractGridBoardAction
Provide a nicely formatted string representation of this object.
prettyPrint() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractMoveAction
Provide a nicely formatted string representation of this object.
PRIMARY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Primary color designator.
PrimeGA - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example
Provides an example genetic algorithm which searches for prime numbers.
PrimeGA() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.example.PrimeGA
print() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.SystemProperties
Print the system properties to standard out.
printActions(Collection, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.AbstractSearch
Print the given actions.
printAlphabetized() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.SystemProperties
Print the system properties to standard out, alphabetized by key.
printList(String, List) - Static method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
printList(String, List) - Static method in class org.vizzini.database.Exporter
printList(String, List) - Static method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
processPolygonShape(Color, List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.ExtrudedShape
Process a polygon using the given parameters.
processResult() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Process the result.
produceDependencyGraph(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
Process a package directory to produce a dependency graph.
promoteString(Class, String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence
Promote the given string to the given class, if possible.
promoteStringToBoolean(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence
Promote the given string to Boolean, if possible.
PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ArgumentType
PropertyArgument - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides a property argument for use in sentences in the logic system.
PropertyArgument(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.logic.PropertyArgument
Construct this object.
PropertyArgumentWrapper - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides a wrapper for property arguments in the logic system.
PropertyArgumentWrapper(PropertyArgument) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.PropertyArgumentWrapper
Construct this object with the given parameter.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentCollection
Implement a property change listener for relevant token properties.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.CardCollection
Implement a property change listener for relevant token properties.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TeamCollection
Implement a property change listener for relevant token properties.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenCollection
Implement a property change listener for relevant token properties.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenPositionCollection
Implement a property change listener for relevant token properties.
PropertyChangeManager - Class in org.vizzini.util.event
Provides a manager of property change listeners and convenience methods for creating property change events.
PropertyChangeManager(Object) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.event.PropertyChangeManager
Construct this object with the given parameter.
PropertyWrapper - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides a wrapper for properties in the logic system.
PropertyWrapper(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.PropertyWrapper
Construct this object with the given parameter.
PURPLE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Purple color constant.
push(Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IStack
Pushes an item onto the top of this stack.
push(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.LinkedListStack
Pushes an item onto the top of this stack.
push(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.Stack
Pushes an item onto the top of this stack.


quadrantCheck(double, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.OrbitMechanic
Perform a quadrant check on the given angle.
Quadratic - Class in org.vizzini.math
Provides a quadratic equation.
Quadratic(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.Quadratic
Construct this object using the given parameters.
Quaternion - Class in org.vizzini.math
Provides a quaternion for handling coordinate transformations.
Quaternion(Vector, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Construct this object with the given parameters.
Quaternion(double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Construct this object using the given parameters.
Quaternion(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Construct this object with the given parameters.
Queen - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken
Provides a Queen for 3D chess.
Queen() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Queen
Construct this object with no agent as this token's owner.
QueenShape - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken
Provides a shape class for a chess Queen.
QueenShape(ITeam) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.QueenShape
Construct this object with the given team and a magnification of 1.0.
QueenShape(ITeam, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.QueenShape
Construct this object with the given parameters.
Queue - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides a queue with synchronized methods.
Queue() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.Queue
quitActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractApp
Callback for the quit button.
quitActionPerformed(JFrame) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Perform the quit action.
quitActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.IOSXApp
Handle the quit action.


RADIANS - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.UnitConverter
Radians constant.
randomizeWeights() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractConnector
Assign random weights to the neural network in [-0.1,0.1].
randomizeWeights(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractConnector
Assign random weights to the neural network.
randomizeWeights() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Assign random weights to the neural network in [-0.1,0.1].
randomizeWeights(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Assign random weights to the neural network.
randomizeWeights() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IConnector
Assign random weights.
randomizeWeights(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IConnector
Assign random weights.
randomizeWeights() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Assign random weights to the neural network.
randomizeWeights(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Assign random weights to the neural network.
randomlyInitialize() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeBoolean
Initialize the genes with random values.
randomlyInitialize() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeDouble
Initialize the genes with random values.
randomlyInitialize() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeInt
Initialize the genes with random values.
randomlyInitialize() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IChromosome
Initialize the genes with random values.
randomlyInitialize() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractChromosomeGP
Initialize the genes with random values.
RandomSelector - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm
Provides a chromosome selector which simply randomly selects from the population.
RandomSelector() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.RandomSelector
RASPBERRY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Raspberry (red-purple) color constant.
read(BufferedReader) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities
Return the contents of the given reader.
read(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.TreeNodePersister
Read a tree node from the given file.
read(File) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.TreeNodePersister
Read a tree node from the given file.
read(InputStream) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.TreeNodePersister
Read a tree node from the given input stream.
readFile(Reader) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities
Return the contents of the given reader.
readFile(InputStream) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities
Return the contents of the given input stream.
readFile(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities
Return the contents of the file at the given path.
readFile(URL) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities
Return the contents of the file at the given URL.
readInput() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.TextHumanAgent
Read string input from standard in until a carriage return is read.
readInput() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUIText
Read string input from standard in until a carriage return is read.
readInput() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.TextAgent
Read string input from standard in until a carriage return is read.
realized() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.RealizedThread
Action to perform when the component is realized.
RealizedThread - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a thread that waits until a component is realized, then performs a specified action.
RealizedThread(Component) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.RealizedThread
This method gets called when the component is realized.
RealizedThread(Component, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.RealizedThread
This method gets called when the component is realized.
reallocateIndexes() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
Reset the index values.
reApplyHighlights() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Re-apply the highlighted positions.
reconcileBoard(IGridBoard) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Reconcile the token UIs with the real board environment.
reconcileBoard(IGridBoard) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Reconcile the token UIs with the real board environment.
reconcileBoard(IGridBoard) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Reconcile the token UIs with the real board environment.
reconcileExpanded(ICardCollection) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCollectionUI
Reconcile the new card collection with the existing card UIs.
reconcileNotExpanded(ICardCollection) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCollectionUI
Reconcile the new card collection with the existing card UIs.
Record - Class in org.vizzini.database
Provides a generic data object which can be stored in a database.
Record(IDatabase, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.database.Record
Construct this object.
Record(IDatabase, ITableData) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.database.Record
Construct this object.
RED - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Red color constant.
RED_ORANGE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Red-orange color constant.
RED_PURPLE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Red-purple color constant.
redo() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionManager
Redo the previous action, if any.
RedoAction - Class in org.vizzini.game.action
Provides an redo action in the game framework.
RedoAction() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.action.RedoAction
Construct this object.
redoActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractBoardgameUISwing
Callback for the redo action.
reducePackage(String, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
Reduce the given package name to the given package depth.
registerMacOSXApplication(IOSXApp) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.OSXAdapter
The main entry-point for this functionality.
reinit() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantDoubleTerminal
reinit() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantIntTerminal
release() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.AbstractAction
Return this instance to the reusable object pool, if one is used.
release() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.action.IAction
Return this instance to the reusable object pool, if one is used.
release(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractGridBoardActionPool
Return an instance to the reusable object pool.
release() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveAction
Return this instance to the reusable object pool.
release(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveActionPool
Return an instance to the reusable object pool.
release() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveCaptureAction
Return this instance to the reusable object pool.
release(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveCaptureActionPool
Return an instance to the reusable object pool.
release() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceAction
Return this instance to the reusable object pool.
release(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceActionPool
Return an instance to the reusable object pool.
release() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.RemoveAction
Return this instance to the reusable object pool.
release(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.RemoveActionPool
Return an instance to the reusable object pool.
release() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleAction
Return this instance to the reusable object pool.
release(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleActionPool
Return an instance to the reusable object pool.
release() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.EnPassantCaptureAction
Return this instance to the reusable object pool.
release(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.EnPassantCaptureActionPool
Return an instance to the reusable object pool.
release() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionAction
Return this instance to the reusable object pool.
release(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionActionPool
Return an instance to the reusable object pool.
release() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionCaptureAction
Return this instance to the reusable object pool.
release(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionCaptureActionPool
Return an instance to the reusable object pool.
release(PolygonShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.PolygonShapePool
Return an instance to the reusable object pool.
releaseActions(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.ChessActionFactory
Release the actions in the given list.
releaseActions(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.SimpleChessAgent
Release the actions in the given list.
releaseActions(Collection) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.AbstractSearch
Release the actions in the given list.
releasePolygonShapes() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.ExtrudedShape
Release all the polygon shapes.
reload() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Reload this object from the database.
reload() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Reload this object from the database.
remove(IConnector) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ConnectorCollection
Remove the given connector.
remove(ColumnData) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.TableData
Remove the given column data.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AgentCollection
Add the given object.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessTokenCollection
Remove the given object.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TeamCollection
Add the given object.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Remove the given object.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenCollection
Add the given object.
remove(HighlightData) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Add the given highlight data.
remove(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Remove the given shape as a child of this.
remove(HighlightData) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Remove the given highlight data.
remove(ITokenUI, int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Remove the token at the given position.
remove(HighlightData) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Remove the given highlight data.
remove(HighlightData) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Remove the given highlight data.
remove(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Remove the given shape.
remove(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Remove the given shape.
remove(IShape) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Remove the given child shape.
remove(IShape) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShapeCanvas
Remove the given shape.
remove(IShape) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Remove the given shape.
remove(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Remove the given shape.
remove(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Remove the given child shape.
remove(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeGroup
Remove the given shape.
remove(IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeSortList
Remove the given shape.
remove(JMenuItem) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ItemAwareMenu
Remove the given item from this menu.
remove(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Remove the instance associated with the given bundle name so that it can be recreated.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractList
Removes a single instance of the given object from this collection, if it is present.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractMap
Removes a single instance of the given object from this collection, if it is present.
remove() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.Queue
Remove and return the first event in the queue.
remove(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Removes the child at the specified index from this node's children and sets that node's parent to null.
remove(ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Removes treeNode from this node's child array, giving it a null parent.
remove(ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Remove the given child.
remove(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Remove the object at the given index.
remove(ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Remove the given child.
remove(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Remove the object at the given index.
remove(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Removes the child at the specified index from this node's children and sets that node's parent to null.
remove(ITreeNode) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Removes treeNode from this node's child array, giving it a null parent.
remove(ITreeNode) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNodeCollection
Remove the given child.
remove(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNodeCollection
Remove the object at the given index.
RemoveAction - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action
Provides an action for removal of a token from a grid board.
RemoveAction(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.RemoveAction
Construct this object.
removeActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
Callback for the remove action.
RemoveActionPool - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action
Provides a pool for remove action objects.
RemoveActionPool() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.RemoveActionPool
Construct this object.
RemoveActionPool(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.RemoveActionPool
Construct this object with the given parameter.
removeActionReceivedListener(IActionReceivedListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ComputerAgent
Remove the given listener.
removeActionReceivedListener(IActionReceivedListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.MouseHumanAgent
Remove the given listener.
removeActionReceivedListener(IActionReceivedListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.ActionReceivedManager
Remove the given listener.
removeActionReceivedListener(IActionReceivedListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.event.IActionReceivedProducer
Remove the given listener.
removeAgentListener(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Remove the given agent as a listener.
removeAgentListener(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUISwing
Remove the given agent as a listener.
removeAgentListener(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Remove listeners using the given agent.
removeAgentListener(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeGameUISwing
Remove listeners using the given agent.
removeAgentListener(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardGameUISwing
Remove listeners using the given agent.
removeAgentListeners(Iterator) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUISwing
Remove the given agents as listeners.
removeAgentListeners(Iterator) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUIText
Remove the given agents as listeners.
removeAgentListeners(Iterator) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Remove listeners using the given agents.
removeAgentListeners(Iterator) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.EnvironmentUISupport
Remove the given agents as listeners.
removeAgentListeners(Iterator) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.IEnvironmentUI
Remove the given agents as listeners.
removeAll() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Remove all the data.
removeAll() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.FilteredTableModel
Remove all the data.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractCollection
Removes all this collection's objects that are also contained in the given collection.
removeAllChildren() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Removes all of this node's children, setting their parents to null.
removeAllChildren() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Removes all of this node's children, setting their parents to null.
removeBusyListener(IBusyListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractComputerAgent
Remove the given listener.
removeBusyListener(IBusyListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IComputerAgent
Remove the given listener.
removeBusyListener(IBusyListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.BusyManager
Remove the given listener.
removeCheckListener(ICheckListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Remove the given listener.
removeCheckListener(ICheckListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event.CheckManager
Remove the given listener.
removeCheckListener(ICheckListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Remove the given listener.
removeColorListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorButton
Remove a property listener for the color property.
removeColorListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorChooser
Remove a property listener for the color property.
removeConcedeListener(IConcedeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Remove the given listener.
removeConcedeListener(IConcedeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.ConcedeManager
Remove the given listener.
removeConcedeListener(IConcedeListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Remove the given listener.
removeDirtyListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for the dirty property from the listener list.
removeDirtyListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for the dirty property from the listener list.
removeDirtyListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IDocument
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for the dirty property from the listener list.
removeDuplicatesFromKinds(Collection, Collection) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.Adjudicator
Remove duplicate cards from the given kinds card collections.
removeDuplicatesFromStraights(Collection, Collection) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.Adjudicator
Remove duplicate cards from the given straights card collections.
removeFileListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for the file property from the listener list.
removeFileListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for the file property from the listener list.
removeFileListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IDocument
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for the file property from the listener list.
removeFilterListPropertyListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterChooser
Remove the given filter list property change listener.
removeFilterPropertyListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterChooser
Remove the given filter property change listener.
removeFirst() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.CardCollection
Remove and return the first card.
removeFirst() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.cardgame.ICardCollection
Remove and return the first card.
removeFontListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Remove a property listener for the font property.
removeFromParent() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Removes the subtree rooted at this node from the tree, giving this node a null parent.
removeFromParent() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Removes the subtree rooted at this node from the tree, giving this node a null parent.
removeGameListener(IGameListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Remove the given listener.
removeGameListener(IGameListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.GameManager
Remove the given listener.
removeGameListener(IGameListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Remove the given listener.
removeLast() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.CardCollection
Remove and return the last card.
removeLast() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.cardgame.ICardCollection
Remove and return the last card.
removeListener(IListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.AbstractManager
Remove the given listener.
