Uses of Interface

Packages that use IGridBoardUI
org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui Provides Qubic user interface classes for the game framework. Provides board game user interface classes for the game framework. Provides user interface classes for 3D chess for the game framework. 

Uses of IGridBoardUI in org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui

Classes in org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui that implement IGridBoardUI
 class GridBoardUISwing
          Provides functionality for a Swing 3D Qubic grid board environment user interface in the game framework.

Uses of IGridBoardUI in

Subinterfaces of IGridBoardUI in
 interface IGridBoard3DUISwing
          Defines methods required by grid board 3D environment user interfaces in the game framework.
 interface IGridBoardUISwing
          Defines methods required by grid board environment user interfaces in the game framework.

Classes in that implement IGridBoardUI
 class AbstractGridBoardUISwing
          Provides base functionality for Swing grid board environment user interfaces in the game framework.
 class DefaultGridBoard3DUISwing
          Provides a default implementation of a grid board 3D UI for Swing.
 class GridBoard3DUISwing
          Provides functionality for Swing 3D grid board environment user interfaces in the game framework.
 class GridBoardUIText
          Provides functionality for text grid board environment user interfaces in the game framework.

Uses of IGridBoardUI in

Classes in that implement IGridBoardUI
 class DefaultGridBoardUISwing
          Provides default functionality for Swing grid board user interfaces in the 3D chess framework.

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