
Provides core game classes for board games in the game framework.


Interface Summary
IBoardGame Defines methods required by board games in the game framework.
IBoardGameToken Defines methods required by board game tokens in the game framework.
IGridBoard Defines methods required by grid board environments in the game framework.
IGridBoardAdjudicator Defines methods required by grid board adjudicators in the game framework.

Class Summary
AbstractBoardGame Provides a board game in the game framework.
AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm Provides base functionality for game genetic algorithms in the game framework.
AbstractGridBoard Provides functionality for 2D and 3D grid board environments in the game framework.
AbstractGridBoardAdjudicator Provides base functionality for grid board adjudicators in the game framework.
AbstractNeuralGridBoardEvaluator Provides an evaluator which uses a neural network to arrive at a grid board evaluation.
AbstractSimpleAgent Provides base functionality for a simple computer agent in the game framework.
Arrangement Provides an enumeration of arrangements.
DefaultBoardGameToken Provides a default token for the game framework.
DefaultGridBoard Provides functionality for 2D and 3D grid board environments in the game framework.
EvaluatedPlacementAgent Provides a computer agent which chooses the placement action which provides the highest evaluated environment.
GPFunctionEvaluator Provides an evaluator which uses a genetic programming function.
GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal Provides a genetic programming terminal to assist in evaluating a grid board.
GridBoardSupport Provides support for grid boards in the game framework.
Markings Provides an enumeration of markings.
SimplePlacementAgent Provides a simple computer agent which creates a placement action for the first empty position found on a grid board.
TokenLineEvaluator Provides an evaluator which uses line features, weights and token values to arrive at a grid board evaluation.
WeightedEvaluator Provides an evaluator which uses position-based weights and token values to arrive at a grid board evaluation.

Package Description

Provides core game classes for board games in the game framework.

Figure 1. Boardgame package Class Diagram

Figure 1 displays an overview of all classes in the boardgame package.


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