Package org.vizzini.math

Provides math classes for the game framework.


Interface Summary
IDynamicState Defines methods required by a dynamic state of an object.
IScaler Defines methods required by classes which scale numbers between two ranges.
IState Defines methods required by a simple state of an object.
IStateful Defines methods required by objects with state.

Class Summary
AbstractScaler Provides base functionality to scale numbers between two ranges.
BinaryEncoder Provides an encoder for binary numbers.
DynamicState Provides dynamic state of an object.
Ellipsoid Provides an ellipsoid.
LinearScaler Provides functionality to linearly scale numbers between two ranges.
MomentOfInertiaCalculator Provides a calculator of moment of inertia values for three-dimensional physical objects.
Quadratic Provides a quadratic equation.
Quaternion Provides a quaternion for handling coordinate transformations.
State Provides simple state of an object.
StatefulSupport Provides an implementation of IStateful for use as a delegate.
UnitConverter Provides convenience methods related to unit conversion.
Vector Provides a vector.
VectorFormat Provides a formatter for Vector s.

Package org.vizzini.math Description

Provides math classes for the game framework.

Figure 1. Math package Class Diagram

Figure 1 displays an overview of all classes in the math package.


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