Uses of Class

Packages that use Quaternion
org.vizzini.example.solarsystem.ui Provides solar system user interface classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.math Provides math classes for the game framework. Provides board game user interface classes for the game framework. Provides simulation user interface classes for the game framework. Provides graphics classes for the game framework. Provides graphics shape classes for the game framework. 

Uses of Quaternion in org.vizzini.example.solarsystem.ui

Methods in org.vizzini.example.solarsystem.ui that return Quaternion
protected  Quaternion EnvironmentUISwing.getOrientation(IState state)
          Return the orientation using the given state.

Uses of Quaternion in org.vizzini.math

Fields in org.vizzini.math declared as Quaternion
static Quaternion Quaternion.ZERO
          Zero quaternion.

Methods in org.vizzini.math that return Quaternion
 Quaternion Quaternion.conjugate()
          Return a new Quaternion which is the conjugate of this.
 Quaternion DynamicState.getAngularAcceleration()
          Return the angular acceleration in radians time^-2 units.
 Quaternion IDynamicState.getAngularAcceleration()
          Return the angular acceleration in radians time^-2 units.
 Quaternion DynamicState.getAngularVelocity()
          Return the angular velocity in radians time^-1 units.
 Quaternion IDynamicState.getAngularVelocity()
          Return the angular velocity in radians time^-1 units.
 Quaternion DynamicState.getOrientation()
          Return the orientation quaternion.
 Quaternion IState.getOrientation()
          Return the orientation quaternion.
 Quaternion State.getOrientation()
          Return the orientation quaternion.
 Quaternion Quaternion.multiply(Quaternion q)
          Return a new Quaternion which is the result of multiplying this times the given quaternion.
 Quaternion Quaternion.opposite()
          Return a new Quaterion that represents the opposite direction to this.
static Quaternion Quaternion.parseQuaternion(String quaternionString)
          Parse the given string into a Quaternion.
 Quaternion Quaternion.subtract(Quaternion q0)
          Return a new quaterion which is the difference between this and the given quaternion.
 Quaternion Quaternion.unit()
          Return a new unitized instance of this.

Methods in org.vizzini.math with parameters of type Quaternion
 void DynamicState.addAngularAcceleration(Quaternion acceleration)
          Add an angular acceleration.
 void IDynamicState.addAngularAcceleration(Quaternion angularAcceleration)
          Add an angular acceleration.
 Quaternion Quaternion.multiply(Quaternion q)
          Return a new Quaternion which is the result of multiplying this times the given quaternion.
 void DynamicState.rotate(Quaternion rotation)
          Rotate using the given quaternion.
 void IState.rotate(Quaternion rotation)
          Rotate using the given quaternion.
 void State.rotate(Quaternion rotation)
          Rotate using the given quaternion.
 void DynamicState.setAngularAcceleration(Quaternion angularAcceleration)
          Set the angular acceleration.
 void IDynamicState.setAngularAcceleration(Quaternion angularAcceleration)
          Set the angular acceleration.
 void DynamicState.setAngularVelocity(Quaternion angularVelocity)
          Set the angular velocity.
 void IDynamicState.setAngularVelocity(Quaternion angularVelocity)
          Set the angular velocity.
 void DynamicState.setOrientation(Quaternion orientation)
          Set the orientation.
 void IState.setOrientation(Quaternion orientation)
          Set the orientation.
 void State.setOrientation(Quaternion orientation)
          Set the orientation.
 Quaternion Quaternion.subtract(Quaternion q0)
          Return a new quaterion which is the difference between this and the given quaternion.

Uses of Quaternion in

Methods in with parameters of type Quaternion
 void BoardShape.computeScreenPoints(Quaternion q, Vector v, double magnify, int offsetX, int offsetY, double d)
          Compute the points of this shape in screen coordinates.

Uses of Quaternion in

Methods in that return Quaternion
protected  Quaternion AbstractSimEnvironmentUISwing.getOrientation(IState state)
          Return the orientation using the given state.

Uses of Quaternion in

Methods in with parameters of type Quaternion
 void IShape.computeScreenPoints(Quaternion q, Vector v, double magnify, int offsetX, int offsetY, double d)
          Compute the points of this shape in screen coordinates.
 void ShapeGroup.computeScreenPoints(Quaternion q, Vector v, double magnify, int offsetX, int offsetY, double d)
          Compute the screen points of all the shapes.
 void ShapeSortList.computeScreenPoints(Quaternion q, Vector v, double magnify, int offsetX, int offsetY, double d)
          Compute the screen points for all shapes.
protected  void AbstractShapeCanvas.setQuaternion(Quaternion q)
          Set the current rotation quaternion.
protected  void ShapeCanvasJava3D.setQuaternion(Quaternion q)
          Set the current rotation quaternion.

Uses of Quaternion in

Methods in with parameters of type Quaternion
protected  Vector AbstractShape.computeScreenCenter(Quaternion q, Vector v, double magnify, int offsetX, int offsetY)
          Compute the center in screen coordinates.
protected  Vector Ellipse.computeScreenCenter(Quaternion q, Vector v, double magnify, int offsetX, int offsetY)
          Compute the center in screen coordinates.
 void AbstractShape.computeScreenPoints(Quaternion q, Vector v, double magnify, int offsetX, int offsetY, double d)
          Compute the points of this shape in screen coordinates.
 void ExtrudedShape.computeScreenPoints(Quaternion q, Vector v, double magnify, int offsetX, int offsetY, double d)
          Compute the points of this shape in screen coordinates.
 void PolygonShape.computeScreenPoints(Quaternion q, Vector v, double magnify, int offsetX, int offsetY, double d)
          Compute the points of this shape in screen coordinates.

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