Uses of Interface

Packages that use IShape
org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui Provides Qubic user interface classes for the game framework. Provides board game user interface classes for the game framework. Provides user interface classes for 3D chess for the game framework. Provides standard token user interface classes for the 3D chess framework. Provides simulation user interface classes for the game framework. Provides graphics classes for the game framework. Provides graphics shape classes for the game framework. 

Uses of IShape in org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui

Classes in org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui that implement IShape
 class BoxTokenUI
          Provides functionality for a Qubic box token user interface in the game framework.
 class ConeTokenUI
          Provides functionality for a Qubic cone token user interface in the game framework.

Uses of IShape in

Classes in that implement IShape
 class BoardShape
          Provides a board for 3D games.

Methods in with parameters of type IShape
 void BoardShape.remove(IShape shape)
          Remove the given shape as a child of this.

Uses of IShape in

Classes in that implement IShape
 class PieceShape
          Provides a base shape class for 3D game pieces.

Uses of IShape in

Classes in that implement IShape
 class BishopShape
          Provides a shape class for a chess Bishop.
 class KingShape
          Provides a shape class for a chess King.
 class KnightShape
          Provides a shape class for a chess Knight.
 class MaceShape
          Provides a shape class for a chess Mace.
 class PawnShape
          Provides a shape class for a chess Pawn.
 class QueenShape
          Provides a shape class for a chess Queen.
 class RookShape
          Provides a shape class for a chess Rook.

Uses of IShape in

Subinterfaces of IShape in
 interface IPhysicalObjectUI
          Defines methods required by a physical object user interface.

Classes in that implement IShape
 class EllipsoidTokenUI
          Provides an ellipsoid token user interface.

Uses of IShape in

Methods in that return IShape
 IShape ShapeSortList.get(int index)
          Return the shape at the given index.
 IShape AbstractViewerSwing.SelectShapeAction.getShape()

Methods in with parameters of type IShape
 void AbstractShapeCanvas.add(IShape shape)
          Add the given shape.
 void AbstractViewerSwing.add(IShape shape)
          Add the given shape.
 void IShape.add(IShape shape)
          Add the given shape as a child of this.
 void IShapeCanvas.add(IShape shape)
          Add the given shape.
 void IViewer.add(IShape shape)
          Add the given shape.
 void ObjectViewerAWT.add(IShape shape)
          Add the given shape.
 void ShapeCanvasJava3D.add(IShape shape)
          Add the given shape.
 void ShapeGroup.add(IShape shape)
          Add the given shape.
 void ShapeSortList.add(IShape shape)
          Add the given shape.
protected ShapeCanvasJava3D.createAppearance(IShape shape)
          Create a new appearance for the given shape.
protected ShapeCanvasJava3D.createBranchGroup(IShape shape)
          Return a Java 3D Node for the given shape.
protected ShapeCanvasJava3D.createTranformGroup(IShape shape, transform, com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.Primitive primitive)
          Create a new TransformGroup using the given parameters.
protected ShapeCanvasJava3D.createTransform(IShape shape)
          Create a new Transform3D for the given shape.
protected  int ShapeCanvasJava3D.getPrimFlags(IShape shape)
          Return the primitive flags for the given shape.
protected abstract  void AbstractViewerSwing.moveViewPointToShape(IShape shape)
          Move the view point to the given shape.
protected  void ObjectViewerJava3D.moveViewPointToShape(IShape shape)
          Move the view point to the given shape.
protected  void ObjectViewerSwing.moveViewPointToShape(IShape shape)
          Move the view point to the given shape.
 void AbstractShapeCanvas.remove(IShape shape)
          Remove the given shape.
 void AbstractViewerSwing.remove(IShape shape)
          Remove the given shape.
 void IShape.remove(IShape shape)
          Remove the given child shape.
 void IShapeCanvas.remove(IShape shape)
          Remove the given shape.
 void IViewer.remove(IShape shape)
          Remove the given shape.
 void ObjectViewerAWT.remove(IShape shape)
          Remove the given shape.
 void ShapeGroup.remove(IShape shape)
          Remove the given shape.
 void ShapeSortList.remove(IShape shape)
          Remove the given shape.
protected ShapeCanvasJava3D.updateTransform( transform, IShape shape)
          Update the given transform for the given shape.

Constructors in with parameters of type IShape
AbstractViewerSwing.SelectShapeAction(IShape shape)

Uses of IShape in

Classes in that implement IShape
 class AbstractShape
          Provides base functionality for 3D shapes.
 class AnchorShape
          Provides a 3D shape that contains other shapes, but has no points itself.
 class Box
          Provides a box shape.
 class BoxExtruded
          Provides a box shape using the extruded shape superclass.
 class Cone
          Shape class for a simple cone.
 class Cylinder
          Shape class for a simple cylinder.
 class Ellipse
          Provides an ellipse shape.
 class Ellipsoid
          Shape class for an ellipsoid.
 class ExtrudedShape
          Provides a shape model for an extruded shape.
 class PolygonShape
          Provides a polygon shape for the 3D graphics system.

Methods in with parameters of type IShape
 void AbstractShape.add(IShape shape)
          Add the given shape as a child of this.
protected  boolean AbstractShape.isInFrontOf(IShape s)
          Return true if the given shape is in front of this.
 void AbstractShape.remove(IShape shape)
          Remove the given child shape.

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