Uses of Class

Packages that use IntegerPosition
org.vizzini.example.ant Provides core game classes for the game framework. Provides core game classes for board games in the game framework. Provides action classes for board games in the game framework. Provides core chess game classes for the game framework. Provides action classes for the 3D chess framework. Provides standard token classes for the 3D chess framework. Provides board game user interface classes for the game framework. 

Uses of IntegerPosition in org.vizzini.example.ant

Methods in org.vizzini.example.ant that return IntegerPosition
 IntegerPosition AntContext.getPosition()
          Return position.

Uses of IntegerPosition in

Methods in that return IntegerPosition
static IntegerPosition IntegerPosition.get()
          Return an integer position with coordinates ( 0, 0, 0 ).
static IntegerPosition IntegerPosition.get(int x, int y)
          Return an integer position with coordinates ( x, y, 0 ).
static IntegerPosition IntegerPosition.get(int x, int y, int z)
          Return an integer position for the given coordinates.
 IntegerPosition ConfigUtilities.getIntegerPositionProperty(Properties properties, String propertyName)
          Return the required value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
 IntegerPosition ConfigUtilities.getIntegerPositionProperty(Properties properties, String propertyName, boolean isRequired)
          Return the value specified by the given property name from the given properties.
static IntegerPosition IntegerPosition.parsePosition(String string)
          Parse the given string to create an IntegerPosition.

Methods in with parameters of type IntegerPosition
 void TokenArrayCollection.move(IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Move a token from the given position to the new position.

Uses of IntegerPosition in

Methods in that return IntegerPosition
 IntegerPosition GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal.getPosition()
 IntegerPosition AbstractGridBoard.indexToPosition(int index)
          Return the position computed from the given index.
 IntegerPosition GridBoardSupport.indexToPosition(int index)
          Return the position computed from the given index.
 IntegerPosition IGridBoard.indexToPosition(int index)
          Return the position computed from the given index.

Methods in with parameters of type IntegerPosition
protected  int WeightedEvaluator.getWeight(IntegerPosition position, int fileCount, int rankCount)
          Return the weight for the given grid position.
 boolean AbstractGridBoard.isPositionUsable(IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given position is usable.
 boolean IGridBoard.isPositionUsable(IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given position is usable.
 int AbstractGridBoard.positionToIndex(IntegerPosition position)
          Return the index computed from the given position.
 int GridBoardSupport.positionToIndex(IntegerPosition position)
          Return the index computed from the given position.
 int IGridBoard.positionToIndex(IntegerPosition position)
          Return the index computed from the given position.
 void GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal.setPosition(IntegerPosition position)
 void AbstractGridBoard.setToken(IntegerPosition position, IToken token)
          Set the token at the given position.
 void IGridBoard.setToken(IntegerPosition position, IToken token)
          Set the token at the given position.

Constructors in with parameters of type IntegerPosition
GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal(IntegerPosition position)
          Construct this object with the given parameter.

Uses of IntegerPosition in

Methods in that return IntegerPosition
 IntegerPosition AbstractMoveAction.getFromPosition()
 IntegerPosition IMoveAction.getFromPosition()
 IntegerPosition MoveCaptureAction.getFromPosition()
 IntegerPosition AbstractGridBoardAction.getToPosition()
 IntegerPosition IGridBoardAction.getToPosition()
 IntegerPosition MoveCaptureAction.getToPosition()

Methods in with parameters of type IntegerPosition
 RemoveAction RemoveActionPool.acquire(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position)
          Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
 PlaceAction PlaceActionPool.acquire(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position, Class tokenClass)
          Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
 MoveAction MoveActionPool.acquire(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
 MoveCaptureAction MoveCaptureActionPool.acquire(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
static RemoveAction RemoveAction.get(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position)
          Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
static PlaceAction PlaceAction.get(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position, Class tokenClass)
          Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
static MoveAction MoveAction.get(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
static MoveCaptureAction MoveCaptureAction.get(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
 IGridBoardAction BoardGameActionFactory.getAction(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position)
          Return an action appropriate for the given parameters.
 IGridBoardAction BoardGameActionFactory.getAction(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position, Class tokenClass)
          Return an action appropriate for the given parameters.
 IGridBoardAction BoardGameActionFactory.getAction(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return an action appropriate for the given parameters.
protected  void RemoveAction.set(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position)
          Set parameters on this object.
protected  void PlaceAction.set(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position, Class tokenClass)
          Set parameters on this object.
protected  void MoveAction.set(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Set parameters on this object.
protected  void MoveCaptureAction.set(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Set parameters on this object.
protected  void AbstractMoveAction.setFromPosition(IntegerPosition position)
          Set the from position.
protected  void AbstractGridBoardAction.setToPosition(IntegerPosition position)
          Set the to position.

