Uses of Interface

Packages that use ITreeNode Provides genetic programming classes for the game framework. Provides genetic programming function classes for the game framework. Provides genetic programming terminal classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.ant Provides core game classes for board games in the game framework. 
org.vizzini.util.tree Provides tree utility classes for the game framework. 

Uses of ITreeNode in

Subinterfaces of ITreeNode in
 interface IFunction
          Defines methods required by a function in genetic programming.
 interface INode
          Defines methods required by a node in genetic programming.
 interface ITerminal
          Defines methods required by a terminal in genetic programming.

Classes in that implement ITreeNode
 class AbstractNode
          Provides base functionality for a node in genetic programming.

Uses of ITreeNode in

Classes in that implement ITreeNode
 class AbsoluteValue
          Provides an absolute value function in genetic programming.
 class AbstractArithmeticFunction
          Provides base functionality for an arithmetic function in genetic programming.
 class AbstractBooleanFunction
          Provides base functionality for a boolean function in genetic programming.
 class AbstractComparisonFunction
          Provides base functionality for a comparison function in genetic programming.
 class AbstractFunction
          Provides base functionality for a function in genetic programming.
 class AbstractMathematicFunction
          Provides base functionality for a mathematical function in genetic programming.
 class AbstractSequenceFunction
          Provides base functionality for a sequence function in genetic programming.
 class Add
          Provides an addition function in genetic programming.
 class And
          Provides an and function in genetic programming.
 class Divide
          Provides a division function in genetic programming.
 class GreaterThan
          Provides a greater than function for genetic programming.
 class GreaterThanDouble
          Provides a greater than function for genetic programming.
 class If
          Provides an If function in genetic programming.
 class Multiply
          Provides a multiplication function in genetic programming.
 class Not
          Provides a not function in genetic programming.
 class Or
          Provides an or function in genetic programming.
 class Sequence1Function
          Provides a sequence of one argument.
 class Sequence2Function
          Provides a sequence of two arguments.
 class Sequence3Function
          Provides a sequence of three arguments.
 class Subtract
          Provides a subtraction function in genetic programming.

Methods in with parameters of type ITreeNode
 void AbstractFunction.add(ITreeNode treeNode)
          Add the given child.

Uses of ITreeNode in

Classes in that implement ITreeNode
 class AbstractTerminal
          Provides base functionality for a terminal in genetic programming.
 class ConstantDoubleTerminal
          Provides a double ephemeral random constant terminal in genetic programming.
 class ConstantIntTerminal
          Provides an integer ephemeral random constant terminal in genetic programming.
 class DefaultTerminal
          Provides a default implementation for a terminal in genetic programming.
 class InputTerminal
          Provides a state variable terminal in genetic programming.
 class StateVariableTerminal
          Provides a state variable terminal in genetic programming.

Uses of ITreeNode in org.vizzini.example.ant

Classes in org.vizzini.example.ant that implement ITreeNode
(package private)  class AbstractAntTerminal
 class IfFoodAheadFunction
          Provides a function to determine if there is food in the cell ahead of the ant.
 class LeftTerminal
          Provides a left terminal for the ant example.
 class MoveTerminal
          Provides a move terminal for the ant example.
 class RightTerminal
          Provides a right terminal for the ant example.

Uses of ITreeNode in

Classes in that implement ITreeNode
 class GridBoardEvaluatorTerminal
          Provides a genetic programming terminal to assist in evaluating a grid board.

Uses of ITreeNode in org.vizzini.util.tree

Classes in org.vizzini.util.tree that implement ITreeNode
 class AbstractTreeNode
          Provides base functionality for a tree node.
 class DefaultTreeNode
          Provides a default implementation of a tree node.

