Package org.vizzini.ui.table

Provides core table user interface classes for the game framework.


Class Summary
ColumnDescriptor Provides a column descriptor for use with a DescribedTable.
CurrencyCellRenderer Provides a table cell renderer for US currency.
DateCellRenderer Provides a table cell renderer which formats the value as a date.
DecimalCellRenderer Provides a table cell renderer which formats the value as a decimal.
DescribedTableModel Provides a table model for a DescribedTable.
FilteredTableModel Provides a table model which works with IFilter s to limit the data in the table.
HyperlinkCellRenderer Provides a table cell renderer for a hyperlink.
PercentCellRenderer Provides a table cell renderer which formats the value as a percent.
SortTableHyperlinkMouseListener Provides a mouse listener for hyperlink events on a SortTable.
TableDescriptor Provides a table descriptor for a DescribedTable.
TableDescriptorParser Provides an XML parser for table descriptor files.
TableMap In a chain of data manipulators some behaviour is common.
TableSorter Provides a sorter for TableModels.
TableStyle Provides a container for text and color styles for a table.
TableStyleChooser Provides a generic GUI component for selection of a table style.
TableStylePreferences Provides convenience methods for storage and retrieval of table style preferences.
VisibleColumnsDialog Provides a dialog to set the visible columns of a described table.
VisibleColumnsPanel Provides a panel to set the visible columns of a described table.

Package org.vizzini.ui.table Description

Provides core table user interface classes for the game framework.

Figure 1. Table package Class Diagram

Figure 1 displays an overview of all classes in the table package.


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