Packages that use IChessAgent | |
org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess | Provides core chess game classes for the game framework. |
org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action | Provides action classes for the 3D chess framework. |
org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken | Provides standard token classes for the 3D chess framework. |
org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess | Provides user interface classes for 3D chess for the game framework. |
Uses of IChessAgent in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess |
Classes in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess that implement IChessAgent | |
class |
Provides base functionality for computer agents for 3D chess. |
class |
Provides a computer agent for 3D chess. |
class |
Provides a computer agent for 3D chess. |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess that return IChessAgent | |
IChessAgent |
AbstractChessEnvironment.getAgent(boolean isWhite)
Return the proper agent for the given flag. |
IChessAgent |
IChessEnvironment.getAgent(boolean isWhite)
Return the proper agent for the given flag. |
IChessAgent |
Return the agent for the black team. |
IChessAgent |
Return the agent for the black team. |
IChessAgent |
Return the agent for the white team. |
IChessAgent |
Return the agent for the white team. |
IChessAgent |
AbstractChessEnvironment.getOpponent(IChessAgent agent)
Return the opposing agent to the given agent. |
IChessAgent |
IChessEnvironment.getOpponent(IChessAgent agent)
Return the opposing agent to the given agent. |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess with parameters of type IChessAgent | |
protected void |
AbstractChessToken.addCastleActions(List list,
IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IntegerPosition kingFromPosition,
BitSet toBits)
Add castle actions using the given parameters. |
protected void |
AbstractChessToken.addEnPassantCaptureActions(List list,
IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
BitSet toBits)
Add en passant capture actions using the given parameters. |
protected void |
AbstractChessToken.addMoveActions(List list,
IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
BitSet toBits)
Add move actions using the given parameters. |
protected void |
AbstractChessToken.addMoveCaptureActions(List list,
IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
BitSet toBits)
Add move capture actions using the given parameters. |
protected void |
AbstractChessToken.addPawnPromotionActions(List list,
IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
BitSet toBits,
Class tokenClass)
Add pawn promotion actions using the given parameters. |
protected void |
AbstractChessToken.addPawnPromotionCaptureActions(List list,
IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
BitSet toBits,
Class tokenClass)
Add pawn promotion capture actions using the given parameters. |
IGridBoardAction |
ChessAgentSupport.createCastleAction(IChessAgent agent,
IChessEnvironment environment,
IntegerPosition kingFromPos,
IntegerPosition kingToPos)
Create a new castle action using the given parameters. |
protected IGridBoardAction |
ChessAgentSupport.createCastleAction(IChessAgent agent,
IChessEnvironment environment,
IntegerPosition kingFromPos,
IntegerPosition rookFromPos,
boolean isKingSide)
Create a new castle agent action using the given parameters. |
protected IAction |
AbstractChessToken.createCastleAction(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition kingFromPosition,
IntegerPosition kingToPosition,
IntegerPosition rookFromPosition,
IntegerPosition rookToPosition)
Create a castle action for the given parameters. |
protected IAction |
AbstractChessToken.createEnPassantCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition capturePosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Create an en passant capture action for the given parameters. |
protected IAction |
AbstractChessToken.createMoveAction(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Create a move action for the given parameters. |
protected IAction |
AbstractChessToken.createMoveCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Create a move capture action for the given parameters. |
protected IAction |
AbstractChessToken.createPawnPromotionAction(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition,
Class tokenClass)
Create a pawn promotion action for the given parameters. |
protected IAction |
AbstractChessToken.createPawnPromotionCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition,
Class tokenClass)
Create a pawn promotion capture action for the given parameters. |
protected IChessToken |
AbstractChessEnvironment.createToken(IChessAgent agent)
Create a new token. |
IChessAgent |
AbstractChessEnvironment.getOpponent(IChessAgent agent)
Return the opposing agent to the given agent. |
IChessAgent |
IChessEnvironment.getOpponent(IChessAgent agent)
Return the opposing agent to the given agent. |
List |
ChessAgentSupport.getPossibleActions(IChessAgent agent,
IChessEnvironment environment,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator)
Return a list of possible agent actions. |
protected boolean |
ChessAdjudicator.isActionLegal0(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment. |
protected boolean |
ChessAdjudicator.isCaptureActionLegal0(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment. |
boolean |
ChessAdjudicator.isCastleActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition kingFromPosition,
IntegerPosition kingToPosition,
IntegerPosition rookFromPosition,
IntegerPosition rookToPosition)
Return true if the given castle agent action is legal in the given environment. |
boolean |
IChessAdjudicator.isCastleActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition kingFromPosition,
IntegerPosition kingToPosition,
IntegerPosition rookFromPosition,
IntegerPosition rookToPosition)
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment. |
boolean |
ChessAdjudicator.isEnPassantCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition capturePosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment. |
boolean |
IChessAdjudicator.isEnPassantCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition capturePosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment. |
boolean |
ChessAdjudicator.isInCheck(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent)
Return true if the given agent's King is in check. |
boolean |
IChessAdjudicator.isInCheck(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent)
Return true if the given agent's King is in check. |
boolean |
