Uses of Interface

Packages that use IComputerAgent
org.vizzini.example.gin Provides gin classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.pong Provides pong classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.tictactoe Provides tic-tac-toe classes for the game framework. Provides core game classes for the game framework. Provides core game classes for board games in the game framework. Provides core chess game classes for the game framework. Provides search classes for the game framework. 

Uses of IComputerAgent in org.vizzini.example.gin

Classes in org.vizzini.example.gin that implement IComputerAgent
 class SimpleComputerAgent
          Provides a computer agent for Gin which simply draws and discards his first card.

Uses of IComputerAgent in org.vizzini.example.pong

Classes in org.vizzini.example.pong that implement IComputerAgent
 class ComputerAgent
          Provides a computer agent for Pong.

Uses of IComputerAgent in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe

Methods in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe that return IComputerAgent
protected  IComputerAgent TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithm.createAgent0()
          Create agent 0.
protected  IComputerAgent TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP.createAgent0()
          Create agent 0.
protected  IComputerAgent TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithm.createAgent1()
          Create agent 1.
protected  IComputerAgent TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP.createAgent1()
          Create agent 1.

Methods in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe with parameters of type IComputerAgent
protected  void TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP.configureAgent(IComputerAgent agent, IChromosomeGP chromosome)
          Configure the given agent for play.
protected  void TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP.setAgent0(IComputerAgent agent)
          Set the first agent.
protected  void TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP.setAgent1(IComputerAgent agent)
          Set the second agent.

Uses of IComputerAgent in

Subinterfaces of IComputerAgent in
 interface ISearchAgent
          Defines methods required by computer agents which uses an AI search algorithm to determine the best action.

Classes in that implement IComputerAgent
 class AbstractComputerAgent
          Provides base functionality for computer agents in the game framework.

Uses of IComputerAgent in

Classes in that implement IComputerAgent
 class AbstractSimpleAgent
          Provides base functionality for a simple computer agent in the game framework.
 class EvaluatedPlacementAgent
          Provides a computer agent which chooses the placement action which provides the highest evaluated environment.
 class SimplePlacementAgent
          Provides a simple computer agent which creates a placement action for the first empty position found on a grid board.

Methods in that return IComputerAgent
protected abstract  IComputerAgent AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm.createAgent0()
          Create agent 0.
protected abstract  IComputerAgent AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm.createAgent1()
          Create agent 0.

Methods in with parameters of type IComputerAgent
protected  void AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm.configureAgent(IComputerAgent agent, IChromosome chromosome)
          Configure the given agent for play.
protected  void AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm.setAgent0(IComputerAgent agent)
          Set the first agent.
protected  void AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm.setAgent1(IComputerAgent agent)
          Set the second agent.

Uses of IComputerAgent in

Classes in that implement IComputerAgent
 class AbstractChessComputerAgent
          Provides base functionality for computer agents for 3D chess.
 class SearchChessAgent
          Provides a computer agent for 3D chess.
 class SimpleChessAgent
          Provides a computer agent for 3D chess.

Uses of IComputerAgent in

Classes in that implement IComputerAgent
 class SearchAgent
          Provides a computer agent which uses an AI search algorithm to determine the best action.

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