Uses of Interface

Packages that use IAction
org.vizzini.example.gin Provides gin classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.gin.ui Provides gin user interface classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.pong Provides pong classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.pong.ui Provides pong user interface classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.qubic Provides Qubic classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.tictactoe Provides tic-tac-toe classes for the game framework. Provides core game classes for the game framework. Provides action classes for games in the game framework. Provides core game classes for arcade games in the game framework. Provides core game classes for board games in the game framework. Provides action classes for board games in the game framework. Provides core chess game classes for the game framework. Provides action classes for the 3D chess framework. Provides core game classes for card games in the game framework. Provides event classes for the game framework. Provides search classes for the game framework. Provides simulation classes for games in the game framework. Provides board game user interface classes for the game framework. Provides user interface classes for 3D chess for the game framework. 

Uses of IAction in org.vizzini.example.gin

Methods in org.vizzini.example.gin that return IAction
 IAction SimpleComputerAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.

Methods in org.vizzini.example.gin with parameters of type IAction
 boolean Adjudicator.isActionLegal(IEnvironment environment, IAction action)
          Return true if the given action is legal in the given environment.

Uses of IAction in org.vizzini.example.gin.ui

Methods in org.vizzini.example.gin.ui that return IAction
protected  IAction MouseHumanAgent.createAction(IEnvironment environment0)
          Create the appropriate action.
 IAction MouseHumanAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
 IAction TextHumanAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
 IAction TextHumanAgent.getDiscardAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
 IAction TextHumanAgent.getDrawAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
 IAction TextHumanAgent.getTakeDiscardAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.

Uses of IAction in org.vizzini.example.pong

Classes in org.vizzini.example.pong that implement IAction
 class Action
          Provides a action for Pong.

Methods in org.vizzini.example.pong that return IAction
 IAction ComputerAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.

Methods in org.vizzini.example.pong with parameters of type IAction
 boolean Adjudicator.isActionLegal(IEnvironment environment, IAction action)
          Return true if the given action is legal in the given environment.
 void Environment.performAction(IAction action0)
          Perform the given action.
 void Environment.undoAction(IAction action)
          Undo the given action.

Uses of IAction in org.vizzini.example.pong.ui

Methods in org.vizzini.example.pong.ui that return IAction
 IAction MouseHumanAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.

Uses of IAction in org.vizzini.example.qubic

Methods in org.vizzini.example.qubic with parameters of type IAction
 boolean Adjudicator.isActionLegal(IEnvironment environment, IAction action)
          Return true if the given action is legal in the given environment.

Uses of IAction in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe

Methods in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe with parameters of type IAction
 boolean Adjudicator.isActionLegal(IEnvironment environment, IAction action)
          Return true if the given action is legal in the given environment.

Uses of IAction in

Methods in that return IAction
 IAction DefaultAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
 IAction IAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.

Methods in with parameters of type IAction
 boolean DefaultAdjudicator.isActionLegal(IEnvironment environment, IAction action)
          Return true if the given action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean IAdjudicator.isActionLegal(IEnvironment environment, IAction action)
          Return true if the given action is legal in the given environment.
 void DefaultEnvironment.performAction(IAction action)
          Perform the given action.
 void IEnvironment.performAction(IAction action)
          Perform the given action.
 void DefaultEnvironment.undoAction(IAction action)
          Undo the given action.
 void IEnvironment.undoAction(IAction action)
          Undo the given action.

Uses of IAction in

Classes in that implement IAction
 class AbstractAction
          Provides base functionality for actions in the game framework.
 class DefaultAction
          Provides a action for placement of a token to a position.
 class RedoAction
          Provides an redo action in the game framework.
 class UndoAction
          Provides an undo action in the game framework.

Methods in that return IAction
protected  IAction ActionManager.getHistoryAction(int index)
          Return the history action at the given index.

Methods in with parameters of type IAction
protected  void ActionManager.addToHistory(IAction action)
          Add an action to the action history.
 void ActionManager.invokeAction(IAction action)
          Invoke an action and add it to the history.

Uses of IAction in

Methods in with parameters of type IAction
 void AbstractArcadeEnvironment.undoAction(IAction action)
          Undo the given action.

