Package org.vizzini.util.tree

Provides tree utility classes for the game framework.


Interface Summary
ITreeNode Defines methods required by a tree node.
ITreeNodeCollection Defines methods required by a tree node collection.
IVisitable Defines methods required by visitable objects.
IVisitor Defines methods required by a tree visitor.

Class Summary
AbstractTreeNode Provides base functionality for a tree node.
AbstractTreeNodeCollection Provides base functionality for a tree node collection.
ArrayTreeNodeCollection Provides an implementation of a tree node collection which uses an array.
DefaultTreeNode Provides a default implementation of a tree node.
DefaultTreeNodeCollection Provides a default implementation of a tree node collection.
DotVisitor Provides a visitor which traverses a tree to build a Dot format string.
ToStringVisitor Provides a visitor which traverses a tree to accumulate the tree node strings.
TreeNodePersister Provides persistence methods for a tree node.

Exception Summary
ChildNotAllowedException Provides a runtime exception to signal that a tree node does not allow children.

Package org.vizzini.util.tree Description

Provides tree utility classes for the game framework.

Figure 1. Tree package Class Diagram

Figure 1 displays an overview of all classes in the tree package.


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