Packages that use IAgent | |
org.vizzini.example.gin | Provides gin classes for the game framework. |
org.vizzini.example.gin.ui | Provides gin user interface classes for the game framework. |
org.vizzini.example.pong | Provides pong classes for the game framework. |
org.vizzini.example.tictactoe | Provides tic-tac-toe classes for the game framework. |
org.vizzini.game | Provides core game classes for the game framework. |
org.vizzini.game.action | Provides action classes for games in the game framework. |
org.vizzini.game.boardgame | Provides core game classes for board games in the game framework. |
org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action | Provides action classes for board games in the game framework. |
org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess | Provides core chess game classes for the game framework. |
org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action | Provides action classes for the 3D chess framework. |
org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event | Provides event classes for the 3D chess framework. |
org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken | Provides standard token classes for the 3D chess framework. |
org.vizzini.game.event | Provides event classes for the game framework. |
org.vizzini.game.search | Provides search classes for the game framework. |
org.vizzini.ui.game | Provides core game user interface classes for the game framework. |
org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame | Provides arcade game user interface classes for the game framework. |
org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame | Provides board game user interface classes for the game framework. |
org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess | Provides user interface classes for 3D chess for the game framework. |
org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame | Provides card game user interface classes for the game framework. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.example.gin |
Classes in org.vizzini.example.gin that implement IAgent | |
class |
Provides a computer agent for Gin which simply draws and discards his first card. |
Methods in org.vizzini.example.gin that return IAgent | |
protected IAgent |
Environment.getAgent(ITeam team)
Return the first agent for the given team. |
IAgent |
Return agent one. |
IAgent |
Return agent two. |
Methods in org.vizzini.example.gin with parameters of type IAgent | |
protected ICardCollection |
Environment.getHand(IAgent agent)
Return the given agent's hand. |
protected boolean |
Adjudicator.isGin(IAgent agent,
Collection kindsAndStraights)
Return true if the given collection is a Gin. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.example.gin.ui |
Classes in org.vizzini.example.gin.ui that implement IAgent | |
class |
Provides a human agent for Gin which uses the mouse to get commands. |
class |
Provides a user interface for a human agent which uses the text input to play Gin. |
Methods in org.vizzini.example.gin.ui with parameters of type IAgent | |
protected void |
EnvironmentUISwing.assignAgentListener(IAgent agent)
Assign listeners using the given agent. |
protected void |
EnvironmentUISwing.removeAgentListener(IAgent agent)
Remove the given agent as a listener. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.example.pong |
Classes in org.vizzini.example.pong that implement IAgent | |
class |
Provides a computer agent for Pong. |
Methods in org.vizzini.example.pong that return IAgent | |
IAgent |
Return the left agent. |
IAgent |
Return the right agent. |
Methods in org.vizzini.example.pong with parameters of type IAgent | |
Paddle |
Environment.getPaddle(IAgent agent)
Return the paddle which belongs to the given agent. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe |
Methods in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe with parameters of type IAgent | |
protected double[] |
NeuralNetworkEvaluator.encode(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent)
Encode the given grid board as appropriate for a neural network input. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.game |
Subinterfaces of IAgent in org.vizzini.game | |
interface |
Defines methods required by computer agents in the game framework. |
interface |
Defines methods required by human agents in the game framework. |
interface |
Defines methods required by computer agents which uses an AI search algorithm to determine the best action. |
Classes in org.vizzini.game that implement IAgent | |
class |
Provides base functionality for agents in the game framework. |
class |
Provides base functionality for computer agents in the game framework. |
class |
Provides base functionality for human agents in the game framework. |
class |
Provides a default agent for the game framework. |
Fields in org.vizzini.game declared as IAgent | |
protected IAgent |
The winning agent. |
Methods in org.vizzini.game that return IAgent | |
static IAgent |
AgentFactory.create(Class agentClass,
Properties properties,
int index)
Create and return the desired agent. |
static IAgent |