Constructors in with parameters of type IntegerPosition
AbstractMoveAction(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition)
          Construct this object.
MoveAction(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Construct this object.
MoveCaptureAction(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Construct this object.
PlaceAction(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position, Class tokenClass)
          Construct this object.
RemoveAction(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position)
          Construct this object.

Uses of IntegerPosition in

Methods in that return IntegerPosition
 IntegerPosition AbstractChessEnvironment.getInitialKingPosition(boolean isWhite)
          Return the initial king position.
 IntegerPosition IChessEnvironment.getInitialKingPosition(boolean isWhite)
          Return the initial King position.
 IntegerPosition AbstractChessEnvironment.getInitialKingsRookPosition(boolean isWhite)
          Return the initial king's rook position.
 IntegerPosition IChessEnvironment.getInitialKingsRookPosition(boolean isWhite)
          Return the initial King's rook position.
 IntegerPosition AbstractChessEnvironment.getInitialQueensRookPosition(boolean isWhite)
          Return the initial queen's rook position.
 IntegerPosition IChessEnvironment.getInitialQueensRookPosition(boolean isWhite)
          Return the initial Queen's rook position.

Methods in with parameters of type IntegerPosition
protected  void AbstractChessToken.addCastleActions(List list, IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IChessAdjudicator adjudicator, IntegerPosition kingFromPosition, BitSet toBits)
          Add castle actions using the given parameters.
protected  void AbstractChessToken.addEnPassantCaptureActions(List list, IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IChessAdjudicator adjudicator, IntegerPosition fromPosition, BitSet toBits)
          Add en passant capture actions using the given parameters.
protected  void AbstractChessToken.addMoveActions(List list, IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IChessAdjudicator adjudicator, IntegerPosition fromPosition, BitSet toBits)
          Add move actions using the given parameters.
protected  void AbstractChessToken.addMoveCaptureActions(List list, IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IChessAdjudicator adjudicator, IntegerPosition fromPosition, BitSet toBits)
          Add move capture actions using the given parameters.
protected  void AbstractChessToken.addPawnPromotionActions(List list, IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IChessAdjudicator adjudicator, IntegerPosition fromPosition, BitSet toBits, Class tokenClass)
          Add pawn promotion actions using the given parameters.
protected  void AbstractChessToken.addPawnPromotionCaptureActions(List list, IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IChessAdjudicator adjudicator, IntegerPosition fromPosition, BitSet toBits, Class tokenClass)
          Add pawn promotion capture actions using the given parameters.
 IGridBoardAction ChessAgentSupport.createCastleAction(IChessAgent agent, IChessEnvironment environment, IntegerPosition kingFromPos, IntegerPosition kingToPos)
          Create a new castle action using the given parameters.
protected  IGridBoardAction ChessAgentSupport.createCastleAction(IChessAgent agent, IChessEnvironment environment, IntegerPosition kingFromPos, IntegerPosition rookFromPos, boolean isKingSide)
          Create a new castle agent action using the given parameters.
protected  IAction AbstractChessToken.createCastleAction(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAdjudicator adjudicator, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition kingFromPosition, IntegerPosition kingToPosition, IntegerPosition rookFromPosition, IntegerPosition rookToPosition)
          Create a castle action for the given parameters.
protected  IAction AbstractChessToken.createEnPassantCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAdjudicator adjudicator, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition capturePosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Create an en passant capture action for the given parameters.
protected  IAction AbstractChessToken.createMoveAction(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAdjudicator adjudicator, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Create a move action for the given parameters.
protected  IAction AbstractChessToken.createMoveCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAdjudicator adjudicator, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Create a move capture action for the given parameters.
protected  IAction AbstractChessToken.createPawnPromotionAction(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAdjudicator adjudicator, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition, Class tokenClass)
          Create a pawn promotion action for the given parameters.
protected  IAction AbstractChessToken.createPawnPromotionCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAdjudicator adjudicator, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition, Class tokenClass)
          Create a pawn promotion capture action for the given parameters.
 List AbstractChessEnvironment.getHintPositionsFor(IntegerPosition position, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the hint positions for the given position.
 List IChessEnvironment.getHintPositionsFor(IntegerPosition position, IAdjudicator adjudicator)
          Return the hint positions for the given position.
protected  boolean ChessAdjudicator.isActionLegal0(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean IPawn.isAttackPosition(IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given position is an attack move for this.
protected  boolean ChessAdjudicator.isCaptureActionLegal0(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean ChessAdjudicator.isCastleActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition kingFromPosition, IntegerPosition kingToPosition, IntegerPosition rookFromPosition, IntegerPosition rookToPosition)
