Uses of Interface

Packages that use IODE
org.vizzini.math.ode Provides math classes for ordinary differential equations in the game framework. 

Uses of IODE in org.vizzini.math.ode

Classes in org.vizzini.math.ode that implement IODE
 class AbstractODE
          Provides base functionality for ordinary differential equations in the game framework.
 class DynamicStateODE
          Provides an ordinary differential equation for a IDynamicState.

Methods in org.vizzini.math.ode with parameters of type IODE
 void IODESolver.update(IODE ode, double ds)
          Update the given ordinary differential equation using the given delta in the independent variable.
 void RungeKutta4ODESolver.update(IODE ode, double ds)
          Update the given ordinary differential equation using the given delta value of the independent variable.

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