AgentFactory.create(Class agentClass,
Properties properties,
int index,
String name,
ITeam team,
int searchDepth)
Create and return the desired agent. |
static IAgent |
AgentFactory.create(Properties properties,
int index)
Create and return the desired agent. |
static IAgent |
AgentFactory.create(Properties properties,
int index,
String name,
ITeam team)
Create and return the desired agent. |
IAgent |
AgentCollection.findByName(String name)
Return the agent with the given name. |
IAgent |
IAgentCollection.findByName(String name)
Return the agent with the given name. |
IAgent |
AgentCollection.findByTeam(ITeam team)
Return the first agent with the given team. |
IAgent |
IAgentCollection.findByTeam(ITeam team)
Return the first agent with the given team. |
IAgent |
AgentCollection.firstOpponent(IAgent agent)
Return the first found agent opponent to the given agent. |
IAgent |
IAgentCollection.firstOpponent(IAgent agent)
Return the first found agent opponent to the given agent. |
IAgent |
AgentCollection.get(Class agentType)
Return the first agent found of the given type. |
IAgent |
Return the associated agent. |
IAgent |
Return this token's agent. |
IAgent |
Return the current agent. |
IAgent |
Return the current agent. |
IAgent |
Return the winning agent, or null if there is no winner. |
IAgent |
Return the winning agent, or null if there is no winner. |
Methods in org.vizzini.game with parameters of type IAgent | |
int |
AbstractEvaluator.evaluate(IEnvironment environment,
IAdjudicator adjudicator,
IAgent agent)
Return an evaluation of the given environment from the perspective of the given agent. |
int |
IEvaluator.evaluate(IEnvironment environment,
IAdjudicator adjudicator,
IAgent agent)
Evaluate the given environment from the perspective of the given agent. |
protected abstract int |
AbstractEvaluator.evaluateTokens(IEnvironment environment,
IAgent agent)
Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent. |
protected int |
DefaultEvaluator.evaluateTokens(IEnvironment environment,
IAgent agent)
Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent. |
IAgent |
AgentCollection.firstOpponent(IAgent agent)
Return the first found agent opponent to the given agent. |
IAgent |
IAgentCollection.firstOpponent(IAgent agent)
Return the first found agent opponent to the given agent. |
IToken |
ITokenCollection.get(Class tokenType,
IAgent agent)
Return the first token found of the given type belonging to the given agent. |
IToken |
TokenArrayCollection.get(Class tokenType,
IAgent agent)
Return the first token found of the given type belonging to the given agent. |
IToken |
TokenCollection.get(Class tokenType,
IAgent agent)
Return the first token found of the given type belonging to the given agent. |
protected Queue |
AsynchronousEngine.getQueue(IAgent agent)
Return the queue for the given agent, creating it if necessary. |
protected int |
AbstractEvaluator.multiplier(IToken token,
IAgent agent)
Return the multiplier for a token from the given agent's perspective. |
Iterator |
AgentCollection.opponentIterator(IAgent agent)
Return an iterator over all the agents excepting the given agent. |
Iterator |
IAgentCollection.opponentIterator(IAgent agent)
Return an iterator over all the agents excepting the given agent. |
void |
AbstractToken.setAgent(IAgent agent)
Set the associated agent. |
void |
IToken.setAgent(IAgent agent)
Set the associated agent. |
protected void |
AbstractEngine.setCurrentAgent(IAgent agent)
Set the current agent. |
void |
AbstractEngine.setGameOver(boolean isGameOver,
IAgent winner)
Set the game over flag to the given value. |
void |
IEngine.setGameOver(boolean isGameOver,
IAgent winner)
Set the game over flag to the given value. |
void |
AbstractAdjudicator.setWinner(IAgent agent)
Set the winning agent. |
void |
IAdjudicator.setWinner(IAgent agent)
Set the winning agent. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.game.action |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.action that return IAgent | |
IAgent |
Return the agent who originated this action. |
IAgent |
Return the agent who originated this action. |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.action with parameters of type IAgent | |
Collection |
DefaultActionGenerator.generate(IAgent agent,
IEnvironment environment,
IAdjudicator adjudicator)
Generate the collection of legal actions using the given parameters. |
Collection |
IActionGenerator.generate(IAgent agent,
IEnvironment environment,
IAdjudicator adjudicator)
Generate the collection of legal actions using the given parameters. |
RedoAction |
ActionFactory.getRedoAction(IAgent agent)
Return an RedoAction for the given parameters. |
UndoAction |
ActionFactory.getUndoAction(IAgent agent)
Return an UndoAction for the given parameters. |
void |
AbstractAction.setAgent(IAgent agent)
Set the agent who originated this action. |
void |
IAction.setAgent(IAgent agent)
Set the agent who originated this action. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.game.boardgame |
Classes in org.vizzini.game.boardgame that implement IAgent | |
class |
