Uses of Interface

Packages that use IFunction Provides genetic programming classes for the game framework. Provides genetic programming function classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.tictactoe Provides tic-tac-toe classes for the game framework. Provides core game classes for board games in the game framework. 

Uses of IFunction in

Methods in that return IFunction
 IFunction AbstractFunctionGenerator.create()
          Return a new populated function.
 IFunction IFunctionGenerator.create()
          Return a new populated function.
protected  IFunction AbstractFunctionGenerator.createCompleteFunction(Class returnType, int depth)
          Create a new function and populate its argument nodes.
protected  IFunction AbstractFunctionGenerator.createNewInstanceOfFunctionAt(Class returnType, int index)
          Return a new instance of the function at the given index.
 IFunction AbstractChromosomeGP.getFunction()
 IFunction IChromosomeGP.getFunction()

Methods in with parameters of type IFunction
 void AbstractFunctionGenerator.addFunction(IFunction function)
          Add a function exemplar to the function set.
 void AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP.addFunction(IFunction function)
          Add a function exemplar to the function set.
 void IFunctionGenerator.addFunction(IFunction function)
          Add a function exemplar to the function set.
 void IGeneticAlgorithmGP.addFunction(IFunction function)
          Add a function exemplar to the function set.
 void AbstractChromosomeGP.setFunction(IFunction function)
 void IChromosomeGP.setFunction(IFunction function)

Constructors in with parameters of type IFunction
AbstractChromosomeGP(IFunction function)
          Construct this object with the given parameter.
DefaultChromosomeGP(IFunction function)
          Construct this object with the given parameter.

Uses of IFunction in

Classes in that implement IFunction
 class AbsoluteValue
          Provides an absolute value function in genetic programming.
 class AbstractArithmeticFunction
          Provides base functionality for an arithmetic function in genetic programming.
 class AbstractBooleanFunction
          Provides base functionality for a boolean function in genetic programming.
 class AbstractComparisonFunction
          Provides base functionality for a comparison function in genetic programming.
 class AbstractFunction
          Provides base functionality for a function in genetic programming.
 class AbstractMathematicFunction
          Provides base functionality for a mathematical function in genetic programming.
 class AbstractSequenceFunction
          Provides base functionality for a sequence function in genetic programming.
 class Add
          Provides an addition function in genetic programming.
 class And
          Provides an and function in genetic programming.
 class Divide
          Provides a division function in genetic programming.
 class GreaterThan
          Provides a greater than function for genetic programming.
 class GreaterThanDouble
          Provides a greater than function for genetic programming.
 class If
          Provides an If function in genetic programming.
 class Multiply
          Provides a multiplication function in genetic programming.
 class Not
          Provides a not function in genetic programming.
 class Or
          Provides an or function in genetic programming.
 class Sequence1Function
          Provides a sequence of one argument.
 class Sequence2Function
          Provides a sequence of two arguments.
 class Sequence3Function
          Provides a sequence of three arguments.
 class Subtract
          Provides a subtraction function in genetic programming.

Uses of IFunction in org.vizzini.example.ant

Classes in org.vizzini.example.ant that implement IFunction
 class IfFoodAheadFunction
          Provides a function to determine if there is food in the cell ahead of the ant.

Uses of IFunction in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe

Methods in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe with parameters of type IFunction
protected  int TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP.getCoverage(IFunction function)
          Return a count of the number of positions on the grid board which are referenced by the given function.

Uses of IFunction in

Methods in that return IFunction
 IFunction GPFunctionEvaluator.getFunction()

Methods in with parameters of type IFunction
 void GPFunctionEvaluator.setFunction(IFunction function)

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