
Provides action classes for board games in the game framework.


Interface Summary
IGridBoardAction Defines methods required by grid board actions in the game framework.
IMoveAction Defines methods required by move grid board actions in the game framework.

Class Summary
AbstractGridBoardAction Provides base functionality for grid board actions in the game framework.
AbstractGridBoardActionPool Provides base functionality for a pool for grid board action objects.
AbstractMoveAction Provides base functionality for move actions in the game framework.
BoardGameActionFactory Provides a factory for game actions.
MoveAction Provides an action for movement of a token from a position to another position.
MoveActionPool Provides a pool for move action objects.
MoveCaptureAction Provides an action for movement of a token from a position to another, occupied position.
MoveCaptureActionPool Provides a pool for move capture action objects.
PlaceAction Provides an action for placement of a token on a grid board.
PlaceActionGenerator Provides an action generator for place actions.
PlaceActionPool Provides a pool for place action objects.
RemoveAction Provides an action for removal of a token from a grid board.
RemoveActionPool Provides a pool for remove action objects.

Package Description

Provides action classes for board games in the game framework.


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