
Provides core game user interface classes for the game framework.


Interface Summary
IEnvironmentUI Defines methods required by environment user interfaces in the game framework.
IGameUI Defines methods required by game user interfaces in the game framework.
ITokenUI Defines methods required by token user interfaces in the game framework.

Class Summary
AbstractEnvironmentUISwing Provides base functionality for environment user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractEnvironmentUIText Provides base functionality for environment user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractGameUISwing Provides base functionality for Swing game user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractGameUIText Provides base functionality for text game user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractTokenUISwing Provides base functionality for token user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractTokenUIText Provides base functionality for token user interfaces in the game framework.
AgentPanel Provides a panel to configure an agent.
EnvironmentUISupport Provides base functionality for environment user interfaces in the game framework.
GameUISupport Provides base functionality for game user interfaces in the game framework.
NewGameDialogSwing Provides a Swing dialog to select new agents.
TokenUISupport Provides support for token user interfaces in the game framework.
TokenUISupport.MyStatefulSupport Provides a concrete implementation of StatefulSupport.

Package Description

Provides core game user interface classes for the game framework.

Figure 1. Game package Class Diagram

Figure 1 displays an overview of all classes in the game package.


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