Uses of Interface

Packages that use IEnvironment
org.vizzini.example.gin Provides gin classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.gin.ui Provides gin user interface classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.pong Provides pong classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.pong.ui Provides pong user interface classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.qubic Provides Qubic classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.tictactoe Provides tic-tac-toe classes for the game framework. Provides core game classes for the game framework. Provides action classes for games in the game framework. Provides core game classes for arcade games in the game framework. Provides core game classes for board games in the game framework. Provides action classes for board games in the game framework. Provides core chess game classes for the game framework. Provides action classes for the 3D chess framework. Provides standard token classes for the 3D chess framework. Provides core game classes for card games in the game framework. Provides event classes for the game framework. Provides search classes for the game framework. Provides simulation classes for games in the game framework. Provides core game user interface classes for the game framework. Provides board game user interface classes for the game framework. Provides user interface classes for 3D chess for the game framework. 

Uses of IEnvironment in org.vizzini.example.gin

Classes in org.vizzini.example.gin that implement IEnvironment
 class Environment
          Provides a Gin card table.

Methods in org.vizzini.example.gin with parameters of type IEnvironment
 IAction SimpleComputerAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
 boolean Adjudicator.isActionLegal(IEnvironment environment, IAction action)
          Return true if the given action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean Adjudicator.isGameOver(IEnvironment environment)
          Return true if one of the agents has won, or there are no more open positions.
 boolean Adjudicator.isGoal(IEnvironment environment)
          Return true if one of the agents has won.

Uses of IEnvironment in org.vizzini.example.gin.ui

Methods in org.vizzini.example.gin.ui with parameters of type IEnvironment
protected  IAction MouseHumanAgent.createAction(IEnvironment environment0)
          Create the appropriate action.
 IAction MouseHumanAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
 IAction TextHumanAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
 IAction TextHumanAgent.getDiscardAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
 IAction TextHumanAgent.getDrawAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
 IAction TextHumanAgent.getTakeDiscardAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.

Uses of IEnvironment in org.vizzini.example.pong

Methods in org.vizzini.example.pong with parameters of type IEnvironment
 IAction ComputerAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
 boolean Adjudicator.isActionLegal(IEnvironment environment, IAction action)
          Return true if the given action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean Adjudicator.isGameOver(IEnvironment environment)
          Return true if the given environment represents a completed game.
 boolean Adjudicator.isGoal(IEnvironment environment)
          Return true if one of the agents has won.

Uses of IEnvironment in org.vizzini.example.pong.ui

Methods in org.vizzini.example.pong.ui with parameters of type IEnvironment
 IAction MouseHumanAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.

Uses of IEnvironment in org.vizzini.example.qubic

Methods in org.vizzini.example.qubic with parameters of type IEnvironment
 boolean Adjudicator.isActionLegal(IEnvironment environment, IAction action)
          Return true if the given action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean Adjudicator.isGameOver(IEnvironment environment)
          Return true if one of the agents has won, or there are no more open positions.
 boolean Adjudicator.isGoal(IEnvironment environment)
          Return true if one of the agents has won.

Uses of IEnvironment in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe

Methods in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe with parameters of type IEnvironment
 boolean Adjudicator.isActionLegal(IEnvironment environment, IAction action)
          Return true if the given action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean Adjudicator.isGameOver(IEnvironment environment)
          Return true if one of the agents has won, or there are no more open positions.
 boolean Adjudicator.isGoal(IEnvironment environment)
          Return true if one of the agents has won.

Uses of IEnvironment in

Classes in that implement IEnvironment
 class AbstractEnvironment
          Provides base functionality for environments in the game framework.
 class DefaultEnvironment
          Provides a default implementation of an environment.

Methods in that return IEnvironment
 IEnvironment AbstractEngine.getEnvironment()
          Return the environment.
 IEnvironment AbstractGame.getEnvironment()
          Return the environment.
 IEnvironment IEngine.getEnvironment()
          Return the environment.
 IEnvironment IGame.getEnvironment()
          Return the environment.

Methods in with parameters of type IEnvironment
 boolean AbstractAdjudicator.areActionsLegal(IEnvironment environment, ActionCollection actions)
          Return true if the actions in the given list are legal in the given environment.
 boolean IAdjudicator.areActionsLegal(IEnvironment environment, ActionCollection actions)
          Return true if the actions in the given list are legal in the given environment.
 void AbstractEnvironment.copy(IEnvironment environment)
          Copy data from the given instance into this.
 void IEnvironment.copy(IEnvironment environment)
          Copy data from the given instance into this.
 int AbstractComputerAgent.evaluate(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Evaluate the given environment for fitness from the perspective of this agent.
 int IComputerAgent.evaluate(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Evaluate the given environment for fitness from the perspective of this agent.
 int AbstractEvaluator.evaluate(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator, IAgent agent)
          Return an evaluation of the given environment from the perspective of the given agent.
 int IEvaluator.evaluate(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator, IAgent agent)
          Evaluate the given environment from the perspective of the given agent.
protected abstract  int AbstractEvaluator.evaluateTokens(IEnvironment environment, IAgent agent)
          Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent.
protected  int DefaultEvaluator.evaluateTokens(IEnvironment environment, IAgent agent)
          Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent.
 IAction DefaultAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
 IAction IAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
 boolean DefaultAdjudicator.isActionLegal(IEnvironment environment, IAction action)
          Return true if the given action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean IAdjudicator.isActionLegal(IEnvironment environment, IAction action)
          Return true if the given action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean DefaultAdjudicator.isGameOver(IEnvironment environment)
          Return true if the given environment represents a completed game.
 boolean IAdjudicator.isGameOver(IEnvironment environment)
          Return true if the given environment represents a completed game.
 boolean DefaultAdjudicator.isGoal(IEnvironment environment)
          Return true if one of the agents has won.
 boolean IAdjudicator.isGoal(IEnvironment environment)
          Return true if one of the agents has won.
 void AbstractEngine.setEnvironment(IEnvironment environment)
          Set the environment to the given value.
 void IEngine.setEnvironment(IEnvironment environment)
          Set the environment to the given value.

