
Provides board game user interface classes for the game framework.


Interface Summary
IBoardgameUI Defines methods required by boardgame user interfaces in the game framework.
IGridBoard3DUISwing Defines methods required by grid board 3D environment user interfaces in the game framework.
IGridBoardUI Defines methods required by grid board environment user interfaces in the game framework.
IGridBoardUISwing Defines methods required by grid board environment user interfaces in the game framework.

Class Summary
AbstractBoardgameUISwing Provides base functionality for Swing game user interfaces in the game framework.
AbstractGridBoardUISwing Provides base functionality for Swing grid board environment user interfaces in the game framework.
BoardShape Provides a board for 3D games.
DefaultGridBoard3DUISwing Provides a default implementation of a grid board 3D UI for Swing.
GridBoard3DUISwing Provides functionality for Swing 3D grid board environment user interfaces in the game framework.
GridBoardUISupport Provides support methods for grid board environment user interfaces in the game framework.
GridBoardUISwing Provides functionality for Swing 2D grid board environment user interfaces in the game framework.
GridBoardUISwing.MyGridLayout Provides a grid layout which uses the Component.getWidth() and Component.getHeight() method instead of directly accessing member variables.
GridBoardUIText Provides functionality for text grid board environment user interfaces in the game framework.
HighlightData Provides highlight data for a grid board position.
MovementMouseAgent Provides a user interface for a human agent which uses the mouse to move a token.
MovementTextAgent Provides a user interface for a human agent which uses the text input to move a token.
PlacementMouseAgent Provides a user interface for a human agent which uses the mouse to place a token.
PlacementTextAgent Provides a user interface for a human agent which uses the text input to place a token.
TextAgent Provides a user interface for a human agent which uses the text input to place a token.

Package Description

Provides board game user interface classes for the game framework.

Figure 1. Boardgame package Class Diagram

Figure 1 displays an overview of all classes in the boardgame package.


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