          Return true if the given castle agent action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean IChessAdjudicator.isCastleActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition kingFromPosition, IntegerPosition kingToPosition, IntegerPosition rookFromPosition, IntegerPosition rookToPosition)
          Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean ChessAdjudicator.isEnPassantCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition capturePosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean IChessAdjudicator.isEnPassantCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition capturePosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
protected  boolean ChessAdjudicator.isEnPassantPositions(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition capturePosition)
          Return true if the given positions are correct for en passant capture.
 boolean AbstractChessEnvironment.isInitialPosition(Class tokenClass, ITeam team, IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given coordinates are the initial position for a Pawn.
 boolean IChessEnvironment.isInitialPosition(Class tokenClass, ITeam team, IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given coordinates are the initial position for a token of the given class.
 boolean ChessAdjudicator.isInPawnPromotionRange(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition toPosition, boolean isWhite)
          Return true if the given position is in pawn promotion range for the given board and team.
 boolean IChessAdjudicator.isInPawnPromotionRange(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition toPosition, boolean isWhite)
          Return true if the given position is in pawn promotion range for the given board and team.
 boolean AbstractChessEnvironment.isKingsSide(IntegerPosition rookPos, IntegerPosition kingPos)
          Return true if the given Rook position is King's side.
 boolean ChessAdjudicator.isMoveActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean IChessAdjudicator.isMoveActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean ChessAdjudicator.isMoveCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean IChessAdjudicator.isMoveCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
protected  boolean ChessAdjudicator.isMoveCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition, boolean isCheckTested)
          Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
protected  boolean ChessAdjudicator.isNonCaptureActionLegal0(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
protected  boolean ChessAdjudicator.isPathClear(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition from, IntegerPosition to)
          Return true if the linear path is clear between the given positions.
 boolean AbstractChessEnvironment.isPawnInitialPosition(ITeam team, IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given coordinates are the initial position for a Pawn.
 boolean IChessEnvironment.isPawnInitialPosition(ITeam team, IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given coordinates are the initial position for a Pawn.
 boolean ChessAdjudicator.isPawnPromotionActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean IChessAdjudicator.isPawnPromotionActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean ChessAdjudicator.isPawnPromotionCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean IChessAdjudicator.isPawnPromotionCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
protected  boolean ChessAdjudicator.isPawnPromotionCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition, boolean isCheckTested)
          Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment.
 boolean AbstractChessToken.isPossibleCastlePosition(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given position is possible for this token.
 boolean IKing.isPossibleCastlePosition(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given castle position is possible for this token.
 boolean AbstractChessToken.isPossibleEnPassantCapturePosition(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given position is possible for this token.
 boolean IPawn.isPossibleEnPassantCapturePosition(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given move capture position is possible for this token.
 boolean AbstractChessToken.isPossibleMoveCapturePosition(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given position is possible for this token.
 boolean IChessToken.isPossibleMoveCapturePosition(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given move capture position is possible for this token.
 boolean AbstractChessToken.isPossibleMovePosition(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given position is possible for this token.
 boolean IChessToken.isPossibleMovePosition(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given move position is possible for this token.
 boolean AbstractChessToken.isPossiblePawnPromotionCapturePosition(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given position is possible for this token.
 boolean IPawn.isPossiblePawnPromotionCapturePosition(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given pawn promotion capture position is possible for this token.
 boolean AbstractChessToken.isPossiblePawnPromotionPosition(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given position is possible for this token.
 boolean IPawn.isPossiblePawnPromotionPosition(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given pawn promotion position is possible for this token.
 void SliderTokenSupport.markBiaxialPositions(IChessEnvironment board, BitSet bitSet, IntegerPosition position)
          Mark all possible biaxial positions from the given position in the given bitset.
 void SliderTokenSupport.markTriaxialPositions(IChessEnvironment board, BitSet bitSet, IntegerPosition position)
          Mark all possible triaxial positions from the given position in the given bitset.
 void SliderTokenSupport.markUniaxialPositions(IChessEnvironment board, BitSet bitSet, IntegerPosition position)
          Mark all possible uniaxial positions from the given position in the given bitset.