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerJava3D
Remove the given mouse listener.
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractTeam
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ITeam
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.event.IPropertyChangeSupport
Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.event.IPropertyChangeSupport
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.PropertyChangeManager
Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.PropertyChangeManager
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
removePropertyChangeListeners(JComponent, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.EditorUtilities
Remove all property change listeners for the given property name from the given component.
removePunctuation(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.StringUtilities
Remove punctuation from the given string.
removeRows(int[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Remove the given rows.
removeRows(int[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.FilteredTableModel
Remove the given rows.
removeScoreListener(IScoreListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Remove the given listener.
removeScoreListener(IScoreListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.ScoreManager
Remove the given listener.
removeScoreListener(IScoreListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Remove the given listener.
removeSelectedRows() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.DescribedTable
Remove all the selected rows.
removeSpaces(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.StringUtilities
Remove spaces from the given string.
removeStateListener(IStateListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Remove the given listener.
removeStateListener(IStateListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.event.StateManager
Remove the given listener.
removeStateListener(IStateListener) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Remove the given listener.
removeStatusListener(IStatusListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.StatusManager
Remove the given listener.
removeTableStyleListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyleChooser
Remove a property listener for the table style property.
removeTextColorSetListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSetChooser
Remove a property listener for the text color property.
removeTextStyleListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyleChooser
Remove a property listener for the color property.
replaceChild(ISentence, ISentence) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractComplexSentence
Replace the given old child sentence with the given new child sentence if there is a match.
replaceChild(ISentence, ISentence) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IComplexSentence
Replace the given old child sentence with the given new child sentence if there is a match.
report() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractGridBoardActionPool
Log a statistics report.
reproductionAndCrossover(IPopulation, IPopulation) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Perform the reproduction and crossover operations to fill the given new population from the given old population.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractContext
Reset to the initial settings.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
reset() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IContext
Reset to the initial settings.
reset() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.Environment
Reset this environment.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Environment
Reset to the initial state.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAdjudicator
Reset to the initial state.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Reset to the initial state.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Reset to the initial state.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Reset to the initial state.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Reset to the initial state.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractTeam
Reset to the initial state.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AsynchronousEngine
Reset to the initial state.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Reset to the initial state.
reset() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Bishop
Reset cached data.
reset() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.King
Reset cached data.
reset() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Knight
Reset cached data.
reset() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Mace
Reset cached data.
reset() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Reset cached data.
reset() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Queen
Reset cached data.
reset() - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Rook
Reset cached data.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractCardTable
Reset this environment.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.PokerDeck
Reset this deck.
reset() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAdjudicator
Reset to the initial state.
reset() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Reset to the initial state.
reset() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Reset to the initial state.
reset() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Reset to the initial state.
reset() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGame
Reset to the initial state.
reset() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ITeam
Reset to the initial state.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.AbstractSearch
reset() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.search.ISearch
Reset this search.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUISwing
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUIText
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.MouseAgent
Reset to the initial state.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.MovementMouseAgent
Reset to the initial state.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCollectionUI
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.EnvironmentUISupport
reset() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.IEnvironmentUI
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Reset this document.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Reset this document.
reset() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IDocument
Reset this document.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.DotVisitor
Reset the string buffer.
reset() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ToStringVisitor
Reset the string buffer.
resetActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.AntUI
Perform the reset action.
resetAverageFitness() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Reset the average fitness.
resetAverageFitness() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
Reset the average fitness.
resetFont() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Reset the font from the font components, and notify listeners.
ResourceProvider - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides locale specific resources.
ResourceProvider(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Construct this object.
restoreDefaultsActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyleChooser
Callback for the restore defaults action.
resume() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Resume the engine from a pause.
resume() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Resume the engine from a pause.
resumeActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.AntUI
Perform the resume action.
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractCollection
Retains only the objects in this collection that are contained in the given collection.
rewardAndPunish(IChromosome, IChromosome) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
Reward and punish the given chromosomes.
rewardAndPunish(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Reward and punish the given chromosomes.
RightTerminal - Class in org.vizzini.example.ant
Provides a right terminal for the ant example.
RightTerminal() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.ant.RightTerminal
Construct this object.
Rook - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken
Provides a Rook for 3D chess.
Rook() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Rook
Construct this object with no agent as this token's owner.
RookShape - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken
Provides a shape class for a chess Rook.
RookShape(ITeam) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.RookShape
Construct this object with the given team and a magnification of 1.0.
RookShape(ITeam, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.RookShape
Construct this object with the given parameters.
rotate(Quaternion) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Rotate using the given quaternion.
rotate(Quaternion) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IState
Rotate using the given quaternion.
rotate(Quaternion) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.State
Rotate using the given quaternion.
run() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.Engine
Perform the game loop actions.
run() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AsynchronousEngine
Perform the game loop activity.
run() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Perform the game loop actions.
run() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.SynchronousEngine
Perform the game loop actions.
run() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.RealizedThread
Wait for the component to be realized, the call realized().
run(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GraphvizRunner
Run Graphviz using the given parameters.
run(String, String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GraphvizRunner
Run Graphviz using the given parameters.
run() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.StreamGobbler
Run this thread.
RungeKutta4ODESolver - Class in org.vizzini.math.ode
Provides a fourth-order Runge-Kutta ordinary differential equation solver.
RungeKutta4ODESolver() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.ode.RungeKutta4ODESolver
runGenerations(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Run for the given number of generations.
runGenerations(int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
Run for the given number of generations.


save() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Save the current game.
save() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGame
Save the current game.
save() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Save the document.
save() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Save the document.
save() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IDocument
Save this document to the associated file.
save(ITreeNode, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.TreeNodePersister
Save the given tree node to the given file.
save(ITreeNode, File) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.TreeNodePersister
Save the given tree node to the given file.
save(ITreeNode, OutputStream) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.TreeNodePersister
Save the given tree node to the given output stream.
saveActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Callback for the save action.
saveAs(File) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Save the current game to the given file.
saveAs(File) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGame
Save the current game to the given file.
saveAs(File) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Save the document to the given file.
saveAs(File) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Save the document to the given file.
saveAs(File) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IDocument
Save this document to the given file.
saveAsActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Callback for the save as action.
saveAsJPEG(File, JComponent, int, int, float) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Saves the chart as a JPEG format image file.
saveAsPNG(File, JComponent, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Saves the chart as a PNG format image file.
saveImage() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Save the image to a file.
saveToNext() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Save the current document URL on the next stack.
saveToPrevious() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Save the current document URL on the previous stack.
scale(double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.AbstractScaler
Scale the given inputs.
scale(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.AbstractScaler
Scale the given inputs.
scale(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IScaler
Scale the given input.
scale(double[]) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IScaler
Scale the given inputs.
scale(double[], double[]) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IScaler
Scale the given inputs.
scale(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.LinearScaler
Scale the given input to the output range.
SCORE_AREA - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeGameUISwing
Score area index.
SCORE_AREA - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardGameUISwing
Score area index.
scoreChange(ScoreEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.GameUISwing
Respond to score change events.
scoreChange(ScoreEvent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.event.IScoreListener
Respond to score change events.
scoreChange(ScoreEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUISwing
Respond to score change events.
scoreChange(ScoreEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUIText
Respond to score change events.
scoreChange(ScoreEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeGameUISwing
Respond to score change events.
scoreChange(ScoreEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardGameUISwing
Respond to score change events.
scoreChange(ScoreEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.EnvironmentUISupport
Respond to score change events.
ScoreEvent - Class in org.vizzini.game.event
Provides an event for score changes.
ScoreEvent(IAgent) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.event.ScoreEvent
Construct this object with the given parameter.
ScoreManager - Class in org.vizzini.game.event
Provides a manager of score listeners and convenience methods for creating score events.
ScoreManager() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.event.ScoreManager
search(IAgent, IAgent, IEnvironment, IAdjudicator, IEvaluator, IActionGenerator, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.AbstractSearch
search(IAgent, IAgent, IEnvironment, IAdjudicator, IEvaluator, IActionGenerator, int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.search.ISearch
Perform a search using the given parameters.
SearchAgent - Class in org.vizzini.game.search
Provides a computer agent which uses an AI search algorithm to determine the best action.
SearchAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.search.SearchAgent
SearchChessAgent - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Provides a computer agent for 3D chess.
SearchChessAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.SearchChessAgent
SEC - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.UnitConverter
Seconds constant.
SECONDARY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Secondary color designator.
select(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Returns a list of IRecord s which are derived from the result of the given query.
select(ITableData) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Returns a list of IRecord s which are derived from the result of the given query.
select(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Returns a list of IRecord s which are derived from the result of the given query.
select(ITableData, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Returns a list of IRecord s which are derived from the result of the given query.
select(ITableData, IRecord) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Return a list of IRecord objects which belong to the named table and are joined to the given record.
select(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IDatabase
Returns a list of IRecord s which are derived from the result of the given query.
select(ITableData) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IDatabase
Returns a list of IRecord s which are derived from the result of the given query.
select(String, String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IDatabase
Returns a list of IRecord s which are derived from the result of the given query.
select(ITableData, String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IDatabase
Returns a list of IRecord s which are derived from the result of the given query.
select(ITableData, IRecord) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IDatabase
Return a list of IRecord objects which belong to the named table and are joined to the given record.
selectAllActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.VisibleColumnsPanel
Callback for the select all button.
selectData(Object[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.DescribedTable
Select the given data.
SELECTED_COUNT_AREA - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
selectNext() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.FitnessProportionalSelector
Select the next chromosome from the population.
selectNext() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ISelector
Select the next chromosome from the population.
selectNext() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.RandomSelector
Select the next chromosome from the population.
selectNodeFor(URL) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Select the node for the given URL.
selectNodeFor(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing
Select the node for the given topic.
selectNoneActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.VisibleColumnsPanel
Callback for the select none button.
sendXml(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLTransporter
Send the given XML message to the given URL.
sendXml(URL, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLTransporter
Send the given XML message to the given URL.
SENTENCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.AbstractSentenceEditor
Sentence property name.
SentenceEditor - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides an editor for a sentence in the logic system.
SentenceEditor(List) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentenceEditor
Construct this object with the given parameter.
SentenceFactory - Class in org.vizzini.ai.logic
Provides a factory for sentences in the logic system.
SENTENCES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
Sentences property name.
SentencesEditor - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides an editor for a group of sentences in the logic system.
SentencesEditor(List) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
Construct this object with the given parameter.
SentenceType - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
This class provides an enumeration of sentence types.
Sequence1Function - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides a sequence of one argument.
Sequence1Function() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Sequence1Function
Construct this object.
Sequence1Function(Class, Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Sequence1Function
Construct this object with the given parameters.
Sequence2Function - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides a sequence of two arguments.
Sequence2Function() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Sequence2Function
Construct this object.
Sequence2Function(Class, Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Sequence2Function
Construct this object with the given parameters.
Sequence3Function - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides a sequence of three arguments.
Sequence3Function() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Sequence3Function
Construct this object.
