Uses of Interface

Packages that use IRecord
org.vizzini.database Provides database classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.ui.database Provides database user interface classes for the game framework. 

Uses of IRecord in org.vizzini.database

Classes in org.vizzini.database that implement IRecord
(package private)  class Record
          Provides a generic data object which can be stored in a database.

Methods in org.vizzini.database that return IRecord
static IRecord DatabaseFactory.createRecord(IDatabase database, ITableData tableData)
          Create a record.
static IRecord DatabaseFactory.createRecord(IDatabase database, String tableName)
          Create a record.

Methods in org.vizzini.database with parameters of type IRecord
 void IRecord.associate(IRecord another)
          Associate this to the given record using a join known to the database.
 void Record.associate(IRecord another)
          Associate this to the given record using a join known to the database.
 void Association.associate(IRecord record0, IRecord record1)
          Associate the given Records through my join.
 void IAssociation.associate(IRecord record0, IRecord record1)
          Associate the given Records through my join.
 void JoinData.associate(IRecord record0, IRecord record1)
          Associate the given records.
 void JunctionData.associate(IRecord record0, IRecord record1)
          Associate the given records by inserting a new record in the middle table.
 String Association.constructSelectExpression(IRecord record)
          Construct a select expression based upon my join.
 String IAssociation.constructSelectExpression(IRecord record)
          Construct a select expression based upon my join.
 String JoinData.constructSelectExpression(ITableData targetTableData, IRecord record, boolean forward)
          Construct a select expression using this join.
 String JunctionData.constructSelectExpression(ITableData targetTableData, IRecord record, boolean forward)
          Construct a select expression using this join.
 void IRecord.disassociate(IRecord another)
          Diassociate this from the given object.
 void Record.disassociate(IRecord another)
          Diassociate this from the given object.
 void Association.disassociate(IRecord record0, IRecord record1)
          Disassociate the given Records through my join.
 void IAssociation.disassociate(IRecord record0, IRecord record1)
          Disassociate the given Records through my join.
 void JoinData.disassociate(IRecord record0, IRecord record1)
          Disassociate the given records.
 void JunctionData.disassociate(IRecord record0, IRecord record1)
          Disassociate the given records by deleting the existing record in the middle table.
 List tableData, IRecord record)
          Return a list of IRecord objects which belong to the named table and are joined to the given record.
 List tableData, IRecord record)
          Return a list of IRecord objects which belong to the named table and are joined to the given record.

Uses of IRecord in org.vizzini.ui.database

Methods in org.vizzini.ui.database that return IRecord
protected  IRecord TablePanel.getSelectedItem()
          Return the first selected item.
protected  IRecord AbstractAssociateDialog.getSubject()
          Return the subject record.

Methods in org.vizzini.ui.database with parameters of type IRecord
 void AbstractAssociateDialog.setSubject(IRecord subject)
          Set the subject of this dialog.
 void DatabaseTablesBean.setSubject(IRecord subject)
          Set the subject IRecord.
 void TablePanel.setSubject(IRecord subject)
          Set the subject IRecord.
protected  void TablePanel.showAllExceptAssociatedEntries(IRecord subject)
          Show all items excluding those associated to subject.
protected  void TablePanel.showAssociatedEntries(IRecord subject)
          Show only items associated to subject.
protected  void TablePanel.showEntriesAssociatedTo(IRecord subject)
          Show entries associated to the given object.
protected  void TablePanel.showSubjectOnly(IRecord subject)
          Just show the subject.

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