Packages that use IRecord | |
org.vizzini.database | Provides database classes for the game framework. |
org.vizzini.ui.database | Provides database user interface classes for the game framework. |
Uses of IRecord in org.vizzini.database |
Classes in org.vizzini.database that implement IRecord | |
(package private) class |
Provides a generic data object which can be stored in a database. |
Methods in org.vizzini.database that return IRecord | |
static IRecord |
DatabaseFactory.createRecord(IDatabase database,
ITableData tableData)
Create a record. |
static IRecord |
DatabaseFactory.createRecord(IDatabase database,
String tableName)
Create a record. |
Methods in org.vizzini.database with parameters of type IRecord | |
void |
IRecord.associate(IRecord another)
Associate this to the given record using a join known to the database. |
void |
Record.associate(IRecord another)
Associate this to the given record using a join known to the database. |
void |
Association.associate(IRecord record0,
IRecord record1)
Associate the given Records through my join. |
void |
IAssociation.associate(IRecord record0,
IRecord record1)
Associate the given Records through my join. |
void |
JoinData.associate(IRecord record0,
IRecord record1)
Associate the given records. |
void |
JunctionData.associate(IRecord record0,
IRecord record1)
Associate the given records by inserting a new record in the middle table. |
String |
Association.constructSelectExpression(IRecord record)
Construct a select expression based upon my join. |
String |
IAssociation.constructSelectExpression(IRecord record)
Construct a select expression based upon my join. |
String |
JoinData.constructSelectExpression(ITableData targetTableData,
IRecord record,
boolean forward)
Construct a select expression using this join. |
String |
JunctionData.constructSelectExpression(ITableData targetTableData,
IRecord record,
boolean forward)
Construct a select expression using this join. |
void |
IRecord.disassociate(IRecord another)
Diassociate this from the given object. |
void |
Record.disassociate(IRecord another)
Diassociate this from the given object. |
void |
Association.disassociate(IRecord record0,
IRecord record1)
Disassociate the given Records through my join. |
void |
IAssociation.disassociate(IRecord record0,
IRecord record1)
Disassociate the given Records through my join. |
void |
JoinData.disassociate(IRecord record0,
IRecord record1)
Disassociate the given records. |
void |
JunctionData.disassociate(IRecord record0,
IRecord record1)
Disassociate the given records by deleting the existing record in the middle table. |
List |
Database.select(ITableData tableData,
IRecord record)
Return a list of IRecord objects which belong to the named
table and are joined to the given record. |
List |
IDatabase.select(ITableData tableData,
IRecord record)
Return a list of IRecord objects which belong to the named
table and are joined to the given record. |
Uses of IRecord in org.vizzini.ui.database |
Methods in org.vizzini.ui.database that return IRecord | |
protected IRecord |
Return the first selected item. |
protected IRecord |
Return the subject record. |
Methods in org.vizzini.ui.database with parameters of type IRecord | |
void |
AbstractAssociateDialog.setSubject(IRecord subject)
Set the subject of this dialog. |
void |
DatabaseTablesBean.setSubject(IRecord subject)
Set the subject IRecord. |
void |
TablePanel.setSubject(IRecord subject)
Set the subject IRecord. |
protected void |
TablePanel.showAllExceptAssociatedEntries(IRecord subject)
Show all items excluding those associated to subject. |
protected void |
TablePanel.showAssociatedEntries(IRecord subject)
Show only items associated to subject. |
protected void |
TablePanel.showEntriesAssociatedTo(IRecord subject)
Show entries associated to the given object. |
protected void |
TablePanel.showSubjectOnly(IRecord subject)
Just show the subject. |
Copyright © 2007 Vizzini.org. All Rights Reserved. | 2007. |