Sequence3Function(Class, Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Sequence3Function
Construct this object with the given parameters.
set(int, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeBoolean
Set the gene at index to the given value.
set(int, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeDouble
Set the gene at index to the given value.
set(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeInt
Set the gene at index to the given value.
set(String, Class, Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Set the value of the named property.
set(String, Class, Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Set the value of the named property.
set(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveAction
Set parameters on this object.
set(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveCaptureAction
Set parameters on this object.
set(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition, Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceAction
Set parameters on this object.
set(IGridBoard, IAgent, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.RemoveAction
Set parameters on this object.
set(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleAction
Set parameters on this object.
set(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.EnPassantCaptureAction
Set parameters on this object.
set(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionAction
Set parameters on this object.
set(IChessEnvironment, IChessAgent, IntegerPosition, IntegerPosition, Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionCaptureAction
Set parameters on this object.
set(String, Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GenericData
Set the value of the specified property.
set(String, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GenericData
Set the value of the specified property.
set(String, long) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GenericData
Set the value of the specified property.
set(String, float) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GenericData
Set the value of the specified property.
set(String, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GenericData
Set the value of the specified property.
set(String, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GenericData
Set the value of the specified property.
set(String, Class, Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GenericData
Set the value of the specified property.
set(String, Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IGenericData
Set the value of the specified property.
set(String, Class, Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IGenericData
Set the value of the specified property.
set(String, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IGenericData
Set the value of the specified property.
set(String, long) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IGenericData
Set the value of the specified property.
set(String, float) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IGenericData
Set the value of the specified property.
set(String, double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IGenericData
Set the value of the specified property.
set(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IGenericData
Set the value of the specified property.
set(int, ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Set the given object at the given index.
set(int, ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Set the given object at the given index.
set(int, ITreeNode) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNodeCollection
Set the given object at the given index.
setA(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
setAcceleration(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Ball
Set the scalar acceleration.
setAcceleration(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Set the acceleration.
setAcceleration(Vector) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Set the acceleration.
setActionCount(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.SynchronousEngine
Set the action count.
setActionGenerator(IActionGenerator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractComputerAgent
Set the action generator.
setActionHistoryUsed(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
setActionHistoryUsed(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.SearchChessAgent
setActionHistoryUsed(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
setActivationFunction(IActivationFunction) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Set the activation function.
setActivationFunction(int, IActivationFunction) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Set the activation function for the given layer index.
setActivationFunction(IActivationFunction) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Set the activation function.
setActivationFunction(IActivationFunction) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Set the activation function for the all layers of the network.
setActivationFunction(int, IActivationFunction) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Set the activation function for the given layer index.
setActivationFunction(IActivationFunction) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractFunctionLayer
Set the activation function.
setActivationFunction(IActivationFunction) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Set the activation function.
setActivationFunction(IActivationFunction) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.InputLayer
Set the activation function.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing.MyTreeSelectionListener
setAdjudicator(IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Set the adjudicator.
setAdjudicator(IAdjudicator) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Set the adjudicator.
setAgent(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Set the associated agent.
setAgent(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.AbstractAction
Set the agent who originated this action.
setAgent(IAgent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.action.IAction
Set the agent who originated this action.
setAgent(IAgent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
Set the associated agent.
setAgent(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PieceShape
Set the associated agent.
setAgent(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCollectionUI
Set the agent owner.
setAgent0(IComputerAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
Set the first agent.
setAgent0(IComputerAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Set the first agent.
setAgent1(IComputerAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
Set the second agent.
setAgent1(IComputerAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Set the second agent.
setAgentCollection(IAgentCollection) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Set the agent collection.
setAgentCollection(IAgentCollection) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGameState
Set the agent collection.
setAgentCollection(IAgentCollection) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Set the agent collection.
setAgentCollection(IAgentCollection) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGameState
Set the agent collection.
setAgentOneName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Set agent one's name.
setAgentTwoName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Set agent two's name.
setAlpha(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetworkTrainer
Set the value of the momentum constant.
setAlternateName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Set the alternate color name.
setAlternateRowColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
setAlternateRowColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
setAlternatingRowColors(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
setAnalogous(WheelColor, WheelColor) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Set the analogous colors.
setAngularAcceleration(Quaternion) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Set the angular acceleration.
setAngularAcceleration(Quaternion) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Set the angular acceleration.
setAngularVelocity(Quaternion) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Set the angular velocity.
setAngularVelocity(Quaternion) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Set the angular velocity.
setAnt() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Set the ant at the x, y coordinates.
setAnt(int, int, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Set the ant at the given coordinates.
setAppName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterChooser
setArgCount(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractSequenceFunction
setArgType(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractSequenceFunction
setArgument(IArgument) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.AbstractArgumentWrapper
setArgument(IArgument) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ArgumentEditor
Set the argument being edited.
setArrangement(Arrangement) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
setArrangement(Arrangement) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoard3DUISwing
Set the board arrangement.
setArrowHeight(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Set the arrow height.
setArrowPainted(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.MenuButton
Set the flag which indicates whether to paint the menu button arrow.
setAudioOn(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUISwing
Set the audio on flag.
setAudioOn(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUIText
Set the audio on flag.
setAudioOn(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Set the audio on flag.
setAudioOn(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.EnvironmentUISupport
Set the audio on flag.
setAudioOn(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.IEnvironmentUI
Set the audio on flag.
setAverageCrossoverFraction(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
setAverageCrossoverFraction(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
setBackground(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Set the background color.
setBackground(Color) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShapeCanvas
Set the background color.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
Set the background color.
setBackground(int, Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.StatusBar
Set the background color of the specified message label.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSet
setBallColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Set the ball color.
setBaseFilename(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Set the base filename.
setBeginCap(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.ExtrudedShape
Set the begin cap flag.
setBeta(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetworkTrainer
Set the value of the learning constant.
setBiasNodeUsed(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractFunctionLayer
setBoard(IChessEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.ChessActionComparator
setBoardColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Set the board color.
setBoardColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Set the board color.
setBoardColor(Color) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Set the board color.
setBounds(Ellipsoid) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Set the bounds.
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Set the bounds.
setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShapeCanvas
Set the bounds.
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShapeCanvas
Set the bounds.
setBusy(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractComputerAgent
Set the busy flag with the given value.
setCanvasBackground(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Set the canvas background color.
setCanvasBackground(Color) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Set the canvas background color.
setCanvasBackground(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Set the canvas background color.
setCapacity(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Set capacity.
setCard(ICard) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.DiscardAction
Set the card.
setCard(ICard) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardCenterUI
Set parameters from the given card.
setCard(ICard) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCornerUI
Set parameters from the given card.
setCard(ICard) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardUI
Set parameters from the given card.
setCard(ICard) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.ICardCenterUI
Set parameters from the given card.
setCardCollection(ICardCollection) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCollectionUI
Set the card collection displayed by this.
setCardName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardCenterUI
Set the name.
setCardName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCenterIconUI
Set the name.
setCardName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCenterPipsUI
Set the name.
setCardName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCornerUI
Set the name.
setCardSuit(ISuit) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardCenterUI
Set the suit.
setCardSuit(ISuit) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCenterPipsUI
Set the suit.
setCardSuit(ISuit) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCornerUI
Set the suit.
setCellRenderer(TableCellRenderer) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Set the cell renderer.
setCheckingState(boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractFunction
setChildAllowed(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Determines whether or not this node is allowed to have children.
setChildAllowed(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Determines whether or not this node is allowed to have children.
setChildren(ITreeNodeCollection) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
setColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorButton
Set the color.
setColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorChooser
Set the chosen color.
setColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.HighlightData
Set the color.
setColor(Color) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Set the color.
setColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Set the color.
setColumnClass(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Set the column class.
setColumnName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Set the column name.
setColumnName1(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JoinData
Set the first column name.
setColumnName2(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JoinData
Set the second column name.
setColumnName22(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JunctionData
Set the middle table second column name.
setColumnName3(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JunctionData
Set the third column name.
setColumnVisible(int, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptor
Set the column with the given absolute index visible.
setComplement(WheelColor) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Set the complementary color.
setComponent(JComponent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Set the contained component.
setConfigBundleName(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Set the configuration bundle name.
setConnectors(ConnectorCollection) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
setContext(IContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP
setContext(AntContext) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.AntContextUI
setCrossoverFraction(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Set the crossover fraction.
setCrossoverFraction(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
Set the crossover fraction.
setCrossoverType(CrossoverType) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Set the crossover type.
setCrossoverType(CrossoverType) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
Set the crossover type.
setCurrentAgent(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Set the current agent.
setCurrentColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Set the current color.
setCurrentColor(Color) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Set the current color, used to indicate the current mouse position.
setCurrentHighlightData(HighlightData) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
setCurrentHighlightData(HighlightData) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Set the current highlight data.
setCurrentHighlightData(HighlightData) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Set the current highlight data.
setCurrentHighlightData(HighlightData) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
setCurrentHighlightWidth(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
setCurrentHighlightWidth(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
setCursorBusy(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractApp
Set the cursor to busy depending upon the given state.
setCursorBusy(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Set the cursor to show busy.
setCursorBusy(JFrame, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Set the cursor to busy depending upon the given state.
setCursorBusy(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Set the cursor to busy depending upon the given state.
setCursorBusy(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Set the cursor to busy depending upon the given state.
setData(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Set the model data.
setData(Object[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Set the model data.
setData(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.FilteredTableModel
Set the model data.
setData(Object[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.FilteredTableModel
Set the model data.
setDatabase(IDatabase) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Set the database.
setDateAppended(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Set the flag which indicates whether to append the date/time to the filename.
setDBType(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.ColumnData
Set the database type string.
setDefault(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.ColumnData
Set the default value.
setDelta(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
setDepth(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ISearchAgent
Set the search depth.
setDepth(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.SearchAgent
Set the search depth.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractChromosome
Set the description.
setDescription(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IChromosome
Set the description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractSentence
setDescription(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.ISentence
setDesiredPositionCount(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.MovementMouseAgent
Set the desired position count.
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Paddle
Set the paddle dimensions.
setDimension(Dimension) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeEnvironment
Set the dimensions of the playing area.
setDimension(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeEnvironment
Set the dimensions of the playing area.
setDimensions(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Set the dimensions of the pool.
setDimensions(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Construct this object with the given dimensions.
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Set the dirty flag.
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorButton
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorChooser
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyleChooser
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.VisibleColumnsPanel
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSetChooser
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyleChooser
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Set the dirty flag.
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Set the dirty flag.
setDirty(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IDocument
Set the dirty flag.
setDiscardPile(ICardCollection) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Set the discard pile.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.BaseDatabaseData
Set the display name.
setDocument(IDocument) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Set the document.
setDocument(IDocument) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Set the document.
setDoubleFirstMove(boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
setDrawPile(ICardCollection) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Set the draw pile.
setDuplicateAllowed(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Set the flag indicating whether duplicate chromosomes are allowed.
setDuplicateAllowed(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
Set the flag indicating whether duplicate chromosomes are allowed.
setDynamicState(IDynamicState) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.ode.DynamicStateODE
setEcc(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.BaseDatabaseData
Set the editable flag.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Set the editable flag.
setEditMode(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.AbstractAssociateDialog
Set the edit mode.
setEditMode(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Set the edit mode flag.
setEditMode(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Set the edit mode.
setEditMode(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.DescribedTable
Set the edit mode flag.
setEditMode(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Set the edit mode flag.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorChooser
Set the enabled state of this widget.
setEnabled(int, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.StatusBar
Set the enabled state of the specified message label.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyleChooser
Set the enabled state of this widget.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Set the enabled state of this widget.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSetChooser
Set the enabled state of this widget.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyleChooser
Set the enabled state of this widget.
setEncoders(BinaryEncoder[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.BinaryEncodeLayer
Set the encoders.
setEncodingType(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Set the encoding type, one of ImageCreator.JPG or ImageCreator.PNG.
setEndCap(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.ExtrudedShape
Set the end cap flag.
setEnumerationList(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.ColumnData
Set the enumeration list from a delimited string.
setEnumList(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Set the enumerated list.
setEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Set the environment to the given value.
setEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Set the environment to the given value.
setEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUISwing
Set the environment this UI represents.
setEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractEnvironmentUIText
Set the environment this UI represents.
setEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Set the environment this UI represents.
setEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Set the environment this UI represents.
setEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Set the environment this UI represents.
setEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.EnvironmentUISupport
Set the environment this UI represents.
setEnvironment(IEnvironment) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.IEnvironmentUI
Set the environment this UI represents.
setEvaluator(IEvaluator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractComputerAgent
Set the evaluator.
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCollectionUI
Set the flag which indicates that all cards in the collection are shown.
setFaceUp(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardCenterUI
Set the flag which indicates whether this card is face up.
setFaceUp(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCenterIconUI
Set the flag which indicates whether this card is face up.
setFaceUp(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCollectionUI
Set the flag which indicates whether this card is face up.
setFaceUp(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardUI
Set the flag which indicates whether this card is face up.
setFaceUp(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.ICardCenterUI
Set the flag which indicates whether this card is face up.
setFile(File) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractDocument
Set the associated file.
setFile(File) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Set the associated file.
setFile(File) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IDocument
Set the associated file.
setFilePrefix(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Set the file prefix.
setFilter(IFilter) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.FilteredTableModel
setFilterList(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.EditFiltersDialog
setFilterList(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterChooser
setFiringChanges(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.event.AbstractManager
Set the flag which indicates whether to fire change events.
setFiringChecks(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Set the flag which indicates whether to fire state change events.
setFiringChecks(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event.CheckManager
Set the flag which indicates whether to fire check events.
setFiringChecks(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessEnvironment
Set the flag which indicates whether to fire state change events.
setFiringGameChanges(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Set the flag which indicates whether to fire game change events.
setFiringGameChanges(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Set the flag which indicates whether to fire game change events.
setFiringPositionChanges(boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
setFiringStateChanges(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Set the flag which indicates whether to fire state change events.
setFiringStateChanges(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Set the flag which indicates whether to fire state change events.
setFirstColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Set the first color.
setFirstColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Set the first color, the color of the square at (0,0).
setFirstColor(Color) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Set the first color.
setFitness(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractChromosome
Set the fitness.
setFitness(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IChromosome
Set the fitness.
setFitnesses(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Set the fitnesses of all members of the population to the given value.
setFitnesses(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
Set the fitnesses of all members of the population to the given value.
setFitnessLoss(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGameGeneticAlgorithm
Set the fitness loss value.
setFitnessLoss(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Set the fitness loss value.
setFitnessTie(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGameGeneticAlgorithm
Set the fitness tie value.
setFitnessTie(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Set the fitness tie value.
setFitnessUnknown() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractChromosome
Set the fitness to unknown.
setFitnessUnknown() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeNeuralNetwork
Set the fitness to unknown.
setFitnessUnknown() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IChromosome
Set the fitness to unknown.
setFitnessWin(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGameGeneticAlgorithm
Set the fitness win value.
setFitnessWin(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Set the fitness win value.
setFont(Font) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCornerUI
Set the font.
setFont(Font) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.SuitUI
Set the font.
setFont(Font) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Set the table font.
setFont(Font) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyle
setFontChoice(Font) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Set the chosen font.
setFood(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Set food at the given coordinates.
setFootprint() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Set a footprint at the x, y coordinates.
setFootprint(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Set a footprint at the given coordinates.
setForeground(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCenterPipsUI
Set the foreground color.