Provides base functionality for a simple computer agent in the game framework. |
class |
Provides a computer agent which chooses the placement action which provides the highest evaluated environment. |
class |
Provides a simple computer agent which creates a placement action for the first empty position found on a grid board. |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.boardgame that return IAgent | |
IAgent |
Return the current agent. |
IAgent |
Return the last agent who performed an action. |
IAgent |
Return the last agent who performed an action. |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.boardgame with parameters of type IAgent | |
protected int |
TokenLineEvaluator.addToEvaluation(int evaluation,
IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IAgent opponent,
int startF,
int startR,
int startL,
int df,
int dr,
int dl)
Add to the given evaluation based on the other parameters. |
protected int |
TokenLineEvaluator.addToEvaluation(int evaluation,
IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
int multiplier,
int startF,
int startR,
int startL,
int df,
int dr,
int dl)
Add to the given evaluation based on the other parameters. |
boolean |
AbstractGridBoardAdjudicator.agentHasLine(IEnvironment environment,
IAgent agent0,
IAgent agent1,
int startF,
int startR,
int startL,
int df,
int dr,
int dl)
Return true if an agent has tokens in the line specified by the other arguments. |
boolean |
IGridBoardAdjudicator.agentHasLine(IEnvironment environment,
IAgent agent0,
IAgent agent1,
int startF,
int startR,
int startL,
int df,
int dr,
int dl)
Return true if an agent has tokens in the line specified by the other arguments. |
boolean |
AbstractGridBoardAdjudicator.agentHasLineHelper(IGridBoard board,
IAgent agent,
int startF,
int startR,
int startL,
int df,
int dr,
int dl)
Return true if an agent has tokens in the line specified by the other arguments. |
int |
AbstractGridBoard.agentTokenCount(IAgent agent,
int startF,
int startR,
int startL,
int df,
int dr,
int dl)
Return the number of token's the given agent has in the line specified by the other arguments. |
int |
IGridBoard.agentTokenCount(IAgent agent,
int startF,
int startR,
int startL,
int df,
int dr,
int dl)
Return the number of token's the given agent has in the line specified by the other arguments. |
protected abstract double[] |
AbstractNeuralGridBoardEvaluator.encode(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent)
Encode the given grid board as appropriate for a neural network input. |
protected int |
AbstractNeuralGridBoardEvaluator.evaluateTokens(IEnvironment environment,
IAgent agent)
Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent. |
protected int |
GPFunctionEvaluator.evaluateTokens(IEnvironment environment,
IAgent agent)
Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent. |
protected int |
TokenLineEvaluator.evaluateTokens(IEnvironment environment,
IAgent agent)
Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent. |
protected int |
WeightedEvaluator.evaluateTokens(IEnvironment environment,
IAgent agent)
Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent. |
List |
DefaultBoardGameToken.getPossibleActions(IAgent agent0,
IEnvironment environment,
IAdjudicator adjudicator)
Return a list of possible actions. |
List |
IBoardGameToken.getPossibleActions(IAgent agent,
IEnvironment environment,
IAdjudicator adjudicator)
Return a list of possible legal actions. |
protected int |
GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal.multiplier(IToken token,
IAgent agent)
Return the multiplier for a token from the given agent's perspective. |
protected void |
AbstractGridBoard.setLastAgent(IAgent agent)
Set the last agent who performed an action. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action with parameters of type IAgent | |
RemoveAction |
RemoveActionPool.acquire(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition position)
Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary. |
PlaceAction |
PlaceActionPool.acquire(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition position,
Class tokenClass)
Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary. |
MoveAction |
MoveActionPool.acquire(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary. |
MoveCaptureAction |
MoveCaptureActionPool.acquire(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary. |
Collection |
PlaceActionGenerator.generate(IAgent agent,
IEnvironment environment,
IAdjudicator adjudicator)
Generate the collection of legal actions using the given parameters. |
static RemoveAction |
RemoveAction.get(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition position)
Return an instance of this class using the given parameters. |
static PlaceAction |
PlaceAction.get(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition position,
Class tokenClass)
Return an instance of this class using the given parameters. |
static MoveAction |
MoveAction.get(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return an instance of this class using the given parameters. |
static MoveCaptureAction |