Uses of IntegerPosition in

Methods in that return IntegerPosition
 IntegerPosition EnPassantCaptureAction.getCapturePosition()
 IntegerPosition CastleAction.getFromPosition()
 IntegerPosition EnPassantCaptureAction.getFromPosition()
 IntegerPosition PawnPromotionAction.getFromPosition()
 IntegerPosition PawnPromotionCaptureAction.getFromPosition()
 IntegerPosition CastleAction.getKingFromPosition()
 IntegerPosition CastleAction.getKingToPosition()
 IntegerPosition CastleAction.getRookFromPosition()
          Return the Rook from position.
 IntegerPosition CastleAction.getRookToPosition()
          Return the Rook to position.
 IntegerPosition CastleAction.getToPosition()
 IntegerPosition EnPassantCaptureAction.getToPosition()
 IntegerPosition PawnPromotionAction.getToPosition()
 IntegerPosition PawnPromotionCaptureAction.getToPosition()

Methods in with parameters of type IntegerPosition
 PawnPromotionAction PawnPromotionActionPool.acquire(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition, Class tokenClass)
          Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
 PawnPromotionCaptureAction PawnPromotionCaptureActionPool.acquire(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition, Class tokenClass)
          Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
 EnPassantCaptureAction EnPassantCaptureActionPool.acquire(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition capturePosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
 CastleAction CastleActionPool.acquire(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition kingFromPosition, IntegerPosition kingToPosition, IntegerPosition rookFromPosition, IntegerPosition rookToPosition)
          Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
static PawnPromotionAction PawnPromotionAction.get(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition, Class tokenClass)
          Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
static PawnPromotionCaptureAction PawnPromotionCaptureAction.get(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition, Class tokenClass)
          Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
static EnPassantCaptureAction EnPassantCaptureAction.get(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition capturePosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
static CastleAction CastleAction.get(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition kingFromPosition, IntegerPosition kingToPosition, IntegerPosition rookFromPosition, IntegerPosition rookToPosition)
          Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
 IGridBoardAction ChessActionFactory.getAction(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Create and return an action of the type appropriate to the state of the parameters.
 IGridBoardAction ChessActionFactory.getAction(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition kingFromPosition, IntegerPosition kingToPosition, IntegerPosition rookFromPosition, IntegerPosition rookToPosition)
          Create and return an action of the type appropriate to the state of the parameters.
protected  boolean ChessActionFactory.isPawnPromotionPossible(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return true if a pawn promotion is possible using the given parameters.
protected  void PawnPromotionAction.set(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition, Class tokenClass)
          Set parameters on this object.
protected  void PawnPromotionCaptureAction.set(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition, Class tokenClass)
          Set parameters on this object.
protected  void EnPassantCaptureAction.set(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition capturePosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Set parameters on this object.
protected  void CastleAction.set(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition kingFromPosition, IntegerPosition kingToPosition, IntegerPosition rookFromPosition, IntegerPosition rookToPosition)
          Set parameters on this object.

Constructors in with parameters of type IntegerPosition
CastleAction(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition kingFromPosition, IntegerPosition kingToPosition, IntegerPosition rookFromPosition, IntegerPosition rookToPosition)
          Construct this object with the given arguments.
EnPassantCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition capturePosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Construct this object.
PawnPromotionAction(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition, Class tokenClass)
          Construct this object.
PawnPromotionCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment board, IChessAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition, Class tokenClass)
          Construct this object.

Uses of IntegerPosition in

Methods in with parameters of type IntegerPosition
protected static void King.generatePossibleCastlePositions(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition kingFromPosition)
          Fill the possible positions list.
protected static void Bishop.generatePossiblePositions(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition position)
          Fill the possible positions list.
protected static void Mace.generatePossiblePositions(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition position)
          Fill the possible positions list.
protected static void Queen.generatePossiblePositions(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition position)
          Fill the possible positions list.
protected static void Rook.generatePossiblePositions(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition position)
          Fill the possible positions list.
 boolean Pawn.isAttackPosition(IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given position is an attack move for this.
protected static boolean Pawn.isInPromotionRange(IChessEnvironment board, IntegerPosition toPosition, boolean isWhite)
          Return true if this is in promotion range.

Uses of IntegerPosition in

Methods in that return IntegerPosition
 IntegerPosition BoardShape.getPositionForPoint(Point point)
          Map the screen coordinates to a board position.

Methods in with parameters of type IntegerPosition
protected  BoardShape GridBoard3DUISwing.getBoardUI(IntegerPosition position)
          Return the board which contains the given position.
 void AbstractGridBoardUISwing.highlightCurrentPosition(IntegerPosition position)
          Set the current position.
 void IGridBoardUISwing.highlightCurrentPosition(IntegerPosition position)
          Highlight the current position.
 void AbstractGridBoardUISwing.highlightLastMovePosition(IntegerPosition position)
          Highlight the given position.
 void IGridBoardUISwing.highlightLastMovePosition(IntegerPosition position)
          Highlight the given position.
 void AbstractGridBoardUISwing.highlightSelectedPosition(IntegerPosition selectedPosition)
          Set the selected position.
 void IGridBoardUISwing.highlightSelectedPosition(IntegerPosition position)
          Highlight the selected position.
protected  boolean AbstractGridBoardUISwing.isPositionUsable(IntegerPosition position)
          Return true if the given position is usable.

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