Uses of IAction in

Methods in that return IAction
 IAction EvaluatedPlacementAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
 IAction SimplePlacementAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.

Methods in with parameters of type IAction
 void AbstractGridBoard.performAction(IAction action)
          Perform the given action.
 void AbstractGridBoard.undoAction(IAction action)
          Undo the given action.

Uses of IAction in

Subinterfaces of IAction in
 interface IGridBoardAction
          Defines methods required by grid board actions in the game framework.
 interface IMoveAction
          Defines methods required by move grid board actions in the game framework.

Classes in that implement IAction
 class AbstractGridBoardAction
          Provides base functionality for grid board actions in the game framework.
 class AbstractMoveAction
          Provides base functionality for move actions in the game framework.
 class MoveAction
          Provides an action for movement of a token from a position to another position.
 class MoveCaptureAction
          Provides an action for movement of a token from a position to another, occupied position.
 class PlaceAction
          Provides an action for placement of a token on a grid board.
 class RemoveAction
          Provides an action for removal of a token from a grid board.

Methods in with parameters of type IAction
 void AbstractGridBoardActionPool.release(IAction action)
          Return an instance to the reusable object pool.
 void MoveActionPool.release(IAction action)
          Return an instance to the reusable object pool.
 void MoveCaptureActionPool.release(IAction action)
          Return an instance to the reusable object pool.
 void PlaceActionPool.release(IAction action)
          Return an instance to the reusable object pool.
 void RemoveActionPool.release(IAction action)
          Return an instance to the reusable object pool.

Uses of IAction in

Methods in that return IAction
protected  IAction AbstractChessToken.createCastleAction(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAdjudicator adjudicator, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition kingFromPosition, IntegerPosition kingToPosition, IntegerPosition rookFromPosition, IntegerPosition rookToPosition)
          Create a castle action for the given parameters.
protected  IAction AbstractChessToken.createEnPassantCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAdjudicator adjudicator, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition capturePosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Create an en passant capture action for the given parameters.
protected  IAction AbstractChessToken.createMoveAction(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAdjudicator adjudicator, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Create a move action for the given parameters.
protected  IAction AbstractChessToken.createMoveCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAdjudicator adjudicator, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Create a move capture action for the given parameters.
protected  IAction AbstractChessToken.createPawnPromotionAction(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAdjudicator adjudicator, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition, Class tokenClass)
          Create a pawn promotion action for the given parameters.
protected  IAction AbstractChessToken.createPawnPromotionCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAdjudicator adjudicator, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition, Class tokenClass)
          Create a pawn promotion capture action for the given parameters.
 IAction SearchChessAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
 IAction SimpleChessAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.

Methods in with parameters of type IAction
 boolean ChessAdjudicator.isActionLegal(IEnvironment environment, IAction action)
          Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
 void AbstractChessEnvironment.performAction(IAction action)
          Perform the given movement agent action.
protected  boolean ChessAdjudicator.performCheckTest(IChessEnvironment board, IAction action)
          Perform a test to see if the given action will result in the action's agent being in check.

Uses of IAction in

Classes in that implement IAction
 class CastleAction
          Provides an agent action for castle movement of a chess King and Rook.
 class EnPassantCaptureAction
          Provides an action for en passant capture by a Pawn.
 class PawnPromotionAction
          Provides an action for promotion of a pawn when moving from a position to another position.
 class PawnPromotionCaptureAction
          Provides an action for promotion of a pawn when from a position to another position.

Methods in with parameters of type IAction
 void CastleActionPool.release(IAction action)
          Return an instance to the reusable object pool.
 void EnPassantCaptureActionPool.release(IAction action)
          Return an instance to the reusable object pool.
 void PawnPromotionActionPool.release(IAction action)
          Return an instance to the reusable object pool.
 void PawnPromotionCaptureActionPool.release(IAction action)
          Return an instance to the reusable object pool.

Uses of IAction in

Classes in that implement IAction
 class DiscardAction
          Provides a discard action for card games in the game framework.
 class DrawAction
          Provides a draw action for card games in the game framework.
 class TakeDiscardAction
          Provides a discard action for card games in the game framework.