setForeground(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.SuitUI
Set the foreground color.
setForeground(int, Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.StatusBar
Set the foreground color of the specified message label.
setForeground(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSet
setFrame(Frame) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Set the parent frame.
setFrame(Frame) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.MouseAgent
Set the frame.
setFromLayer(ILayer) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractConnector
setFromPosition(IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractMoveAction
Set the from position.
setFunction(IFunction) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractChromosomeGP
setFunction(IFunction) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IChromosomeGP
setFunction(IFunction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GPFunctionEvaluator
setGame(IGame) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
Set the game.
setGame(IGame) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Set the game.
setGameIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGameState
Set the game identifier.
setGameIdentifier(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGameState
Set the game identifier.
setGameOver(boolean, IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Set the game over flag to the given value.
setGameOver(boolean, IAgent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Set the game over flag to the given value.
setGrid(Grid) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.GridUI
setGridBoard(IGridBoard) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractGridBoardAction
Set the GridBoard.
setGridColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
setGridLineColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Set the grid line color.
setGridLineColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUISwing
Set the grid line color.
setGridLineColor(Color) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Set the grid line color.
setHandOne(ICardCollection) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Set agent one's hand.
setHandTwo(ICardCollection) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Set agent two's hand.
setHeaderBackground(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Set the header background color.
setHeaderFont(Font) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Set the header font.
setHeaderForeground(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Set the header foreground color.
setHeaderTextStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
setHeading(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Set heading.
setHeading(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
setHighlightColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.ExtrudedShape
Set the highlight color.
setHighlightColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.PolygonShape
Set the highlight color.
setHighlighted(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.ExtrudedShape
Set the flag indicating whether highlights are used.
setHighlightSegment(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.PolygonShape
Set a segment for highlighting.
setHighRange(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantDoubleTerminal
setHighRange(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantIntTerminal
setHintColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Set the hint color.
setHintHighlights(IEnvironment, IAdjudicator) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Set the hint highlights.
setHintMode(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Set the flag indicating if we're in hint mode.
setHorizontalAlignment(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.StatusBar
Sets the alignment of the label's contents along the X axis.
setI(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
setIcon(int, Icon) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.StatusBar
Set the icon on the specified message label.
setIconFrom(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardCenterIconUI
Set the given icon.
setIndex(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
setIndex(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
setInitialMaxDepth(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP
setInput(String, Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractFitnessCase
Set the input with the given name to the given value.
setInput(String, Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IFitnessCase
Set the input with the given name to the given value.
setInput(int, double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
setInput(int, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
setInputCount(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Set the input count.
setInputs(double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Set the values of the input nodes.
setInputs(double[]) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
setInputs(double[]) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Set the values of the input nodes.
setInputs(double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
setInputs(double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.InputLayer
setInputScaler(IScaler) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Set the input scaler.
setInputScaler(IScaler) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Set the input scaler.
setKeyCreator(ITranspositionKeyCreator) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.AlphaBetaSearch
setKingBlack(IKing) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessTokenCollection
setKingWhite(IKing) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessTokenCollection
setLabelColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Set the label color.
setLabelColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Set the label color.
setLabelColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Set the label color.
setLabelColor(Color) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Set the label color.
setLabelPainted(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Set the label painted flag.
setLabelPainted(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Set the label painted flag.
setLabelPainted(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Set the label painted flag.
setLabelPainted(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Set the label painted flag.
setLastAgent(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Set the last agent who performed an action.
setLastIndex(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractSelector
setLastMoveColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Set the last move color.
setLastMoveColor(Color) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Set the last move color.
setLastMoveHighlightWidth(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
setLastMoveHighlightWidth(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
setLayers(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
setLeft(IArgument) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence
setLeft(ISentence) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractComplexSentence
setLength(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
setLightSource(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
setLightSource(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.simulation.IPhysicalObject
setLightSource(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
setLightSource(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
setLocale(Locale) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Set the locale.
setLowRange(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantDoubleTerminal
setLowRange(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantIntTerminal
setMagnify(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
setMagnify(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoard3DUISwing
Set the magnification.
setMagnify(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Set the magnification.
setMagnify(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Set the magnification.
setMagnify(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShapeCanvas
Set the magnification.
setMagnify(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Set the magnification.
setMagnify(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Set the magnification.
setMagnifyPanelVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Set the visibility of the magnification panel.
setMagnifyPanelVisible(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Set the visibility of the magnification panel.
setMagnifyPanelVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Set the visibility of the magnification panel.
setMarkings(Markings, Color, Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
setMarkings(Markings, Color, Color) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoard3DUISwing
Set the board markings by adjusting their colors.
setMass(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Set the mass of this object.
setMass(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.simulation.IPhysicalObject
Set the mass of this object.
setMass(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Set the mass.
setMass(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Set the mass.
setMassAcceleration(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Set the mass velocity rate of change.
setMassAcceleration(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Set the mass velocity rate of change.
setMassVelocity(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Set the mass rate of change.
setMassVelocity(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Set the mass rate of change.
setMax(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
setMaxDepth(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
setMaxDepth(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IFunctionGenerator
setMaxInput(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.AbstractScaler
Set the maximum expected input value.
setMaxInput(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IScaler
Set the maximum expected input value.
setMaxInput(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.LinearScaler
Set the maximum expected input value.
setMaxLength(int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.AbstractSentenceWrapper
setMaxOutput(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.AbstractScaler
Set the maximum expected output value.
setMaxOutput(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IScaler
Set the maximum expected output value.
setMaxOutput(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.LinearScaler
Set the maximum expected output value.
setMin(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.BinaryEncoder
setMinCycleTime(long) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Set the minimum cycle time.
setMinCycleTime(long) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Set the minimum cycle time.
setMinCycleTime(long) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationEnvironment
setMinInput(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.AbstractScaler
Set the minimum expected input value.
setMinInput(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IScaler
Set the minimum expected input value.
setMinInput(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.LinearScaler
Set the minimum expected input value.
setMinOutput(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.AbstractScaler
Set the minimum expected output value.
setMinOutput(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IScaler
Set the minimum expected output value.
setMinOutput(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.LinearScaler
Set the minimum expected output value.
setMinTrialCount(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
setModel(TableModel) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableMap
setModel(TableModel) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
setMomentOfInertia(double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Set the moment of inertia of this object.
setMomentOfInertia(double[]) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.simulation.IPhysicalObject
Set the moment of inertia of this object.
setMomentOfInertia(double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Set the moment of inertia.
setMomentOfInertia(double[]) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Set the moment of inertia.
setMu(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
setMutationFraction(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
setMutationFraction(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
setMutationMagnitude(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Set the mutation magnitude.
setMutationMagnitude(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
Set the mutation magnitude.
setMutationRate(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Set the mutation rate.
setMutationRate(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
Set the mutation rate.
setName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractNode
setName(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.INode
setName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.Filter
setName(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IFilter
setName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.BaseDatabaseData
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Set the name to the given name.
setName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractTeam
Set the name to the given name.
setName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Set the name to the given name.
setName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractSuit
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.cardgame.ISuit
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Set the name to the given name.
setName(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.ITeam
Set the name to the given value.
setName(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
Set the name to the given value.
setName(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
setName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
setName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Set the color name.
setNeuralNetwork(INeuralNetwork) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetworkTrainer
Set the neural network to be trained.
setNeuralNetwork(INeuralNetwork) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractNeuralNetworkEvaluator
Set the neural network.
setNodeInput(int, int, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Set the node input value for the given parameters.
setNodeInput(int, int, double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Set the node input value for the given parameters.
setNodes(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
setNodes(ITreeNode[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
setNodeValue(Node, String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Set the value of the first node at the given path location below the given node.
setNodeValue(Node, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
Set the value of the first node at the given path location below the given node.
setNormalTextColorSet(TextColorSet) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyle
setNullToken(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUIText
Set the null token string.
setOffsets(int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Set the offsets.
setOmega(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
setOptionType(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Extend the super method to handle OK_CANCEL_APPLY_OPTION.
setOptionType(int, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
setOrbitPrimaryName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
setOrdinal(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractEnumeratedType
Set the ordinal.
setOrientation(Quaternion) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Set the orientation.
setOrientation(Quaternion) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IState
Set the orientation.
setOrientation(Quaternion) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.State
Set the orientation.
setOutput(String, Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractFitnessCase
Set the output with the given name to the given value.
setOutput(String, Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IFitnessCase
Set the output with the given name to the given value.
setOutput(int, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
setOutputCount(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Set the output count.
setOutputs(double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
setOutputScaler(IScaler) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Set the output scaler.
setOutputScaler(IScaler) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Set the output scaler.
setOverlapped(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardUI
Set the flag which indicates this card is only partially shown.
setOwner(Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Set the owner object.
setOwner(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.DocumentSupport
Set the owner.
setPaddleColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Set the paddle color.
setParent(ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Sets this node's parent to parent but does not change the parent's child array.
setParent(ITreeNode) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Sets this node's parent to parent but does not change the parent's child array.
setPawnPromotionLevelsCount(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.ChessAdjudicator
setPawnPrompt(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessComputerAgent
Set the flag indicating whether to prompt for the pawn promotion type.
setPawnPrompt(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.IChessAgent
Set the flag indicating whether to prompt for the pawn promotion type.
setPawnPrompt(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.SearchChessAgent
Set the flag indicating whether to prompt for the pawn promotion type.
setPawnPrompt(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.MouseAgent
Set the flag indicating whether to prompt for the pawn promotion type.
setPawnPrompt(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.TextAgent
Set the flag indicating whether to prompt for the pawn promotion type.
setPerspectiveConstant(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Set the perspective constant.
setPerspectiveConstant(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Set the perspective constant.
setPerspectiveConstant(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShapeCanvas
Set the perspective constant.
setPerspectiveConstant(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Set the perspective constant.
setPerspectiveConstant(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Set the perspective constant.
setPlaces(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DecimalCellRenderer
Set the number of decimal places to display.
setPopulation(IPopulation) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Set the population.
setPopulation(IPopulation) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractSelector
setPopulationSize(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Set the population size.
setPopulationSize(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
Set the population size.
setPosition(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Set position.
setPosition(IPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Set the position.
setPosition(IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal
setPosition(IPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
Set the position.
setPosition(IPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Set the position.
setPosition(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Set the position.
setPosition(Vector) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IState
Set the position.
setPosition(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.State
Set the position.
setPosition(IPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.HighlightData
Set the position.
setPositionOffset(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
setPossiblePosition(IChessEnvironment, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.King
Set the possible position.
setPossibleTypes(Class[]) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PawnPromotionDialogSwing
Set the array of possible types.
setPreferredHeight(int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardUI
Set the preferred height.
setPrefix(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.PropertyWrapper
setPreviewHeight(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Set the height of the preview widget.
setPreviewText(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Set the text of the preview widget.
setPreviewText(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyleChooser
Set the text of the preview widget.
setPreviewVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Set the visibility of the preview widget.
setPreviewVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyleChooser
Set the visibility of the preview widget.
setProperties(Properties) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AgentPanel
Set the agent properties.
setPropertiesPath(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Set the path to the game properties.
setPropertiesPath(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGame
Set the path to the game properties.
setPropertyName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.PropertyArgument
setPropertyName(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Set the property name.
setPropertyNames(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ArgumentEditor
setPropertyNames(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.EditFiltersDialog
setPropertyNames(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
setQ(double, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.ode.AbstractODE
Set the value of the dependent variable at the given index.
setQ(double, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.ode.IODE
Set the value of the dependent variable at the given index.
setQuaternion(Quaternion) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Set the current rotation quaternion.
setQuaternion(Quaternion) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
Set the current rotation quaternion.
setR0(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
setRadius(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Ball
Set the radius.
setRandomMax(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeDouble
Set the maximum used for random initialization.
setRandomMax(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeInt
Set the maximum used for random initialization.
setRandomMin(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeDouble
Set the minimum used for random initialization.
setRandomMin(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeInt
Set the minimum used for random initialization.
setRating(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.AbstractAction
Set the rating of this action.
setRating(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.action.IAction
Set the rating of this action.
setReturnType(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractFunctionGenerator
setReturnType(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractSequenceFunction
setReturnType(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.If
setReturnType(Class) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IFunctionGenerator
setReturnType(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.InputTerminal
setRight(IArgument) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence
setRight(ISentence) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractComplexSentence
setS(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.ode.AbstractODE
Set the value of the independent variable.
setS(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.ode.IODE
Set the value of the independent variable.
setScore(long) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Set the score to the given value.
setScore(long) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Set the score to the given value.
setScoreColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Set the score color.
setScoreDisplayTime(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.GameUISwing
Set the score display time in milliseconds.
setScoreFont(Font) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Set the score font.
setScorePainted(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Set the score painted flag.
setSearch(ISearch) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.SearchAgent
Set the search algorithm.
setSearchDepth(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AgentPanel
Set the search depth.
setSecondColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Set the second color.
setSecondColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Set the second color, the color not at (0,0).
setSecondColor(Color) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Set the second color.
setSelectedFilter(IFilter) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterChooser
setSelectedRows(int[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Set the selected rows, translated through the sort.
setSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Set the selection color.
setSelectionColor(Color) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
Set the selection color.
setSelectionHighlightData(HighlightData) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
setSelectionHighlightData(HighlightData) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
setSelectionHighlightWidth(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
setSelectionHighlightWidth(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.IGridBoardUISwing
setSelectionTextColorSet(TextColorSet) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyle
setSelectionTextColorSetVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyleChooser
Set the visibility of the selection text color set user interface component.
