Uses of Interface

Packages that use ITableData
org.vizzini.database Provides database classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.ui.database Provides database user interface classes for the game framework. 

Uses of ITableData in org.vizzini.database

Classes in org.vizzini.database that implement ITableData
(package private)  class TableData
          Provides storage for properties needed by database tables.

Methods in org.vizzini.database that return ITableData
 ITableData IRecord.getTableData()
          Return the table data.
 ITableData Record.getTableData()
          Return the table data.
 ITableData Database.getTableData(String tableName)
          Return the table data with the given name.
 ITableData IDatabase.getTableData(String tableName)
          Return the table data with the given name.

Methods in org.vizzini.database with parameters of type ITableData
 String JoinData.constructSelectExpression(ITableData targetTableData, IRecord record, boolean forward)
          Construct a select expression using this join.
 String JunctionData.constructSelectExpression(ITableData targetTableData, IRecord record, boolean forward)
          Construct a select expression using this join.
static IRecord DatabaseFactory.createRecord(IDatabase database, ITableData tableData)
          Create a record.
protected  List Database.createRecordsFrom(ITableData tableData, ResultSet rs)
          Create IRecord objects from the given result set.
protected  void Database.createTable(ITableData tableData)
          Create a database table using the given table data.
 List IRecord.getAssociated(ITableData tableData)
          Return objects of the given table which are associated to this object.
 List Record.getAssociated(ITableData tableData)
          Return objects of the given table which are associated to this object.
 Iterator Database.getJoinsFor(ITableData tableData)
          Return all joins which involve the given table.
 Iterator IDatabase.getJoinsFor(ITableData tableData)
          Return all joins which involve the given table.
 Iterator Database.getJoinsFor(ITableData tableData0, ITableData tableData1)
          Return all joins which involve the given tables.
 Iterator IDatabase.getJoinsFor(ITableData tableData0, ITableData tableData1)
          Return all joins which involve the given tables.
 Iterator Database.getJunctionsFor(ITableData tableData)
          Return all junctions which involve the given table.
 Iterator IDatabase.getJunctionsFor(ITableData tableData)
          Return all junctions which involve the given table.
 Iterator Database.getJunctionsFor(ITableData tableData0, ITableData tableData1)
          Return all junctions which involve the given tables.
 Iterator IDatabase.getJunctionsFor(ITableData tableData0, ITableData tableData1)
          Return all junctions which involve the given tables.
 boolean Database.isStringType(ITableData tableData, String columnName)
          Return true if the given column has string type.
 boolean IDatabase.isStringType(ITableData tableData, String columnName)
          Return true if the given column has string type.
 List tableData)
          Returns a list of IRecord s which are derived from the result of the given query.
 List tableData)
          Returns a list of IRecord s which are derived from the result of the given query.
 List tableData, IRecord record)
          Return a list of IRecord objects which belong to the named table and are joined to the given record.
 List tableData, IRecord record)
          Return a list of IRecord objects which belong to the named table and are joined to the given record.
 List tableData, String whereClause)
          Returns a list of IRecord s which are derived from the result of the given query.
 List tableData, String whereClause)
          Returns a list of IRecord s which are derived from the result of the given query.

Constructors in org.vizzini.database with parameters of type ITableData
Record(IDatabase database, ITableData tableData)
          Construct this object.

Uses of ITableData in org.vizzini.ui.database

Methods in org.vizzini.ui.database with parameters of type ITableData
 List DatabaseTablesBean.createColumnDescriptorList(ITableData tableData)
          Create a list of ColumnDescriptor objects from this item's information.
protected  TablePanel DatabaseTablesBean.createTablePanel(IDatabase database, ITableData tableData)
          Create a table panel.

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