Uses of Interface

Packages that use ISentence Provides logic classes for the game framework. Provides AI logic user interface classes for the game framework. 

Uses of ISentence in

Subinterfaces of ISentence in
 interface IAtomicSentence
          Defines methods required by atomic sentences in the logic system.
 interface IBinaryAtomicSentence
          Defines methods required by binary atomic sentences in the logic system.
 interface IComplexSentence
          Defines methods required by complex sentences in the logic system.

Classes in that implement ISentence
 class AbstractAtomicSentence
          Provides base functionality for atomic sentences in the logic system.
 class AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence
          Provides base functionality for binary atomic sentences in the logic system.
 class AbstractComplexSentence
          Provides base functionality for complex sentences in the logic system.
 class AbstractSentence
          Provides base functionality for sentences in the logic system.
 class AtomicSentenceEQ
          Provides a binary atomic sentence using equals.
 class AtomicSentenceGT
          Provides a binary atomic sentence using greater than.
 class AtomicSentenceLT
          Provides a binary atomic sentence using less than.
 class ComplexSentenceAND
          Provides a complex sentence using the AND connective.
 class ComplexSentenceIFF
          Provides a complex sentence using the IFF (if-and-only-if) connective.
 class ComplexSentenceIMPLIES
          Provides a complex sentence using the IMPLIES connective.
 class ComplexSentenceNOT
          Provides a complex sentence using the NOT connective.
 class ComplexSentenceOR
          Provides a complex sentence using the OR connective.

Methods in that return ISentence
 ISentence AbstractComplexSentence.getLeft()
 ISentence IComplexSentence.getLeft()
          Return the left sentence.
 ISentence AbstractComplexSentence.getRight()
 ISentence IComplexSentence.getRight()
          Return the right sentence.
 ISentence Filter.getSentence()
 ISentence IFilter.getSentence()

Methods in with parameters of type ISentence
 IComplexSentence SentenceFactory.create(ISentence left, ConnectiveType connectiveType, ISentence right)
          Construct an IComplexSentenceobject of the correct type.
 IComplexSentence SentenceFactory.create(ISentence left, String connectiveString, ISentence right)
          Construct an IComplexSentenceobject of the correct type.
 IComplexSentence SentenceFactory.create(String description, ISentence left, ConnectiveType connectiveType, ISentence right)
          Construct an IComplexSentenceobject of the correct type.
 IComplexSentence SentenceFactory.create(String description, ISentence left, String connectiveString, ISentence right)
          Construct an IComplexSentenceobject of the correct type.
 boolean AbstractComplexSentence.isChild(ISentence child)
          Return true if the given sentence is a child of this.
 boolean IComplexSentence.isChild(ISentence sentence)
          Return true if the given sentence is a child of this.
 void AbstractComplexSentence.replaceChild(ISentence oldChild, ISentence newChild)
          Replace the given old child sentence with the given new child sentence if there is a match.
 void IComplexSentence.replaceChild(ISentence oldChild, ISentence newChild)
          Replace the given old child sentence with the given new child sentence if there is a match.
protected  void AbstractComplexSentence.setLeft(ISentence left)
protected  void AbstractComplexSentence.setRight(ISentence right)
 void Filter.setSentence(ISentence sentence)
 void IFilter.setSentence(ISentence sentence)

Constructors in with parameters of type ISentence
AbstractComplexSentence(ISentence left, ISentence right)
          Construct this object using the given parameters.
ComplexSentenceAND(ISentence left, ISentence right)
          Construct this object using the given parameters.
ComplexSentenceIFF(ISentence left, ISentence right)
          Construct this object using the given parameters.
ComplexSentenceIMPLIES(ISentence left, ISentence right)
          Construct this object using the given parameters.
ComplexSentenceNOT(ISentence right)
          Construct this object using the given parameter.
ComplexSentenceOR(ISentence left, ISentence right)
          Construct this object using the given parameters.
Filter(ISentence sentence)
          Construct this object with the given parameter.
Filter(String name, ISentence sentence)
          Construct this object with the given parameter.

Uses of ISentence in

Methods in that return ISentence
protected  ISentence BinaryAtomicSentenceEditor.createNewSentence()
protected  ISentence ComplexSentenceEditor.createNewSentence()
protected  ISentence ComplexSentenceEditor.getLeft()
          Return the selected left sentence.
protected  ISentence ComplexSentenceEditor.getRight()
          Return the selected right sentence.
 ISentence AbstractSentenceEditor.getSentence()
 ISentence AbstractSentenceWrapper.getSentence()
 ISentence ISentenceEditor.getSentence()
 ISentence ISentenceWrapper.getSentence()
          Return the sentence wrapped by this object.
protected  ISentence ComplexSentenceEditor.getSentenceFrom(ISentenceWrapper wrapper)
          Return the sentence contained in the given wrapper.

Methods in with parameters of type ISentence
 ISentenceWrapper WrapperFactory.create(ISentence sentence)
          Create a sentence wrapper of the correct type.
protected  ISentenceWrapper ComplexSentenceEditor.findWrapperFor(JComboBox comboBox, ISentence sentence)
          Return the sentence wrapper for the given sentence in the given combo box.
protected  boolean SentencesEditor.isUsed(ISentence sentence)
          Return true if the given sentence is used in a complex sentence.
 void AbstractSentenceEditor.setSentence(ISentence sentence)
protected  void AbstractSentenceWrapper.setSentence(ISentence sentence)
 void BinaryAtomicSentenceEditor.setSentence(ISentence sentence)
 void ComplexSentenceEditor.setSentence(ISentence sentence)
 void ISentenceEditor.setSentence(ISentence sentence)
 void SentenceEditor.setSentence(ISentence sentence)

Constructors in with parameters of type ISentence
AbstractSentenceWrapper(ISentence sentence)
          Construct this object with the given parameter.

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