Uses of Interface

Packages that use IToken
org.vizzini.example.pong Provides pong classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui Provides Qubic user interface classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui Provides tic-tac-toe user interface classes for the game framework. Provides core game classes for the game framework. Provides core game classes for board games in the game framework. Provides core chess game classes for the game framework. Provides standard token classes for the 3D chess framework. Provides core game classes for card games in the game framework. Provides simulation classes for games in the game framework. Provides core game user interface classes for the game framework. Provides board game user interface classes for the game framework. Provides user interface classes for 3D chess for the game framework. Provides simulation user interface classes for the game framework. 

Uses of IToken in org.vizzini.example.pong

Classes in org.vizzini.example.pong that implement IToken
 class Ball
          Provides a ball for Pong.
 class Paddle
          Provides a paddle for Pong.

Uses of IToken in org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui

Methods in org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui that return IToken
 IToken BoxTokenUI.getToken()
          Return this token's agent.
 IToken ConeTokenUI.getToken()
          Return this token's agent.

Methods in org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui with parameters of type IToken
protected  Class GridBoardUISwing.getTokenUIClassFor(IToken token)
          Return the proper ITokenUI type for the given token.
 void BoxTokenUI.setToken(IToken token)
          Set the associated token.
 void ConeTokenUI.setToken(IToken token)
          Set the associated token.

Uses of IToken in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui

Methods in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui with parameters of type IToken
protected  ITokenUI GridBoardUISwing.createTokenUI(IToken token)
          Create a token user interface component for the given token.

Uses of IToken in

Classes in that implement IToken
 class AbstractToken
          Provides base functionality for tokens in the game framework.
 class DefaultToken
          Provides a default token for the game framework.

Methods in that return IToken
 IToken ITokenCollection.findByName(String name)
          Return the team with the given name.
 IToken TokenArrayCollection.findByName(String name)
          Return the token with the given name.
 IToken TokenCollection.findByName(String name)
          Return the team with the given name.
 IToken TokenPositionCollection.findByName(String name)
          Return the token with the given name.
 IToken ITokenCollection.get(Class tokenType, IAgent agent)
          Return the first token found of the given type belonging to the given agent.
 IToken TokenArrayCollection.get(Class tokenType, IAgent agent)
          Return the first token found of the given type belonging to the given agent.
 IToken TokenCollection.get(Class tokenType, IAgent agent)
          Return the first token found of the given type belonging to the given agent.
 IToken TokenArrayCollection.get(int file, int rank, int level)
          Return the token at the given position.
 IToken AbstractEnvironment.get(IPosition position)
          Return the token at the given position.
 IToken IEnvironment.get(IPosition position)
          Return the token at the given position.
 IToken ITokenCollection.get(IPosition position)
          Return the token at the given position.
 IToken TokenArrayCollection.get(IPosition position)
          Return the token at the given position.
 IToken TokenCollection.get(IPosition position)
          Return the token at the given position.
 IToken TokenPositionCollection.get(IPosition position)
          Return the token at the given position.

Methods in with parameters of type IToken
 void AbstractToken.copy(IToken token)
          Copy data from the given instance.
protected  int AbstractEvaluator.multiplier(IToken token, IAgent agent)
          Return the multiplier for a token from the given agent's perspective.

Uses of IToken in

Subinterfaces of IToken in
 interface IBoardGameToken
          Defines methods required by board game tokens in the game framework.

Classes in that implement IToken
 class DefaultBoardGameToken
          Provides a default token for the game framework.

Methods in that return IToken
 IToken AbstractGridBoard.get(int file, int rank, int level)
          Return the token at the given position.
 IToken IGridBoard.get(int file, int rank, int level)
          Return the token at the given position.

Methods in with parameters of type IToken
protected  int GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal.multiplier(IToken token, IAgent agent)
          Return the multiplier for a token from the given agent's perspective.
 void AbstractGridBoard.setToken(IntegerPosition position, IToken token)
          Set the token at the given position.
 void IGridBoard.setToken(IntegerPosition position, IToken token)
          Set the token at the given position.
 void AbstractGridBoard.setToken(int file, int rank, int level, IToken token)
          Set the token at the given position.
 void IGridBoard.setToken(int file, int rank, int level, IToken token)
          Set the token at the given position.