Uses of IEnvironment in

Methods in with parameters of type IEnvironment
 Collection DefaultActionGenerator.generate(IAgent agent, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Generate the collection of legal actions using the given parameters.
 Collection IActionGenerator.generate(IAgent agent, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Generate the collection of legal actions using the given parameters.

Uses of IEnvironment in

Subinterfaces of IEnvironment in
 interface IArcadeEnvironment
          Defines methods required by arcade game environments in the game framework.

Classes in that implement IEnvironment
 class AbstractArcadeEnvironment
          Provides base functionality for arcade game environments in the game framework.

Uses of IEnvironment in

Subinterfaces of IEnvironment in
 interface IGridBoard
          Defines methods required by grid board environments in the game framework.

Classes in that implement IEnvironment
 class AbstractGridBoard
          Provides functionality for 2D and 3D grid board environments in the game framework.
 class DefaultGridBoard
          Provides functionality for 2D and 3D grid board environments in the game framework.

Methods in with parameters of type IEnvironment
 boolean AbstractGridBoardAdjudicator.agentHasLine(IEnvironment environment, IAgent agent0, IAgent agent1, int startF, int startR, int startL, int df, int dr, int dl)
          Return true if an agent has tokens in the line specified by the other arguments.
 boolean IGridBoardAdjudicator.agentHasLine(IEnvironment environment, IAgent agent0, IAgent agent1, int startF, int startR, int startL, int df, int dr, int dl)
          Return true if an agent has tokens in the line specified by the other arguments.
 void AbstractGridBoard.copy(IEnvironment environment)
          Copy data from the given instance into this.
protected  int AbstractNeuralGridBoardEvaluator.evaluateTokens(IEnvironment environment, IAgent agent)
          Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent.
protected  int GPFunctionEvaluator.evaluateTokens(IEnvironment environment, IAgent agent)
          Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent.
protected  int TokenLineEvaluator.evaluateTokens(IEnvironment environment, IAgent agent)
          Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent.
protected  int WeightedEvaluator.evaluateTokens(IEnvironment environment, IAgent agent)
          Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent.
 IAction EvaluatedPlacementAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
 IAction SimplePlacementAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
 List DefaultBoardGameToken.getPossibleActions(IAgent agent0, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return a list of possible actions.
 List IBoardGameToken.getPossibleActions(IAgent agent, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return a list of possible legal actions.

Uses of IEnvironment in

Methods in with parameters of type IEnvironment
 Collection PlaceActionGenerator.generate(IAgent agent, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Generate the collection of legal actions using the given parameters.

Uses of IEnvironment in

Subinterfaces of IEnvironment in
 interface IChessEnvironment
          Defines methods required by chess environments in the 3D chess framework.

Classes in that implement IEnvironment
 class AbstractChessEnvironment
          Provides a chess grid board for 3D chess.
 class DefaultChessEnvironment
          Provides a default grid board for 3D chess.

Methods in with parameters of type IEnvironment
 boolean ChessAdjudicator.agentHasLine(IEnvironment environment, IAgent agent0, IAgent agent1, int startF, int startR, int startL, int df, int dr, int dl)
          Return true if an agent has tokens in the line specified by the other arguments.
 void AbstractChessEnvironment.copy(IEnvironment environment)
          Copy data from the given instance into this.
protected  int DefaultChessEvaluator.evaluateTokens(IEnvironment environment, IAgent agent)
          Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent.
 IAction SearchChessAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
 IAction SimpleChessAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
 List AbstractChessToken.getPossibleActions(IAgent agent0, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return a list of possible legal agent actions.
 boolean ChessAdjudicator.isActionLegal(IEnvironment environment, IAction action)
          Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean ChessAdjudicator.isGameOver(IEnvironment environment)
          Return true if one of the agents has won.
 boolean ChessAdjudicator.isGoal(IEnvironment environment)
          Return true if one of the agents has won.

Uses of IEnvironment in

Methods in with parameters of type IEnvironment
 Collection ChessActionGenerator.generate(IAgent agent, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Generate the collection of legal actions using the given parameters.

