Uses of Interface

Packages that use IChromosome Provides genetic algorithm classes for the game framework. Provides genetic programming classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.tictactoe Provides tic-tac-toe classes for the game framework. Provides core game classes for board games in the game framework. 

Uses of IChromosome in

Classes in that implement IChromosome
 class AbstractChromosome
          Provides base functionality for chromosomes for a genetic algorithm.
 class ChromosomeBoolean
          Provides a chromosome which contains boolean s.
 class ChromosomeDouble
          Provides a chromosome which contains double s.
 class ChromosomeInt
          Provides a chromosome which contains int s.
 class ChromosomeNeuralNetwork
          Provides a chromosome which contains DefaultNeuralNetwork s.

Methods in that return IChromosome
protected abstract  IChromosome AbstractGeneticAlgorithm.createChromosome()
          Create a new chromosome.
 IChromosome AbstractPopulation.first()
          Return the first chromosome.
 IChromosome IPopulation.first()
          Return the first chromosome.
 IChromosome AbstractPopulation.get(int i)
          Return the chromosome at the given index.
 IChromosome IPopulation.get(int i)
          Return the chromosome at the given index.
 IChromosome AbstractGeneticAlgorithm.getMostFit()
          Return the most fit chromosome.
 IChromosome IGeneticAlgorithm.getMostFit()
          Return the most fit chromosome.
 IChromosome FitnessProportionalSelector.selectNext()
          Select the next chromosome from the population.
 IChromosome ISelector.selectNext()
          Select the next chromosome from the population.
 IChromosome RandomSelector.selectNext()
          Select the next chromosome from the population.

Methods in with parameters of type IChromosome
 void AbstractPopulation.add(IChromosome chromosome)
          Add the given chromosome.
 void IPopulation.add(IChromosome chromosome)
          Add the given chromosome.
protected  void AbstractGeneticAlgorithm.averageCrossover(IChromosome c0, IChromosome c1, IChromosome c2, IChromosome c3)
          Perform uniform crossover using the first two given chromosomes into the third given chromosome.
 boolean AbstractPopulation.contains(IChromosome chromosome)
          Return true if the given chromosome is a duplicate of one already in the population.
 boolean IPopulation.contains(IChromosome chromosome)
          Return true if the given chromosome is a duplicate of one already in the population.
 boolean AbstractPopulation.contains(IChromosome chromosome, int start, int end)
          Return true if the given chromosome is a duplicate of one already in the given range of the population.
 boolean IPopulation.contains(IChromosome chromosome, int start, int end)
          Return true if the given chromosome is a duplicate of one already in the given range of the population.
 void AbstractChromosome.copy(IChromosome another)
          Copy the given chromosome into this.
 void ChromosomeBoolean.copy(IChromosome another)
          Copy the given chromosome into this.
 void ChromosomeDouble.copy(IChromosome another)
          Copy the given chromosome into this.
 void ChromosomeInt.copy(IChromosome another)
          Copy the given chromosome into this.
 void ChromosomeNeuralNetwork.copy(IChromosome another)
          Copy the given chromosome into this.
 void IChromosome.copy(IChromosome another)
          Copy the given chromosome into this.
 int AbstractPopulation.indexOf(IChromosome chromosome)
          Return the index of the given chromosome.
 int IPopulation.indexOf(IChromosome chromosome)
          Return the index of the given chromosome.
 void ChromosomeBoolean.mix(IChromosome c1, IChromosome c2, boolean[] mask)
          Mix the genes of the given chromosomes into this using the given mask.
 void ChromosomeDouble.mix(IChromosome c1, IChromosome c2, boolean[] mask)
          Mix the genes of the given chromosomes into this using the given mask.
 void ChromosomeInt.mix(IChromosome c1, IChromosome c2, boolean[] mask)
          Mix the genes of the given chromosomes into this using the given mask.
 void IChromosome.mix(IChromosome c1, IChromosome c2, boolean[] mask)
          Mix the genes of the given chromosomes into this using the given mask.
 void AbstractChromosome.mix(IChromosome c1, IChromosome c2, double fraction)
          Mix the genes of the given chromosomes into this using the given fraction.
 void ChromosomeDouble.mix(IChromosome c1, IChromosome c2, double fraction)
          Mix the genes of the given chromosomes into this using the given fraction.
 void IChromosome.mix(IChromosome c1, IChromosome c2, double fraction)
          Mix the genes of the given chromosomes into this using the given fraction.
protected  void AbstractGeneticAlgorithm.onePointCrossover(IChromosome c0, IChromosome c1, IChromosome c2, IChromosome c3)
          Perform one point crossover using the first two given chromosomes into the third given chromosome.
 void ChromosomeBoolean.splice(IChromosome c1, IChromosome c2, int cut)
          Splice the given chromosomes into this using the given cut index.
 void ChromosomeDouble.splice(IChromosome c1, IChromosome c2, int cut)
          Splice the given chromosomes into this using the given cut index.
 void ChromosomeInt.splice(IChromosome c1, IChromosome c2, int cut)
          Splice the given chromosomes into this using the given cut index.
 void IChromosome.splice(IChromosome c1, IChromosome c2, int cut)
          Splice the given chromosomes into this using the given cut index.
protected  void AbstractGeneticAlgorithm.uniformCrossover(IChromosome c0, IChromosome c1, IChromosome c2, IChromosome c3)
          Perform uniform crossover using the first two given chromosomes into the third given chromosome.

Uses of IChromosome in

Methods in that return IChromosome
protected  IChromosome CharacterRecognitionGA.createChromosome()
          Create a new chromosome.
protected  IChromosome PrimeGA.createChromosome()
          Create a new chromosome.

Uses of IChromosome in

Subinterfaces of IChromosome in
 interface IChromosomeGP
          Defines methods required by a chromosome in genetic programming.

Classes in that implement IChromosome
 class AbstractChromosomeGP
          Provides base functionality for a chromosome in genetic programming.
 class DefaultChromosomeGP
          Provides a default implementation of a chromosome in genetic programming.

Methods in that return IChromosome
protected  IChromosome AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP.createChromosome()
          Create a new chromosome.

Methods in with parameters of type IChromosome
 void AbstractChromosomeGP.mix(IChromosome c1, IChromosome c2, boolean[] mask)
          Mix the genes of the given chromosomes into this using the given mask.
protected  void AbstractGeneticAlgorithmGP.onePointCrossover(IChromosome c0_0, IChromosome c1_0, IChromosome c2_0, IChromosome c3_0)
          Perform one point crossover using the first two given chromosomes into the third given chromosome.
 void AbstractChromosomeGP.splice(IChromosome c1, IChromosome c2, int cut)
          Splice the given chromosomes into this using the given cut index.

Uses of IChromosome in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe

Methods in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe that return IChromosome
protected  IChromosome TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithm.createChromosome()
          Create a new chromosome.

Methods in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe with parameters of type IChromosome
protected  void TicTacToeGeneticAlgorithmGP.rewardAndPunish(IChromosome chromosome0, IChromosome chromosome1)
          Reward and punish the given chromosomes.

Uses of IChromosome in

Methods in with parameters of type IChromosome
protected  void AbstractGameGeneticAlgorithm.configureAgent(IComputerAgent agent, IChromosome chromosome)
          Configure the given agent for play.

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