Uses of IToken in

Subinterfaces of IToken in
 interface IBishop
          Defines methods required by a Bishop in the 3D chess framework.
 interface IChessToken
          Defines methods required by 3D chess tokens.
 interface IKing
          Defines methods required by a King in the 3D chess framework.
 interface IKnight
          Defines methods required by a Knight in the 3D chess framework.
 interface IMace
          Defines methods required by a Mace (a.k.a Unicorn) in the 3D chess framework.
 interface IPawn
          Defines methods required by a Pawn in the 3D chess framework.
 interface IQueen
          Defines methods required by a Queen in the 3D chess framework.
 interface IRook
          Defines methods required by a Rook in the 3D chess framework.

Classes in that implement IToken
 class AbstractChessToken
          Provides base functionality for 2D and 3D chess tokens.

Methods in that return IToken
 IToken ChessTokenCollection.get(Class tokenType, IAgent agent0)
          Return the first token found of the given type belonging to the given agent.

Methods in with parameters of type IToken
 void AbstractChessToken.copy(IToken token)
          Copy data from the given instance.

Uses of IToken in

Classes in that implement IToken
 class Bishop
          Provides a Bishop for 3D chess.
 class King
          Provides a King for 3D chess.
 class Knight
          Provides a Knight for 3D chess.
 class Mace
          Provides a Mace for 3D chess.
 class Pawn
          Provides a Pawn for 3D chess.
 class Queen
          Provides a Queen for 3D chess.
 class Rook
          Provides a Rook for 3D chess.

Uses of IToken in

Subinterfaces of IToken in
 interface ICard
          Defines methods required by a card for card games in the game framework.

Classes in that implement IToken
 class AbstractCard
          Provides a card for card games in the game framework.
 class PokerCard
          Provides a poker card for card games in the game framework.

Uses of IToken in

Subinterfaces of IToken in
 interface IPhysicalObject
          Defines methods required by a physical object.

Classes in that implement IToken
 class AbstractPhysicalObject
          Provides base functionality for a physical object.
 class DefaultPhysicalObject
          Provides a default physical object.

Uses of IToken in

Methods in that return IToken
 IToken AbstractTokenUISwing.getToken()
          Return the token.
 IToken AbstractTokenUIText.getToken()
          Return this token's agent.
 IToken ITokenUI.getToken()
          Return the token.
 IToken TokenUISupport.getToken()
          Return the token.

Methods in with parameters of type IToken
 void AbstractTokenUISwing.setToken(IToken token)
          Set the associated token.
 void AbstractTokenUIText.setToken(IToken token)
          Set the associated token.
 void ITokenUI.setToken(IToken token)
          Set the associated token.
 void TokenUISupport.setToken(IToken token)
          Set the associated token.

Uses of IToken in

Methods in with parameters of type IToken
protected  void GridBoard3DUISwing.createAndPlaceTokenUI(IToken token, Class type, int file, int rank, int level)
          Create and place a new token user interface component.
protected  void GridBoardUISwing.createAndPlaceTokenUI(IToken token, int file, int rank)
          Create and place a new token user interface component.
protected abstract  ITokenUI GridBoardUISwing.createTokenUI(IToken token)
          Create a token user interface component for the given token.
protected  ITokenUI GridBoard3DUISwing.createTokenUI(IToken token, Class type)
          Create a token user interface component for the given agent.
protected  Class DefaultGridBoard3DUISwing.getTokenUIClassFor(IToken token)
          Return the proper ITokenUI type for the given token.
protected abstract  Class GridBoard3DUISwing.getTokenUIClassFor(IToken token)
          Return the proper ITokenUI type for the given token.

Uses of IToken in

Methods in that return IToken
 IToken PieceShape.getToken()
          Return this token's agent.

Methods in with parameters of type IToken
protected  ITokenUI AbstractGridBoardUISwing.createTokenUI(IToken token, Class type)
          Create a token user interface component for the given agent.
protected  Class AbstractGridBoardUISwing.getTokenUIClassFor(IToken token)
          Return the proper ITokenUI type for the given token.
 void PieceShape.setToken(IToken token)
          Set the associated token.

Uses of IToken in

Methods in that return IToken
 IToken EllipsoidTokenUI.getToken()
          Return this token's agent.

Methods in with parameters of type IToken
protected  ITokenUI AbstractSimEnvironmentUISwing.getTokenUIFor(IToken token)
          Return the ITokenUI for the given token.
 void EllipsoidTokenUI.setToken(IToken token)
          Set the associated token.

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