MoveCaptureAction.get(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return an instance of this class using the given parameters. |
IGridBoardAction |
BoardGameActionFactory.getAction(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition position)
Return an action appropriate for the given parameters. |
IGridBoardAction |
BoardGameActionFactory.getAction(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition position,
Class tokenClass)
Return an action appropriate for the given parameters. |
IGridBoardAction |
BoardGameActionFactory.getAction(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return an action appropriate for the given parameters. |
RedoAction |
BoardGameActionFactory.getRedoAction(IAgent agent)
Return an RedoAction for the given parameters. |
UndoAction |
BoardGameActionFactory.getUndoAction(IAgent agent)
Return an UndoAction for the given parameters. |
protected void |
RemoveAction.set(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition position)
Set parameters on this object. |
protected void |
PlaceAction.set(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition position,
Class tokenClass)
Set parameters on this object. |
protected void |
MoveAction.set(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Set parameters on this object. |
protected void |
MoveCaptureAction.set(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Set parameters on this object. |
Constructors in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.action with parameters of type IAgent | |
AbstractGridBoardAction(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent)
Construct this object. |
AbstractMoveAction(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition)
Construct this object. |
MoveAction(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Construct this object. |
MoveCaptureAction(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Construct this object. |
PlaceAction(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition position,
Class tokenClass)
Construct this object. |
RemoveAction(IGridBoard gridBoard,
IAgent agent,
IntegerPosition position)
Construct this object. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess |
Subinterfaces of IAgent in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess | |
interface |
Defines methods required by chess agents in the 3D chess framework. |
Classes in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess that implement IAgent | |
class |
Provides base functionality for computer agents for 3D chess. |
class |
Provides a computer agent for 3D chess. |
class |
Provides a computer agent for 3D chess. |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess that return IAgent | |
protected IAgent |
ChessTokenCollection.getAgent(boolean isWhite)
Return the agent for the given parameter. |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess with parameters of type IAgent | |
boolean |
ChessAdjudicator.agentHasLine(IEnvironment environment,
IAgent agent0,
IAgent agent1,
int startF,
int startR,
int startL,
int df,
int dr,
int dl)
Return true if an agent has tokens in the line specified by the other arguments. |
protected int |
DefaultChessEvaluator.evaluateTokens(IEnvironment environment,
IAgent agent)
Evaluate the tokens in the given environment from the perspective of the given agent. |
IToken |
ChessTokenCollection.get(Class tokenType,
IAgent agent0)
Return the first token found of the given type belonging to the given agent. |
List |
AbstractChessToken.getPossibleActions(IAgent agent0,
IEnvironment environment,
IAdjudicator adjudicator)
Return a list of possible legal agent actions. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action with parameters of type IAgent | |
Collection |
ChessActionGenerator.generate(IAgent agent,
IEnvironment environment,
IAdjudicator adjudicator)
Generate the collection of legal actions using the given parameters. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event that return IAgent | |
IAgent |
Return the agent. |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event with parameters of type IAgent | |
void |
CheckManager.fireCheck(IAgent agent)
Fire a check event with the given parameter. |
Constructors in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.event with parameters of type IAgent | |
CheckEvent(IAgent agent)
Construct this object with the given parameter. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken with parameters of type IAgent | |
List |
King.getPossibleActions(IAgent agent0,
IEnvironment environment,
IAdjudicator adjudicator)
Return a list of possible legal agent actions. |
List |
Pawn.getPossibleActions(IAgent agent0,
IEnvironment environment,
IAdjudicator adjudicator)
Return a list of possible legal agent actions. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.game.event |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.event that return IAgent | |
IAgent |
Return the agent who conceded. |
IAgent |
Return the source. |
IAgent |
Return the winner. |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.event with parameters of type IAgent | |
void |
ConcedeManager.fireConcedeChange(IAgent agent)