Methods in org.vizzini.util.tree that return ITreeNode
protected  ITreeNode[] ArrayTreeNodeCollection.deepClone(ITreeNode[] nodes)
          Create a new List which contains clones of the items in the given list.
 ITreeNode AbstractTreeNodeCollection.get(int index)
          Return the child at the given index.
 ITreeNode ArrayTreeNodeCollection.get(int index)
          Return the child at the given index.
 ITreeNode ITreeNodeCollection.get(int index)
          Return the child at the given index.
 ITreeNode AbstractTreeNode.getChildAt(int index)
          Returns the child at the specified index in this node's child array.
 ITreeNode ITreeNode.getChildAt(int index)
          Returns the child at the specified index in this node's child array.
 ITreeNode AbstractTreeNode.getFirstChild()
          Returns this node's first child.
 ITreeNode ITreeNode.getFirstChild()
          Returns this node's first child.
 ITreeNode AbstractTreeNode.getFirstLeaf()
          Finds and returns the first leaf that is a descendant of this node -- either this node or its first child's first leaf.
 ITreeNode ITreeNode.getFirstLeaf()
          Finds and returns the first leaf that is a descendant of this node -- either this node or its first child's first leaf.
 ITreeNode AbstractTreeNode.getLastChild()
          Returns this node's last child.
 ITreeNode ITreeNode.getLastChild()
          Returns this node's last child.
 ITreeNode AbstractTreeNode.getLastLeaf()
          Finds and returns the last leaf that is a descendant of this node -- either this node or its last child's last leaf.
 ITreeNode ITreeNode.getLastLeaf()
          Finds and returns the last leaf that is a descendant of this node -- either this node or its last child's last leaf.
 ITreeNode AbstractTreeNode.getNextSibling()
          Return the sibling after this.
 ITreeNode ITreeNode.getNextSibling()
          Return the sibling after this.
 ITreeNode[] ArrayTreeNodeCollection.getNodes()
 ITreeNode AbstractTreeNode.getParent()
          Returns this node's parent or null if this node has no parent.
 ITreeNode ITreeNode.getParent()
          Returns this node's parent or null if this node has no parent.
 ITreeNode[] AbstractTreeNode.getPath()
          Returns the path from the root, to get to this node.
 ITreeNode[] ITreeNode.getPath()
          Returns the path from the root, to get to this node.
 ITreeNode AbstractTreeNode.getRoot()
          Returns the root of the tree that contains this node.
 ITreeNode ITreeNode.getRoot()
          Returns the root of the tree that contains this node.
 ITreeNode file)
          Read a tree node from the given file.
 ITreeNode inputStream)
          Read a tree node from the given input stream.
 ITreeNode filename)
          Read a tree node from the given file.
 ITreeNode AbstractTreeNodeCollection.remove(int index)
          Remove the object at the given index.
 ITreeNode ArrayTreeNodeCollection.remove(int index)
          Remove the object at the given index.
 ITreeNode ITreeNodeCollection.remove(int index)
          Remove the object at the given index.
 ITreeNode AbstractTreeNodeCollection.set(int index, ITreeNode child)
          Set the given object at the given index.
 ITreeNode ArrayTreeNodeCollection.set(int index, ITreeNode child)
          Set the given object at the given index.
 ITreeNode ITreeNodeCollection.set(int index, ITreeNode child)
          Set the given object at the given index.
 ITreeNode[] AbstractTreeNodeCollection.toArray()
          Return an array representation of this collection.
 ITreeNode[] ArrayTreeNodeCollection.toArray()
          Return an array representation of this collection.
 ITreeNode[] ITreeNodeCollection.toArray()
          Return an array representation of this collection.
 ITreeNode[] AbstractTreeNodeCollection.toArray(ITreeNode[] nodes)
          Return an array representation of this collection.
 ITreeNode[] ArrayTreeNodeCollection.toArray(ITreeNode[] nodes)
          Return an array representation of this collection.
 ITreeNode[] ITreeNodeCollection.toArray(ITreeNode[] nodes)
          Return an array representation of this collection.

