Uses of Interface

Packages that use IDynamicState Provides simulation classes for games in the game framework. 
org.vizzini.math Provides math classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.math.ode Provides math classes for ordinary differential equations in the game framework. 

Uses of IDynamicState in

Methods in that return IDynamicState
protected  IDynamicState AbstractPhysicalObject.getMyState()
          Return the state.

Uses of IDynamicState in org.vizzini.math

Classes in org.vizzini.math that implement IDynamicState
 class DynamicState
          Provides dynamic state of an object.

Uses of IDynamicState in org.vizzini.math.ode

Methods in org.vizzini.math.ode that return IDynamicState
 IDynamicState DynamicStateODE.getDynamicState()

Methods in org.vizzini.math.ode with parameters of type IDynamicState
protected  void DynamicStateODE.setDynamicState(IDynamicState dynamicState)

Constructors in org.vizzini.math.ode with parameters of type IDynamicState
DynamicStateODE(IDynamicState dynamicState)
          Construct this object with the given parameter.

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