Fire a game event. |
void |
GameManager.fireGameChange(boolean oldGameOver,
boolean isGameOver,
IAgent winner)
Fire a game event. |
void |
ScoreManager.fireScoreChange(IAgent source)
Fire a score event. |
Constructors in org.vizzini.game.event with parameters of type IAgent | |
ConcedeEvent(IAgent agent)
Construct this object with the given parameter. |
GameEvent(boolean isGameOver,
IAgent winner)
Construct this object with the given parameter. |
ScoreEvent(IAgent source)
Construct this object with the given parameter. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.game.search |
Classes in org.vizzini.game.search that implement IAgent | |
class |
Provides a computer agent which uses an AI search algorithm to determine the best action. |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.search with parameters of type IAgent | |
protected int |
AbstractSearch.evaluate(IAgent agent,
IEvaluator evaluator,
IEnvironment environment,
IAdjudicator adjudicator,
int maxDepth,
int depth)
Return an evaluation of the given environment using the given parameters. |
protected abstract IAction |
AbstractSearch.performSearch(IAgent agent,
IAgent opponent,
IEnvironment environment,
IAdjudicator adjudicator,
IEvaluator evaluator,
IActionGenerator actionGenerator,
int maxDepth,
int depth,
int alpha,
int beta,
IAction parentAction)
Perform a search using the given parameters. |
protected IAction |
AlphaBetaSearch.performSearch(IAgent agent,
IAgent opponent,
IEnvironment environment,
IAdjudicator adjudicator,
IEvaluator evaluator,
IActionGenerator actionGenerator,
int maxDepth,
int depth,
int alpha,
int beta,
IAction parentAction)
Perform a search using the given parameters. |
protected IAction |
NegamaxSearch.performSearch(IAgent agent,
IAgent opponent,
IEnvironment environment,
IAdjudicator adjudicator,
IEvaluator evaluator,
IActionGenerator actionGenerator,
int maxDepth,
int depth,
int alpha,
int beta,
IAction parentAction)
Perform a search using the given parameters. |
IAction |
AbstractSearch.search(IAgent agent,
IAgent opponent,
IEnvironment environment,
IAdjudicator adjudicator,
IEvaluator evaluator,
IActionGenerator actionGenerator,
int maxDepth,
int depth)
IAction |
ISearch.search(IAgent agent,
IAgent opponent,
IEnvironment environment,
IAdjudicator adjudicator,
IEvaluator evaluator,
IActionGenerator actionGenerator,
int maxDepth,
int depth)
Perform a search using the given parameters. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.ui.game |
Methods in org.vizzini.ui.game that return IAgent | |
IAgent |
Create and return the desired agent. |
Methods in org.vizzini.ui.game with parameters of type IAgent | |
protected void |
AbstractEnvironmentUISwing.assignAgentListener(IAgent agent)
Assign listeners using the given agent. |
protected void |
AbstractGameUISwing.assignAgentListener(IAgent agent)
Assign listeners to the given agent. |
protected void |
AbstractEnvironmentUISwing.removeAgentListener(IAgent agent)
Remove the given agent as a listener. |
protected void |
AbstractGameUISwing.removeAgentListener(IAgent agent)
Remove listeners using the given agent. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame |
Methods in org.vizzini.ui.game.arcadegame with parameters of type IAgent | |
protected void |
AbstractArcadeGameUISwing.assignAgentListener(IAgent agent)
Assign listeners to the given agent. |
protected void |
AbstractArcadeGameUISwing.removeAgentListener(IAgent agent)
Remove listeners using the given agent. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame |
Classes in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame that implement IAgent | |
class |
Provides a user interface for a human agent which uses the mouse to move a token. |
class |
Provides a user interface for a human agent which uses the text input to move a token. |
class |
Provides a user interface for a human agent which uses the mouse to place a token. |
class |
Provides a user interface for a human agent which uses the text input to place a token. |
class |
Provides a user interface for a human agent which uses the text input to place a token. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess |
Classes in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess that implement IAgent | |
class |
Provides a text agent for 3D chess. |
Methods in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess that return IAgent | |
IAgent |
Return this token's agent. |
Methods in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess with parameters of type IAgent | |
void |
PieceShape.setAgent(IAgent agent)
Set the associated agent. |
Uses of IAgent in org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame |
Methods in org.vizzini.ui.game.cardgame with parameters of type IAgent | |
protected void |
AbstractCardGameUISwing.assignAgentListener(IAgent agent)
Assign listeners to the given agent. |
protected void |
AbstractCardGameUISwing.removeAgentListener(IAgent agent)
Remove listeners using the given agent. |
void |
CardCollectionUI.setAgent(IAgent agent)
Set the agent owner. |
Copyright © 2007 Vizzini.org. All Rights Reserved. | 2007. |