Uses of Interface

Packages that use IArgument Provides logic classes for the game framework. Provides AI logic user interface classes for the game framework. 

Uses of IArgument in

Classes in that implement IArgument
 class AbstractArgument
          Provides base functionality for arguments in the logic system.
 class LiteralArgument
          Provides a literal argument for use in sentences in the logic system.
 class PropertyArgument
          Provides a property argument for use in sentences in the logic system.

Methods in that return IArgument
 IArgument ArgumentFactory.create(ArgumentType argType, Object value)
          Construct an IArgument object of the correct type.
 IArgument ArgumentFactory.create(Object value)
          Construct an IArgument object of the correct type.
 IArgument ArgumentFactory.create(String argTypeString, Object value)
          Construct an IArgument object of the correct type.
 IArgument AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence.getLeft()
          Return the left side argument.
 IArgument IBinaryAtomicSentence.getLeft()
          Return the left side argument.
 IArgument AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence.getRight()
          Return the right side argument.
 IArgument IBinaryAtomicSentence.getRight()
          Return the right side argument.

Methods in with parameters of type IArgument
 IBinaryAtomicSentence SentenceFactory.create(IArgument left, OperatorType operator, IArgument right)
          Construct an IBinaryAtomicSentence object of the correct type.
 IBinaryAtomicSentence SentenceFactory.create(IArgument left, String operatorString, IArgument right)
          Construct an IBinaryAtomicSentence object of the correct type.
 IBinaryAtomicSentence SentenceFactory.create(String description, IArgument left, OperatorType operator, IArgument right)
          Construct an IBinaryAtomicSentence object of the correct type.
 IBinaryAtomicSentence SentenceFactory.create(String description, IArgument left, String operatorString, IArgument right)
          Construct an IBinaryAtomicSentence object of the correct type.
protected  void AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence.setLeft(IArgument left)
protected  void AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence.setRight(IArgument right)

Constructors in with parameters of type IArgument
AbstractBinaryAtomicSentence(IArgument left, IArgument right, boolean useForwardLogic)
          Construct this object.
AtomicSentenceEQ(IArgument left, IArgument right, boolean useForwardLogic)
          Construct this object with the given parameters.
AtomicSentenceGT(IArgument left, IArgument right, boolean useForwardLogic)
          Construct this object with the given parameters.
AtomicSentenceLT(IArgument left, IArgument right, boolean useForwardLogic)
          Construct this object with the given parameters.

Uses of IArgument in

Methods in that return IArgument
 IArgument AbstractArgumentWrapper.getArgument()
 IArgument ArgumentEditor.getArgument()
 IArgument IArgumentWrapper.getArgument()
          Return the argument wrapped by this object.
protected  IArgument BinaryAtomicSentenceEditor.getLeft()
protected  IArgument BinaryAtomicSentenceEditor.getRight()

Methods in with parameters of type IArgument
 IArgumentWrapper WrapperFactory.create(IArgument argument)
          Create an argument wrapper of the correct type.
protected  void AbstractArgumentWrapper.setArgument(IArgument argument)
 void ArgumentEditor.setArgument(IArgument argument)
          Set the argument being edited.

Constructors in with parameters of type IArgument
AbstractArgumentWrapper(IArgument argument)
          Construct this object with the given parameter.

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