Uses of IEnvironment in

Methods in with parameters of type IEnvironment
 List King.getPossibleActions(IAgent agent0, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return a list of possible legal agent actions.
 List Pawn.getPossibleActions(IAgent agent0, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return a list of possible legal agent actions.

Uses of IEnvironment in

Classes in that implement IEnvironment
 class AbstractCardTable
          Provides a regular card deck for card games in the game framework.

Uses of IEnvironment in

Methods in that return IEnvironment
 IEnvironment StateEvent.getSource()
          Return the source.

Methods in with parameters of type IEnvironment
 void StateManager.fireStateChange(IEnvironment source)
          Fire a state event.
 void StateManager.fireStateChange(IEnvironment source, IAction action)
          Fire a state event with the given parameter.

Constructors in with parameters of type IEnvironment
StateEvent(IEnvironment source)
          Construct this object with the given parameter.
StateEvent(IEnvironment source, IAction action)
          Construct this object with the given parameter.

Uses of IEnvironment in

Methods in with parameters of type IEnvironment
 String DefaultTranspositionKeyCreator.createKey(IEnvironment environment)
 String GridBoardTranspositionKeyCreator.createKey(IEnvironment environment)
 String ITranspositionKeyCreator.createKey(IEnvironment environment)
          Create a key as a String representation of the given environment.
protected  String AbstractTranspositionKeyCreator.createKeyFromTokens(IEnvironment environment)
          Create a transposition table key from the team and token names.
protected  int AbstractSearch.evaluate(IAgent agent, IEvaluator evaluator, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator, int maxDepth, int depth)
          Return an evaluation of the given environment using the given parameters.
 IAction SearchAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
protected abstract  IAction AbstractSearch.performSearch(IAgent agent, IAgent opponent, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator, IEvaluator evaluator, IActionGenerator actionGenerator, int maxDepth, int depth, int alpha, int beta, IAction parentAction)
          Perform a search using the given parameters.
protected  IAction AlphaBetaSearch.performSearch(IAgent agent, IAgent opponent, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator, IEvaluator evaluator, IActionGenerator actionGenerator, int maxDepth, int depth, int alpha, int beta, IAction parentAction)
          Perform a search using the given parameters.
protected  IAction NegamaxSearch.performSearch(IAgent agent, IAgent opponent, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator, IEvaluator evaluator, IActionGenerator actionGenerator, int maxDepth, int depth, int alpha, int beta, IAction parentAction)
          Perform a search using the given parameters.
 IAction agent, IAgent opponent, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator, IEvaluator evaluator, IActionGenerator actionGenerator, int maxDepth, int depth)
 IAction agent, IAgent opponent, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator, IEvaluator evaluator, IActionGenerator actionGenerator, int maxDepth, int depth)
          Perform a search using the given parameters.

Uses of IEnvironment in

Subinterfaces of IEnvironment in
 interface ISimulationEnvironment
          Defines methods required by a simulation environment.

Classes in that implement IEnvironment
 class AbstractSimulationEnvironment
          Provides base functionality for a simulation environment.
 class DefaultSimulationEnvironment
          Provides a default simulation environment.

Uses of IEnvironment in

Methods in that return IEnvironment
 IEnvironment AbstractEnvironmentUISwing.getEnvironment()
          Return the environment this UI represents.
 IEnvironment AbstractEnvironmentUIText.getEnvironment()
          Return the environment this UI represents.
 IEnvironment EnvironmentUISupport.getEnvironment()
          Return the environment this UI represents.
 IEnvironment IEnvironmentUI.getEnvironment()
          Return the environment this UI represents.

Methods in with parameters of type IEnvironment
 void AbstractEnvironmentUISwing.setEnvironment(IEnvironment environment)
          Set the environment this UI represents.
 void AbstractEnvironmentUIText.setEnvironment(IEnvironment environment)
          Set the environment this UI represents.
 void EnvironmentUISupport.setEnvironment(IEnvironment environment)
          Set the environment this UI represents.
 void IEnvironmentUI.setEnvironment(IEnvironment environment)
          Set the environment this UI represents.

Uses of IEnvironment in

Methods in with parameters of type IEnvironment
protected  IAction MovementMouseAgent.createAction(IEnvironment environment)
          Create the appropriate action.
protected  IAction PlacementMouseAgent.createAction(IEnvironment environment)
          Create the appropriate action.
 IAction MovementMouseAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
 IAction MovementTextAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
 IAction PlacementMouseAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
 IAction PlacementTextAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
 void GridBoard3DUISwing.setEnvironment(IEnvironment environment)
          Set the environment this UI represents.
 void GridBoardUISwing.setEnvironment(IEnvironment environment)
          Set the environment this UI represents.

Uses of IEnvironment in

Methods in with parameters of type IEnvironment
protected  IAction MouseAgent.createAction(IEnvironment environment)
          Create the appropriate action.
 void AbstractGridBoardUISwing.setEnvironment(IEnvironment environment)
          Set the environment this UI represents.
protected  void AbstractGridBoardUISwing.setHintHighlights(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Set the hint highlights.

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