Packages that use IChessAdjudicator | |
org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess | Provides core chess game classes for the game framework. |
Uses of IChessAdjudicator in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess |
Classes in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess that implement IChessAdjudicator | |
class |
Provides an adjudicator for 3D chess. |
Methods in org.vizzini.game.boardgame.chess with parameters of type IChessAdjudicator | |
protected void |
AbstractChessToken.addCastleActions(List list,
IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IntegerPosition kingFromPosition,
BitSet toBits)
Add castle actions using the given parameters. |
protected void |
AbstractChessToken.addEnPassantCaptureActions(List list,
IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
BitSet toBits)
Add en passant capture actions using the given parameters. |
protected void |
AbstractChessToken.addMoveActions(List list,
IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
BitSet toBits)
Add move actions using the given parameters. |
protected void |
AbstractChessToken.addMoveCaptureActions(List list,
IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
BitSet toBits)
Add move capture actions using the given parameters. |
protected void |
AbstractChessToken.addPawnPromotionActions(List list,
IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
BitSet toBits,
Class tokenClass)
Add pawn promotion actions using the given parameters. |
protected void |
AbstractChessToken.addPawnPromotionCaptureActions(List list,
IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAgent agent,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
BitSet toBits,
Class tokenClass)
Add pawn promotion capture actions using the given parameters. |
protected IAction |
AbstractChessToken.createCastleAction(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition kingFromPosition,
IntegerPosition kingToPosition,
IntegerPosition rookFromPosition,
IntegerPosition rookToPosition)
Create a castle action for the given parameters. |
protected IAction |
AbstractChessToken.createEnPassantCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition capturePosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Create an en passant capture action for the given parameters. |
protected IAction |
AbstractChessToken.createMoveAction(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Create a move action for the given parameters. |
protected IAction |
AbstractChessToken.createMoveCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition)
Create a move capture action for the given parameters. |
protected IAction |
AbstractChessToken.createPawnPromotionAction(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition,
Class tokenClass)
Create a pawn promotion action for the given parameters. |
protected IAction |
AbstractChessToken.createPawnPromotionCaptureAction(IChessEnvironment board,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator,
IChessAgent agent,
IntegerPosition fromPosition,
IntegerPosition toPosition,
Class tokenClass)
Create a pawn promotion capture action for the given parameters. |
List |
ChessAgentSupport.getPossibleActions(IChessAgent agent,
IChessEnvironment environment,
IChessAdjudicator adjudicator)
Return a list of possible agent actions. |
Copyright © 2007 Vizzini.org. All Rights Reserved. | 2007. |