Package org.vizzini.util

Provides utility classes for the game framework.


Interface Summary
ICollection Defines methods required by collections in the game framework.
IDocument Defines methods required by documents.
IEnumeratedType Defines methods required by enumerated types.
IGenericData Defines methods required for storage of properties determined at runtime.

Class Summary
AbstractBean Provides an abstract data bean.
AbstractCollection Provides base functionality for collections in the game framework.
AbstractDocument Provides implementations of methods required by documents.
AbstractEnumeratedType Provides base functionality for enumerated types.
AbstractList Provides base functionality for lists in the game framework.
AbstractMap Provides base functionality for maps in the game framework.
ArrayUtilities Provides convenience utility methods for arrays.
BrowserLauncher BrowserLauncher is a class that provides one static method, openURL, which opens the default web browser for the current user of the system to the given URL.
ClassAnalyzer Provides an analyzer of class constructor, accessor and mutator methods.
ClassUtilities Provides convenience methods related classes.
ConfigUtilities Provides convenience methods for processing configuration properties.
DateUtilities Utility class for performing date related operations.
DefaultEnumeratedType Provides a default implementation of an enumerated type.
DocumentSupport Provides implementations of methods required by documents.
FileUtilities Provides convenience methods for working with files.
GenericData Provides storage for properties determined at runtime.
GraphvizRunner Provides a utility to run the Graphviz program.
JarSelfExtractor Provides a self-extractor for jar (and zip) files.
LinkedListStack Provides a stack implementation based upon a LinkedList.
Queue Provides a queue with synchronized methods.
Stack Provides a stack implementation based upon a java.util.Stack.
StreamGobbler Provides a stream gobbler.
StringConverter Provides conversions from String s to a given type, and from a given Object to a String.
StringUtilities Provides convenience methods for string handling.
SystemProperties Provides convenience methods to obtain system properties.
SystemUtilities Provides some commonly used system utility methods.

Exception Summary
MalformedPropertyException Provides a runtime exception to signal that required properties are malformed.
MissingPropertyException Provides a runtime exception to signal that required properties are missing.

Package org.vizzini.util Description

Provides utility classes for the game framework.

Figure 1. Util package Class Diagram

Figure 1 displays an overview of all classes in the util package.


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