Uses of Interface

Packages that use ITokenUI
org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui Provides Qubic user interface classes for the game framework. 
org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui Provides tic-tac-toe user interface classes for the game framework. Provides core game user interface classes for the game framework. Provides board game user interface classes for the game framework. Provides user interface classes for 3D chess for the game framework. Provides standard token user interface classes for the 3D chess framework. Provides simulation user interface classes for the game framework. 

Uses of ITokenUI in org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui

Classes in org.vizzini.example.qubic.ui that implement ITokenUI
 class BoxTokenUI
          Provides functionality for a Qubic box token user interface in the game framework.
 class ConeTokenUI
          Provides functionality for a Qubic cone token user interface in the game framework.

Uses of ITokenUI in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui

Classes in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui that implement ITokenUI
 class TokenUISwing
          Provides functionality for a Swing Tic-Tac-Toe token user interface in the game framework.

Methods in org.vizzini.example.tictactoe.ui that return ITokenUI
protected  ITokenUI GridBoardUISwing.createTokenUI(IToken token)
          Create a token user interface component for the given token.

Uses of ITokenUI in

Classes in that implement ITokenUI
 class AbstractTokenUISwing
          Provides base functionality for token user interfaces in the game framework.
 class AbstractTokenUIText
          Provides base functionality for token user interfaces in the game framework.
 class TokenUISupport
          Provides support for token user interfaces in the game framework.

Uses of ITokenUI in

Fields in declared as ITokenUI
protected  ITokenUI[][] BoardShape._grid
          Collection of token UIs.

Methods in that return ITokenUI
protected abstract  ITokenUI GridBoardUISwing.createTokenUI(IToken token)
          Create a token user interface component for the given token.
protected  ITokenUI GridBoard3DUISwing.createTokenUI(IToken token, Class type)
          Create a token user interface component for the given agent.
protected  ITokenUI GridBoard3DUISwing.get(int file, int rank, int level)
          Return the token UI at the given position.
 ITokenUI BoardShape.getTokenAt(int file, int rank)
          Return the token UI at the given position.

Methods in with parameters of type ITokenUI
 void BoardShape.add(ITokenUI shape)
          Add the given shape as a child of this.
protected  void GridBoard3DUISwing.remove(ITokenUI tokenUI, int file, int rank, int level)
          Remove the token at the given position.

Uses of ITokenUI in

Classes in that implement ITokenUI
 class PieceShape
          Provides a base shape class for 3D game pieces.

Methods in that return ITokenUI
protected  ITokenUI AbstractGridBoardUISwing.createTokenUI(IToken token, Class type)
          Create a token user interface component for the given agent.

Uses of ITokenUI in

Classes in that implement ITokenUI
 class BishopShape
          Provides a shape class for a chess Bishop.
 class KingShape
          Provides a shape class for a chess King.
 class KnightShape
          Provides a shape class for a chess Knight.
 class MaceShape
          Provides a shape class for a chess Mace.
 class PawnShape
          Provides a shape class for a chess Pawn.
 class QueenShape
          Provides a shape class for a chess Queen.
 class RookShape
          Provides a shape class for a chess Rook.

Uses of ITokenUI in

Subinterfaces of ITokenUI in
 interface IPhysicalObjectUI
          Defines methods required by a physical object user interface.

Classes in that implement ITokenUI
 class EllipsoidTokenUI
          Provides an ellipsoid token user interface.

Methods in that return ITokenUI
protected  ITokenUI AbstractSimEnvironmentUISwing.createTokenUIFor(IPhysicalObject physicalObject)
          Create a new ITokenUI for the given physical object.
protected  ITokenUI AbstractSimEnvironmentUISwing.getTokenUIFor(IToken token)
          Return the ITokenUI for the given token.

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