Interface IBoardGameToken
- All Superinterfaces:
- Cloneable, IToken, Serializable
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- IBishop, IChessToken, IKing, IKnight, IMace, IPawn, IQueen, IRook
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- AbstractChessToken, Bishop, DefaultBoardGameToken, King, Knight, Mace, Pawn, Queen, Rook
public interface IBoardGameToken
- extends IToken
Defines methods required by board game tokens in the game framework.
- Since:
- v0.1
- Version:
- v0.1
- Author:
- Jeffrey M. Thompson
Methods inherited from interface |
addPropertyChangeListener, clone, configure, getAgent, getIndex, getName, getPosition, getTeam, getValue, removePropertyChangeListener, setAgent, setName, setPosition, setTeam, setValue |
List getPossibleActions(IAgent agent,
IEnvironment environment,
IAdjudicator adjudicator)
- Return a list of possible legal actions.
- Parameters:
- The agent.environment
- The current environment.adjudicator
- Adjudicator for determining legal actions.- Since:
- v0.1
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