Uses of Interface

Packages that use IGridBoard
org.vizzini.example.tictactoe Provides tic-tac-toe classes for the game framework. Provides core game classes for board games in the game framework. Provides action classes for board games in the game framework. Provides core chess game classes for the game framework. Provides board game user interface classes for the game framework. 

Uses of IGridBoard in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe

Methods in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe with parameters of type IGridBoard
protected  double[] NeuralNetworkEvaluator.encode(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent)
          Encode the given grid board as appropriate for a neural network input.

Uses of IGridBoard in

Classes in that implement IGridBoard
 class AbstractGridBoard
          Provides functionality for 2D and 3D grid board environments in the game framework.
 class DefaultGridBoard
          Provides functionality for 2D and 3D grid board environments in the game framework.

Methods in with parameters of type IGridBoard
protected  int TokenLineEvaluator.addToEvaluation(int evaluation, IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IAgent opponent, int startF, int startR, int startL, int df, int dr, int dl)
          Add to the given evaluation based on the other parameters.
protected  int TokenLineEvaluator.addToEvaluation(int evaluation, IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, int multiplier, int startF, int startR, int startL, int df, int dr, int dl)
          Add to the given evaluation based on the other parameters.
 boolean AbstractGridBoardAdjudicator.agentHasLineHelper(IGridBoard board, IAgent agent, int startF, int startR, int startL, int df, int dr, int dl)
          Return true if an agent has tokens in the line specified by the other arguments.
protected abstract  double[] AbstractNeuralGridBoardEvaluator.encode(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent)
          Encode the given grid board as appropriate for a neural network input.

Uses of IGridBoard in

Methods in that return IGridBoard
 IGridBoard AbstractGridBoardAction.getGridBoard()
 IGridBoard IGridBoardAction.getGridBoard()
          Return the gridBoard.

Methods in with parameters of type IGridBoard
 RemoveAction RemoveActionPool.acquire(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position)
          Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
 PlaceAction PlaceActionPool.acquire(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position, Class tokenClass)
          Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
 MoveAction MoveActionPool.acquire(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
 MoveCaptureAction MoveCaptureActionPool.acquire(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return an instance from the reusable object pool, creating it if necessary.
static RemoveAction RemoveAction.get(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position)
          Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
static PlaceAction PlaceAction.get(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position, Class tokenClass)
          Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
static MoveAction MoveAction.get(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
static MoveCaptureAction MoveCaptureAction.get(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return an instance of this class using the given parameters.
 IGridBoardAction BoardGameActionFactory.getAction(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position)
          Return an action appropriate for the given parameters.
 IGridBoardAction BoardGameActionFactory.getAction(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position, Class tokenClass)
          Return an action appropriate for the given parameters.
 IGridBoardAction BoardGameActionFactory.getAction(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Return an action appropriate for the given parameters.
protected  void RemoveAction.set(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position)
          Set parameters on this object.
protected  void PlaceAction.set(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position, Class tokenClass)
          Set parameters on this object.
protected  void MoveAction.set(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Set parameters on this object.
protected  void MoveCaptureAction.set(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Set parameters on this object.
protected  void AbstractGridBoardAction.setGridBoard(IGridBoard gridBoard)
          Set the GridBoard.

Constructors in with parameters of type IGridBoard
AbstractGridBoardAction(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent)
          Construct this object.
AbstractMoveAction(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition)
          Construct this object.
MoveAction(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Construct this object.
MoveCaptureAction(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition fromPosition, IntegerPosition toPosition)
          Construct this object.
PlaceAction(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position, Class tokenClass)
          Construct this object.
RemoveAction(IGridBoard gridBoard, IAgent agent, IntegerPosition position)
          Construct this object.

Uses of IGridBoard in

Subinterfaces of IGridBoard in
 interface IChessEnvironment
          Defines methods required by chess environments in the 3D chess framework.

Classes in that implement IGridBoard
 class AbstractChessEnvironment
          Provides a chess grid board for 3D chess.
 class DefaultChessEnvironment
          Provides a default grid board for 3D chess.

Uses of IGridBoard in

Methods in with parameters of type IGridBoard
protected abstract  void AbstractGridBoardUISwing.reconcileBoard(IGridBoard board)
          Reconcile the token UIs with the real board environment.
protected  void GridBoard3DUISwing.reconcileBoard(IGridBoard board)
          Reconcile the token UIs with the real board environment.
protected  void GridBoardUISwing.reconcileBoard(IGridBoard board)
          Reconcile the token UIs with the real board environment.
 void GridBoardUIText.writeBoard(IGridBoard board, PrintStream out)
          Write the given board to standard out.

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