
Provides graphics classes for the game framework.


Interface Summary
IShape Defines methods required by 3D shapes.
IShapeCanvas Provides a canvas for drawing 3D shapes.
IViewer Defines methods required by a 3D viewer.
IViewerSwing Defines methods required by a Swing 3D viewer.

Class Summary
AbstractShapeCanvas Provides a base class for a canvas for drawing 3D shapes.
AbstractViewerSwing Provides base functionality for Swing 3D viewers.
GraphicsUIFactory Provides creation methods for graphics UI objects.
ImageCreator Provides a class which creates an image file from a JComponent.
ObjectViewerAWT Provides an AWT 3D object viewer.
ObjectViewerJava3D Provides a Java 3D object viewer.
ObjectViewerSwing Provides a Swing 3D object viewer.
PolygonShapePool Provides a pool for polygon shape objects.
ShapeCanvasAWT Provides a canvas for drawing 3D shapes.
ShapeCanvasJava3D Provides a Java 3D canvas for drawing 3D shapes.
ShapeCanvasSwing Provides a Swing canvas for drawing 3D shapes.
ShapeGroup Holds a collection of shapes and draws them.
ShapeSortList Provides a sortable list to hold shapes.
StarfieldBackground Provides a background filled with randomly placed points representing distant stars.

Package Description

Provides graphics classes for the game framework.

Figure 1. Graphics package Class Diagram

Figure 1 displays an overview of all classes in the graphics package.

Several assumptions were made to simplify the code.


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