ChessAdjudicator.isInCheckmate(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent)
Return true if the given agent's King is in checkmate. |
boolean |
IChessAdjudicator.isInCheckmate(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent)
Return true if the given agent's King is in checkmate. |
boolean |
ChessAdjudicator.isMoveActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment. |
boolean |
IChessAdjudicator.isMoveActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment. |
boolean |
ChessAdjudicator.isMoveCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment. |
boolean |
IChessAdjudicator.isMoveCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment. |
protected boolean |
ChessAdjudicator.isMoveCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition,
boolean isCheckTested)
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment. |
protected boolean |
ChessAdjudicator.isNonCaptureActionLegal0(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment. |
boolean |
ChessAdjudicator.isPawnPromotionActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment. |
boolean |
IChessAdjudicator.isPawnPromotionActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment. |
boolean |
ChessAdjudicator.isPawnPromotionCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment. |
boolean |
IChessAdjudicator.isPawnPromotionCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment. |
protected boolean |
ChessAdjudicator.isPawnPromotionCaptureActionLegal(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition,
boolean isCheckTested)
Return true if the given agent action is legal in the given environment. |
boolean |
ChessAgentSupport.isWhite(IChessAgent agent)
Return true if this agent's team is white. |
protected void |
ChessAdjudicator.kingCheck(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent)
Make sure the King exists. |
Uses of IChessAgent in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action with parameters of type IChessAgent | |
PawnPromotionAction |
PawnPromotionActionPool.acquire(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition,
Class tokenClass)
Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary. |
PawnPromotionCaptureAction |
PawnPromotionCaptureActionPool.acquire(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition,
Class tokenClass)
Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary. |
EnPassantCaptureAction |
EnPassantCaptureActionPool.acquire(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition capturePosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary. |
CastleAction |
CastleActionPool.acquire(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition kingFromPosition,
IntegerPosition kingToPosition,
IntegerPosition rookFromPosition,
IntegerPosition rookToPosition)
Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary. |
static PawnPromotionAction |
PawnPromotionAction.get(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition,
Class tokenClass)
Return an instance of this class using the given parameters. |
static PawnPromotionCaptureAction |
PawnPromotionCaptureAction.get(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition,
Class tokenClass)
Return an instance of this class using the given parameters. |
static EnPassantCaptureAction |
EnPassantCaptureAction.get(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition capturePosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return an instance of this class using the given parameters. |
static CastleAction |
CastleAction.get(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition kingFromPosition,
IntegerPosition kingToPosition,
IntegerPosition rookFromPosition,
IntegerPosition rookToPosition)
Return an instance of this class using the given parameters. |
IGridBoardAction |
ChessActionFactory.getAction(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Create and return an action of the type appropriate to the state of the parameters. |
IGridBoardAction |
ChessActionFactory.getAction(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition kingFromPosition,
IntegerPosition kingToPosition,
IntegerPosition rookFromPosition,
IntegerPosition rookToPosition)
Create and return an action of the type appropriate to the state of the parameters. |
protected Class |
ChessActionFactory.getPawnPromotionType(IChessAgent agent)
Return the pawn promotion type desired by the given agent. |
protected boolean |
ChessActionFactory.isPawnPromotionPossible(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Return true if a pawn promotion is possible using the given parameters. |
protected void |
PawnPromotionAction.set(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition,
Class tokenClass)
Set parameters on this object. |
protected void |
PawnPromotionCaptureAction.set(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition,
Class tokenClass)
Set parameters on this object. |
protected void |
EnPassantCaptureAction.set(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition capturePosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Set parameters on this object. |
protected void |
CastleAction.set(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition kingFromPosition,
IntegerPosition kingToPosition,
IntegerPosition rookFromPosition,
IntegerPosition rookToPosition)
Set parameters on this object. |
Constructors in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.action with parameters of type IChessAgent | |
CastleAction(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition kingFromPosition,
IntegerPosition kingToPosition,
IntegerPosition rookFromPosition,
IntegerPosition rookToPosition)
Construct this object with the given arguments. |
EnPassantCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition capturePosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Construct this object. |
PawnPromotionAction(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition,
Class tokenClass)
Construct this object. |
PawnPromotionCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition,
Class tokenClass)
Construct this object. |
Uses of IChessAgent in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess.standardtoken with parameters of type IChessAgent | |
protected static void |
King.generatePossiblePositions(IChessAgent agent,
IChessEnvironment board,
int index)
Fill the possible positions list. |
Uses of IChessAgent in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess |
Classes in org.vizzini.ui.game.boardgame.chess that implement IChessAgent | |
class |
Provides a text agent for 3D chess. |
class |
Provides a text agent for 3D chess. |
Copyright © 2007 Vizzini.org. All Rights Reserved. | 2007. |