
Provides core chess game classes for the game framework.


Interface Summary
IBishop Defines methods required by a Bishop in the 3D chess framework.
IChessAdjudicator Defines methods required by chess adjudicators in the 3D chess framework.
IChessAgent Defines methods required by chess agents in the 3D chess framework.
IChessEnvironment Defines methods required by chess environments in the 3D chess framework.
IChessToken Defines methods required by 3D chess tokens.
IKing Defines methods required by a King in the 3D chess framework.
IKnight Defines methods required by a Knight in the 3D chess framework.
IMace Defines methods required by a Mace (a.k.a Unicorn) in the 3D chess framework.
IPawn Defines methods required by a Pawn in the 3D chess framework.
IQueen Defines methods required by a Queen in the 3D chess framework.
IRook Defines methods required by a Rook in the 3D chess framework.

Class Summary
AbstractChessComputerAgent Provides base functionality for computer agents for 3D chess.
AbstractChessEnvironment Provides a chess grid board for 3D chess.
AbstractChessToken Provides base functionality for 2D and 3D chess tokens.
ChessAdjudicator Provides an adjudicator for 3D chess.
ChessAgentSupport Provides support for chess computer agents.
ChessTokenCollection Provides a token collection for chess tokens.
Constants Provides constants for 3D chess.
DefaultChessEnvironment Provides a default grid board for 3D chess.
DefaultChessEvaluator Provides a default evaluator for 3D chess.
SearchChessAgent Provides a computer agent for 3D chess.
SimpleChessAgent Provides a computer agent for 3D chess.
SliderTokenSupport Provides convenience methods for slider tokens.

Package Description

Provides core chess game classes for the game framework.

Figure 1. Chess package Class Diagram

Figure 1 displays an overview of all classes in the chess package.


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