Uses of Interface

Packages that use IVisitor
org.vizzini.util.tree Provides tree utility classes for the game framework. 

Uses of IVisitor in org.vizzini.util.tree

Classes in org.vizzini.util.tree that implement IVisitor
 class DotVisitor
          Provides a visitor which traverses a tree to build a Dot format string.
 class ToStringVisitor
          Provides a visitor which traverses a tree to accumulate the tree node strings.

Methods in org.vizzini.util.tree with parameters of type IVisitor
 void AbstractTreeNode.acceptBreadthFirst(IVisitor visitor)
          Accept the given visitor in a breadth first manner.
 void IVisitable.acceptBreadthFirst(IVisitor visitor)
          Accept the given visitor in a breadth first manner.
 void AbstractTreeNode.acceptDepthFirst(IVisitor visitor)
          Accept the given visitor in a depth first manner.
 void IVisitable.acceptDepthFirst(IVisitor visitor)
          Accept the given visitor in a depth first manner.

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