Uses of Interface

Packages that use IPosition Provides core game classes for the game framework. Provides simulation classes for games in the game framework. Provides board game user interface classes for the game framework. 

Uses of IPosition in

Classes in that implement IPosition
 class AbstractPosition
          Provides base functionality for positions in the game framework.
 class IntegerPosition
          Provides functionality for a position which represents 2D or 3D coordinates as integers in the game framework.
 class VectorPosition
          Provides a vector implementation of IPosition.

Methods in that return IPosition
 IPosition IntegerPosition.add(int x, int y, int z)
          Add the given position to this.
 IPosition IPosition.add(IPosition position)
          Add the given position to this.
 IPosition IntegerPosition.add(IPosition position)
          Add the given position to this.
 IPosition VectorPosition.add(IPosition position)
          Add the given position to this.
 IPosition AbstractToken.getPosition()
          Return the position.
 IPosition IToken.getPosition()
          Return the position.
 IPosition IntegerPosition.subtract(int x, int y, int z)
          Subtract the given position from this.
 IPosition IPosition.subtract(IPosition position)
          Subtract the given position from this.
 IPosition IntegerPosition.subtract(IPosition position)
          Subtract the given position from this.
 IPosition VectorPosition.subtract(IPosition position)
          Subtract the given position from this.

Methods in with parameters of type IPosition
 IPosition IPosition.add(IPosition position)
          Add the given position to this.
 IPosition IntegerPosition.add(IPosition position)
          Add the given position to this.
 IPosition VectorPosition.add(IPosition position)
          Add the given position to this.
 IToken AbstractEnvironment.get(IPosition position)
          Return the token at the given position.
 IToken IEnvironment.get(IPosition position)
          Return the token at the given position.
 IToken ITokenCollection.get(IPosition position)
          Return the token at the given position.
 IToken TokenArrayCollection.get(IPosition position)
          Return the token at the given position.
 IToken TokenCollection.get(IPosition position)
          Return the token at the given position.
 IToken TokenPositionCollection.get(IPosition position)
          Return the token at the given position.
 void AbstractToken.setPosition(IPosition position)
          Set the position.
 void IToken.setPosition(IPosition position)
          Set the position.
 IPosition IPosition.subtract(IPosition position)
          Subtract the given position from this.
 IPosition IntegerPosition.subtract(IPosition position)
          Subtract the given position from this.
 IPosition VectorPosition.subtract(IPosition position)
          Subtract the given position from this.

Uses of IPosition in

Methods in that return IPosition
 IPosition AbstractPhysicalObject.getPosition()
          Return the position.

Methods in with parameters of type IPosition
 void AbstractPhysicalObject.setPosition(IPosition position)
          Set the position.

Uses of IPosition in

Methods in that return IPosition
 IPosition HighlightData.getPosition()
          Return the position.
 IPosition GridBoard3DUISwing.getPositionForPoint(Point point)
          Map the screen coordinates to a board position.
 IPosition GridBoardUISwing.getPositionForPoint(Point point)
          Map the screen coordinates to a board position.
 IPosition IGridBoardUISwing.getPositionForPoint(Point point)
          Map the screen coordinates to a board position.

Methods in with parameters of type IPosition
 void HighlightData.setPosition(IPosition position)
          Set the position.

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