
Provides AI logic user interface classes for the game framework.


Interface Summary
IArgumentWrapper Defines methods required by argument wrappers in the logic system.
ISentenceEditor Defines methods required by sentence editors in the logic system.
ISentenceWrapper Defines methods required by sentence wrappers in the logic system.

Class Summary
AbstractArgumentWrapper Provides base functionality for argument wrappers in the logic system.
AbstractSentenceEditor Provides base functionality for sentence editors in the logic system.
AbstractSentenceWrapper Provides base functionality for sentence wrappers in the logic system.
ArgumentEditor Provides an editor for arguments in the logic system.
AtomicSentenceWrapper Provides a wrapper for atomic sentences in the logic system.
BinaryAtomicSentenceEditor Provides an editor for binary atomic sentences in the logic system.
BinaryAtomicSentenceWrapper Provides a wrapper for binary atomic sentences in the logic system.
ComplexSentenceEditor Provides an editor for complex sentences in the logic system.
ComplexSentenceWrapper Provides a wrapper for complex sentences in the logic system.
EditFiltersDialog Provides a dialog for editing filters in the logic system.
EditorUtilities Provides utilities used by editors in the logic system.
FilterChooser Provides a filter chooser user interface for the logic system.
FilterWrapper Provides a wrapper for properties in the logic system.
LiteralArgumentWrapper Provides a wrapper for literal arguments in the logic system.
PropertyArgumentWrapper Provides a wrapper for property arguments in the logic system.
PropertyWrapper Provides a wrapper for properties in the logic system.
SentenceEditor Provides an editor for a sentence in the logic system.
SentencesEditor Provides an editor for a group of sentences in the logic system.
SentenceType This class provides an enumeration of sentence types.
WrapperFactory Provides a factory to create wrappers for arguments, sentences, and filters in the logic system.

Package Description

Provides AI logic user interface classes for the game framework.

Figure 1. Logic package Class Diagram

Figure 1 displays an overview of all classes in the logic package.


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