Methods in org.vizzini.util.tree with parameters of type ITreeNode
 void AbstractTreeNodeCollection.add(int index, ITreeNode child)
          Add the given child at the given index.
 void ArrayTreeNodeCollection.add(int index, ITreeNode child)
          Add the given child at the given index.
 void ITreeNodeCollection.add(int index, ITreeNode child)
          Add the given child at the given index.
 void AbstractTreeNode.add(ITreeNode treeNode)
          Removes newChild from its parent and makes it a child of this node by adding it to the end of this node's child array.
 boolean AbstractTreeNodeCollection.add(ITreeNode child)
          Add the given child.
 boolean ArrayTreeNodeCollection.add(ITreeNode child)
          Add the given child.
 void ITreeNode.add(ITreeNode treeNode)
          Removes newChild from its parent and makes it a child of this node by adding it to the end of this node's child array.
 boolean ITreeNodeCollection.add(ITreeNode child)
          Add the given child.
 boolean AbstractTreeNodeCollection.contains(ITreeNode treeNode)
          Return true if this contains the given node.
 boolean ArrayTreeNodeCollection.contains(ITreeNode treeNode)
          Return true if this contains the given node.
 boolean ITreeNodeCollection.contains(ITreeNode treeNode)
          Return true if this contains the given node.
protected  ITreeNode[] ArrayTreeNodeCollection.deepClone(ITreeNode[] nodes)
          Create a new List which contains clones of the items in the given list.
 int AbstractTreeNode.getIndex(ITreeNode treeNode)
          Returns the index of the specified child in this node's child array.
 int ITreeNode.getIndex(ITreeNode treeNode)
          Returns the index of the specified child in this node's child array.
 int AbstractTreeNodeCollection.indexOf(ITreeNode treeNode)
          Return the index of the given node.
 int ArrayTreeNodeCollection.indexOf(ITreeNode treeNode)
          Return the index of the given node.
 int ITreeNodeCollection.indexOf(ITreeNode treeNode)
          Return the index of the given node.
 void AbstractTreeNode.insert(ITreeNode treeNode, int index)
          Removes treeNode from its present parent (if it has a parent), sets the child's parent to this node, and then adds the child to this node's child array at index childIndex.
 void ITreeNode.insert(ITreeNode treeNode, int index)
          Removes treeNode from its present parent (if it has a parent), sets the child's parent to this node, and then adds the child to this node's child array at index childIndex.
 void AbstractTreeNode.remove(ITreeNode treeNode)
          Removes treeNode from this node's child array, giving it a null parent.
 boolean AbstractTreeNodeCollection.remove(ITreeNode child)
          Remove the given child.
 boolean ArrayTreeNodeCollection.remove(ITreeNode child)
          Remove the given child.
 void ITreeNode.remove(ITreeNode treeNode)
          Removes treeNode from this node's child array, giving it a null parent.
 boolean ITreeNodeCollection.remove(ITreeNode child)
          Remove the given child.
 void treeNode, File file)
          Save the given tree node to the given file.
 void treeNode, OutputStream outputStream)
          Save the given tree node to the given output stream.
 void treeNode, String filename)
          Save the given tree node to the given file.
 ITreeNode AbstractTreeNodeCollection.set(int index, ITreeNode child)
          Set the given object at the given index.
 ITreeNode ArrayTreeNodeCollection.set(int index, ITreeNode child)
          Set the given object at the given index.
 ITreeNode ITreeNodeCollection.set(int index, ITreeNode child)
          Set the given object at the given index.
 void ArrayTreeNodeCollection.setNodes(ITreeNode[] nodes)
 void AbstractTreeNode.setParent(ITreeNode parent)
          Sets this node's parent to parent but does not change the parent's child array.
 void ITreeNode.setParent(ITreeNode parent)
          Sets this node's parent to parent but does not change the parent's child array.
 ITreeNode[] AbstractTreeNodeCollection.toArray(ITreeNode[] nodes)
          Return an array representation of this collection.
 ITreeNode[] ArrayTreeNodeCollection.toArray(ITreeNode[] nodes)
          Return an array representation of this collection.
 ITreeNode[] ITreeNodeCollection.toArray(ITreeNode[] nodes)
          Return an array representation of this collection.
 void DotVisitor.visit(ITreeNode treeNode0)
          Visit the given tree node.
 void IVisitor.visit(ITreeNode treeNode)
          Visit the given tree node.
 void ToStringVisitor.visit(ITreeNode treeNode)
          Visit the given tree node.

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