Uses of Class

Packages that use WheelColor
org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner Provides color designer classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.ui Provides basic user interface classes for the game framework. 

Uses of WheelColor in org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner

Methods in org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner with parameters of type WheelColor
protected  void ColorPanel.addColor(WheelColor color)
          Add a representation of the given color to the given panel.
protected  void ColorPanel.addColors(WheelColor[] colors)
          Add the given colors.

Constructors in org.vizzini.tool.colordesigner with parameters of type WheelColor
ColorPanel(String title, WheelColor[] colors)
          Construct this object.
ColorPanel(String title, WheelColor[] colors, boolean showAnalogous, boolean showComplement)
          Construct this object.

Uses of WheelColor in org.vizzini.ui

Fields in org.vizzini.ui declared as WheelColor
static WheelColor WheelColor.ALUMINUM
          Aluminum color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.BLACK
          Black color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.BLUE
          Blue color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.BLUE_GREEN
          Cyan (blue-green) color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.BLUE_PURPLE
          Blue-purple color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.BLUEBERRY
          Blueberry (blue-purple) color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.BROWN
          Brown color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.BURNT_ORANGE
          Burnt-orange (red-orange) color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.CANTALOUPE
          Cantaloupe (yellow-orange) color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.CYAN
          Cyan (blue-green) color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.GREEN
          Green color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.INDIGO
          Indigo color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.IRON
          Iron color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.LEAD
          Lead color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.LIME
          Lime (yellow-green) color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.MAGENTA
          Magenta color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.MAGNESIUM
          Magnesium color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.MAROON
          Maroon color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.MERCURY
          Mercury color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.NAVY
          Navy color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.NICKEL
          Nickel (gray) color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.OLIVE
          Olive color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.ORANGE
          Orange color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.PURPLE
          Purple color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.RASPBERRY
          Raspberry (red-purple) color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.RED
          Red color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.RED_ORANGE
          Red-orange color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.RED_PURPLE
          Red-purple color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.SILVER
          Silver (light gray) color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.STEEL
          Steel color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.TEAL
          Teal color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.TIN
          Tin (gray) color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.TRANSPARENT
          Transparent color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.TUNGSTEN
          Tungsten color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.VIOLET
          Violet color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.WHITE
          White color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.YELLOW
          Yellow color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.YELLOW_GREEN
          Yellow-green color constant.
static WheelColor WheelColor.YELLOW_ORANGE
          Yellow-orange color constant.

Methods in org.vizzini.ui that return WheelColor
static WheelColor WheelColor.get(String name)
          Return the color with the given name.
 WheelColor[] WheelColor.getAnalogous()
          Return the analogous colors.
static WheelColor[] WheelColor.getColorSpectrumColors()
          Return an array of colors representing the color spectrum.
static WheelColor[] WheelColor.getColorWheelColors()
          Return an array of colors representing the color wheel, starting with yellow.
 WheelColor WheelColor.getComplement()
          Return the complementary color.
static WheelColor[] WheelColor.getGrayscaleColors()
          Return an array of grayscale colors, starting with black.

Methods in org.vizzini.ui with parameters of type WheelColor
 void WheelColor.setAnalogous(WheelColor color0, WheelColor color1)
          Set the analogous colors.
 void WheelColor.setComplement(WheelColor color)
          Set the complementary color.

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