setSentence(ISentence) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.Filter
setSentence(ISentence) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IFilter
setSentence(ISentence) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.AbstractSentenceEditor
setSentence(ISentence) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.AbstractSentenceWrapper
setSentence(ISentence) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.BinaryAtomicSentenceEditor
setSentence(ISentence) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceEditor
setSentence(ISentence) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ISentenceEditor
setSentence(ISentence) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentenceEditor
setSentences(List, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceEditor
Set the sentences on the editor widgets.
setSentences(List, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentenceEditor
setSentences(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
setSentencesInternal(List) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentencesEditor
setShapeMenuUsed(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
setShapeMenuUsed(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewerSwing
setShowAssociatedItems(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Set the flag which determines whether to show only associated items or show all items excluding associated items.
setShowAssociatedItems(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Set the flag which determines whether to show only associated items or show all items excluding associated items.
setSideways(boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Set the sideways flag.
setSimDate(Date) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationEnvironment
setSimpleBetter(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP
setSorted(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.ChessActionGenerator
setSorted(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeGroup
Set the sorted flag.
setSorted(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeSortList
Set the sorted flag.
setSpeed(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Ball
Set the speed.
setSpeed(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Paddle
Set the speed.
setStartDate(Date) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationEnvironment
setStartDate(Date) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.simulation.ISimulationEnvironment
setStatefulParent(IStateful) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractPhysicalObject
Set the parent.
setStatefulParent(IStateful) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IStateful
Set the parent.
setStatefulParent(IStateful) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.StatefulSupport
Set the parent.
setStatefulParent(IStateful) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractTokenUISwing
Set the parent.
setStatefulParent(IStateful) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.TokenUISupport
Set the parent.
setStatefulParent(IStateful) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Set the parent.
setStatefulParent(IStateful) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Set the parent.
setStateVariable(String, Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractContext
Set the state variable with the given name to the given value.
setStateVariable(String, Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IContext
Set the state variable with the given name to the given value.
setStringBundleName(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Set the string bundle name.
setSubject(IRecord) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.AbstractAssociateDialog
Set the subject of this dialog.
setSubject(IRecord) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Set the subject IRecord.
setSubject(IRecord) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Set the subject IRecord.
setSuffix(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.PropertyWrapper
setSuit(ISuit) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractCard
Set the suit.
setSuit(ISuit) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.cardgame.ICard
Set the suit.
setSuit(ISuit) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.SuitUI
Set the suit.
setT0(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
setTableName1(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JoinData
Set the first table name.
setTableName2(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JoinData
Set the second table name.
setTableName3(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JunctionData
Set the third table name.
setTableStyle(TableStyle) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyleChooser
Set the color scheme.
setTeam(ITeam) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Set the associated team.
setTeam(ITeam) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Set the associated team.
setTeam(ITeam) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Set the associated team.
setTeam(ITeam) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Set the associated team.
setTeam(ITeam) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
Set the associated team.
setTeamColor(ITeam, Color) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PieceShape
Set the given team's color to the given value.
setTeamHighlight(ITeam, Color) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PieceShape
Set the given team's highlight color to the given value.
setText(int, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.StatusBar
Set the display string on the specified message label.
setText(int, String, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.StatusBar
Set the display string on the specified message label.
setTextColorSet(TextColorSet) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSetChooser
Set the color scheme.
setTextStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
setTextStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyleChooser
Set the color scheme.
setTextureFilepath(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Set the texture filepath.
setTextureFilepath(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
setTime(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
Set time.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AboutDialog
Set the title of this dialog.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Set the title of this dialog.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorChooser
Create a titled border with the given string.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyleChooser
Create a titled border with the given string.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Create a titled border with the given string.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSetChooser
Create a titled border with the given string.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyleChooser
Create a titled border with the given string.
setToken(IToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui.BoxTokenUI
Set the associated token.
setToken(IToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui.ConeTokenUI
Set the associated token.
setToken(IntegerPosition, IToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Set the token at the given position.
setToken(int, int, int, IToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Set the token at the given position.
setToken(IntegerPosition, IToken) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Set the token at the given position.
setToken(int, int, int, IToken) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.boardgame.IGridBoard
Set the token at the given position.
setToken(IToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractTokenUISwing
Set the associated token.
setToken(IToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractTokenUIText
Set the associated token.
setToken(IToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PieceShape
Set the associated token.
setToken(IToken) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.ITokenUI
Set the associated token.
setToken(IToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.EllipsoidTokenUI
Set the associated token.
setToken(IToken) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.TokenUISupport
Set the associated token.
setTokenClass(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceAction
setTokenClass(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceActionGenerator
Set the class of new tokens to place.
setTokenCollection(ITokenCollection) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGameState
Set the token collection.
setTokenCollection(ITokenCollection) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGameState
Set the token collection.
setTokenCollectionClass(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
setTokenCollectionClass(Class) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
setToLayer(ILayer) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractConnector
setToolBarVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Set the tool bar visible.
setToolBarVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Set the tool bar visible.
setToolTipText(int, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.StatusBar
Set the tool tip on the specified message label.
setToPosition(IntegerPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractGridBoardAction
Set the to position.
setTranspositionTableUsed(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.AlphaBetaSearch
setTreeNodeCollectionClass(Class) - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
setTriagonal(boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Set the triagonal flag.
setTriagonal(boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Rook
Set the triagonal flag.
setTrueAnomaly0(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
setTurnNumber(long) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Set the turn number to the given value.
setTurnNumber(long) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGameState
Set the turn number.
setTurnNumber(long) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Set the turn number to the given value.
setTurnNumber(long) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGameState
Set the turn number.
setTurnNumberConsidered(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Set the flag which indicates whether the turn number is used in reward and punishment.
setType(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Set the color type.
setUp(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Action
Set the command direction.
setUseForwardLogic(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence
setUserObject(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
setUserObject(Object) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Sets the user object for this node to userObject.
setV0(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
setValue(Double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantDoubleTerminal
setValue(Integer) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantIntTerminal
setValue(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.DefaultTerminal
setValue(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.LiteralArgument
setValue(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Set the value of this token.
setValue(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
Set the value of this token.
setValue(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.ClassAnalyzer
Set the given value of the given property on the given object.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DescribedTableModel
Set the value of the given cell.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.FilteredTableModel
Set the value of the given cell.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableMap
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
setValues(int[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.DefaultChessEvaluator
Set the token values.
setVelocity(VectorPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Ball
Set the velocity.
setVelocity(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Set the velocity.
setVelocity(Vector) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Set the velocity.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGameGeneticAlgorithm
Set the flag which indicates whether to provide text output.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Set the flag which indicates whether to provide text output.
setViewerColor(Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Set the viewer background color.
setViewPointLightUsed(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
setViewPointLightUsed(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
setViewPointLightUsed(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShapeCanvas
setViewPointLightUsed(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
setViewPointLightUsed(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
setViewPointLightUsed(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.BaseDatabaseData
Set the visible flag.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.AbstractAssociateDialog
Show this dialog.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Set the visibility flag.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerJava3D
Set the visibility of this object.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Set the visibility flag.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Set the visible flag.
setW(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
setWeight(int, int, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractConnector
Set the weight for the given parameters.
setWeight(int, int, int, int, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Set the weight for the given parameters.
setWeight(int, int, double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IConnector
Set the weight for the given parameters.
setWeight(int, int, int, int, double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Set the weight for the given parameters.
setWeights(double[][]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractConnector
Set the weights.
setWeights(int[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.TokenLineEvaluator
Set the weights.
setWeights(int[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.WeightedEvaluator
Set the weights.
setWidth(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.HighlightData
Set the line width.
setWidthToHeightRatio(double) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.CardUI
Set the width to height ratio.
setWinner(IAgent) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAdjudicator
Set the winning agent.
setWinner(IAgent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IAdjudicator
Set the winning agent.
setWireframe(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Set the wireframe flag.
setWireframe(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Set the wireframe flag.
setX(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal
setXRotation(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Set the rotation around the X axis in radians.
setXRotation(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShapeCanvas
Set the rotation around the X axis in radians.
setXScrollBarBlockIncrement(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Set the block increment on the X scroll bar.
setXScrollBarBlockIncrement(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Set the block increment on the X scroll bar.
setXScrollBarBlockIncrement(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Set the block increment on the X scroll bar.
setXScrollBarUnitIncrement(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Set the unit increment on the X scroll bar.
setXScrollBarUnitIncrement(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Set the unit increment on the X scroll bar.
setXScrollBarUnitIncrement(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Set the unit increment on the X scroll bar.
setXScrollBarValues(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Set the values on the X scroll bar.
setXScrollBarValues(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Set the values on the X scroll bar.
setXScrollBarValues(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Set the values on the X scroll bar.
setXScrollBarVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Set the visibility of the X scroll bar.
setXScrollBarVisible(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Set the visibility of the X scroll bar.
setXScrollBarVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Set the visibility of the X scroll bar.
setY(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal
setYRotation(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Set the rotation around the Y axis in radians.
setYRotation(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShapeCanvas
Set the rotation around the Y axis in radians.
setYScrollBarBlockIncrement(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Set the block increment on the Y scroll bar.
setYScrollBarBlockIncrement(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Set the block increment on the Y scroll bar.
setYScrollBarBlockIncrement(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Set the block increment on the Y scroll bar.
setYScrollBarUnitIncrement(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Set the unit increment on the Y scroll bar.
setYScrollBarUnitIncrement(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Set the unit increment on the Y scroll bar.
setYScrollBarUnitIncrement(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Set the unit increment on the Y scroll bar.
setYScrollBarValues(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Set the values on the Y scroll bar.
setYScrollBarValues(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Set the values on the Y scroll bar.
setYScrollBarValues(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Set the values on the Y scroll bar.
setYScrollBarVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Set the visibility of the Y scroll bar.
setYScrollBarVisible(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Set the visibility of the Y scroll bar.
setYScrollBarVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Set the visibility of the Y scroll bar.
setZ(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal
setZRotation(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Set the rotation around the Z axis in radians.
setZRotation(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShapeCanvas
Set the rotation around the Z axis in radians.
setZScrollBarBlockIncrement(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Set the block increment on the Z scroll bar.
setZScrollBarBlockIncrement(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Set the block increment on the Z scroll bar.
setZScrollBarBlockIncrement(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Set the block increment on the Z scroll bar.
setZScrollBarUnitIncrement(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Set the unit increment on the Z scroll bar.
setZScrollBarUnitIncrement(int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Set the unit increment on the Z scroll bar.
setZScrollBarUnitIncrement(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Set the unit increment on the Z scroll bar.
setZScrollBarValues(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Set the values on the Z scroll bar.
setZScrollBarValues(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Set the values on the Z scroll bar.
setZScrollBarValues(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Set the values on the Z scroll bar.
setZScrollBarVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Set the visibility of the Z scroll bar.
setZScrollBarVisible(boolean) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Set the visibility of the Z scroll bar.
setZScrollBarVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Set the visibility of the Z scroll bar.
ShapeCanvasAWT - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Provides a canvas for drawing 3D shapes.
ShapeCanvasAWT() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasAWT
ShapeCanvasJava3D - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Provides a Java 3D canvas for drawing 3D shapes.
ShapeCanvasJava3D() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
ShapeCanvasSwing - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Provides a Swing canvas for drawing 3D shapes.
ShapeCanvasSwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasSwing
ShapeGroup - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Holds a collection of shapes and draws them.
ShapeGroup() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeGroup
ShapeSortList - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Provides a sortable list to hold shapes.
ShapeSortList() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeSortList
SHOW_HINT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Name of the show hints property.
showAllEntries() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Callback for the show all entries button.
showAllExceptAssociatedEntries(IRecord) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Show all items excluding those associated to subject.
showAssociatedEntries(IRecord) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Show only items associated to subject.
showAssociatedEntriesActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Callback for the show associated entries button.
showEntriesAssociatedTo(IRecord) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Show entries associated to the given object.
showException(Exception) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.Alert
Show the given exception to the user.
showException(String, Exception) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.Alert
Show the given exception to the user.
showException(Exception, String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.Alert
Show the given exception to the user.
showException(Frame, Exception) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.Alert
Show the given exception to the user.
showException(Frame, String, Exception) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.Alert
Show the given exception to the user.
showException(Frame, Exception, String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.Alert
Show the given exception to the user.
showException(Frame, String, Exception, String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.Alert
Show the given exception to the user.
showException(Frame, String, Exception, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.Alert
Show the given exception to the user.
showHintsActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Callback for the show hints action.
showMessage(Object, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager.CallbackAction
Show the given message to the user.
showStatus(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Show the given string in the status area of the status bar.
showStatus(String, int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Show the given string in the status area of the status bar.
showStatus(int, String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Show the given string in the status area of the status bar.
showStatus(int, String, int) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ApplicationSupport
Show the given string in the status area of the status bar.
showStatusBarActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Callback for the show status bar action.
showSubjectOnly(IRecord) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Just show the subject.
showToolBarActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Perform the show tool bar action.
shuffle() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Shuffle the chromosomes.
shuffle() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
Shuffle the chromosomes.
shuffle() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.CardCollection
Randomly reorder the cards.
shuffle() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.cardgame.ICardCollection
Randomly reorder the cards.
shutdown() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Shutdown the database connection.
shutdown() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IDatabase
Shutdown the database connection.
shuttlesort(int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
SigmoidFunction - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function
Provides a sigmoid activation function for a neural network.
SigmoidFunction() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.SigmoidFunction
SILVER - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Silver (light gray) color constant.
SimpleChessAgent - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Provides a computer agent for 3D chess.
SimpleChessAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.SimpleChessAgent
SimpleComputerAgent - Class in org.vizzini.example.gin
Provides a computer agent for Gin which simply draws and discards his first card.
SimpleComputerAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.gin.SimpleComputerAgent
SimplePlacementAgent - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Provides a simple computer agent which creates a placement action for the first empty position found on a grid board.
SimplePlacementAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.SimplePlacementAgent
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Return the current size of the population.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeBoolean
Return the number of genes.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeDouble
Return the number of genes.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeInt
Return the number of genes.
size() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.CrossoverType
Return the number of enumerated values.
size() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IChromosome
Return the number of genes.
size() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
Return the current size of the population.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractChromosomeGP
Return the number of genes.
size() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ArgumentType
Return the number of enumerated values.
size() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ConnectiveType
Return the number of enumerated values.
size() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.OperatorType
Return the number of enumerated values.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ConnectorCollection
Return the size of this collection.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.TableData
Return the size of the column data collection.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Return the size of one side of the square grid.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.AbstractGridBoardActionPool
Return the current size of the pool.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
Return the size of this collection.
size() - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentenceType
Return the number of enumerated values.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorCache
Return the number of Color objects cached.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.PolygonShapePool
Return the current size of the pool.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeGroup
Return the size.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeSortList
Return the size.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractList
Return the size of this collection.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractMap
Return the size of this collection.
size() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IStack
Return the size of this collection.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.LinkedListStack
Return the size of this collection.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.Queue
Return the size of this collection.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.Stack
Return the size of this collection.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Return the size of this collection.
size() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Return the size of this collection.
size() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNodeCollection
Return the size of this collection.
sizeChanged() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
The canvas size changed.
sizeChanged() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
The canvas size changed.
SKEW - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.Arrangement
Arrangement constant for skew board.
skewActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Callback for the skew action.
SLANT - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.Arrangement
Arrangement constant for slant board.
slantActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Callback for the slant action.
SliderTokenSupport - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess
Provides convenience methods for slider tokens.
solutions() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quadratic
Return the solution(s) of this quadratic equation.
sort() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Sort the chromosomes.
sort() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
Sort the chromosomes.
sort() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.CardCollection
Sort the cards.
sort() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.cardgame.ICardCollection
Sort the cards.
sort() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Sort the table.
sort(Object) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
sortByColumn(int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
sortByColumn(int, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
sortedIterator() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeSortList
Return an iterator over the shapes in sorted order.
sortingColumns - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
sortPopulation() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Sort the chromosomes by fitness.
SortTable - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a JTable which has a table sorter installed between it and it's table model.
SortTable() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Construct this object.
SortTable(TableModel) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable
Construct this object.
SortTable.TableHeaderRenderer - Class in org.vizzini.ui
This class is a renderer for the header of the sort table.
SortTable.TableHeaderRenderer() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.SortTable.TableHeaderRenderer
Construct this object.
SortTableHyperlinkMouseListener - Class in org.vizzini.ui.table
Provides a mouse listener for hyperlink events on a SortTable.
SortTableHyperlinkMouseListener(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.SortTableHyperlinkMouseListener
Construct this object with the given parameters.
SortTableHyperlinkMouseListener(String, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.SortTableHyperlinkMouseListener
Construct this object with the given parameters.
SortTableHyperlinkMouseListener(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.SortTableHyperlinkMouseListener
Construct this object with the given parameters.
SortTableHyperlinkMouseListener(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.SortTableHyperlinkMouseListener
Construct this object with the given parameters.
SPADES - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.PokerDeck
Spades suit.
SplashScreen - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a splash screen.
SplashScreen(Frame, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.SplashScreen
Construct this object with the given parameters.
splice(IChromosome, IChromosome, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeBoolean
Splice the given chromosomes into this using the given cut index.
splice(IChromosome, IChromosome, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeDouble
Splice the given chromosomes into this using the given cut index.
splice(IChromosome, IChromosome, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeInt
Splice the given chromosomes into this using the given cut index.
splice(IChromosome, IChromosome, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IChromosome
Splice the given chromosomes into this using the given cut index.
splice(IChromosome, IChromosome, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractChromosomeGP
Splice the given chromosomes into this using the given cut index.
splice(IChromosomeGP, IChromosomeGP, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractChromosomeGP
Splice the given chromosomes into this using the given cut index.
splice(IChromosomeGP, IChromosomeGP, int, int) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.IChromosomeGP
Splice the given chromosomes into this using the given cut indexes.
SQUARE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Square size in centimeters from Star Fleet Technical Manual.
Stack - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides a stack implementation based upon a java.util.Stack.
Stack() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.Stack
StarfieldBackground - Class in org.vizzini.ui.graphics
Provides a background filled with randomly placed points representing distant stars.
StarfieldBackground(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.StarfieldBackground
Construct this object.
start() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Start the engine by starting the game loop thread.
start() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Start the game.
start() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Start the engine.
start() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGame
Start the game.
start() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Start this applet.
start() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUIText
Start this applet.
start() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.GameUISupport
Start this applet.
start() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.game.IGameUI
Start this applet.
start() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.SwingWorker
Start the worker thread.
State - Class in org.vizzini.math
Provides simple state of an object.
State() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.State
stateChange(StateEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.EnvironmentUISwing
Respond to state change events.
stateChange(StateEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.EnvironmentUIText
Respond to state change events.
stateChange(StateEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ComputerAgent
Respond to state change events.
stateChange(StateEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.ui.MouseHumanAgent
Respond to state change events.
stateChange(StateEvent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.event.IStateListener
Respond to state change events.
stateChange(StateEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Respond to state events.
stateChange(StateEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUIText
Respond to state events.
stateChange(StateEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeEnvUISwing
Respond to state change events.
stateChange(StateEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoardUISwing
Respond to state change events.
stateChange(StateEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUIText
Respond to state change events.
stateChange(StateEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardEnvUISwing
Respond to state change events.
stateChange(StateEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.EnvironmentUISupport
Respond to state change events.
stateChange(StateEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.GameUISupport
Respond to state events.
stateChange(StateEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimEnvironmentUISwing
Respond to state change events.
stateChange(StateEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationUISwing
Respond to state events.
StateEvent - Class in org.vizzini.game.event
Provides an event for state changes.
StateEvent(IEnvironment) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.event.StateEvent
Construct this object with the given parameter.
StateEvent(IEnvironment, IAction) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.event.StateEvent
Construct this object with the given parameter.
StatefulSupport - Class in org.vizzini.math
Provides an implementation of IStateful for use as a delegate.
StatefulSupport() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.StatefulSupport
StateManager - Class in org.vizzini.game.event
Provides a manager of state listeners and convenience methods for creating state events.
StateManager() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.event.StateManager
StateVariableTerminal - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal
Provides a state variable terminal in genetic programming.
StateVariableTerminal(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.StateVariableTerminal
Construct this object with the given parameter.
STATUS_AREA - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
StatusBar - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a UI for a status message area.
StatusBar(int[]) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.StatusBar
Construct a message area which contains the same number of message labels as the size of the input array of their relative sizes.
StatusBar(int[], Color, Font) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.StatusBar
Construct a message area which contains the same number of message labels as the size of the input array of their relative sizes.
statusChange(StatusEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.StatusBar
Respond to status events.
statusChange(StatusEvent) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.event.IStatusListener
Respond to status change events.
StatusEvent - Class in org.vizzini.util.event
Provides an event for status changes.
StatusEvent(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.event.StatusEvent
Construct this object with the given parameter.
StatusEvent(String, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.event.StatusEvent
Construct this object with the given parameter.
StatusEvent(int, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.event.StatusEvent
Construct this object with the given parameter.
StatusEvent(int, String, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.event.StatusEvent
Construct this object with the given parameter.
StatusManager - Class in org.vizzini.util.event
Provides a manager of status listeners and convenience methods for creating status events.
StatusManager() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.event.StatusManager
STEEL - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Steel color constant.
step() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEngine
Step the engine.
step() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEngine
Step the engine.
stepActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.ui.AntUI
Perform the step action.
stop() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGame
Stop the game.
stop() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IGame
Stop the game.
stop() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Stop this applet.
stop() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.GameUISupport
Stop this applet.
store(OutputStream) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Store the neural network to the given output stream.
store(OutputStream) - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Store the neural network to the given output stream.
store(String, Color) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorPreferences
Store the given color under the given key.
store(String, Font) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.FontPreferences
Store the given font under the given key.
store(String, TableStyle) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStylePreferences
Store the given text style.
store(String, TextColorSet) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSetPreferences
Store the given table text style.
store(String, TextStyle) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStylePreferences
Store the given text style.
StreamGobbler - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides a stream gobbler.
StreamGobbler(InputStream, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.StreamGobbler
Construct this object with the given parameters.
STRING_BUNDLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.ResourceProvider
Standard string resources filename.
STRING_CLASS_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.StringConverter
String class array.
STRING_CLASS_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.util.StringConverter
String class array.
StringConverter - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides conversions from String s to a given type, and from a given Object to a String.
StringConverter - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides conversions from String s to a given type, and from a given Object to a String.
StringUtilities - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides convenience methods for string handling.
SUBDIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.help.Constants
Help file subdirectory name.
SUBJECT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Subject record property name.
Subtract - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function
Provides a subtraction function in genetic programming.
Subtract() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.Subtract
Construct this object.
subtract(IPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Subtract the given position from this.
subtract(int, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Subtract the given position from this.
subtract(IPosition) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IPosition
Subtract the given position from this.
subtract(IPosition) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.VectorPosition
Subtract the given position from this.
subtract(Quaternion) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return a new quaterion which is the difference between this and the given quaternion.
subtract(Vector) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return a new Vector which is this minus the given vector..
SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.help.Constants
Help file suffix.
SUIT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.vizzini.game.cardgame.ICard
Name property name.
SUITS - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.PokerDeck
Array of suits.
SuitUI - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame
Provides base functionality for arcade game environment user interfaces in the game framework.
SuitUI() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.SuitUI
Construct this object.
SuitUI(boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.SuitUI
Construct this object using the given parameter.
swap(int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
SWING - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.GraphicsUIFactory
Constant for Swing type.
SwingWorker - Class in org.vizzini.ui
This is the 3rd version of SwingWorker (also known as SwingWorker 3), an abstract class that you subclass to perform GUI-related work in a dedicated thread.
SwingWorker() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.SwingWorker
Start a thread that will call the construct method and then exit.
SymbolicRegression - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example
Provides an example symbolic regression problem using genetic programming.
SymbolicRegression() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.SymbolicRegression
Construct this object.
SynchronousEngine - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides functionality for an engine where agents take turns.
SynchronousEngine() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.SynchronousEngine
SystemProperties - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides convenience methods to obtain system properties.
SystemUtilities - Class in org.vizzini.util
Provides some commonly used system utility methods.


TABLE_STYLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyleChooser
Name of the table style property.
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableMap
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
TableData - Class in org.vizzini.database
Provides storage for properties needed by database tables.
TableData() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.database.TableData
TableDescriptor - Class in org.vizzini.ui.table
Provides a table descriptor for a DescribedTable.
TableDescriptor(ColumnDescriptor[]) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptor
Construct this object.
TableDescriptor(List) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptor
Construct this object.
TableDescriptor(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptor
Construct this object, obtaining the column descriptors from the given input stream.
TableDescriptor(File) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptor
Construct this object, obtaining the column descriptors from the given file.
TableDescriptor(URL) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptor
Construct this object, obtaining the column descriptors from the given URL.
TableDescriptor(Document) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptor
Construct this object, obtaining the column descriptors from the given URL.
TableDescriptorParser - Class in org.vizzini.ui.table
Provides an XML parser for table descriptor files.
TableMap - Class in org.vizzini.ui.table
In a chain of data manipulators some behaviour is common.
TableMap() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableMap
TablePanel - Class in org.vizzini.ui.database
Provides a panel for interaction with a database table.
TablePanel(Frame, IDatabase, String, String, String, String, List) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.database.TablePanel
Construct this object.
TableSorter - Class in org.vizzini.ui.table
Provides a sorter for TableModels.
TableSorter() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
TableSorter(TableModel) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableSorter
TableStyle - Class in org.vizzini.ui.table
Provides a container for text and color styles for a table.
TableStyle() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Construct this object.
TableStyle(TextStyle, TextStyle, Color, Color) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Construct this object with the given parameters.
TableStyleChooser - Class in org.vizzini.ui.table
Provides a generic GUI component for selection of a table style.
TableStyleChooser() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyleChooser
Construct this object.
TableStylePreferences - Class in org.vizzini.ui.table
Provides convenience methods for storage and retrieval of table style preferences.
TableStylePreferences(Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStylePreferences
Construct this object.
TakeDiscardAction - Class in org.vizzini.game.cardgame
Provides a discard action for card games in the game framework.
TakeDiscardAction() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.TakeDiscardAction
TARGET_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Target property.
TEAL - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Teal color constant.
TEAM_NAME_BLACK - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.Constants
Constant for Black's team name.
TEAM_NAME_WHITE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.Constants
Constant for White's team name.
TEAM_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.vizzini.game.IAgent
Team property name.
TEAM_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.vizzini.game.IToken
Team property name.
TeamCollection - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides a collection to hold ITeam s.
TeamCollection() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.TeamCollection
TERTIARY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Tertiary color designator.
TEXT_COLOR_SET_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSetChooser
Name of the text color property.
TEXT_STYLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyleChooser
Name of the text style property.
TextAgent - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess
Provides a text agent for 3D chess.
TextAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.TextAgent
TextAgent - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame
Provides a user interface for a human agent which uses the text input to place a token.
TextAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.TextAgent
TextColorSet - Class in org.vizzini.ui.text
Provides a set of colors for text.
TextColorSet() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSet
Construct this object.
TextColorSet(Color, Color) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSet
Construct this object.
TextColorSetChooser - Class in org.vizzini.ui.text
Provides a generic GUI component for selection of a text color set.
TextColorSetChooser() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSetChooser
Construct this object.
TextColorSetPreferences - Class in org.vizzini.ui.text
Provides convenience methods for storage and retrieval of text color set preferences.
TextColorSetPreferences(Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSetPreferences
Construct this object.
TextHumanAgent - Class in org.vizzini.example.gin.ui
Provides a user interface for a human agent which uses the text input to play Gin.
TextHumanAgent() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.TextHumanAgent
TextStyle - Class in org.vizzini.ui.text
Provides a container for a font and colors for a text component.
TextStyle() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyle
Construct this object.
TextStyle(Font, TextColorSet, TextColorSet) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyle
Construct this object.
TextStyleChooser - Class in org.vizzini.ui.text
Provides a generic GUI component for selection of a text style.
TextStyleChooser() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyleChooser
Construct this object.
TextStylePreferences - Class in org.vizzini.ui.text
Provides convenience methods for storage and retrieval of text style preferences.
TextStylePreferences(Class) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStylePreferences
Construct this object.
ThresholdFunction - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function
Provides a threshold activation function for a neural network.
ThresholdFunction() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.ThresholdFunction
ThresholdLinearFunction - Class in org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function
Provides a threshold linear activation function for a neural network.
ThresholdLinearFunction() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.ThresholdLinearFunction
TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithm - Class in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe
Provides a game genetic algorithm for tic-tac-toe.
TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithm(boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithm
Construct this object using the given parameters.
TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP - Class in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe
Provides a genetic programming algorithm to create agents for a tic-tac-toe game.
TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP(boolean) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
Construct this object.
TIME_NAME - Static variable in class org.vizzini.example.ant.AntContext
State variable name for time.
TIN - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Tin (gray) color constant.
toAnglesString() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return a string representation of this object as right ascension and declination angles..
toArray() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return this vector's components as an array.
toArray() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractCollection
Returns an array containing all of the objects in this collection.
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractCollection
Returns an array containing all of the objects in this collection; the runtime type of the returned array is that of the given array.
toArray() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Return an array representation of this collection.
toArray(ITreeNode[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Return an array representation of this collection.
toArray() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Return an array representation of this collection.
toArray(ITreeNode[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ArrayTreeNodeCollection
Return an array representation of this collection.
toArray() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNodeCollection
Return an array representation of this collection.
toArray(ITreeNode[]) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNodeCollection
Return an array representation of this collection.
toDebugString() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Association
Return a debug string representation of this object.
toDebugString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IAssociation
Return a debug string representation of this object.
toDebugString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Return a string representation of this object.
toDebugString() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JoinData
Return a debug string representation of this object.
toDebugString() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JunctionData
Return a debug string representation of this object.
toDebugString() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Return a string representation of this object.
toDetailString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Return a string representation of the details of this object.
toDetailString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Return a string representation of the details of this object.
TokenArrayCollection - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides a collection to hold IToken s, where the tokens are stored by their position in a three dimensional array.
TokenArrayCollection() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.TokenArrayCollection
TokenCollection - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides a collection to hold IToken s.
TokenCollection() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.TokenCollection
Construct this object.
TokenCollection(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.TokenCollection
Construct this object with the given parameters.
TokenLineEvaluator - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Provides an evaluator which uses line features, weights and token values to arrive at a grid board evaluation.
TokenLineEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.TokenLineEvaluator
TokenPositionCollection - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides a collection to hold IToken s, where the tokens are stored by their position.
TokenPositionCollection() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.TokenPositionCollection
Construct this object.
TokenPositionCollection(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.TokenPositionCollection
Construct this object with the given parameters.
TokenUISupport - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game
Provides support for token user interfaces in the game framework.
TokenUISupport() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.TokenUISupport
TokenUISupport.MyStatefulSupport - Class in org.vizzini.ui.game
Provides a concrete implementation of StatefulSupport.
TokenUISupport.MyStatefulSupport() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.game.TokenUISupport.MyStatefulSupport
TokenUISwing - Class in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui
Provides functionality for a Swing Tic-Tac-Toe token user interface in the game framework.
TokenUISwing() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui.TokenUISwing
Construct this object.
toList() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ConnectorCollection
Return a list of members of this collection.
toParsableString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Return a parsable string representation of this object.
toPolygon() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.PolygonShape
Return a java.awt.Polygon instance of this.
toRotationString() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return a string representation of this object using the rotation vector and rotation angle.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractChromosome
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractContext
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractPopulation
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeBoolean
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeDouble
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeInt
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.ChromosomeNeuralNetwork
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IPopulation
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.AbstractChromosomeGP
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.function.AbstractFunction
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.AbstractTerminal
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantDoubleTerminal
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.terminal.ConstantIntTerminal
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.logic.IFilter
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractConnector
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.function.AbstractActivationFunction
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IConnector
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.ILayer
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.layer.AbstractLayer
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Association
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.BaseDatabaseData
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.ColumnData
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.DBDescriptor
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IAssociation
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.ITableData
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.JoinData
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.TableData
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.ant.Grid
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Action
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAgent
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractGameState
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractTeam
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.AbstractAction
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveAction
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveCaptureAction
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceAction
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.RemoveAction
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleAction
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.EnPassantCaptureAction
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionAction
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionCaptureAction
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.TokenLineEvaluator
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.WeightedEvaluator
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractCard
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractSuit
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.DiscardAction
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.IntegerPosition
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.TranspositionEntry
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.search.TranspositionTable
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.AbstractScaler
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Ellipsoid
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IScaler
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.AbstractOrbit
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.State
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.AbstractSentenceWrapper
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.AtomicSentenceWrapper
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.BinaryAtomicSentenceWrapper
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ComplexSentenceWrapper
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.FilterWrapper
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.IArgumentWrapper
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.ISentenceWrapper
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.LiteralArgumentWrapper
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.PropertyArgumentWrapper
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.PropertyWrapper
Return a string representation of this object.
toString(Color) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ColorUtilities
Return a formatted String describing the given Color.
toString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShape
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.PolygonShape
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpNode
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.ColumnDescriptor
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableDescriptor
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.table.TableStyle
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextColorSet
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyle
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractBean
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractCollection
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractEnumeratedType
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.AbstractMap
Return a string representation of this object.
toString(int[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ArrayUtilities
Return a string representation of the given object.
toString(double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.ArrayUtilities
Return a string representation of the given array.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.GenericData
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.ICollection
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IEnumeratedType
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.IGenericData
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNode
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.AbstractTreeNodeCollection
Return a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.ITreeNode
Return a string representation of this object.
ToStringVisitor - Class in org.vizzini.util.tree
Provides a visitor which traverses a tree to accumulate the tree node strings.
ToStringVisitor() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.tree.ToStringVisitor
Construct this object.
toXMLString() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Return an XML string representation of this object.
toXMLString() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Return an XML string representation of this object.
train(double[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetworkTrainer
Train this network with the given training sets.
train(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetworkTrainer
Train the neural network with the given training set.
transform(Document, Document) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.TransformUtilities
Transform the given XML using the given XSLT.
transform(String, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.TransformUtilities
Transform the given XML using the given XSLT.
transform(Source, Source) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.TransformUtilities
Transform the given XML using the given XSLT.
TransformUtilities - Class in org.vizzini.util.xml
Provides convenience methods for XML transformation using XSLT.
TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Transparent color constant.
TranspositionEntry - Class in org.vizzini.game.search
Provides an entry for a transposition table.
TranspositionEntry(String, int, int, int, IAction) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.search.TranspositionEntry
Construct this object using the given parameters.
TranspositionTable - Class in org.vizzini.game.search
TranspositionTable() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.search.TranspositionTable
TreeNodePersister - Class in org.vizzini.util.tree
Provides persistence methods for a tree node.
TRUE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.SentenceFactory
Provides a true sentence in the logic system.
truncate(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.AbstractSentenceWrapper
Limit the given string to the maximum string length.
TUNGSTEN - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Tungsten color constant.
TWO_PI - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.orbit.Constants
Two times pi.
TWOS - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Delta array used for possible position generation.
TYPE_ALPHA - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.search.TranspositionEntry
TYPE_BETA - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.search.TranspositionEntry
TYPE_EXACT - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.search.TranspositionEntry


undo() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.ActionManager
Undo the previous action, if any.
UNDO_ACTION - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Undo action.
undoAction(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Environment
Undo the given action.
UndoAction - Class in org.vizzini.game.action
Provides an undo action in the game framework.
UndoAction() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.action.UndoAction
Construct this object.
undoAction(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeEnvironment
Undo the given action.
undoAction(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGridBoard
Undo the given action.
undoAction(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.AbstractCardTable
Undo the given action.
undoAction(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.DefaultEnvironment
Undo the given action.
undoAction(IAction) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Undo the given action.
undoAction(IAction) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationEnvironment
Undo the given action.
undoActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.AbstractBoardgameUISwing
Callback for the undo action.
undoIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.AbstractAction
Undo the last invocation of doIt.
undoIt() - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.action.IAction
Undo the last invocation of doIt.
undoIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.RedoAction
This implementation of undoIt does not actually do anything.
undoIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.action.UndoAction
This implementation of undoIt does not actually do anything.
undoIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveAction
Undo the last invocation of doIt.
undoIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.MoveCaptureAction
Undo the last invocation of doIt.
undoIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.PlaceAction
Undo the last invocation of doIt.
undoIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action.RemoveAction
Undo the last invocation of doIt.
undoIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.CastleAction
Undo the last invocation of doIt.
undoIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.EnPassantCaptureAction
Undo the last invocation of doIt.
undoIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionAction
Undo the last invocation of doIt.
undoIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action.PawnPromotionCaptureAction
Undo the last invocation of doIt.
undoIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.DiscardAction
undoIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.DrawAction
undoIt() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.cardgame.TakeDiscardAction
UNIFORM - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.CrossoverType
uniformCrossover(IChromosome, IChromosome, IChromosome, IChromosome) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Perform uniform crossover using the first two given chromosomes into the third given chromosome.
unit() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Return a new unitized instance of this.
unit() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Return a new vector which is a unit vector of this.
UnitConverter - Class in org.vizzini.math
Provides convenience methods related to unit conversion.
UNKNOWN_FITNESS - Static variable in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IChromosome
Constant which indicates that the fitness is unknown.
UNKNOWN_NAME - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractToken
Unknown name constant.
unscale(double[]) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.AbstractScaler
Unscale the given outputs.
unscale(double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IScaler
Unscale the given output.
unscale(double[]) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IScaler
Unscale the given outputs.
unscale(double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.LinearScaler
Unscale the given output to the input range.
update(String) - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Database
Update the database by executing the given expression.
update(String) - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IDatabase
Update the database by executing the given expression.
update() - Method in interface org.vizzini.database.IRecord
Update this object in the database.
update() - Method in class org.vizzini.database.Record
Update this object in the database.
update(long) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Environment
Update the environment for the given elapsed time.
update(long) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractEnvironment
Update the environment for the given elapsed time.
update(long) - Method in interface org.vizzini.game.IEnvironment
Update the environment for the given elapsed time.
update(long) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationEnvironment
Update the environment for the given elapsed time.
update(long, ISimulationEnvironment) - Method in class org.vizzini.game.simulation.force.ForceDistributor
Update the force consumers in the given simulation environment.
update(IODE, double) - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.ode.IODESolver
Update the given ordinary differential equation using the given delta in the independent variable.
update(IODE, double) - Method in class org.vizzini.math.ode.RungeKutta4ODESolver
Update the given ordinary differential equation using the given delta value of the independent variable.
update() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Update the shapes on this canvas.
update() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Update the shapes in this viewer.
update() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IShapeCanvas
Update the shapes on this canvas.
update() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ui.graphics.IViewer
Update the shapes in this viewer.
update() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
Update the shapes in this viewer.
update() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
Update the shapes on this canvas.
update() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasSwing
Update the shapes on this canvas.
updatePosition(Rectangle, Rectangle, Paddle, Paddle) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Ball
Update the position.
updatePosition(Dimension, boolean) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.pong.Paddle
Update the paddle position.
updatePostProcess() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.ode.AbstractODE
Perform update post-processing.
updatePostProcess() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.ode.DynamicStateODE
Perform update post-processing.
updatePostProcess() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.ode.IODE
Perform update post-processing.
updatePreviewUI() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.FontChooser
Update the preview widget for a new font choice.
updatePreviewUIFont() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.text.TextStyleChooser
Update the preview widget for a new font choice.
updateScoreDisplay() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame.AbstractArcadeGameUISwing
Update the score display.
updateScoreDisplay() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame.AbstractCardGameUISwing
Update the score display.
updateTransform(Transform3D, IShape) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
Update the given transform for the given shape.
UPRIGHT - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.Arrangement
Arrangement constant for upright board.
uprightActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Callback for the upright action.
UpsideDownLabel - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides a label in which the text is upside down.
UpsideDownLabel() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.UpsideDownLabel
Construct this object.
UpsideDownLabel(String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.UpsideDownLabel
Construct this object with the given parameter.
UpsideDownLabel(Icon) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.UpsideDownLabel
Construct this object with the given parameter.
UpsideDownLabel(String, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.UpsideDownLabel
Construct this object with the given parameter.
