Package org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui

Provides Qubic user interface classes for the game framework.


Class Summary
BoxTokenUI Provides functionality for a Qubic box token user interface in the game framework.
ConeTokenUI Provides functionality for a Qubic cone token user interface in the game framework.
GameUISwing Provides base functionality for a Swing Qubic user interface in the game framework.
GameUIText Provides functionality for a text Qubic interface in the game framework.
GridBoardUISwing Provides functionality for a Swing 3D Qubic grid board environment user interface in the game framework.

Package org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui Description

Provides Qubic user interface classes for the game framework. Qubic is 3D tic-tac-toe played on a 4x4x4 board.


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