Methods in with parameters of type IAction
 void AbstractCardTable.performAction(IAction action)
          Perform the given action.
 void AbstractCardTable.undoAction(IAction action)
          Undo the given action.

Uses of IAction in

Methods in that return IAction
 IAction ActionReceivedEvent.getAction()
          Return the action.
 IAction StateEvent.getAction()
          Return the action.

Methods in with parameters of type IAction
 void ActionReceivedManager.fireActionReceivedChange(IAction action)
          Fire an action received event with the given parameter.
 void StateManager.fireStateChange(IEnvironment source, IAction action)
          Fire a state event with the given parameter.

Constructors in with parameters of type IAction
ActionReceivedEvent(IAction action)
          Construct this object with the given parameter.
StateEvent(IEnvironment source, IAction action)
          Construct this object with the given parameter.

Uses of IAction in

Methods in that return IAction
 IAction SearchAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment using the given adjudicator.
 IAction TranspositionEntry.getBestMove()
protected abstract  IAction AbstractSearch.performSearch(IAgent agent, IAgent opponent, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator, IEvaluator evaluator, IActionGenerator actionGenerator, int maxDepth, int depth, int alpha, int beta, IAction parentAction)
          Perform a search using the given parameters.
protected  IAction AlphaBetaSearch.performSearch(IAgent agent, IAgent opponent, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator, IEvaluator evaluator, IActionGenerator actionGenerator, int maxDepth, int depth, int alpha, int beta, IAction parentAction)
          Perform a search using the given parameters.
protected  IAction NegamaxSearch.performSearch(IAgent agent, IAgent opponent, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator, IEvaluator evaluator, IActionGenerator actionGenerator, int maxDepth, int depth, int alpha, int beta, IAction parentAction)
          Perform a search using the given parameters.
 IAction agent, IAgent opponent, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator, IEvaluator evaluator, IActionGenerator actionGenerator, int maxDepth, int depth)
 IAction agent, IAgent opponent, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator, IEvaluator evaluator, IActionGenerator actionGenerator, int maxDepth, int depth)
          Perform a search using the given parameters.

Methods in with parameters of type IAction
 void TranspositionTable.add(String key, int depth, int type, int value, IAction bestMove)
          Create a new entry using the given parameters and add it to the table.
protected abstract  IAction AbstractSearch.performSearch(IAgent agent, IAgent opponent, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator, IEvaluator evaluator, IActionGenerator actionGenerator, int maxDepth, int depth, int alpha, int beta, IAction parentAction)
          Perform a search using the given parameters.
protected  IAction AlphaBetaSearch.performSearch(IAgent agent, IAgent opponent, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator, IEvaluator evaluator, IActionGenerator actionGenerator, int maxDepth, int depth, int alpha, int beta, IAction parentAction)
          Perform a search using the given parameters.
protected  IAction NegamaxSearch.performSearch(IAgent agent, IAgent opponent, IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator, IEvaluator evaluator, IActionGenerator actionGenerator, int maxDepth, int depth, int alpha, int beta, IAction parentAction)
          Perform a search using the given parameters.

Constructors in with parameters of type IAction
TranspositionEntry(String key, int depth, int type, int value, IAction bestMove)
          Construct this object using the given parameters.

Uses of IAction in

Methods in with parameters of type IAction
 void AbstractSimulationEnvironment.performAction(IAction action)
          Perform the given action.
 void AbstractSimulationEnvironment.undoAction(IAction action)
          Undo the given action.

Uses of IAction in

Methods in that return IAction
protected  IAction MovementMouseAgent.createAction(IEnvironment environment)
          Create the appropriate action.
protected  IAction PlacementMouseAgent.createAction(IEnvironment environment)
          Create the appropriate action.
 IAction MovementMouseAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
 IAction MovementTextAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
 IAction PlacementMouseAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.
 IAction PlacementTextAgent.getAction(IEnvironment environment, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the action determined through consideration of the given environment and the given adjudicator.

Uses of IAction in

Methods in that return IAction
protected  IAction MouseAgent.createAction(IEnvironment environment)
          Create the appropriate action.

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