Uses of Class

Packages that use TextStyle
org.vizzini.ui Provides basic user interface classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.ui.table Provides core table user interface classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.ui.text Provides core text user interface classes for the game framework. 

Uses of TextStyle in org.vizzini.ui

Methods in org.vizzini.ui that return TextStyle
 TextStyle SortTable.deriveHeaderTextStyle()
          Derive a text style from this table's header's current settings.
 TextStyle SortTable.deriveTextStyle()
          Derive a text style from this table's current settings.

Methods in org.vizzini.ui with parameters of type TextStyle
 void SortTable.applyHeaderTextStyle(TextStyle textStyle)
          Apply the given text style to this table's header.
 void SortTable.applyTextStyle(TextStyle textStyle)
          Apply the given text style to this table.

Uses of TextStyle in org.vizzini.ui.table

Fields in org.vizzini.ui.table declared as TextStyle
static TextStyle TableStyle.DEFAULT_HEADER_TEXT_STYLE
          Default header text style.
static TextStyle TableStyle.DEFAULT_TEXT_STYLE
          Default text style.

Methods in org.vizzini.ui.table that return TextStyle
 TextStyle TableStyle.getHeaderTextStyle()
 TextStyle TableStyle.getTextStyle()

Methods in org.vizzini.ui.table with parameters of type TextStyle
 void TableStyle.setHeaderTextStyle(TextStyle headerTextStyle)
 void TableStyle.setTextStyle(TextStyle textStyle)

Constructors in org.vizzini.ui.table with parameters of type TextStyle
TableStyle(TextStyle headerTextStyle, TextStyle textStyle, Color gridColor, Color alternateRowColor)
          Construct this object with the given parameters.

Uses of TextStyle in org.vizzini.ui.text

Methods in org.vizzini.ui.text that return TextStyle
 TextStyle TextStylePreferences.fetch(String prefix, TextStyle defaultTextStyle)
          Store the given text style.
 TextStyle TextStyleChooser.getTextStyle()
          Return the text style.

Methods in org.vizzini.ui.text with parameters of type TextStyle
 TextStyle TextStylePreferences.fetch(String prefix, TextStyle defaultTextStyle)
          Store the given text style.
 void TextStyleChooser.setTextStyle(TextStyle textStyle)
          Set the color scheme.
 void prefix, TextStyle textStyle)
          Store the given text style.

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