UpsideDownLabel(Icon, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.UpsideDownLabel
Construct this object with the given parameter.
usePreferencesMenu() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractApp
Return true if this application uses the preferences application menu item.
USES_CALLBACK_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.ActionManager
Uses callback property.
useSplashScreen() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractApp
Return true if this application uses a splash screen upon startup.
useToolBar() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.AbstractGameUISwing
Return true if a tool bar is desired.
useToolBar() - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimulationUISwing
Return true if a tool bar is desired.


valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.help.HelpDialogSwing.MyTreeSelectionListener
Respond to tree selection events.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.CrossoverType
Get the crossover type which corresponds to the given string.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ArgumentType
Return the argument type which corresponds to the given string.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.ConnectiveType
Get the connective type which corresponds to the given string.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ai.logic.OperatorType
Return the operator type which corresponds to the given string.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.Arrangement
Get the type which corresponds to the given name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.Markings
Get the type which corresponds to the given name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic.SentenceType
Return the sentence type which corresponds to the given string.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class org.vizzini.util.DefaultEnumeratedType
Get the type which corresponds to the given string.
VARYING - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.Markings
Markings constant for varying cell colors.
Vector - Class in org.vizzini.math
Provides a vector.
Vector(double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Construct a unit vector pointing in the direction specified by the given angles.
Vector(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Construct this object with the given parameters.
Vector(double, Vector, Vector) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Construct a vector from v0 to v1 at t.
Vector() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Construct this object.
VectorFormat - Class in org.vizzini.math
Provides a formatter for Vector s.
VectorFormat() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.VectorFormat
Construct this object.
VectorFormat(int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.math.VectorFormat
Construct this object with the given parameters.
VectorPosition - Class in org.vizzini.game
Provides a vector implementation of IPosition.
VectorPosition(Vector) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.VectorPosition
Construct this object with the given parameters.
VectorPosition(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.VectorPosition
Construct this object with the given parameters.
viewModeActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Callback for the view mode button.
VIOLET - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Violet color constant.
VisibleColumnsDialog - Class in org.vizzini.ui.table
Provides a dialog to set the visible columns of a described table.
VisibleColumnsDialog(Component, String, DescribedTableModel) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.VisibleColumnsDialog
Construct this object.
VisibleColumnsDialog(Component, String, DescribedTableModel, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.VisibleColumnsDialog
Construct this object.
VisibleColumnsPanel - Class in org.vizzini.ui.table
Provides a panel to set the visible columns of a described table.
VisibleColumnsPanel(DescribedTableModel) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.VisibleColumnsPanel
Construct this object.
VisibleColumnsPanel(DescribedTableModel, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.table.VisibleColumnsPanel
Construct this object.
visit(ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.DotVisitor
Visit the given tree node.
visit(ITreeNode) - Method in interface org.vizzini.util.tree.IVisitor
Visit the given tree node.
visit(ITreeNode) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.tree.ToStringVisitor
Visit the given tree node.
VizziniException - Exception in org.vizzini
Provides a base exception for the game framework.
VizziniException() - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.VizziniException
Construct this object.
VizziniException(String) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.VizziniException
Construct this object with the given message.
VizziniException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.VizziniException
Construct this object with the given cause.
VizziniException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.VizziniException
Construct this object with the given message and cause.
VizziniRuntimeException - Exception in org.vizzini
Provides a base runtime exception for the game framework.
VizziniRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.VizziniRuntimeException
Construct this object.
VizziniRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.VizziniRuntimeException
Construct this object with the given message.
VizziniRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.VizziniRuntimeException
Construct this object with the given cause.
VizziniRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.vizzini.VizziniRuntimeException
Construct this object with the given message and cause.


warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities.XMLErrorHandler
Receive notification of a warning.
WeightedEvaluator - Class in org.vizzini.game.boardgame
Provides an evaluator which uses position-based weights and token values to arrive at a grid board evaluation.
WeightedEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.WeightedEvaluator
WheelColor - Class in org.vizzini.ui
Provides color wheel colors, grayscale colors, and utility methods.
WheelColor(String, Color, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Construct this object with the given parameters.
WheelColor(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Construct this object with the given parameters.
WheelColor(String, Color, String, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Construct this object with the given parameters.
WheelColor(String, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Construct this object with the given parameters.
WheelColor(String, int, int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Construct this object with the given parameters.
WheelColor(String, int, int, int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Construct this object with the given parameters.
WHITE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
White color constant.
WORLD_TRANSFORM - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ShapeCanvasJava3D
Transform from Vizzini coordinates to Java 3D coordinates.
WrapperFactory - Class in org.vizzini.ui.ai.logic
Provides a factory to create wrappers for arguments, sentences, and filters in the logic system.
writeAsJPEG(OutputStream, float, JComponent, int, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Writes the container to the output stream in JPEG format.
writeAsPNG(OutputStream, JComponent, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Writes the chart to the output stream in PNG format.
writeBoard(IGridBoard, PrintStream) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoardUIText
Write the given board to standard out.
writeBufferedImageAsJPEG(OutputStream, BufferedImage, float) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Writes the BufferedImage to the output stream in JPEG format.
writeBufferedImageAsPNG(OutputStream, BufferedImage, boolean, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ImageCreator
Writes the BufferedImage to the output stream in PNG format.
writeCard(ICard, PrintStream) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.EnvironmentUIText
Write the given card to the given print stream.
writeCards(ITokenCollection, PrintStream) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.EnvironmentUIText
Write the given card collection to the given print stream.
writeDotFile(File) - Method in class org.vizzini.tool.dependencyanalyzer.DependencyAnalyzer
Write the dot string to the given file.
writeFile(File, String) - Method in class org.vizzini.util.FileUtilities
Write the given string to the given file.
writeHeader(Writer) - Static method in class org.vizzini.database.Exporter
Write the XML header to the given writer.
writeRecords(Writer, Collection) - Static method in class org.vizzini.database.Exporter
Export the given records, and their related records, from the given database.
writeReport() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Write a report.
writeReport() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.IGeneticAlgorithm
Write a report.
writeReport() - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
Write a report.
writeStats(Writer, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Write statistics using the given parameters.
writeStats(Writer, int) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
Write statistics using the given parameters.
writeStatsHeader(Writer) - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Write a header for the statistics.
writeStatsHeader(Writer) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP
Write a header for the statistics.
writeTable(Environment, PrintStream) - Method in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.EnvironmentUIText
Write the given table to the given print stream.


X_AXIS - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.VectorPosition
X axis.
X_AXIS - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
X axis.
X_Y_PLANE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Ellipse
Constant indicating the ellipse is in the X-Y plane.
X_Z_PLANE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Ellipse
Constant indicating the ellipse is in the X-Z plane.
XML_HEADER - Static variable in class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities
XML header.
XMLTransporter - Class in org.vizzini.util.xml
Provides convenience methods to send XML documents.
XMLUtilities - Class in org.vizzini.util.xml
Provides convenience methods for XML document handling.
XMLUtilities.XMLErrorHandler - Class in org.vizzini.util.xml
Provides an error handler for parsing an XML string.
XMLUtilities.XMLErrorHandler() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.util.xml.XMLUtilities.XMLErrorHandler
XOR - Class in org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example
Provides an example XOR problem using genetic programming.
XOR() - Constructor for class org.vizzini.ai.geneticprogramming.example.XOR
Construct this object.


Y_AXIS - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.VectorPosition
Y axis.
Y_AXIS - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Y axis.
Y_Z_PLANE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.Ellipse
Constant indicating the ellipse is in the Y-Z plane.
YEARS - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.UnitConverter
Years constant.
YELLOW - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Yellow color constant.
YELLOW_GREEN - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Yellow-green color constant.
YELLOW_ORANGE - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.WheelColor
Yellow-orange color constant.


Z_AXIS - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.VectorPosition
Z axis.
Z_AXIS - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Z axis.
ZERO - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
Delta array used for possible position generation.
ZERO - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.VectorPosition
Zero vector.
ZERO - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.Quaternion
Zero quaternion.
ZERO - Static variable in class org.vizzini.math.Vector
Zero vector.
zeroAcceleration() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Zero the acceleration.
zeroAcceleration() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Zero the acceleration.
zeroAngularAcceleration() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Zero the angular acceleration.
zeroAngularAcceleration() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Zero the angular acceleration.
zeroAngularMotion() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Zero all angular motion.
zeroAngularMotion() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Zero all angular motion.
zeroCounts() - Method in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm
Zero the counts.
zeroMassAcceleration() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Zero the mass acceleration.
zeroMassAcceleration() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Zero the mass acceleration.
zeroMotion() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Zero all motion.
zeroMotion() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Zero all motion.
zeroTranslationalMotion() - Method in class org.vizzini.math.DynamicState
Zero all translational motion.
zeroTranslationalMotion() - Method in interface org.vizzini.math.IDynamicState
Zero all translational motion.
zeroWeights() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractConnector
Assign zero weights.
zeroWeights() - Method in class org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.AbstractNeuralNetwork
Assign zero weights to the neural network.
zeroWeights() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.IConnector
Assign zero weights.
zeroWeights() - Method in interface org.vizzini.ai.neuralnetwork.INeuralNetwork
Assign zero weights to the neural network.
zoomInActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Callback for the zoom in action.
zoomOutActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
Callback for the zoom out action.


_arrangement - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
The board arrangement.
_beginCap - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.ExtrudedShape
Flag indicating whether to use a begin cap.
_blackPossibleEnPassantCapturePositions - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Array of index to possible position bit set for black.
_blackPossibleMoveCapturePositions - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Array of index to possible position bit set for black.
_blackPossibleMovePositions - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Array of index to possible position bit set for black.
_blackPossiblePawnPromotionCapturePositions - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Array of index to possible position bit set for black.
_blackPossiblePawnPromotionPositions - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Array of index to possible position bit set for black.
_boards - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
The 2D board levels.
_canvas - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
The GUI component.
_canvas - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
The canvas.
_canvasCenter - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
The center of the canvas.
_checkManager - Variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessEnvironment
Check manager.
_component - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.RealizedThread
The component we're waiting on.
_crossoverFraction - Variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Number of chromosomes to form from crossover of the retained ones as a fraction of the population size.
_crossoverType - Variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Crossover type.
_desiredPositionCount - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.MovementMouseAgent
Number of positions to complete a move.
_elapsedTime - Variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Elapsed time (milliseconds).
_emptyBitSet - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.AbstractChessToken
An empty bit set.
_endCap - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.ExtrudedShape
Flag indicating whether to use an end cap.
_formatter - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DateCellRenderer
Date formatter.
_formatter - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.table.DecimalCellRenderer
Number formatter.
_generation - Variable in class org.vizzini.ai.geneticalgorithm.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm
Current generation.
_grid - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Collection of token UIs.
_isDrawn - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractShapeCanvas
Flag indicating the image is already draw to the buffer.
_isHighlighted - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.ExtrudedShape
Flag indicating whether to highlight.
_isWireframe - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Flag indicating whether to draw this as a wireframe or solid.
_points - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
The absolute point relative to the center.
_polygons - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.ExtrudedShape
Shape group of generated polygons.
_polyX - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Array used by paintSquares() method.
_polyY - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.BoardShape
Array used by paintSquares() method.
_positions - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.MovementMouseAgent
Mouse positions.
_possibleCastlePositions - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.King
Array of index to possible castle position bit set.
_possiblePositions - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Bishop
Array of index to possible position bit set.
_possiblePositions - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.King
Array of index to possible position bit set.
_possiblePositions - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Knight
Array of index to possible position bit set.
_possiblePositions - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Mace
Array of index to possible position bit set.
_possiblePositions - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Queen
Array of index to possible position bit set.
_possiblePositions - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Rook
Array of index to possible position bit set.
_screenCenter - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
The center in screen coordinates.
_screenPoints - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
The shape's points in screen coordinates.
_segments - Static variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess.PieceShape
Number of segments in the cross section.
_shapeGroup - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
Collection of child shapes to this shape.
_spineLength - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.ExtrudedShape
The length of the spine.
_statusManager - Variable in class org.vizzini.example.gin.ui.MouseHumanAgent
Status manager.
_statusManager - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.MovementMouseAgent
Status manager.
_statusManager - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.PlacementMouseAgent
Status manager.
_tablePanels - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.database.DatabaseTablesBean
Map of table name to table panel instance.
_title - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.AbstractOptionPane
Full title including the owner title, if any.
_viewer - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.GridBoard3DUISwing
Handle to the object viewer.
_viewer - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.game.simulation.AbstractSimEnvironmentUISwing
Handle to the object viewer.
_whitePossibleEnPassantCapturePositions - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Array of index to possible position bit set for white.
_whitePossibleMoveCapturePositions - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Array of index to possible position bit set for white.
_whitePossibleMovePositions - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Array of index to possible position bit set for white.
_whitePossiblePawnPromotionCapturePositions - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Array of index to possible position bit set for white.
_whitePossiblePawnPromotionPositions - Static variable in class org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken.Pawn
Array of index to possible position bit set for white.
_winner - Variable in class org.vizzini.game.AbstractAdjudicator
The winning agent.
_xRotation - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
The X rotation angle in degrees.
_xRotation - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
The X rotation angle in degrees.
_yRotation - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
The Y rotation angle in degrees.
_yRotation - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
The Y rotation angle in degrees.
_zNormal - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.shape.AbstractShape
The z normal value.
_zRotation - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.AbstractViewerSwing
The Z rotation angle in degrees.
_zRotation - Variable in class org.vizzini.ui.graphics.ObjectViewerAWT
The Z rotation angle in degrees.

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