Uses of Interface

Packages that use ICardCollection
org.vizzini.example.gin Provides gin classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.gin.ui Provides gin user interface classes for the game framework. Provides core game classes for card games in the game framework. Provides card game user interface classes for the game framework. 

Uses of ICardCollection in org.vizzini.example.gin

Methods in org.vizzini.example.gin that return ICardCollection
protected  ICardCollection Environment.getHand(IAgent agent)
          Return the given agent's hand.
 ICardCollection Environment.getHandOne()
          Return agent one's hand.
 ICardCollection Environment.getHandTwo()
          Return agent two's hand.

Uses of ICardCollection in org.vizzini.example.gin.ui

Methods in org.vizzini.example.gin.ui with parameters of type ICardCollection
 void EnvironmentUISwing.setDiscardPile(ICardCollection cards)
          Set the discard pile.
 void EnvironmentUISwing.setDrawPile(ICardCollection cards)
          Set the draw pile.
 void EnvironmentUISwing.setHandOne(ICardCollection cards)
          Set agent one's hand.
 void EnvironmentUISwing.setHandTwo(ICardCollection cards)
          Set agent two's hand.

Uses of ICardCollection in

Classes in that implement ICardCollection
 class CardCollection
          Provides a card collection.
 class PokerDeck
          Provides a poker card deck for card games in the game framework.

Methods in that return ICardCollection
 ICardCollection AbstractCardTable.getDiscardPile()
          Return the discard pile.
 ICardCollection AbstractCardTable.getDrawPile()
          Return the draw pile.

Uses of ICardCollection in

Methods in that return ICardCollection
 ICardCollection CardCollectionUI.getCardCollection()
          Return the card collection this UI represents.

Methods in with parameters of type ICardCollection
protected  void CardCollectionUI.reconcileExpanded(ICardCollection cards)
          Reconcile the new card collection with the existing card UIs.
protected  void CardCollectionUI.reconcileNotExpanded(ICardCollection cards)
          Reconcile the new card collection with the existing card UIs.
 void CardCollectionUI.setCardCollection(ICardCollection cards)
          Set the card collection displayed by this.

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